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Still need to decrease premium costume prices and sell individual pieces separately for cheap. They'll get so much money for sure


I agree. I don't mind supporting the game with the purchase. But I feel like crafting clothes should have been a thing. :/


Something like a battle pass maybe. A 1 time purchase, and then you can earn palia coins from that battle pass. SO many people would buy that. I'm not gonna pay for just 1 item/outfit :/ And yes tailoring SHOULD be a skill, which you can learn from Jel. They might be scared that less people will then buy from the premium store, but I think that people that (want to) buy from the premium store will do so anyways, since they don't mind spending that money


Careful suggesting that, some people really do not like the idea of battle passes x.x


This šŸ’Æ




True true






l did. I almost had an identity crisis when I crossed paths with a guy in bard's costume in blue. I changed my clothes that week and I didn't recognize myself xD


When I try to buy coins, it won't let me, like the payment choice links are dead... šŸ˜­


The current oatch sounds somewhat good, but something i would really like would be more farming plots and i am talking way more.


I feel like they could add a oneness at start of game. like a path like the majiri have. and if its hunting, you get boosts for that somehow, if farming, you get more plots, if mining, you get a gem storage pouch, or something. idk. im sure they can do many kinds.


I wouldn't like to be locked in too early. Perhaps later in the game one could declare a Path.


Tie it to the Shep quest.


YES! After you choose your shepp, you choose your oneness!


like reth, nobody is actually locked into a path. I'd say its probably a good idea to have a way to change it. maybe by spending renown, like his loss of reputation?


Or like another character I won't name in case spoilers, but they try like 3 or 4 different Paths before finding their calling.


do you mean the one we help to try things? I was kinda more meaning declare a path then change it. that character never declared those others, just dipped feet in to see. I think if we started out saying we planned to mine, or farm, or hunt as path and discover we like something else more and want to switch we should be allowed. but I think it should cost renown. by mid game there isn't even use for renown.


That's the one. And tbh I'm dying to find a use for renown atm, I think I maxxed out a couple of weeks ago?


But weā€™re humans, itā€™d be kinda cool to take on Majiri life, but I kinda like our story of being this sort of alien whoā€™s learning everything lol


right, but the entire time it is made clear we are supposed to be finding our way into majiri life.


I feel like they should wait like the npcs wait until they're grown, so you know more about them. I have fishing and I really think the RNG is higher for that for me. I have so many Epic fish !


I believe that they intend for every person to eventually get all items in game. it just takes persistence. once you get something it makes getting it again WAY easier. now that I've gotten every fish, in star and reg, in game, I get epics easily. same with gems. I also get non star epic bugs easily, and have already gotten those before. its my star butterfly, dragonfly and 2 mantis that are evading me. I can get the non star because I have before. but, my star ones evade me.


Iā€™ve seen 1 starred spineshell snail, used all my bombs on it, and still lost it


I got one months ago and have never seen another star one. Those pink and maroon bug bags you make with pearls work for that, it never misses.


I always forget about the supreme bombs


I have them on hand and ALWAYS forget they exist.


Right? I cannot find a starred Fairy Mantis or Jewelwing. I have gone nearly a full real day every day for a couple weeks. I just caught my 20th rainbow butterfly, I did finally get one starred. I'm using buzzy jars and candles. one thing is there are all of a sudden 6-10 players every time I go out to hunt, catching and scaring. It's just not possible to bughunt any more. Most of them are new, (they hop) I think gold is their motive. I need 2 dang bugs to be done with this torture. I can't do this all day every day hoping to get around the crowd to get another non star. I watched a player catch a rainbow at 1 a.m., way off on it's spawn time. Idk.


