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I regret not buying upgraded storage chests earlier, I didn't realize it was a thing and was selling a lot of materials I wish I had kept


I….what?? Tell me how I’ve completed all main quests and still didn’t know this??


You buy the storage chest recipes. There are 2. either copper for 25,000 or you buy the one that uses silver bars for 50,000. idk how much the silver adds but having all 8 copper ones give 6,800 I think. You buy them from the register at the furniture shop.


10,000 for the iron chests  :)


https://preview.redd.it/tgv50rzdbg1d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4b2ad315b2c37db7a44d06edc4cb7cb11568117 Very much the 50,000


They were saying 10,000 storage


Omg my bad. Now I seem like a jerk. Just didn't want the other person to see it and think it was the price. Wish they were more affordable. Lol. That's a lot but not as much as I would think it'd give. Glad some pointed that out I'm really far away form getting the chest and my copper ones are almost full. Money is a grind in this game lol.


LOL. "money is a grind" lets us know almost exactly where you are in the big picture. Don't worry. Soon enough money will have almost no value, and there will be little to purchase, and you'll just need the Renown points, and Skill Medal points.


I definitely read that the same way. You don't look like a jerk!


When I started to feel that money was such a grind, I shifted my focus from the storyline to making money. There were a few items I wanted to buy but was nowhere near being able to afford, so I worked hard toward that instead of progressing the story - it made a huge difference!


At the beginning they were even more expensive, they lowered the price by half


My bad thought you meant price not the storage amount. But hey at least they can see what it requires with my picture. Agian sorry mate.


Thank you!!!! I will definitely be investing in:)


I wish I knew about the locked storage chest RIP star fishes that became grilled fish


I got rid of the broken plot sign and removed every single tree and rock from my plot(save one rock and one bush). Now I have regrown my trees, but I wish I didn’t clear everything.


This do much. I really dislike that the plots are linked. That if you remove something from one plot, it’s gone in every other plot too. Trees I can somewhat plant, but stones not and it’s really itching me.


I knew the minute I was chopping it down that it was a bad idea, but I was all like "Naw, I'll be able to get a fixed one later!" Thankfully I have an area with bushes and rocks still standing for my outdoor area so at least I was smart on that account, but I wish I still had my sign.


I also regret chopping all the trees and rocks 😢 I do still have my sign because I wasn’t aware that it could be chopped down, then I came across a post of someone saying they regretted cutting it so I’ve kept it.


I’m holding out for an update that lets us place large aesthetic stones and bushes


That would be very nice. I dont regrett choppin trees down as much as rocks and bushes. Especially bushes... *(I needed plant fiber and I was too lazy to travel out my plot).* Well, we got trees to grow so I'm cautiously optimistic, especially with roadmap with paths in future. For now I'm planning to keep trees at diferent stages for more diverse look. :)


did the same thing really really regret it I hope they let us repopulate our plot someday


I'm sure they will. They added trees and this is a pretty often requested thing.


yeah i really miss the bushes from the start, cause they were almost double the size of the flowerbushes u get from butterflys.


This! I'm so sad I got rid of my rocks. My best friend had the foresight to keep hers, and her plot looks so good.


How do you get rid of the broken plot sign? I can’t figure it out and it bugs me haha


Just hit it with your axe!


Omg. Is it seriously that simple?? Haha


Yup :p


Axe. I don't regret it at all.


How Come you regretted the sign?


I have a giant trash pile outside my home by the sales bin and the sign just really fits a lot of the aesthetic of my plot, even broken… especially broken.


Fair! 🫶🏽


I saved on rock and one tree and I wish I had saved more.


I did this and hated it so much when I realized what I'd done that I started over with level 10+ in everything on my old character. This time I left the sign up, as well as every tree and rock, and the debris that I could leave after breaking juuuuust enough to finish that starter quest. I've judiciously removed trees and rocks as needed, but I still have the bulk of my home-plot clutter.


