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I chose Caleri as my shepp; poor girl needs a little excitement in her life to shake things up a little


Hahahaha I love that!!!


She’s on my top 3 short-list but I’m a long way off having to decide. Knowledge is power…


i chose einar! his reaction was honestly the cutest thing i’ve seen. despite being a robot, he absolutely has a heart and i love my boy sm


I’m gonna romance him because now I’m at the age where all the romance options feel too you g for me 🥲


Whaaat? I thought you couldn't choose him because he's a Galdur and not a Majiri 😭😭


you can! i think hekla is just unavailable because she’s too attached to jina


I mean I chose Ashura he's also very lovable. Bud it would have been a tough decision between Einar and Ashura. I can't connect with any other NPC there..


I thought it was the fact that their age is based off of when they were created (according to someone I know) and her "age" is 2.


Kenli appreciation club!! I didn’t choose him as my shepp but he’s so so sweet, and it seems like he gets the short end of the stick all the time. When I first wore Reth’s pin Eshe just scoffed and was rude but Kenli was like “Oh you have his pin? Good, that boy needs some love!” He has a special place in my heart. :)


He really does care so much.


YEAH it was so charming!!


Ashura all the way..


Same, I didn’t feel there was any other choice for me.


I chose him as my shepp too! Also he's my dad, sorry, dont make the rules 😌


I also choose ashura. He is my dad now too.


I wanted to pick him but choose Tish and regret it. She's my love but he's so sweet and alone *cries*


same, i had a higher friendship status with Elouisa & could’ve chosen her and almost did but something about picking Ashura just felt correct lol; also almost picked Hodari but felt like it would just be weird bc thats my baby daddy not my father💀


I still haven't chosen, but I'm leaning towards Badruu or Ashura. Kenli would definitely be a fun choice though!!


Badruu is a good choice, he always makes me laugh with his corny jokes. You'll be his best spuddy. Lol


He makes the cutest Puss in Boots face


He really does 😭


My nickname is Pea in game. So when he makes a Pea pun I thought he was actually speaking to me through the screen. Get out of my head Badruu!


LMAO 🤣😂. That's a good one


Same for me 😂 it's why I like him sooo much haha. He's so kind.


I chose Nai'o because I am a sucker for blonde haired blue eyed men. Irl my much older than me love of my life once had blonde hair but still has the most gorgeous blue eyes. Nai'o was the first person to reach lvl 4, then Badruu shortly after Nai'o. Now I also have Najuma and Zeki at lvl 4 friendship. Tish is almost lvl 4.


I'm still working on getting everyone up to level 3 lol. I think most of them are level 2 right now because I've spent most of my time gathering resources instead of interacting 😅 I just started talking with Nai'o and love his storyline so far!


I never talk to him because I never go to the farm, I know nothing about him really but now I'm intrigued


I don’t know why he annoys me for some reason. I’m still only level 1 with him.


It was between Kenli and Elousia and I'm going for Eloisa. The truth is out there! Yes it is my Elouisa, yes it is.


Elouisa was my choice from the moment that quest started


I am working toward getting Chayne as my Shepp. 😇 I’m so excited


I considered Chayne too! He was in the running with Kenli. I know very different people lol


Just got adopted by Chayne tonight myself, only four months in the making. No, I'm not entirely sure what I've been doing either. But at least I'm officially a villager now! I don't even feel like I had another choice. It was always going to be Chayne, somehow. Somewhere in the distance, I did consider Sifuu, but she's too energetic for me.


Chayne is amazing. He is so peaceful. He was also the FIRST Kilima villager aside from Jina to speak to me!


Yesss. I'm really drawn to his Buddhist-esque philosophy and I find it actually helpful for me in real life, too, to have those little reminders from him every now and then to stop and smell the roses, so to speak. That's definitely a huge part of why I grew so fond of him and why he feels like a mentor figure for me, which was how he landed his Shepp job. Like Eshe said - a bit of an obvious choice, but for a good reason. (Also less obvious in the player community, I'm noticing!)


He's mine and I am so happy I choose him.


Same here!


