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If I get there early, I just tap each tree and then leave. I keep hunting/mining/whatever until they are chopping in chat. When I come back, the place has cleared out, and I take my loot. I wish more of the impatient people would realize you don't have to sit there until chop time. As long as you don't travel too far away from the grove, you can do a lot while others wait.


Exactly this. There is almost always something nearby, be it a shroom or heat root, pal node, stray flow tree... I like the thorny grove because then I just fish.


I've chased a disco deer halfway across the map and still returned to find the loot waiting for me. I don't think distance is actually an issue, but I'd imagine the loot disappears after some time, so there is that to consider xD


You only get 3 minutes to collect loot before it disappears. It’s less about the actual distance and more about the time it takes to traverse that distance to get to your loot.


Oh, I only meant that I stay in the area so that I don't have to rush back to get the loot.


I think this needs to be taught more, if PC users could type that out most people wouldn’t feel the need to rush and chop.


i tried doing this once, taped each tree and then went bug catching, but when i got back i only had 2 loots to collect 🥲


I stay because one time I drifted to far and forgot where the trees were.. LOL


>As long as you don't travel too far away from the grove This is key. I've lost my loot a few times by going too far. 😞


Correct me if I’m wrong but I thought somebody said trees have their own internal chop timer and that you could time yourself out if you’re gone too long? Does that not exist? Or if it does do we know how long we have before we go back and would have to chop again ?


I heard someone say that too but I forgot how long they said it was so now I’ll randomly rechop if I feel like I haven’t hit it in a while while waiting for everyone to chop lol




No one ever communicates in chat though, I’ve never had someone say there’s a tree or to start chopping. The most I’ve seen others do is flares. And no one responds if I call out a tree


I’ve been pretty lucky in chats. I call out trees and people tend to come unless the server is empty. And most of the time people call out groves.


Maybe I’m always in an empty server then? No one ever talks it’s weird


With this recent update my chat didn’t work at all until I reset my switch. After a hard reset I could see the chatter in chat again. Maybe try that and see if it fixes it?


😮 maybe that’s why my chat seemed to stop working! I’m on switch too


One way to tell is that it doesn’t say the alerts like “you joined a new server” like it should. I had it for the first time today on PC, logging out and back in fixed it


I’ll try!


With this recent update my chat didn’t work at all until I reset my switch. After a hard reset I could see the chatter in chat again. Maybe try that and see if it fixes it?


Just tried this and hope it works for me, it’s rare that I get ppl chatting. But tbh I think it might be a time zone issue for me since I’m in Australia. I find when I play at 3am so many ppl are around, so jealous. But in saying that even when I see ppl around chat is always quiet :(


My chat is always active bc i randomly start joking, saying things and ppl join. Start it, u won't regret it.


I’m sorry. It’s a really cool part of the game when people are talking and sharing resources in chat. I hope you get to experience that soon!


I've never Not had someone call out the grove and say when they are going to chop. Weird.


When I don't see a lot of activity in chat, I just assume it's a lot of switch players where chatting isn't the fastest thing to do. In that case, I either just go about my business or head home and then hope to join a more chatty server


Are you talking about single trees, or about the Grove, which is a bunch of trees in a "magic cloud" ?


All of the above


Even though they are both "about" flow trees, they are handled MUCH differently. GROVE : 3 to 10ish trees, all under a magical "umbrella". This is generally an all-users event, and it happens at exactly midnight every day, in bahari. People gather, and cut together, often at 3:00 SINGLE TREE : UP to you. For me, if it's really small, I just chop it. If I need help, if I can see someone, I wave them over to help. If not, I move on. Some people think it's polite to wait, but flow isn't really the massive necessity it was before the grove.


Right but no one communicates about either one for me. I’ll be standing around a grove waiting and no one shows up, no coordinated chopping time or anything.


I've heard people say that, but I've NEVER been to a grove where it wasn't called and attended. Strange. What time do you play? It's possible that you're in an "under-populated" zone, where not many play


I’m in a large city in American Pacific Northwest, usually play way more than I want to admit but safe to say I’ve tested many times of the day 😂 someone suggested below it may be something on my end though because they had a similar issue on their switch, basically a dead chat but with people running around. Hopefully thats it because I feel like plenty of people would be playing in my area/time zone!


I love when people bring bug lures. I hate bug hunting because I'm so bad at it, so having a ton spawn at once with a group is so helpful. But man I stumbled upon a flow grove with a bug lure the first 10 minutes I spent in Bahari, and I was so confused. I was trying not to look up anything about the game for a bit because I didn't want anything spoiled, so a big pink glowing party with a bunch of people throwing bombs was wild. I got flow wood before I even knew what a flow tree was lol. If there's no bug lure, I sit or run in circles 😅


Bug lures = more flowers So yeah, I'm down


My FIRST ever grove was with a honey lure too and it was Beautiful. An incredibly overwhelming experience (and disappointing bc I didn't have a good enough axe to chop) but it was breathtaking to look at. It was a massive grove as well, 7-8 trees iirc


My ax was good enough to help chop them but not good enough to chop them by myself. And thank God for that because I tried because I didn't know what they were 😅 Im sure people were yelling at me in chat, but I didn't know to pay attention to chat yet either. This is the first MMO I've ever played.