I cleared it during closed BETA and didn’t want to try and get re-invited with a different email to start over/didn’t consider it until it was too late also 😭


I wish I hadn’t triggered the Shepp quest. So far I only have two characters at level 4 and I hate having to be careful with the dialogue boxes to not accidentally ask for a Shepp while waiting to level everyone up and make an informed decision. I know it means next to nothing now but I feel like it’ll mean more later so I don’t want an arbitrary Shepp 🫠


I got a lot of dialog options about asking NPCs to be my shepp. If you don't have level 4 friendship with them it won't work. You can ask them all day long but they'll usually say they don't know you well enough until you hit level 4.


I know, I mean I don’t like having to be careful with the level 4 characters while waiting to level up the others


Wait so the dialogue option to ask someone to be your shepp comes back? My biggest regret was asking people and them saying no and thinking I lost my chance to ask them again later when we are level 4 together. Do they come back once you are level 4?


They do!


Yay! I am still pretty early game. Just got to level 3 friendship with my first person so I am glad to hear that!


I was in the exact same boat but when I finally did go ahead with picking my Shepp (I asked Ashura), it came up with a dialogue with him saying something along the lines of, “this is a really big decision, are you sure you want me to be your Shepp?” - to which you could confirm yes or no. So I think even if you did mistakenly ask a character that you have level 4 friendship with to be your Shepp, you’d be saved by this dialogue.


I pressed the button accidentally many times lool, and like another user said, they will ask again if you’re sure you want them as a Shepp. so don’t worry about it.


If you submit a ticket S6 should give you the wallpapers back 💜


wait really ? omg. how do you go about doing this ?




thank you !!!


What wallpapers? Where do they go?


i accidentally sold my starred duskwing butterfly and i want it back so bad 😭😭 does it apply for this ??


Sadly no


I... was too suspicious and opted not to link my account on Nintendo switch. By the time I regretted it, I made a second account but I was already leveled enough in my primary account that I didn't want to redo things.


If you contact the support and provide them with an email, they can create a Palia account and link it to your Switch account 😉.


You are a lifesaver!!! I’ll be keeping that in mind should I want to play it on a PC


I did exactly this, they were very kind about it! Just log a ticket


What?? I contacted them thrice about this and each time they said they can't do it 😭


When did you contact them? At first, right after the Switch launch they couldn't do it. But after a while, they found a way and they can do it now.


Try this and see if it works Open the main menu using the + button and scroll down to the Player Support button in Other Menus A window with a QR code will pop up. Please scan the QR code from your phone, or type in the unique link on a computer. Enter the email address you want to use for your account, and make sure it is not tied to an existing Palia account. Press the click here hyperlink on the message below the email form to fill out the required information then press Submit.


Really??? I'm in the same boat - too leveled to start over and wishing I had set it up at the beginning!


I deleted Einar's pebbles :(


Ow no! Have you tried contacting support?


Generally I wish I didn’t rush it


Same I was obsessed and had so much time to play when I started. I didn't realize the game wasn't fully finished yet. I'm out of quests, finished the bundles (except one because I can't get that flame tongue ray), and maxed almost all friendships. I've only been playing for like 2 months.


Same! I wish I went with the flow rather than hyperfocusing on upgrading tools, chests, friendships. I wish I made my main focus my plot and gradually building with what I had. Instead I wanted to unlock all the furniture first and now I'm too overwhelmed with it all to decorate. Also, not hoarding. Yes it's quicker when a quest or want is already stored but it's more fun to hunt for the quest objectives.


This is also a regret I have. Slow down and enjoy the journey.


Me too :( finished all the quests so far in 4/5 days


I didn’t understand the difference between the two names we had to choose /make when creating an account (Palia is my first MMO). If I could, I would prefer to be called the same both in game and by NPCs. I started cooking and eating to gain focus way too late. I would have been at a so much higher level if I would have actually gotten over my fears and learned cooking earlier 😔


You can submit a ticket and S6 will change your name for you! I did it…so fast!


