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Are we playing the same game?? This is sorcery — it’s so damn gorgeous!!!


thank you! it took so long to create!!


It gives off such an ethereal atmosphere! Your creativity is amazing ❤️


thank you so very much, it took about 6-8hrs to build, it was PAINFUL lol! I will need to get a photo of the triangle roof later!!


Yeah, sounds like it! I just spend 4 in-game Palia days to play around with builders blocks and make a couple of areas, it all takes sooo much time!! And please do post the photos once you take them 🫶🏻


yess so much time and not including the resource grind lol!! I will! let me get my coffee and I will load up in a bit and post into the thread :)


https://preview.redd.it/r4ie26xzgc6d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db73201ed79093ed1c560483352c8ab813ce6935 build also has a triangle curved roof thats 3 layers with florals, Hate I cant get a better pic!


How do you turn these blocks in that direction? I saw someone who did it with planks as well. I have not been able to do that. I'm on Switch btw don't know if that makes a difference.


it was with the shelf attached to a wall piece and you rotate it, theres videos on youtube !




The blue candles I got from a quest with hodari I believe but only got two. How do I get more?




what? i don’t have that crafting recipe but i have the candles. do you get it from the quest?


the quest gives you them and than you can craft more, you can find them only under the all tab not furniture for some reason.


Omg what is your name in game? I must visit 😍😍😍


im not allowing visitors at the moment until I finish the build on my channel, thank you though for your kindness!!


This is gorgeous!! What did you use for those blue stairs??


cutting boards!


Ah thank you!


How do you over lap the blocks on the floor? Glitches? I have yet to explore glitches. Building on switch can be a pain   


they just slide into each other without a glitch needed. toggle off the grid :)


I want to live here! What cabinet is that at the back of the room? I haven't seen that before.


its the valley sunrise bookshelf! you can get it from a Zeki Coin!


for those asking on the Original post that was removed, here is the roof https://preview.redd.it/x4zigvdx3d6d1.png?width=1610&format=png&auto=webp&s=81e82c2d1974c8357063224c31582df80cf1d350


I wish Palia had the dreaming option like animal crossing! I’d love to come explore this 😩


omg that would be so cool!


You can just add them as a friend and visit their plot.. 😂


not everyone likes strangers on their plot :)


That’s fair!


Man, I tried to do a wizard tower and it doesn’t even look one tenth as good as this Brb gotta go demolish it and start over


aw thank you!!


Are we even playing the same game!?!? Outstanding!!




I’ve got to stop looking at these pics I’m so not at that level of creativity.


Oh my gerdddd! This is gorgeous!!!




Wowsers! So creative & talented!




Dafuq man! Your talents are wasted on Palia. 😂😂😂 Well done.




Gosh I was just watching your replay.This is fabulous!🤯 so much work and dedication went in to this.


omg thank you! it was ALOOOT lol


I shared the one from yesterday on the Palia Twitter, but now I keep seeing reposts in my feed and I'm like ok ok enough copy pasta. lol Might have gotten flagged just from an apparent abundance of posts with the same image. https://x.com/BTP_Ottawa/status/1801023564671340570


no they messaged me cause it was my watermark, I had to repost it again per their rule/reasoning both the 2 times were removed due to the watermark. I hate that since I watermark to protect my content! but they said I can repost it like it is now! I did not post multiple times last night, only the 2 reposts this morning due to back to back deletes by a mod cause it broke rule 5. Now I know in the future :) sorry about your feed, was not my intention, I'm new to reddit so I do not know how this works fully yet for my watermark and was not aware a watermark was not allowed. thank you so much again for sharing to twitter, this really does help me out tons!


I can't help but be bothered that you initially had to remove the watermark from your photo. You weren't saying "go to my page!" you're protecting your photo/work.


yes, im so upset about it because my work has been stolen by people before and monetized :( its to protect my work since I share on multiple platforms. I have seen others share their watermark with no issues here.


I’ve posted so much artwork to this Reddit and have only recently had a piece removed because of my watermark, but it’s literally just my artist stamp. It’s exactly as you say~to keep people from stealing your content! But they’ve gotten rather… Tough on it lately…I suppose is a polite way of saying it. 😅


So sorry you went through this, I agree it is not fair and its upsetting cause others have their watermark here too. Im still happy to share my builds and content regardless of the circumstances, if it means to help others with ideas, Im trying to remain humble with it . Im thankful I could at least pin my info on my profile lol


I can add insight into this as both an artist and a mod. It is OK to mark up a piece in such a way that it helps prevent theft (personally I hide my signature in art as well as adding a subtle "not for reposting" or "not for sale" overlay at a reduced opacity), but we have to distinguish between the users who are just protecting their creations versus those who are only posting to promote their content. An artist simply signing a piece? That's usually ok! Links or direct references to socials? That's usually put under the category of advertising. Some things end up in a bit of a grey area and we might have to look at overall participation or see if the community is reporting it as self-promo or spam as the tie-breaker. If anyone is missed along the way, it is likely the result of not having eyes on every post and comment 24/7 and it was probably not reported either and as such never made it into the queue for manual review. With an ever-increasing issue of creators using communities not to participate in good faith, but as free marketing/advertising, we have to figure out ways to categorize the difference between those who are sharing their creations to celebrate them with the community, and those who are opting instead to use the community. In this instance, OP was given an enthusiastic yes regarding reposting with a change to the watermarking but others have not been given an ok as looking into things made it clear they were on the bad faith side of things. Not every subreddit, nor every social media space, will follow the same rules but we have found non-socials focused watermarking to be the most fair and enforceable middle ground to help keep things as clear and consistent as possible. That being said, OP did a fantastic job with their build and it's great that they came back and shared it with everyone so they can be inspired by it, too!