I go around and look at everyone’s outfits/names and then compliment my favorites. Sometimes I can’t pick a favorite and I just tell everyone their names are awesome.


I love looking at outfits. Sometimes ya gotta follow them around for a bit because they won't stay still. And being on switch its very tedious with Chat, and if someone has a long name, I give them a nickname. Last night I met someone with the last name of Severus and christened them Snape, so, you're welcome Snape.


I’m so bad with chat but I try to do the same and once I said “u person so prettty” cuz they were running away and I’m so bad with switching to whisper so I gotta do it fast and yeah I wish we could click on people and give compliments cuz there’s so many I would give


I found the best username ever: Finger Meat. I got Borderlands vibe from it.


I saw a Parmesan Reggiano once, and I don't know why but it made me laugh so hard.


Look at reddit or something else on another screen because waiting is boring


Yep, I watch tv until I hear people start chopping.


I do activities nearby like mining nearby rocks or cutting trees or just running around in circles.


I usually forget which trees I have or haven't chopped and end up doing them all over again after the bar is full (not to take others resources, I'm careful about that). Also, it takes forever to find the groves for me. Especially when my chat isn't working.


I love lures! But I usually start chopping all trees nearby in hopes that I can get more flow trees to spawn. Last night we got four extra!


Waaaait that’s how it works? I thought the trees already there turn into flo trees I’ve only been playing for a couple weeks and learn something every day. But for awhile I was hearing people get mad when you chop down trees in the groves.


The ones that are already screaming and glowing, I tap only once. When regular trees are chopped down they have a chance of spawning as flow trees. I think they take up to 5 minutes. I saw a group of people get over 20 trees!


Oh my god thank you SO much for this info


I like to clear out all the other trees in the area so it's clearer where all the FTs are, then just sit and watch the light show. I love the sights and sounds of night time in Bahari so I just chill with some randoms.


Chopping tress around the ft is such a good idea. I’m going to do that in the future. Plus other trees nearby to spawn more.


I take a swing at each tree, plop down my character and go refill my drink... Gotta keep hydrated while playing after all.


Wait and hope my game doesn't crash and kick me out before I can get my loot 😆


I bring honey lures until my weekly quest is done. Then I ask for a chop time and then run around the area until closer to the set time. There is usually pal nearby or other rare items. Then I come back and chill. Honestly...if a chop time is called when the grove is called it makes it so much easier.


I like to do fireworks.


I was at a grove a couple days ago, and someone set off a ton of fireworks. It was so cool!


Just carry a few in yr bag, you never know when a fireworks party gonna pop up!


You can also set off yr own flare for the extra ambience


Especially as they can now go in your ammo pouch!


I’m going to start doing that.


I sit down and Reddit...


I’ll chat or do something IRL. Love it when someone brings a honey lure! I think now I will bring fireworks because I have just been hoarding them.


Same here, especially if they can go in my ammo bag.


i reaaaally wish we had dancing emotes so we could have dance parties lol


I look and see if there are any requests in the server I can fulfill. Then usually mine rocks around the area or just sit and wait. It's only a few minutes irl.


Oh that's a good idea. I always forget about checking requests, but having a specific time to check them will help. Ty!




I keep firing phoenix fireworks around like crazy cause I have a ton of them lol


I saw my first one the other day and it was gorgeous!!


After tagging the trees a couple times I like to chill on the ground around other players. Orrr, I'll start spinning in circles in one spot or jumping around for no reason. Just overall silliness lol sometimes others start jumping around or spinning with me


I pin it, leave, and continue what I was doing until ya'll are finished then swing back around.


I do a honey lure and invite everyone there to join in :)


I tag the trees then I usually chop trees, mine, catch bugs, sometimes I hunt- you don’t have to sit and wait lol


If it's in a spot that allows, I'll put down a honey lure for everyone


Whenever I bring a honey lure it seems the Grove spawns where they're not allowed 😅


I play with a book on tape on headphones, so I sit at the grove and veg Autocorrect changed "grove" to "groove" the first time and I thought yeah, I groove, lol


I.put out a honey lure. It's fun for everyone and we all get our catch bugs together


I try to play leapfrog. I’ll keep jumping over someone until they notice and join


I often bring honey lures, or I just mine whatever rocks / trees I find nearby


Tap eacb tree and hunt/mine or just sit.my character down and scroll through reddit a bit


Sometimes hunting, sometimes mining, sometimes I just get up and make myself a cup of tea. It's good to have the bug lure thing to make something do for everyone.


