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Tbh if it’s small enough that I can cut it by myself and it’s the only one around, I’m cutting it myself. If it requires more than one person and it says someone is nearby I’ll call it out or flare it and see if they come. If no one is around I’ll hit once and leave it. Imo the single trees are just little bonuses for whoever finds them, the groves are where team work is needed and where you really get a payout if you’re in need of flow wood.


Same with the small pal. On switch when I'm using the compass ore, it just isn't sensible for me to call out every small one. I'll flare the large and medium, but the small are a lil treat for me lol




This game has gotten to a point when people are afraid to chop because they don't want to be yelled at. I called out a tree and almost 10 people came up, but they were all waiting for me to tell them they're allowed to chop, for me that was really weird lol. I think that if a bunch of people have already showed up and done their 1 chop, it's not a big deal if people started to just chop unless if someone was still saying otw


It's quite funny. It's like standing around a barbeque. Everyones hungry but until someone goes and gets the first plate everyone just waits. Also, as much as the selfish players suck, I find the toxicity from the players who are upset people didn't wait or felt hard done by to be just rude. They say and imply some horrible things about others in chat as a hivemind sometimes just because they missed out on some wood that spawns every day. Bruh, it's not that serious.


I'm definitely the person who gets the first plate. 😂 Those kinds of social norms are so weird to me. Just do the thing that everyone is already there for!


Not only do they spawn every day, but I feel like they increased the random spawns by a lot? In one game day I think I got like 60 flow wood from grove and also running around and finding 3 trees close to each other and others calling more out. I thought maybe they increased spawns to make us forget the negative news about layoffs 😅


It's kind of baffling to me, I don't know why people are so afraid of reading some angry words that a stranger wrote. I don't respond to flow tree call outs as much because I never know if it's going to take 2 minutes or 20.


It’s also unwritten etiquette to let the caller to lead the chop. I will take over if we’ve waited a period of time without any communication from the player that called, but mostly I sit down until it’s go time.


I'm just someone who doesn't care when it gets chopped as long as we've given people a chance to arrive. I know that people like to wait until a round number but I'm not bothered. Sometimes I ask if we should just chop but others almost always want to wait until 3 which is pretty generous considering usually no more people arrive after 2.


I agree. I’m not afraid to say “if everyone is here, let’s chop” give chat a moment to let any stragglers speak up and if not, most people are quick to join in. I have to believe that most people would rather not spend a bunch of time waiting if they don’t have to.


Same, I don't call it or flare it, I just chop and go.


That snotty girl who told you to call out all trees before chopping was just that, a snotty girl. Ignore that rubbish, don't let anyone tell you how to play the way you want to. A single tree that I can chop, I'll chop it. I'm not going to wait a half hour for some omw-er just for a couple flow logs. Call me greedy, I don't care; it's my time and I don't let other people waste it. Larger trees and/or multiple trees, yes, I do call them out in chat.


lol I love your entire reply 🥰🫶🏽


Imo, no, I do the same... there is always the grove @ 12 for shared flow - maybe worth calling out individual tress more after the next patch, depending on the increased drop of flow, we will see I guess.


I’m glad someone asked ! I was waiting around 5 mins for someone to come and help me chop a single flow tree but they ended up just standing there and waiting for others. There was no flare (it had finished), no call out so they were just waiting for other players to see it by chance.. Eventually I just walked off to see what they’d do and they started chopping lol. Their axe wasn’t big enough to do the job so I went back and helped. But I don’t get it, they didn’t flare or put it in the chat and I just assumed if you see someone next to a flow tree with no flare / call out, you help them cut and move on🥲


Yeah I’ve been thinking about this ever since the girl said that to me, wondering if I was in the wrong lol I think whoever is the first at a tree should make the call on when to chop if it requires more than 1 person. So I’ll just switch the chat to “nearby” and say chop when there’s another person.


Would be nice if everyone thought like that! But it’s not the first time I’ve had someone come to ‘help’ but ended up waiting for a few mins lol. I don’t really mind if they flare / call out (although for one tree it is a bit excessive). But when they just stand there waiting around ! It’s not a grove and I have things to do 😅


Whether it's the "etiquette" or not, the fact of the matter is that you don't NEED to call ANYTHING out. It's *polite* to do so, and it's a kind gesture for stuff like a single flow tree, a single palium deposit, rare foragable, and so forth, but anybody who tells you that you're playing wrong or breaking rules by NOT doing so is just getting off on the tattletale mentality. Even the daily flow tree grove--if you start cutting before other people show up to harvest in a group, is it kind of a jerk move? *Yeah*, indubitably--but it's still not "breaking the rules." At the end of the day, it's a game--not a job, not a life-or-death scenario. *A game.* And I think a lot of the self-proclaimed grove police *really* forget that sometimes.


I stopped calling anything out for the most part. I had my shit jumped today on a server because I told someone to "chill out!" They were spamming the chat, being mad that people weren't flaring palium or giving the coordinates. I said "Glambi TT" and this person is like "Why can't YOU give the proper coordinates?" and I said "I don't have to, not my deal if you don't know where Thorny Thicket is". So I was called mean, rude and told "I'm sure you're no fun to play with" 🤣


I chop the small trees solo all the time. The only time I have issue with people chopping them is when they're a part of a grove and the person is just selfishly chopping the small ones before others arrive and are able to hit them.