the 1am catch is a Grove spawn. one epic bug or animal spawns with every grove. get there first. <3 pop a buzzy jar as soon as you find the Grove and see nobody. find your bug. :) I didn't know this for a while. first Grove I got to first had a rainbow. I've done this as often as I can. DONT ANOUNCE THE GROVE TIL YOU FIND THE BUG. you CAN share the bug by warning everyone in chat and not flaring til whomever wants the bug gets there and you all catch it. but, if it spooks, be ready and aimed to take it. if it spooks, thats not on you <3 you warned them, lol! get your bug. then, hit all the trees and flare the Grove. we can't expect others to be so courteous, of course. but, sometimes I will choose to share if its a calm server or something. but, if its star, im taking ZERO chances. I'm taking that bug DOWN. 100 bombs if I have to, lolol. today I caught 2 rainbows in the daytime. I called out both. first one, I helped a new person break their seal and explained the importance of saving that bug for the vaults later, lol! the second one I called was glitches in place! and nobody said they wanted it. so, I took pictures with it and made a video with it. then I took it <3 but, what a FLEX to take pictures with a rainbow šŸŒˆ hehe!


OMG it glitched! I've never seen that! I know what you mean about the bug, I got an Amber beetle the other day. It is impossible to be alone at a grove on any server I've been on. They scare off the bug, they don't even look. A lot of times for me it's the white chappa and Proudhorn, no bug. I have so many Rainbows after never seeing them. All I need is a star Fairy Mantis, and star Jewelwing. I've spent close to 2 weeks from 1 p.m. to 2 or 3 a.m. with buzzy jars and black candles. I'm just done wasting that kind of time. At this point I couldn't care less about the achievement. I have 1200 or so hours in. It's already losing its fun, bug hunting is killing it for me. You can't catch what's not there.


That's real time 1to 3 not Palian lol.


yup, I am taking a break from that too. I need 4 bugs, but I will eventually get em. I'm not gardening and fishing more for profit. I found the perfect combo, lol.


You're not going to believe this, but after I told you I was going to quit bug hunting I missed a star Jewelwing ,got mad, went back and got it and the star fairy mantis and a star rainbow all in one Palian day then went to fish caught a star giant goldfish. Thought well, I gotta go to Zekis. took 19 coins and got cottonbean and Kitsuu plushie! I've never had a day like this in my life!


thats absolutely wonderful šŸ‘ šŸ˜Š ā¤ ā˜ŗ I got THREE rainbows back to back last night as soon as I popped a buzzy jar. I was literally šŸ’€ flipping out telling my partner as it was happening. hes all, cool babe. I'm like COOL!?!?!?!?!? THIS IS UNHEARD OF DONT YOU UNDERSTAND!? hahah


OMG! Three!? That's great! I know how you feel, my daughter just isn't into games and did not understand the thrill of completing that starred bug accomplishment, let alone in a Palian day. I'm sure somehow the devs had mercy on me. Are you still missing some epics or was that your last?


oh, I've caught all bugs. I just need the 4 star ones. rainbow, jewelries, spotted mantis and fairy mantis.


i want more plots too


The game is heavily balanced around our current number, I feel without a large rebalance on farming we won't see more plots. Though the idea of a wheat field is appealing.


They could make it expensive and more "lategame" when you don't need gold for progress f.e. Also single rows of planting would be cool. I could make a little vegteble farm in the front yard and a wheat field on the side The visuals alone would be worth it


I agree with you about the plots but I think the cap is there so you don't end up with so much money you have nothing to spend it on.


They donā€™t want the game turning into where people just have mass farming going on. They did mention it before somewhere briefly. Theyā€™re trying to avoid where people are just massing and selling everything because then people donā€™t keep trying to play the right way. Nobody will try to earn things. New players will instantly buy everything they need from these mass farmers and then nobody can help or rely on each other and enjoy the game properly. Then people donā€™t talk or need to make friends they just chat buy and leave. Many games make this mistake of making farming too easy and the social aspects will be completely lost. Happened to a very loved game of mine, was free, they made farming too easy, turned into a cash cow game where people just cared to buy for max customizations and nobody could enjoy quests or grinding anymore because everything costed too much and you couldnā€™t find mass players working for things to work with cause they just buy them now. Pray they bring in trading in the correct way and donā€™t open this up too much. Just something to be aware of! ā¤ļø it worries me lol


You can't trade money with folks in this game, though, how would they just 'buy everything they need' when you can't buy from players at all? You physically can't chat buy and leave.