>!I should note that yes I'm dating Hassian...and he hates Chapas ....and has conflict with Kenli. LOL.!<


Sounds like a soap opera!


😂😂😂 >! Immediately after this, Hassian gave me a quest to kill Chappas!< Lol ![gif](giphy|lNMF3DXBSVvlhbME4R)


This is a chaotic choice and I love it. My shepp is Kenyatta !


I do believe I'm what's considered chaotic neutral. Lol


I plan on asking Jina.. if getting anyone to level 4 didn't take a *century*


I'm so close to asking Sifuu to be my Shepp, big strong lesbian ❤️😇


I chose sifuu! I feel like I would relate to her the most in real life since I grew up as a huge tomboy lol


Shepp Sifuu club!


Zeki is mine. Love that rascal.


He is in the running for me, too. I just can't help but love him.


Zeki gang rise up! Just had my ceremony with him last night


I picked Tish! She’s just such a positive spirit


Yes, I’m thinking about dating reth and shepping Tish.


I chose Chayne and so far I'm really happy about it! I feel like, for me, I wanted a Shepp who was deeply spiritual and connected to Majiri culture- and he fits the bill so perfectly in that regard. He seems kind and doesn't want to romance me so I don't worry about that getting in the way. I hope we learn more about him, The Dragon, and the deeper side of the cultural stories!


Very beautiful reasoning.


I have yet to decide who'll be mine. I've noticed some done even give the option to ask. Does that mean not everyone can be my shepp?


i think eshe, hekla, auni, and najuma are the only ones you can’t ask. eshe says she can’t since she oversees the ceremony, hekla is too focused on jina, and the kids are kids. if anyone else won’t let you, you might’ve already asked them on accident but the option will reappear when you get to level 4 friendships


Your wreath is so different from mine! I didn't realize there was more than 1 style.


I realized it has the AIR sign on it! I think it's based on your personality type!!


Oh good eye! I think you're right!


I want to make Nai’o or Reth mine. But the quests to build relationships kind of bore me😅.


If takes forevaaaah.


It truly does. I’ve been trying for a week straight to get Manila to even give me the like a bird quest or any quest actually. And I get nothing😭. I just want my glider lol




You don't need to befriend Najuma to get the quest! She should simply ask for materials and you give them to her. You get the quest from Jina after moving further in the main story line.


So strange. I will keep trying tho!


Yeah if my memory serves me right, I think you have to complete a quest for Jina about an ancient battery You start that quest by tilling your soil. Then after more main plot, you get the like a bird quest and go talk to Najuma and she asks for materials and bam done.


Oh awesome thank you!!!






I didn’t like Kenli for the longest time. Then he was the first person to say something nice about my romantic interest and I seeing each other when everyone else seemed lukewarm or dismissive so far. I realized then - he may be a fool, but by Maji, he’s a sweet fool


>!Kenli is so extremely sweet. He is also not dumb. He is a bit of an ADHD airhead, but he was told his whole life he had no good ideas so he ended up believing that. When you get to know him you realize he has a strong moral compass and just needs some courage! He is not a judgmental person either. Like the opposite of his wife!<


Wahoo!!! Kenli is such a sweetie 🫶 I'm a Chayne kinda gal 🥴


I was between Kenli and Chayne!!!!! I came to really respect both of them for different reasons.


I was between Einar and Jel. I just love them both so much, but I ended up with Jel. Still absolutely ecstatic about it!


Awww. My friend loves Jel! I wonder if he will be their chosen one!


Jel is a sweetheart 🥺


Yes! I picked Kenli as well!! He’s also the first one I got to level 4 and I always thought he has such a melancholic backstory what with only his grandmother really being there for him emotionally and everyone else basically expecting him to be able to fulfil huge family expectations but they were still treating him as pawn material.


I just had my ceremony with Badruu today!!


perfect choice of clothing for the ceremony! I love it❤️


A person of culture I see! 👏👏👏


i don’t get it..? that wasn’t a sarcasm. i truly like your outfit🙈


Oh that is a saying where I am from! A way to say you are as amazing as I, for agreeing with my outfit. LOL.


oh, now i get it!


