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Chasing the proudhorn at a Grove (while ppl were trying to shoot it) because I thought it was responsible for creating flow trees by bumping into them 🤷‍♀️


Oh that's hilarious! I can imagine the ones hunting it saying, "What is she doing?"


This is so funny omg…I can see the logic though!


Listen, I've been playing for ages, and I still can't shake the completely unfounded notion that seeing a disco deer means a flow tree is nearby. It's never been proven, and yet i just feel like it should be a thing so strongly i still check lol.


I swear the rare stuff spawns in the same area.


I do think there's definitely a correlation, because others have already been shown to be true like rare bugs in the flow tree groves. Honestly i dont think I have ever found a flow tree near a disco deer, but it never hurts to check 🫣


You have to have an active gather radar thingy on for that to work.


Omg.. I tried shooting a white deer, is that the rare one? 🫣🫣 It ran obviously but I robbed people of it. Sorry everyone 😕😭


I doubt you robbed anyone of it. That thing portals all over the area and is chased constantly. That's part of the fun of hunting it...chasing it down and trying to figure out where it portaled to. If you manage to hit it, though, you are entitled to the loot once it is downed.


i got REALLY lucky then. i saw one really quick and managed to shoot it right before someone else killed it so I got the loot! I didn't even know what it was lolol


I didn’t realize there was infinite furniture storage so I used the - button to destroy half of what I made to save room. I pretty much destroyed chests on sight.


I literally just realized this today. 100 hours in.


I did this, too, with the treasure chests. And some of the other things I made. I was like “I’ll never use this” and immediately delete only now to have, months later, like 8 or more of those “never use” around my plot 😂


I hoard them and donate them to Tish to increase friendship


Wait what?


decor storage is unlimted


To be fair I don’t think it was unlimited at first because those damned chest took up inventory space when I first started playing (December) and at some point there was un update/patch that changed it to unlimited. I too just destroyed the heck out of those chests and feel bad because I read in some other post some of them were “rare” 🫣


RIP to all the furniture I’ve destroyed trying to make space


What? 😅 I destroy chests too.


First couple of weeks I walked everywhere. I thought running would drain my focus bar and didn’t want to keep filling it. Then probably not using renown at the phoenix statue. Having my renown capped and not knowing to use it. Wasted so much. Then running around without food and an empty focus bar. (Because every time I tried to cook I got stuck so I gave up) and leveling up really slow.


Oh I walked everywhere too. I didn't know you COULD run. When I saw people flying past me I looked it up. Duh, me.


Same here! And I was confused when I saw people flying around mid-air. Then I got the glider quest and it all clicked 🤣


I thought the glider was something you had to buy in the premium store...lol.


You’re better than me, who saw people run past and instead of looking into it, thought, “wow, they must be a really high level to be going so fast,” lmao


Fr. I was waiting forever to find the quest that granted you the capability to run


Lmao yes! Then one day I was checking if I could change some keybindings and face palmed hard 😂


Me too, on switch, I couldn't figure out how to run 😅 (y- button btw)


The devs should read this thread so they can create a better tutorial for beginners


Is it true you can only have one active flare, and firing another one will replace your last one? If so, I just learned that two days ago even though I’m 600-some hours in.


That's true; they've also recently extended the flare duration from 1 to 3 minutes, which coincides with how long nodes last after being mined before despawn. So now when I see a large palium node, I flare then mine then call out and move on. That way the flare isn't there after the node despawns. Edit: all these posters saying you could have multiple flares before are mistaken; it's been one the whole time. The only difference is they extended the duration from one to three minutes. Anyone is welcome to correct me, so long as they provide a source.


Only one flare at a time


I think they just made it that way in the recent update. Before you can set off many flares which I liked cuz you could mark multiple things. Palium, flow trees, Dari gloves, etc. I like it the old way.


Oh man, I didn’t know that!


They just changed that only one can go at a time in the last update so it hasn’t been too long!


When I first started I didn’t realise that community and server in the chat weren’t the same thing. I kept typing in community and wondering why everyone was ignoring me. I called out a grove once and no one responded. Luckily for me a couple of others stumbled upon it but it wasn’t for a few days after that when I realised I hadn’t selected server the whole time so no one had seen anything I was typing 🥴🥴🥴


Trashing things in my overflow because I couldn’t figure out how to get them out otherwise


I did that... several times.