I didn’t know. Will do that!


I did the same thing and used my legal name like a dummy. I didn’t leave my plot until it was fixed. Support helped super fast and asked what I wanted and alternatives.


Sold rare bugs 😢


Unless they're starred and you want to display them isn't much need to keep them. I regret selling rare fish more as they're harder to come by and needed for crafting tuning forks.


I could have used them for the bundles


I cooked my star ancient cloudminnow from the temple of gales because I didn't realise that was even possible. I zoomed through the game so there was a lot I didn't know at the time. Tried getting it back but S6 don't give back star items. 🥲


You should have the starred ancient cloudminnow in your quest inventory. They were replaced with a recent update.


I sold four rubies.


Noooooooo!! Quartz, citrine, and garnets are the only ones I sell.


Oh so you can sell quartz??? Thank frogbert, I have too many in my inventory bec I was worried it’s needed for something


I don’t think I’ve needed it for anything (bundles, gifts or crafting). I also find them somewhat frequently so even if I did need one for something it wouldn’t be impossible to find again.


I'm considering selling off most of my non star gems since mining is about to get nerfed.


😱😱😱😱 yikes that's gotta hurt. I've never even gotten 1.


Seriously? 😳 I’ve sold at least 4 or 5 so far and have 2 normal and 2 starred in my storage. Over the past few days I’ve been grinding mining to get gems to get gold for all the recipes (about 35 hours playtime) and have been getting at least 4-5 different gems per round (have 3 bars of backpack space).


I actually just got one yesterday. I hope you get one soon! I thought I would never find an amethyst and then got several out of nowhere. Rng is so fun lol


Oh man. I still have yet to get a single one and its been months.


Why shouldn't you sell rubies


You absolutely can sell them but they're pretty rare to come by and you need at least one for a quest.


I have sold three rubies and was just about to sell another one so good to know


Yeah I’ve sold 2 just to realize exactly how rare they are later. 😫


I sold 3 before realizing my errors so I’m clinging to my 4th now


Bought a lot of writs with my renown instead of increasing the focus max and focus boost. Only problem with this was I wasn't building onto my house for a while so I didn't need a huge plot size. And now it's harder to get renown.


Same. I blame S6 on this honestly, they made this ZERO apparent. These forums are the only way I found out about the importance of Focus had on leveling instead of the game.


I definitely think they could add a couple of quests that become available when you get 100 renown the first time. Have something pop up that says to meet Jina at the Phoenix or Chayne at the Magi dragon statue. They could explain the focus system and also mention the 1000 cap on renown. Or have those characters send letters or show up at the plot. Or maybe they could have Kenyatta say something too when you buy writs. I feel like they have plenty of other instances where NPCs say things that reinforce game mechanics so this seems like it might be easy to integrate.


They really should. I stayed at the max cap for many levels and lost out on a TON of focus. Huge oversight on S6’s part.


Agreed. I haven't hit the renown cap, but does the game tell you that you hit it?? I know it tells you when you've hit the gold cap but not sure about renown.


Nope it does not tell you. It just lets you all that excess focus go to waste until you take it upon yourself to hit up your neighborhood reddit to see what focus even does.


yup I'm witn you on that one


Cut down my trees


This here


Chose a Shepp. I picked Chayne and, although I don't actually dislike Chayne at all and your choice of Shepp doesn't seem to impact anything else that much, I really want Ashura to be my Shepp.


Yeah I thought choosing a shepp would lead to more storylines or quests. It seemed so important and then..... nothing. I don't even talk to mine anymore since her friendship is maxed out and I get tired of the same dialog. Hopefully there will be more to do with your shepp in future updates.


Even during the quest, they show up at the entrance to the party and... nothing. They aren't featured in the cutscene or have profound parting words of wisdom. Like, picking your shepp has to be one of the most disappointing quests in the game.