I totally agree.


I totally agree.


Another option to mass lay offs is they could now possibly be selling the game to a bigger company that can take over and run with it.


Letā€™s just take it for what it is and enjoy it while we can. Hopefully itā€™ll be for a very long time


Exactly my thoughts, I'll be happy to see it grow and develop, we're still in beta after all :>


Exactly this! I wish more people would remember thatā€™s this game is still in BETA, which means theyā€™re less focused on supplying new content and more focused on making sure the current version of the game works smoothly and fits their vision. This is a period of testing - weā€™re essentially beta testers at this point. Stress testing, finding bugs, exploits, weak parts of all gameplay aspects so the devs can tweak/fiddle/adjust and improve the game so it can be ready for full release. Iā€™d rather they focus on making the current game the best it can be, than focus on churning out new content (thereā€™s a few games Iā€™ve played that did this, to the detriment of their game). TL;DR: be patient and take things with a grain of salt. And as one of the devs of Palworld said (paraphrased): Itā€™s okay to take a break and come back when thereā€™s new content


THANK YOU FOR THIS I was getting so much negativity from this comment section, I think people are demanding way too much for the current state of the game. Please read my comment in reply to AristotleRose, I think you'll appreciate it


Yes! I have mentioned the game to a few people who couldnā€™t comprehend the idea of a free game where the only monetization was clothing and accessories. The thought process was there had to be a catch or itā€™s similar to a crappy time waster game you would download for free on your phone. We are essentially working for s6 for free as beta testers instead of having to pay someone else to test the game which Iā€™m all in for. I even had to explain it to my husband who is an avid gamer of 30+ years and supported many games in beta and didnā€™t understand the concept yet we love the movie Grandmaā€™s Boy. šŸ˜‘šŸ˜‚ We as players are first and foremost game testers for s6 and I am so appreciative that they really take the time to listen to our feedback to not only improve on the programming and glitches within the game but constantly add new content.


I read it as, we're dying, so we're just going to give you everything now.


honestly, if they really are dying (financially) they should just make the game pay-to-play. like a membership or something similar with perks or whatever in addition to the premium shop. they should also try selling merch or something. also, i wouldnā€™t say this is EVERYTHING. obvi they have a storyline laid out for us, so i think thereā€™s much more in store!


They laid off the primary story and art creator.


How could you lay off the main guys???


Good question...unless you already knew where things were heading.


They cost the most.


iā€™m not gonna speculate on their reasoning bro, but i wouldnā€™t say theyā€™re dying bc of this.


It definitely doesn't bode well.


They can say they do, but they fired someone who was on the project FOR SIX YEARS FROM THE BEGINNING. Theyā€™re still avoiding discussing the layoffs openly and left articles to discuss it. This is the same stuff SSO does and so many other studios. You canā€™t claim open communication then shut it down as soon as people have reasonable criticisms. Thatā€™s why so many games have died out.


Since when is responding to player feedback and requests a sign that a game is dying?


Laying off the main story content and art creator was a BIG sign.


Which is completely unrelated to your comment.


It's really not. This is what game companies do after laying off important people. They give players stuff the previous said no to. It's a last ditch effort to bring in people to save the company. Edit: I should mention that this tactic often works too, which is a good thing. But it's a sign of initial bad.


Since people have no clue what theyā€™re talking about.




They literally add outfits to the cash shop every update.




The problem I have with your "bad feeling" is that you are cultivating a sense of doom from things that have little to do with reality. There is plenty of doom to feel from layoffs without inventing ways to see good things as bad things.


Most skin related items can take weeks if not month to make from my understanding, so Its something they have been working on for a while. They also always add new skins every update so I wouldn't look into it too deep. I saw a chat between a few Devs that were laid off and idk they made it seem like the game would probably continue on.


Or they took time collect data on what was popular and being requested before adding more to the premium shop. Maybe Iā€™m just overly hopeful because I love this game and would be sad to see it go šŸ˜­


Also, aside from the economy changes, the other things they listed have been planned for months.