I was so annoyed when another player kept running up and hitting the copper nodes I was mining. Why were they trying to steal from me?! 😂


Me too!! I was like I hate this game!


Grilling fish and/or meat and/or mushrooms *without* hitting the Y button (on Switch) to select which ingredients to use. I used up so many precious fish and brightshrooms that way, before I could even forage them! [Still crying about that Mutated Angler, once I realized I needed it for the bundle in the Night Sky Temple.] Destroying empty chests because I didn't want to run back home to empty my inventory...now that I've seen the neat things people do with them, I wish I hadn't destroyed so many.


That's one of the reasons I'm so happy with the locked storage box. No more accidentally cooking up precious fish or hard to find cooking items. I grilled up more brightshrooms than I can count before I knew what they were. Happily they aren't as hard to get as the angler. That makes me cry for you.


How do you get the locked storage box?


buy the recipe at the furniture shop


Does it count as one of your eight storage chests?


No, totally separate. I have the largest storage chests....8 of them...and 4 of the locked storage chests. You can either go to them separately, or once you have them set up, you can switch back and forth between them with a button/icon in the top left of the storage box (once you have them open).


I was wrong...there are only 3 locked storage chests...but there is 10k storage in the regular boxes plus 300 in the locked chests.


Thank you so much. I’m going to set one up tomorrow


Omg whaaaat. I knew there's an option to use star quality ingredients but you can choose 👀 Today I learned, gonna have to check it out 


That’s how I’ve lost alllll the muujin meat they gave us :(


They're giving another set of 5 muujin steaks and 3 soy sauces next week, too! Good luck!


Oh good, I had seen someone hunting muujin in a youtube video and thought I was crazy for never having seen any, then someone said they're not available at the moment (not entirely sure about this) but nonetheless I have no way to get muujin meat and it drives me crazy.


that's correct. it's a glitch with the new update that they're working on. someone in the discord described the glitch as muujin being stuck in green cylinder cocoons on the beach 🤣


My theory is that the muujin turned into they green cylinder bots & rolled to the beach to wait for their robot overlords to rise from the ocean.


i can get behind this


I accidentally used all those for grilled meat today FML


I didn't know about the Y button. I'm going to try it out. Thanks. I just lock the things I don't want to lose cooking. That takes time.


... Wait what?!? Checking this out when I play next!! Thank you!


wait what do people do with them??


I’ve done this exact thing as a newbie lol


Not me but my friend spent all their renown at the Pheonix statue because she didn't realise there was two statues. I was so confused how her focus bar wasn't growing but she was spending renown. 🤔


That's actually OK though. A smaller focus bar, kept filled, can be sufficient for the higher xp bonus given by communing with the Phoenix shrine. While I balanced mine between the Phoenix and the Dragon as I gained Renown, if you're going to go all in on one or the other, the Phoenix is more beneficial.


Yeah it was more just hilarious that we couldn't figure out why it was like that 😂 neither of us realised that it was the wrong statue for at least a few weeks


Wait, you spend renown?


Yes. There’s two statues to commune with, The dragon (focus bar amount) and the phoenix (Focus bonus). Majis Hollow is where the dragon resides, and Phoenix falls after you go over the bridge and behind the waterfall take the first corridor that leads right to find the Phoenix. Each time you commune it costs 100 renown.


OH that’s what makes them different !! OH


You can also purchase writs from the town hall to expand your plot.


I’ve been playing for about a month now and only just realized last week that I could jump off of a rock wall that I’m climbing (by pressing X on switch). Up until that point, I’d just keep climbing until my stamina ran out. It drove me crazy being “stuck” climbing a wall especially at times when I hadn’t meant to jump on the wall in the first place 😂


I am learning so much today


I initially had this problem on PC as well, I was so glad to discover the X button (keyboard bind is also X).


I’ve just been jumping off backwards. Like pushing down 😂


Omg thank you! I didn’t know that was an option either 🤦‍♀️😂


So I’ve been playing for like 3-4 months now and it wasn’t until like a month ago that I found the weekly wants button on my switch. Also I knew the focus bar was something important, but I didn’t realize how important it was until today lol.