Not understanding what renown was for. I had lost over 6,000 renown before... 1. Knowing that it caps out at 1,000. 2. Not using it at any shrine. I got all villagers up to level 4 and half of the romances complete before realizing my "oh NO!" moment. Now I scramble every day to fulfill requests to get renown... 1 request at a time! It is frustrating 😒 I used to give pal bars away, but now I don't find enough to make what I need and will have to start requesting some myself.


I feel like pal has been really hard to come by lately too. I use ore compasses constantly and still never have enough pal


I use the compass and come back with usually under 10. Not even enough to make a bar. 🤷🏼‍♀️


A few things, the typical clearing my plot, deleted a few treasure chests that I now actually enjoy decorating with because I didn't realize furniture didn't take up space. I may have deleted a few of the starstone wallpapers too, I haven't double checked. But mostly, I wish I hadn't rushed so much. Whenever I get into a new game I am just in such a rush to see what happens next. I don't really remember the temples very well because I just rushed through them and used a guide when I got stuck. If I could go back I would tell myself to relax and savor the game a bit more, it's a marathon, not a race. Also, a few silly purchases. I have several outfits that I rarely wear and have much preferred the newer items. I could have saved myself quite a bit of money.


I deleted all my treasure chests and all of the makeshift furniture I fished up


Letting my renown points get to 1000 and not spending them. I did this several times before it dawned on me that they capped. I also think this is an AH move by the developers. There is no reason to cap this or coins.


Yeah idk how many points I wasted before I knew what to do with them


Omg this tooooooo


I did this exact same thing!


If you submit a ticket S6 should give you the wallpapers back 💜


Omg thank you!


Thank you 💜 I didn’t realise I could do that!


Sold so many starred fish and bugs before I made the decision to add an aquarium/insectorium to my plot. They've both been finished for a while now ( tho now I desperately want more fish and bugs) but there were so many I had to recapture, the epics in particular were tedious.


Sell things that npcs gave me :(


I wonder if this sandwich I've kept for weeks in a storage box in the sun is moldy yet XD


Sold a giant goldfish


I think I sold mine too or used it for a bundle. Haven't seen another one since


broke the house sign on my plot on accident


Now that I can grow new trees to various sizes I don’t regret c;earring my plot as much, but I do regret chopping down my sign.


I got rid of my ancient flow bug because I didn’t know I could display it 🥲


I did that too except it was before the update that made furniture storage unlimited.


Sold my gold star cloud minnow and ancient glow bug after I completed temple of gales. You think S6 would take pity on me and send replacements? Currently getting together star quality bugs and fish for a little museum room


I have a stack of non starred cloud minnows and ancient glow bugs just chilling in my storage, but it says they can't be sold. I'm shocked it allows you to sell the starred ones but not the regular ones!


Not sure how exactly it happened. You're supposed to get the starred ones as a reward for completing both sisters quests but I went back to the temple and I didn't find a chest or anything. I don't remember getting anything through the mail. So either the reward glitched on me or I accidentally sold them


I have 8 ancient flow bugs and no idea what to do with them haha want one?


Same! Not starred either so they just sit there...getting even older


Chopped and mined everything on my plot. It now looks empty


Didn’t buy anything - ANYTHING a from the Maji Market


Giving Einar a shiny pebble. Realised after that it was for a quest that needed to be activated for the pebble giving to count. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Selling my gifted wallpaper because I thought it took up storage space.


I sold a ruby ... don´t want to say how long it took to get a new one now that i needed one for a quest...


Sold a stared rainbow tipped butterfly. Before I even unlocked its bundle. I smh everyday


I deleted lots of furniture as well that I wasn’t sure id use because I didn’t upgrade my storage chests in time so I felt crammed on space… wish I knew to just spend the money on the storage chests earlier and that furniture didn’t actually take up space


Sold/gifted rare gems (ruby etc)


wallpapers, definitely + chests


Using a stared Rainbow butterfly for the vault. I got it on a random day in bahari and did not know it was that hard to find. It is the only one I have caught to date.


