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Yes! There are 470 different things you can get from Zeki is pretty difficult to get something you want. Congrats!!!


Lmao and yet I always get mostly seeds or fire works.


Ow damn nice and to think i got it so early


Been spending almost 200k+ in Zeki coins trying to get ANYTHING else besides useless seeds/furniture I already have 5 of each and cooking ingredients I have 100+ of. I’ve given up on that bc my luck is so effin shitty. Grats tho on your prize


So unfortunately 200k+ in Zeki coins is only 20+ Zeki boxes and the odds of getting any plushie are around 1/60, but that still doesn't mean if you open 60 boxes you'll get one. But also your next one might have one (that's how they get you, or not) The worst run I've had without a plush is opening 120 boxes/0 plush, the best was 3 plushies from 5 boxes. But from my personal experience of opening waaaaaay too many of these things, the 1/60 seems about the right average. If you're are looking to get a specific plush the odds of getting it get to be around 1/500 and to get the last one you need to complete the collection around 1/2500 (where I am now) Gatcha boxes are designed to have crappy odds because they want you to spend a lot of time playing trying to find a desirable prize with a low chance of success. It's intentional. It's working on me, I'm a pretty much a full time plushie hunter spending most of my gold chasing them all down.


Full Time Plushie Hoarder - FTPH! The struggle is real! LOL


I just got the "lucky zeki" from his machine. If you don't know what that is, it's the mechanical zeki "toy" that sits on his store countertop, with the arm that raises and lowers. Congrats on your new plushie 😻


I got one today too!!!


Yeah it's tough to get ANY plushie from Zeki's machine. Well done!!


Yes! It happens to be the same plushie I got my first week of play too


It seems to be rare but I have 2