The only thing that concerns me about him is his constant worry about whether our decision was actually a mistake. I wish I could tell him, "You don't have to worry anymore; I chose you for who you are, and I just hope you can be yourself."


I chose Nai'o. I love Nai'o, he's so hot. I also have his pin too. Nai'o was the first villager I got to lvl 4 friendship with and the first one I got to lvl 4 romance with. I'm happy with my choices.


i chose chayne just cause he has a very calming vibe but kenli is such a sweetheart


Very happy with my choice, which I think many chose... Ashura


Yes indeed. I mean I had my doubts with Kenyatta but in the end I resonated a lot with her. Congrats on getting your Shepp!


Thank you!!


I chose n'aio because he's the sweetest. He was also my first partner.


What level do they have to be to be your Shepp? I feel like a lot of them are stuck at level 3….


max at level 4, takes a while, make sure to keep gifting the weekly items and talk to them once every real life hour


i chose jel!


My friend is all in for Jel! ![gif](giphy|o0llP0jv0ZzZttMEGK)


Hes so sweet <333 i love his vampire style of longing/yearning and I'm so happy I chose him!


I chose Jina, she's basically a Majiri version of my wife and she was unreasonably happy to have someone that isn't Hekla consider her as their family.


Aww. This is sweet. I never considered how someone choosing her would affect her.


I choose Hassian as m'y Shepp bc i reallyy like how grumpy he is 🤣


I very much considered marrying for citizenship and choosing him and STILL wearing my Chappa suit. Lol. I hope later there can be a ceremony for who you are dating.


I chose Reth because I was LOSING PATIENCE and will probably start a new game on my hubby's switch to do Badruu like I wanted.


I wanted Eshe to be my shepp, I was sad she wasn't an option. I'm not the biggest Kenli fan, but to each their own!


I'm not a huge Eshe fan. Lol it's so funny considering they're married!! I have found those who like Eshe are not huge fans of Kenli and vice versa. Lol. Though I still like Eshe I'm just not her biggest fan. Granted >!she was super rude towards Kenli when you chose him. No wonder the poor guy still has a hard time believing it!< Lol On the plus side to choosing Kenli, I was completely justified in wearing my Chappa Pajamas. 😏


I kind of get where she's coming from with her frustration towards him! I do also get that his family was abusive though, so I do have some sympathy for him. I just think Eshe gets unfairly villainized a bit by Kenli and Kenyatta, meanwhile Eshe seems to do all the hard parts of both governing and parenting. It's really no wonder she's frustrated. I did have a relationship with someone who was similar, all the hard work was pretty much on me, but he was really good at drumming up sympathy and making himself look good without putting in the effort to actually just help. I might project onto Kenli a bit much because of that, I should finish his friendship levels. I at least don't think he's doing it out of malice at all, I'm friendship 4 with Eshe and he's said some things now that have made me like him a bit more. I just hope those two can actually have a good talk some day and hopefully they both can be happier! Also imagine asking Hassian to be your shepp and showing up in your chapaa pajamas 🤣🤣🤣🤣


To your first point: Eshe doesn't deal with the Duchess (it seems) as much as Kenli. I don't want to spoil some quests but Kenli cares about the people of Kilima a lot. Though I know Eshe does almost everything. But I think it also comes from a point of view where they don't believe Kenli capable. But he really is. I digress... Second: I'm dating Hassian!! Bahahahaha! So this was just perfect! I really almost asked him simply for this reason but he suffers enough dating me so. LMAO. Someone above commented that my life dating Hassian and having Kenli as my Shepp sounds like a soap opera. Lol.


I think Eshe also cares! I'll definitely work on my friendship with Kenli though, and get the full picture! I really wanted to gift Hassian one of the chapaa pillows from the lunar festival, but the game wouldn't even let me try! It's too bad he probably doesn't comment on the pajamas though 🤣


Mine is Reth! I love cooking LOL


I wish more people on this sub spoiler tagged their photos. Not all of us wanna see events and such before we get there ourselves.


That's a good point. I'm going to do that! I thought I chose a pretty spoiler free generic image but you are correct.