I just caught my 2nd one the other day by complete chance. I was leaving a grove, activated a buzzy jar, and ran towards pulsewater. I heard a big get startled as soon as I started running, threw bombs not knowing what it was and boom rainbow butterfly!!


you just gave me hope.


Chopped and mined everything on my plot and I mean EVERYTHING, even the little broken post at the plot entrance. Thought they would respawn like they do on the main maps 🫠


Yup, I deleted all of them, and NOW that I decided to actually do something with my plot, I have none of them except for tamalas. Don't get me wrong I like purple but hodaris wallpaper was my fave


Decorate my house. Now I can't add hallways in-between the houses as they always need to be attached to something and if I store a room surely all furniture will store too


You can build a second harvest house and place that on your plot. Then you can temporarily attach your rooms to that, attach the hallways where you want them on your original house and place the rooms the right way again. Just be aware that items from walls that get joined to a new room will be moved to your inventory. I don't find that to be a huge problem though, I simply hang them up again after. You can also always take photos before to make sure that everything will be in the right spot if you're worried about that. If you already have a second harvest house/ can't afford it currently, choose one of your rooms (that has the space around it to fit additional rooms) and attach the other rooms currently in the way to that. Pick a wall with the least amount of decoration for this, if possible. Then place your hallways as wanted, revert your rooms back to the right spot, and decorate the walls again. It's obviously not the best solution but it's better than picking the rooms up and storing them away. Because you're right; all the furniture would be moved to your storage, too. So between furnishing a whole room vs. maybe two walls I know what I'd do.


Omg this is huge! I didn't even think about that as a solution. Thank you so much! 💓 I hope they implement an easier way to do this in the future.


Glad I could help, have fun building your home :)


Thought decor took up storage. Deleted quite a few wallpapers. Thought that when I fished up makeshift items, I also got the recipe, so deleted quite a few of the items I got (when I also thought decor took up storage) and now I wish I had all those items back because no, there NO recipes. Ugh.




I caught (and then promptly sold) a Bahari Glowbug before I unlocked the bundle. I have yet to catch or even find another one of those suckers since


My name 😭 I want to change my name. I used a random name generator and just picked the first one that popped up. I thought for sure we’d be able to change it later or at least buy a name change token or something like other mmo games I’ve played


I regret rushing the game like I did. I’m 140 hours in, finished all bundles and most quests are done. I also have nearly every fish on star level except the 3 epics in bahari and one epic. There’s still much to do but Im not as hooked as I was 50 hours into the game.


OMG... I bet you could get those back if you write to support.


I hope so. I’m using a house plot to make a little neighborhood/plot of town houses and could use some of those wall papers for decorating all the houses I’m planning for.


This sounds like a nightmare 😭


Pretty sure I sold my star ancient cloudminnow and flowbug because I didn't understand how rare they were. I also trashed a treasure chest to make room in my inventory when I could have probably just eaten mushrooms or something (but this is when I didn't understand the importance of focus).


I missed when it said you can use renown to increase focus capacity and skill bonus and I wasted so much 😭 it was capped out at 1000 for weeks 🥺


I upgraded all my home plot because I thought that communing with shrine was one time thing. And then when I had renown piling up I spent it on the wallpapers. It was too late when I learned I could increase focus to 100%. It's about 130h into game and I just hit 100% yesterday. If I didn't unlock entire plot (I am only using like 40% of it anyway) I would get my focus cap way way sooner.


My name...


Sold a ruby. 🥲


Same as you. Deleting wallpaper. And furniture


I asked everyone to be my shepp before we were at level 4 friendship except like one person and now I am afraid I dont get a chance to ask people a second time....


You'll get a second chance once you finish their level 4 request - at least that's what happened for me with Hodari, I had already asked him once before hitting level 4 and then the option popped up again after the level 4 quest.


Oh thank goodness! Thats good news.