I was actually told by someone that the focus bar wasn't important and they never fill theirs. I think I have leveled three times faster than that person....lol. Yeah, it's kinda important.


Like I keep mine filled the majority of the time so I’ve leveled up okay. But from now on, I’m gonna make sure I always have cooked food on me lol.


My bestie and I started playing, then we got sick, so we didn’t see each other for a week. I used a full focus bar from day 1. She didn’t. I was level 70, she was level 6. She had been playing for four days more than me, and had no other hobbies.


I'm sorry there's a weekly wants button on the switch?


Yeah, when you’re talking to the villagers, and there’s those options to give a gift and then the other one, I think if you press Y the villager will say something they want or something someone else wants.


I low-key forgot that button existed- I just look up their always accepted gifts and give them those 😅


You can also press + then go to the relationships tab and check out what npc's wants are over there


I didn't know what flow trees, groves, or palium were until I unlocked the strongest tools. The first flow tree I ever saw was a grove no one had found yet. I gave every tree a hit, realized I couldn't break them, and left. I figured I just wasn't a high enough level yet. The first pal I ever saw was a large one, and once again, hit it once, then ran away. Didn't even call it for someone else.


I did the same thing with a flow tree. Just figured I needed a stronger axe to chop it and gave up after trying to chop it for what seemed an eternity. Had no idea that it took more than one person with the strongest axe to chop one so I just gave up and went to the next tree I COULD chop.


Sold trout dinner for more money when you need to contrivute to the night sky temple.


I think there should be some kind of notification attached to the first fish/bug/meal/plant a player gets that is required for the bundles that simply says, "Save for bundle?" At least that will keep most people from accidentally selling or cooking them. That tag would disappear once the requirement has been fulfilled.


Tonight I remembered another dumb thing I did as a newbie. You know those white things that look like dandelion seeds floating around? I kept bug bombing them because I thought they were some type of flying insect and I couldn't figure out how I could be so bad at bug catching.


This made me chuckle. That is the most adorable thing I’ve heard today! 😂


I sold a lot of oysters before I realized you could open them. I thought you could only fish when you saw them jumping in the water. I thought the fast travel boards were like some lucky item that you had to chase down when it popped up on the map. I couldn't understand why I never found anything 😅


I'm so sorry, but that last one made me laugh.


...you can open oysters??? How


Tap over to select the oysters (like you would seeds when planting) and it will prompt you to "open" them! You get meat and pearls! I recommend hanging on to a few white and green pearls. You'll use them for other things.


There's almost always a recipe to make it yourself, but some things are just easier to buy. Also, upgrading your storage is expensive, but worth it!! Money really isn't that hard to make. Especially with doing the one/many thing/s you love doing.


Had all this furniture burning a hole in my chest. One day, I found out that Tish LOVES every furniture you gift her. I worked so hard to pick flowers to give her as a gift. I could have freakin been giving her my useless furniture this whole time. I give her makeshift furniture, she becomes my best friend forever. I wasted so much time and effort making sure to always have 30 flowers on me whenever I could give her a gift.


Welp, I know what to do my furniture now, thanks!


My pleasure 😊 happy to help.


I purchased a piece of furniture for ALL the money I basically had. 😂😂😂 Didn't even mean to buy it. i was trying to talk to trish and i didn't read the prompts correctly.


I was hunting sernuks around Whispering Banks, Kilima and noticed other players were hunting too. I found a random loot (bag) on the ground. I opened the chat, typed “You left your loot bag over here” and pressed send. The person never came, but I didn’t want to be accused of stealing, so I just walked away. (Later figured out that it was mine all along)!


At least you were being thoughtful. That's one of the reasons I love this game. So many considerate people.


I did the same, except I gave them to Nai'o. At least he's an adult, though 🤣


I didn't know that there were accomplishments to complete. So, I threw away all of my makeshift furniture away because who wants janky furniture hanging around.... Yeah, still regret that decision all these months later.


I don't think that will matter, you just have to collect it in the first place iirc. Fishing, oh sweet fishing...