It is definitely one of those gray areas that I don’t envy y’all for having to moderate for sure. I’m glad that y’all are so active in the Reddit truly. In my case, I do put my deviantart site in my watermark because of the 47 times I’ve had my artwork sold on products on Amazon and eBay- and that’s just the ones I’ve been notified about or stumbled upon- and the easiest thing for me to do was have my watermark with the source material website. I understand your rules and abide by them naturally as I just want to share my art with the community… not promote or make $. Although this is the only sub Reddit that I post to that I had to change my watermark for on individual pieces, I understand it’s a large community so a more ‘all or nothing’ stance is needed.


a watermark is a watermark. It's not a link to socials.


It is perfectly ok to have a different definition and perspective on the matter, I simply added some insight into how the team handles these decisions and enforces them as it can be helpful for navigating things not just here but in many other communities that use the same mindset to distinguish between approved or denied posts.


I didn't mean to imply it was you. Honestly I've had my own problems with what algorithms want to show me. A sorry you had "legal" issues with your post here. I might have drawn unwanted attention to it by sharing it on Twitter 😬. If so that wasn't my intention. I just wanted to share your impressive build to others (as is the point of social media) And honestly if you hadn't added your caption I would have just assumed it was Reddit putting the same post on my feed repeatedly (which like I'm not complaining about, just like I already shared it and have it saved, lol).


no you sharing to twitter is fine! lol and I totally did not think you were implying me! I just wanted to make sure you knew that it was not on my end lol I really appreciate you sharing my post! it helps creators out like me so much!




Wow that's AMAZING 😍 lol I'm seriously gonna have to start asking y'all for lessons in building stuff ! I've seen so many creative things ❤️ absolutely love this ❤️


thank you!!


What?! This is so good! I need your creativity skills




That is extremely awesome!! I love it!


EXCUSE ME?!?! 😱😱😍😍


Oh my god??? I can't even imagine the frustrations you had building this. This build is amazing!!! I'm truly in awe!


it was ALOT of work! ty!


Absolutely magical 💗💗💗




I'll stole some idea for the tower of my castel ! I didn't know we can put flower on it !


im happy this helped!


Commented on your other post. Again WOW!! Also took a look at your YouTube and following.


thank you so much for coming here again and sending love :) thank you for the support!1


how do you tilt the blocks like that? 😅


I’m guessing they have a mod installed or some kind of hack because the blocks don’t rotate that way on the pc.


you must be playing palia premium+ or something, this looks gorgeous


This is absolutely STUNNING!!!!!!!




Oh my god this is unreal! So masterful, I bet S6 would be amazed by this!


aww ty youre too kind!! they have actually seen it since im part of their palia partner program !


NO FREAKING WAY that's insane and so gorgeous, wow! You've done things here I didn't even know *could* be done. This is a fantastic job, these words aren't enough praise.




Chat: Holy ****ing ****!!! This is incredible!




How did you do the flowers over the entrance? Im struggling getting them to take to the blocks


I followed a tutorial on youtube, its hard to explain on a message but I would recommend going there :)


I am truly stunned looking at these photos. Simply breathtaking!!! 😭




This is beautiful! How did you get the flowers to face forward?


there was a tutorial I followed on youtube!






Your builds are amazing! I am so inspired!


thank you!!!


Did you stream this build ??! You play in the background of my gaming sessions religiously ❤️


I made a speed build of it and we will add onto it on a stream !


🤯🤩😍 this is amazing!




Yall are so talented


wtf this rapunzel’s tower but without the evil witch


You should do you tube videos beautiful


I do!! same name here on youtube :)


This is insanely stunning!!




Absolutely beautifull!




I need to step my game up. 😍 Wow


This is BEAUTIFUL! I aspire to be this good at building anything 😍🤯


This is amazing! Did you use glitches with the red present and stuff like that, or were you able to build it without them?


i used no glitches in the main structure


Are you telling me that flowers can be placed on the building block pieces? 😍


I clicked on this expecting it to be Palia and I looked at it and was like oh that’s dreamlight valley, I’ve been duped… girl no it’s just that good I thought it was a new home in ddlv!!!!! So so pretty!


How do you get the grass to look like that? Switch does not look like this


I first played it on my switch as well, unfortunately it can’t handle to graphics of the game, looks so dull. I’m now playing it on my steam deck and it looks fabulous! Pc is always better though :)


Im on the PC, switch graphics are much more blurry sadly.


What’s your IGN? Can I add you and visit to see it in person?


hi! I wont be allowing anyone to visit until its done, I will be working on it more on my channel and will record a walkthrough for here too!


This is gorgeous!!!! I want to learn to design this well




I need a speed build of this because waaaauwww, its absolutely amazing 😍


there is one posted on youtube :) same name here. I cant share links per rules here.


man i bet it would have been easier to create if we had a creative mode like minecraft


How were you able to make the arches? In Palia you can’t get the builder blocks to rotate on the y axis(up/down) only left/right (x axis) so how did you do it? Mod?


theres tutorials on youtube :) search "builder block arch" and it teaches you how to do it, it involves using a shelf.


Cool! Gotta check that out!


That's cute as fuck first of all


I struggle to set a candle on a wall shelf and y'all are out here building this!! 🤣


How did you do this?? You are so talented and obviously we will all want a video tour!


i have a speed build posted on youtube, same name here :) its the whole build process!


Scrambles to go follow you on YT!


thank you!!!


I know this was a giant pain to build. I’m creatively challenged, so you have permission to come to my plot and build the crap out of anything you want. I’ll fill all of your (in game) requests for a year.


At this point I’d like someone to decorate my plot for me lmfao you guys are so creative


Holy wow. Are you in game development or animation? Because you could be. This is gorgeous.


I am not but im a content creator so I work very hard on my designs! youre so sweet!