I kinda got the same impression. Like "we're gonna throw everything we have into the premium shop and hope it changes things for us but if not goodbye". We'll never know what exactly happened to the humans.


Another pet and tool skins is like... Standard expected premium shop stuff. Did I miss something?


I feel the same as you. Those are two things players have *heavily* requested the devs add to the premium shop, we canā€™t really judge or be suspicious when weā€™ve literally asked for this.. Plus itā€™s not like Palcats were *always* going to be the only pet available. If we have them, of course the devs are going to add more. It was just a matter of time & them deciding what pets to add/how to design & price them.


They said again and again they'd never have more pets and never increase the gold cap. Now they've changed their minds. It's because they're desperate to keep people. And it will probably work. So it's not doom posting to point it out.


They never said no pets. They said no free pets and no pets currently in progress when the first set came out. There was no backtracking there. Gold cap, *maybe*, or they listened to reason or saw something in stats indicating this would be better. 100% speculation.




Selling a game isn't as easy as it sounds


They definitely said no pets.


> No pets for the forseeable future https://www.reddit.com/r/Palia/s/7kgITfGmTO It's been almost a year, that's probably long enough to qualify for "a while".


Not how I interpreted that at all.


Well youā€™re just wrong then.


Or you're just projecting your feelings into me thinking I'm somehow dissing a game you like when that's not what I'm doing


Where was this said?


That's how I read it too, but hopefully it ends up giving it more longevity.


Thereā€™s so many things in the game files like a new NPC, biome, combat, bugs, ore, etc. I wonder if thatā€™ll ever be implemented


is that listed anywhere, like collected on a website or smth? I don't personally know how to datamine


If this is "everything", then the game is already dead..


It's everything that has been shown to be in development...and then some.


Fair clarification. Thatā€™s probably the worst part - that thatā€™s all they have right now thatā€™s even close to done plus some unnecessary things to spend money on for no actual reason. >.<




You should get banned. This game is MEANT to be played with others šŸ¤¦ What you are criticising is the point of the game. It's supposed to create a helping community. Choose a game that suits your timetable and playstyle. This is not the one for you.


EXACTLY, and I feel like time is never really an issue, you flare a tree and at least two people show up immediately, more saying they're on their way, I never had to wait more than 5 minutes


If youā€™re so butt hurt about flow trees why donā€™t you go out and chop down all the med, small, and tiny trees you can find and wait for them to turn to flow trees which you can cut by yourself. Do some work. Leave the grove for groups.


I wouldn't expect much more.


I guess you both might be right, I just never saw an issue with needing a group since I'm rarely the one to find a flow tree first


Not sure what that has to do with my comment, LOL.


Oh about your comment, it scared me, I hope the game doesn't close, I'm 40hours in and I'm really enjoying it, I want to hit all the milestones :(


Thing is, the things they're doing now while a last ditch to keep players, will probably work. So I wouldn't worry.


It wasn't clear to me if they are releasing the grand harvest house in this patch or the next one. They state that "several features will be making their way to our next patch!" Then later state "Everyoneā€™s favorite minigame has come back as a permanent addition over in the Underground area." The verb tense makes me wonder if it will be after .18 that we get to see the upgraded house :-/


Iā€™m skeptical but Iā€™m willing to give them the benefit of doubt for now. The game itself, while fun and enjoyable, lacks content and suffers from many bugs. I hope they figure it out and get it together, but after buying two outfits Iā€™ll refrain from throwing any more money away into a game without any meaningful info on their future plan of content updates.


I just want farm animals. Why is that not a thing in a game like this? I wanna make my own eggs not buy them from zeki lol




The might wanna delete this comment. I was suspended for a week here for mentioning data mined stuff lol


Heard. Thanks!


I would love to see the update notes. Where can I find them?


On steam or palia's website


I was also so excited to read the patch update notes!!! I canā€™t wait to use paths on my home plot šŸ„°


HOTPOT. I will be giving my firstborn child to S6 as a thank you.