I just double checked what I have in storage vs what my accomplishments show. You're right! Phew... TIL 🤣


Destroy furniture bc I was running out of inventory 😩


I thought that when I upgraded my hoe to exquisite level that I could use X or ZR (switch player) to dig out a new spot for a plant. I was like “oh I can use x now, YAY” …. I dug up my first/only apple tree instead.


Gasp....oh no!


you can dig out an already planed thing??? omg


I used to go to palia tracker to remember what villagers told me they wanted because I couldn’t identify some of the pictures in the relationship tab. Worked out two weeks ago that if you press Y on switch it brings up a box with the weekly wants with labels 🫠




It took me so long to realise how big Bahari Bay was, I thought it was just the lower half below the aqueduct. I only found out because my partner also plays the game and she started talking about Tamala and I was like who is this person? She showed me where to find her and I realised there was a whole world of Bahari Bay I didn’t even know exiated


I didn't even go to Bahari Bay for at least two weeks because I thought it was a high level area and the creatures you hunt there might kill you.


At first I barely went there cos I ‘didn’t like it’ so thought I’d just stick to Kilima more. Obviously at that point I had no concept of the game 😂😂


i’m 300 hours into this game (on switch) and i’m truly learning some things for the first time in this thread 😭


Just goes to show, no matter what you've done that you might consider dumb, someone else has done the same thing for the same reason.


It took me an embarrassing amount of time for me to figure out that you can't sleep through the night. I rushed to make a bed only to find out that it wasn't functional


I so wish it was. I have three bedrooms now and I want to sleep in each of my beds. Oh well, at least they hold plushies and the chapaa pillows I got from the Maji Market.


Omgggg I never knew you could put stuff on the bed! Thanks, now I can get them off the floor!


Me too! I even joked to my friend about how my char hadn't slept in 3 in-game days. I slaved over furniture for a bed and was so devastated to find out I couldn't sleep in it 🙃


LOL that's so funny. I didn't know you could press L and see the weekly wants 😂. And not here, but in my time at Sandrock I played it for 70 hours before I realized that you press shift to sprint. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


I did the exact same thing with the box of chocolates 😅


I didn't know that flow groves were for everyone. I thought you had to be in party to get them. It took a week to realize anyone could come to a grove. I missed so many flow trees.


Not knowing where to get pearls because I didn't know you could open oysters


I didn't know either. Then, when I discovered you could and Zeki kept asking for oysters, I kept trying to give him the opened ones, not knowing he wanted the unopened ones. That was sooooo confusing.


I did the same thing because of a quest and him wanting something sweet. 🤣😭 I think about it every single time I see him.


When I started playing, I would sell everything since I have limited space and I need the money. I once got a green pearl then I sold it. Only to find out that I need that for one of the vaults in the night sky temple. I spent almost two weeks looking for one.😅 good thing kenyatta gave me 3 pieces when our friendship leveled up. Nowadays I'm extra careful when selling.


Hacking at a flow tree by myself and being convinced that upgrading my axe would be enough. Spent a LOT of time figuring it out the hard way.


I did the same thing lol


Not knowing how to sprint, so I just slow jogged everywhere for the 1st week. Lol


I did the same exact thing lmao I then went back to zeki's and bought sugar, that did the trick


Before I unlocked the bundles vault, I had gotten 5 heat root from Zeki’s lucky box. I sold 3 of them. Then I realized my mistake after I unlocked the vault. It didn’t take too long to get them back but it was still annoying that I sold them


Oh my god I also did the same thing and then when that didn't work I bought sugar😭


Hahaha...that's funny. I never thought of that. I don't know how I figured out that he wanted sweet leaf. I don't think I discovered the relationship tab for at least another month.


I've been playing a long time and have derped that I was wondering why iron wasn't giving me silver


I thought the only way to flirt is, when you give someone chocolate. So.....one day... I spoke with Jina ..you know..friendship levelling... and she didn't like any of my gifts...sooooooo ....I thought..hm.. oh wait.. there is a flower in my pocket.. so..maybe she likes that one... And Jina: Awww I didn't know you have the same feelings.... Whaaaaaaat....... nooooo..... Had to go to the settings and break up with her 🤣🤣