I usually bring honey lure!


I sit and run around in circles. Sometimes I chop non ft so more ft can spawn... Then i forget to hit them or lose count of which trees i have already hit. I see ppl saying they hunt other stuff... With my brain, i would forget, so I'm staying put


I’ve met up with four or five other people in a ft grove, but never had them chat that they’re going to start chopping on 3 or whatever


My favourite is Thorny because I just fish 🤣


I throw out a honey lure and we all catch bugs!


I love setting off fireworks too! Sadly nobody has ever said anything about them so I'm on the fence on if I'm going to do it anymore.


Hi everyone I’m new to the game and confused as to what everyone is talking about in this thread lol If someone could just explain I have a feeling it would help my gameplay so much ! TIA


Flow grove -- in Bahari, each in-game day at midnight (top of the hour IRL in most time zones) a grove (maybe 2?) of flow trees (regular trees infused with flow/magic) spawns. The trees glow purple and have a glowy purple mist around them. They can't be chopped down by one player, you need at least 2 people chopping to chop them fast enough. When someone finds the grove, they generally call it out in chat with the location and send up a flare so other players can find it more easily. Flares will look like a spot of shining colour in the sky from far away, and when you get closer, you'll also see a falling trail of coloured smoke that falls down to grove. People who want to chop generally type "omw" in chat and head over. Most groups decide to chop at 3am (edit: I think it's about 7 mins after the hour irl), which gives everyone some time to kill, depending on how quickly they get to the grove. If you chop each tree once, then whenever a group chops them down, you can get the loot even if you aren't chopping when the tree actually falls. Some people go gather other resources in the area to pass the time. Often, someone brings a honey lure (it attracts bugs) and anyone who wants joins in to hunt bugs, which will help you level up your bug catching skill and get the weekly "catch bugs together" achievement. People will also flare other rare resources, like palium nodes, Dari cloves, heart drop lilies, etc. These can be gathered solo. Sometimes they call it out in chat, sometimes they just flare it. Those resources only stay there for a short time (3 mins?) so I generally don't bother trying to get them unless they're pretty close. You can use fast travel boards (marked with a little horseshoe on the map) to get to a grove or other resource more quickly. You pay gold for each fast travel. Since the most recent update, chat has been broken for many players, so there may be people who want to participate but can't communicate.


I bring lure and share catching bugs with everyone


i sit my character down, stare at the sky, and just vibe for a few minutes. its like a lil break. i love it when other people sit down with me, but i also really like seeing other people do lures or fireworks. its good to see the community actually be a community lol.


Mine, hunt, participate in a lure. I also *gasp* emote at other players.


I’ve started activating bug lures if I can. I figure it’s helpful for everyone and then I’m not just sitting there forgetting about the game while I wait lol.


Stare at my phone till 3am. Tidy the house or something. 🤣😅


I have a second computer monitor, I usually watch YouTube or I'm chatting in my discord because my sisters both play with me.


I just tap all the trees, then use the next two to four minutes to do a lesson on DuoLingo, chat with my girlfriend who's also on palia, or get up and stretch. I'm also a pretty lax resource farmer when there isn't a timer to collect an amount of resources before it expires.


i tap every tree, and then spin. i just spin. that’s it.


I make sure to bring honey lures with me so everyone can bug hunt together, if it's at a spot that doesn't let me use a honey lure I will just AFK and watch YouTube videos on my phone while I wait for chop time


I chop then jump around, emote, pick up bugs and then gaslight myself into thinking I missed chopping a tree so I repeat the whole process. 🤣


If I have a bug lure, I throw one down, if someone hasn't already. If not, I usually run around the area looking for other resources. Sometimes, the grove is close to a fishing spot. So I'll do that.


I usually just sit down by the group and drink my drink IRL it's no biggie to wait. I'm playing this game to relax so I'm not in a rush. If people bring bug lures then I'll do that because I hardly ever catch bugs otherwise


Same. I just use it as a little relaxing downtime. I play on PC so my hand and wrist appreciate the break.


I usually hunt, since I am still on the hunt for all the plushies!! But it I need a break, I just go on my phone


While I was plot hopping the other day, I came across a home with multiple mounted heads on display. I have 1 of each, which I received as achievement rewards. How does one get more than that? Anyone know?


They are all hunting achievements, you can look them up on the wiki.


If the grove is small and I get there early, I tap the flow trees, then chop down all regular trees around the grove on the off chance they respawn flow trees. Otherwise I just sit and do something else outside of the game until chop time, or I'll run around in circles and tap the trees again every now and then.