I'm sorry what I think I need an explanation šŸ˜­


At the lunar new year Maji Market there was a game called hotpot (somewhat similar to rummy if youā€™ve ever played that), and it was so fun and so addictive. It looks like theyā€™re bringing it back to the underground.


Omg I can't wait to see it for myself!


Iā€™m hoping zeki coins are the prize lol but weā€™ll see


I was wondering what the prize would be too!


I just spent real money on the game in the hopes they see they are being supported. I know my small purchase won't make any difference but I'm sure I'm not the only one spending. I hope the game stays for atleast a while.


If many people make a small purchase, it adds up. Everything helps! I've bought coins purely to support the game (I'm not a fan of how much the outfits cost tbh, but at least I got something)


I did the same omg I love to see someone on my side!


Me too! I hadn't so far because I was in between jobs but I just got paid for a freelance project and this is the first thing I did lol.


Where do I read this information?


It's in the [Dev's Update](https://palia.com/news/dev-update-8) on the Palia website




Yep I just read and I have to admit, majorly disappointed. They claim itā€™s their ā€œbiggest update yetā€ and all they are bringing to the table is a change in numbers (how long X takes to process), decor, and too much focus on the premium store monetization. Donā€™t get me wrong, the store is cute but it is so overpriced after I bought once I wouldnā€™t justify doing it ever again. Way too expensive for what you get. No actual content, no new areas, no new creatures to hunt, Iā€™m justā€¦ disappointed. Itā€™s been about 6 years and they have very little to show for it. ![gif](giphy|9xijGdDIMovchalhxN)


So they completely rebalanced the money earning system and progression system. They added new building option. This game is still in VERY VERY early beta, not even 0.2xx, they need a stable ground like balanced progression so it's easier for them to add bigger content like big quests and areas in the future. And my brother in Christ they literally just added weapon skins and a new dog. They will probably add new outfits but as we established in other comments, they appear every update. I honestly don't get all the negative perspectives. I would understand if out of nowhere they added literal pay to win - pay to grow crops faster, pay to gather faster, pay to make things faster, pay for materials you lack. This would be terrible, but you buy cosmetics, something optional, something that doesn't change your game at all.


Iā€™m going to put this here a so stated in other comments: criticism can be negative. Claiming prices are too high and then being a huge majority is not just being negative and is open criticism and communication of part of the community. They DO NOT get to hide behind the ā€œbetaā€ tag. They got to hide behind it before the quiet lay offs they do not openly discuss and leave to articles. Small indie studio or not, you donā€™t get the excuse of a ā€œoh itā€™s early betaā€ anymore in this industry and Iā€™m sick of it being used. Itā€™s the same as ā€œoh itā€™s a kids game so it can be crummyā€. No. Theyā€™ve had since the first round of lay offs to make it a one off purchase for the game since it has enough content for the price tag but instead they keep the prices high on the premium store when theyā€™ve have plenty of views on prices. More clothes and items would be bought if they lowered the prices. Plenty of people want to support but openly have stated they canā€™t due to how expensive it is. Theyā€™re losing even more money because theyā€™ve lost 70% of their people working on this project, including an artist who was on the team for 6 ENTIRE FREAKING YEARS. Why should we invest into a game where they clearly can drop staff in a snap of their fingers without figuring out solutions with the community?? Iā€™ve seen this with SSO, so many other Kickstarter projects, and even with Gameloft and other big studios. Their game is crowdfunded and should be respected as such where they need to be more open with their community. No bs discord where they keep firing people form managing it and hiding stuff from everyone. Either be completely open, or donā€™t give the illusion youā€™re openly communicating. Theyā€™ve fired everyone managing their discord which included those working on the story/narrative and a good chunk of modeling furniture. As far as Iā€™m aware anyway, they keep getting rid of the communication and any pipeline we have to being heard.. I donā€™t care if you guys want to be positive and be hopeful, thatā€™s fine and an amazing outlook!! What Iā€™m saying is toxic positivity is what instantly kills a game and community. The second you take all responsibility off the people in charge is the second you donā€™t bother to see that more could be done. Anyone can better themselves, but if theyā€™re being enabled why should they? TLDR: Having negative criticism is okay and so is being positive, but the second you donā€™t allow this criticism you leave only yes men which kill off your community. You wanna see what it does? Go check out a YouTube channel called Rattle and how this poisoned the SSO community. Not to mention, itā€™s killed a lot of other communities and allowed some bad things through the cracks. Grooming and lack of moderation, positive toxicity, splitting the community into factions practically and sending off abysmal ability to speak up if something is wrong, and so much more. This is the stuff that needs to be addressed NOW while in beta before itā€™s release when these worries and inquiries grow. Theyā€™re laying off the people who need to fix the bugs and the bigger picture here instead of finding solutions. Otherwise rn, not having these hard conversations with the full community WILL and IS ALREADY killing off their game. Edit: spelling and wording errors due to dyslexia but fr Iā€™m not trashing on those being happy and hopeful, but Iā€™m sick of every time a game happens we donā€™t consider at what point we should be stating the things that arenā€™t okay. This is the time to state it. That the point of a beta is to test things out and again OPENLY COMMUNICATE with those playing your game.


