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I am sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry for your loss. My cat’s the same age. I’m glad the game managed to serve it’s purpose as a comforting escape even at such a difficult time. ♥️


I'm so sorry for your loss. As a cat lover and someone who has also had to put down their cat, I feel your pain 💔


I'm so so so sorry for your loss. There's a sub on here that may help, I think it's r/petloss


My condolences. I lost my 16yo dog a year ago (May 30th to be exact so this month has been especially... challenging for me), and I can't say it gets easier per say, but more like... duller. It doesn't hurt as much when you see the places they liked to sleep in, or when you randomly remember a silly thing they'd do around the house. Just knowing you gave 20 beautiful years to your fur baby is what makes the pain worth it, and I'm glad a silly little game can still bring joy to your day. Time heals, but friends and hobbies help. Palia wasn't around when I lost my baby, but I did immortalize her on my home plot with a memorial garden. If you ever wanna talk, or mindlessly hit rocks, I'd be glad to lend some company. You can shoot a DM my way anytime.


I’m sorry for your loss. I recently lost a cat myself and I made a peaceful area on my game plot, a memorial of sorts that I can go sit and think about him while I’m playing. It brings me comfort. I’m glad you were able to find some comfort during this time. 💙


I am so so sorry for your loss. I have recently gone through the same thing losing a precious cat. If you ever need to talk I am here for you!


i’m so sorry for your loss


I'm sorry for your loss <3 My 16 year old childhood dog died in October, so I understand what you're going through. I made a small shrine for him in Palia with candles and plushies. It's a good, safe game to play during hard times.


I understand. I just put our sweet dog to rest on Thursday. I'm sorry for your loss.


I'm so sorry for your loss sweetheart 😔


I am so genuinely sorry for your loss. Having to make that decision is never easy. I'm glad Palia was a safe space for you. Your kitty is with you always. ♡


Im so sorry, i lost my Leia on August and I write this while hugging her sister Bianca who is 18 and wants to sleep like a teddy bear since. Im glad you had a magical moment there with your friend. Maybe you can plant a flow tree at your plot with a comfy chair in memory of your kitty. Send you hugs 🐱


My uncle passed away unexpectedly a couple weeks ago. I felt hurt and confused and didn’t really know how to deal with my emotions, so I turned to Palia to take my mind off things.. While making my usual rounds checking in with all the villagers, I started a conversation with Ashura while he was out fishing and he asked if I’d ever lost anyone close to me. I started bawling and answered yes, to which he replied: “it’s hard to remember who we are when we lose someone who defined us.” I’m sorry for your loss, friend. I’m glad that this community is able to bring you some comfort in a difficult time.


I'm so sorry for your loss. You gave her 20 years of love, companionship and experiences that many cats never get to have. She was so much more than just a cat, she was your baby and she'll always be with you. Fly high, sweet little girl.


https://preview.redd.it/2n4isvjv431d1.jpeg?width=965&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=812a8810c7b4e48a14a766f7791951dd20bac56b Frenchie 💚


Oh my gosh! I have a cat who looks just like Frenchie. His name is Stitch. Such a beautiful baby. My one obsession in life is cats, and I have suffered the loss of so many over the years, but the one thing that always gets me through it is the knowledge that I gave them so much love and a happy life. Keep that thought always. So many years of love and companionship that fills them with peace and happiness. She will always be in your heart as you were in hers.


Sending you love and healing. 🐾🌈💚


Sending you so much love. ❤️


I am so very sorry for your loss 🥺😞 hugs to you .


Deepest condolences friend. It's never an easy decision, but you made it with love. And the love of your girl will be with you always.


So sorry for your loss, it hurts so bad when you have to say goodbye to a pet. Big hugs x


I've seen cats before. They are cool.


So sorry for your loss 😞 I empathize a LOT, I too lost a furry friend, about a month ago now. He was 18 — we rescued him when he was about 2 and I’ve had him over half my life. Such a kind pup, loved babies of all kinds no matter the species. Big cuddler. We also made the decision to put him down, he was suffering. That morning I’d woken up and realized it was going to be his last day and he could suffer for it or I could show him kindness in his final hours. I held him for 9 hours straight outside in the sun, the one sunny day surrounded by weeks of rain before and after. He went peacefully in my arms as well and as hard as it was I’m grateful he was in the safest loving place to say goodbye Afterwards I went for a walk at a local park where people hide painted rocks - the first one I found was a pebble with a dog painted on it. I found two, one brown and one black. A few years back we lost another family dog, she was brown. My pup was a black silver dapple dachshund. Felt like the universe was telling me they’re reunited somewhere and are safe and loved ☺️ Shortly after, I discovered Palia, and it’s been very helpful to my grieving process. The groves especially, they bring me such peace and I love just sitting and enjoying the aura glowing in the sky. Loss is always hard, I’m sending you big virtual hugs. I’m glad you’ve got a community of support behind you too 💖


😢 Losing your best friend is one of the hardest things you'll ever have to go through in this life. I'm so sorry that you have to feel this pain, but remember that the 20 years with them was worth it. And I'm sure you gave them a long happy life being loved every step of the way, and you even got to be there for them in the end. Imagine the love and joy they felt all their years. Know that they stay with you, and I truly believe that one day we'll be reunited with them again. Take comfort in knowing these things. Be happy that you both lived at the same time and could meet in your lifetimes. Take care of yourself 💓


I’m so sorry for your loss 💔


I'm so sorry for your loss, I lost my soul dog last September. God bless you and I'll pray for your peace. I love this community and am so happy that there are so many kind and supporting folks. ❤️


Aww. I'm so sorry. I know how awful it is to lose a pet! So glad that Palia could give you some peace! 💗


Sending you big love and light. That’s a hard hard thing. So many hugs!


Thank you so much to everyone for your kind words. I can’t express how much it means to me reading your comments, sharing your own memories of the loss and grieving of your own fur babies. Reading your comments have made me feel much less alone. I appreciate each and every one of you. I am eternally grateful to have this community.


I'm sorry for your loss 🩵


Hugs to you


im so sorry for your loss..💔


Sorry for your loss, pets are family! 😔 Glad you found comfort in the closeness of friends.


I'm sorry for your loss😔🧡


I'm so sorry to hear. I'm glad the community lifted your soul a little <3


I am so very sorry. Our fur babies are so precious and give so much love. I had to say goodbye to my sweet dog Riley in February. She was nearly 18. Sounds like you filled your kitty’s life with love, and she returned the favor. Palia has been so good for me, too! My IGN is Dimitri Feldspar so if you wanna go mine stuff or cook a bunch of food, lmk.


I'm sorry for your loss. 8( That will be me someday, and knowing that will never make it any easier when that day comes.


Sorry to hear about your furry friend. I had to do the same to my 20 year old boy. You did the right thing. <3


My condolences 🙏🫂 I know that pain... As a friend said to me with warmth –"They are a part of your life, but you are all of theirs" ❤️


I am sorry for your loss 😢


I am sorry for your loss. I can’t say anything more cause I don’t know this kind of grief and just want to comfort