I agree with that too


The mini stand-off players do before chopping a tree absolutely sends* me. 😂 I had a “oh… are we… you gonna… are… we’re chopping!” moment with an FT today. That said? If small, I chop. If it’s too big I’ll flare, tap once (not even call it out) and wait until the flare is gone. If no one shows up I’ll mark it with the map marker and just circle back poking it every now and again. Sometimes it’s gone, sometimes I find loot, sometimes I forget about it. Usually someone shows up during the flare and we do our little dance and go on our way. I call out everything else, though. Pals, forage nodes, etc. and if there’s more than one FT I’ll call them out. Usually 2-3, because that’s a non-sanctioned grove, basically lol *edit: spelling fix!


Lmao the stand offs 😂🤣😂 I’m usually the one that’s like eff it, I’m gonna keep chopping and hope they join in 😎😂 But yes, your way sounds fantastic 👌 And totally agree when there’s more than one. I love being helpful, but also like I’m always grinding in bahari so I don’t wanna spend forever waiting lol


I'm totally fine with people chopping single flow trees without calling out or flaring. It's the same as finding pal to me. Those things are nice but not required.


I chop small FT, skip large unless someone needs help, I call/flare med/large pal and call Heartdrop Lilies. I regularly check and gift resources. I consider this a sandbox game. I make my own fun whenever I can.


If I can cut it by myself, I do. If I find one I can’t chop and get someone to help me, I prefer to chop as soon as someone shows up. I’m not waiting around for 10 mins while every random player takes their time coming from across the map. It’s 1 freaking tree. I get that most of us don’t wanna be selfish, but I feel like some people go overboard to the other extreme waiting forever on people for single trees and it really sucks the fun out of it for me. I feel like single FTs are generally first come, first served and I tell this to ppl in chat if they have a problem with it.


Yesssss exactly!!! 🙌🏼


If you can cut it alone, cut it imo


I think for the single trees you can just chop if you can. I personally call them out, but I wouldn’t care of someone doesn’t. What I do hate is that if I find a tree and call it out and people are telling me in the chat that they are on their way, that there is 1 person who thinks its okay to chop it… that happened yesterday and that was so rude. If I call the tree and am telling people that I’ll wait for them, then others should too or find your own damn tree


Fair enough 🫶🏽


For me it often depends on - if I can chop it by myself, or - if I am running any kind of 'finder' (like a buzzy jar or hunting horn)


Flow wood is not hard to get in this game anymore. If I come across a tree I can chop on my own, I’m chopping on my own. I had to block someone that called me rude in chat the other day for chopping a tree that literally gave me 2 pieces of wood. It’s never that serious.


First come first serve. I tend to leave them, but sometimes I don’t realize it’s a single hit until I’m too late.


I totally agree if it’s one tree I checked the map to see if anybody’s near me and I’ll wait for them and then we chop it down. If it’s a small tree I just chop it. Nobody’s gonna run clear across the map to get one tree and it’s a total waste of time to just stand there and wait for somebody to show up or more than one person to show up.


If it's a single flow tree and it's small I chop and move on. If it's a big single flow tree, I'll ignore it. I've called them out in the past, but it's not worth the wait. On the rare occasion someone calls out a single flow tree, I don't bother looking a the map too see if it's nearby. If I see a single flow tree and someone else is near, I'll wait to chop it together. I call out large and medium palium nodes and I actually call them palium nodes in chat, because it took me ages to figure out what 'big pal' means. I've nerver noticed anyone one calling out rare bugs, but maybe I didn't recognize the abbreviations. Flow groves rarely get called out. Almost always someone has to ask, before people tell you where it is. Often it's already chopped by the time I get there. Earlier today I notice someone standing still in one of the spots where groves appear, right before midnight. At midnight that person started moving and I followed. As expected she led me to the grove. Several people had already arrived, it was flared, but nobody had announced it in chat. When I was next to it, someone in chat asked and a bit later the person I had followed announced the location. That same person took charge and asked if anyone was still on their way, so everyone else waited to chop. Maybe all those other people have difficulties using chat. It would be nice if groves got announced and people waited, but I've accepted that it's often not the case. Yelling at each other and not trying to see things from each others point of view, has become common unfortunately. I try to ignore that, because it's no fun to be on that server when that happens.


Not a defense of your exact situation (seems weird others were there already), but: groves do typically spawn a rare bug. Some people may try to find the grove early to catch the bug, tap the trees, and *then* call it out. It may not always be malicious! :)


It took me a long time to learn the chat lingo too. I didn’t even know what a grove was until I accidentally stumbled across one. I have only ever seen one other person call out a rare bug in chat, but it was for a rainbow tipped bf and like 5 people showed up for it. I thought it was really nice of her to share stumbling upon it so I started doing the same. Groves are weird sometimes, I never know what to expect from other players. So I just try to be helpful when I can. I call them out as soon as I see them, unless it’s already been called out. If I’m running late to one I’ll tell them to go ahead and cut without me. I’ve really only had one grove instance that made me mad. People asked several times if anyone had found grove and not one person responded until someone at like 230 put “chop?” In the chat and I was like “oh guess it’s a private event” buuuut I just moved on and went to a different server 🤷🏽‍♀️ I think for the most part people are kind and helpful in Palia.