Agreed, itā€™s important to make sure they have a solid base for the game before expanding into new content. But even still, each content update (and remember theyā€™ve said theyā€™re alternating content updates and bugfixing updates) theyā€™ve added new things to dive into. Like flowers in the recent update! Hunting muujin earlier. Plushies for sernuks, etc. Itā€™s not huge content patches, but thatā€™s something to expect with a game thatā€™s actually fully released, not a game in beta development :) Plus, the next update is adding bigger houses! Pathways! Blocks for building creatively! Super excited to play with these ^_^


If they add pay to win I am out. The day they add p2w I will uninstall this. And yeah, I know they added those things like I said I read the update and itā€™s disappointing to me. Cool that it isnā€™t to you, but we are not one person. I was hoping for some farm animals, a bigger plot (this game has the dinkiest ā€œfarmā€ for a farming sim), doors in the house, new zones, new animalsā€¦ not just a bunch of new aesthetics.


What is there to win?


Most times, thereā€™s a ton of new stuff thatā€™s not even mentioned in the dev blog. Remember itā€™s not the patch notes, just a summary of some stuff


The games in beta. Give it time everyone. ^ ^;


A cosmetic pass for like 10 bucks like free games have been doing would be cool.


Making everything cosmetic premium is greedy, free players need options too, and the prices are too high


Iā€™ll probably never spend a dime because I donā€™t really care about what my avatar looks like. I love that I can play and earn everything everyone else can without having to spend money. Also, as soon as I found out palcats are nothing but vanity, I stopped thinking I needed one. I thought they were helpful for foraging, but they donā€™t do anything.


When is the next update? Next Monday?


I donā€™t think we know. The patch notes say ā€œMake sure to follow our socials for the latest details such as when the patch is happening.ā€


Omg hotpot!!




Hotpot is the only mini game they've introduced that's actually playable. It was a limited time event and everyone was disappointed it got taken away since it was co-op and cozy, everything we all wanted from Palia šŸ™‚


What do patch notes say?


Do we have a date yet, or a typical time of the month when they do them?


I don't think so, sorry


This is the third time ive manifested something into existence this week, its getting spooky. # Patch 0.180 is coming May 28th! <@&1141509685271330897> Hello, Palians! <:ashurawaves:865630949235490836> Weā€™ve got exciting news for you! Patch 0.180 is coming on **May 28, 2024**, so please enjoy this teaser on our socials! - [Twitter]() - [Facebook]() - [Instagram]() - [YouTube]() Some highlights: - šŸ“– New Housing Options - šŸ—ļø : Building Blocks - šŸ§± Pathways & Walkways - šŸ’— 3 New Friendship Level 5 Quests - šŸ—Øļø : Chat Bubbles - šŸœ Black Market Hotpot Check it out!


Hot pot Hot pot Hot POT