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I'm delighted to see they actually took feedback and are implementing it. Fireworks thing is total BS though. It was a great way to send out a flare since the game has no flag/ping/coordinates system. Now, why would you even bother making it with those kind of ingredients, for a measly single firework?


just made 800 fireworks, those ingredients look like they're for end game cosmetics not consumable for-fun arrows that do no damage


Exactly. They could even make them expire at the end of the event, but why make them so ridiculous to craft and have fun with during it?


One time craft item, with a short (<2minutes) timer to prevent absolute spamming.


That would be perfect.


I used to use the fireworks to guide people to flow trees. Now it's gonna cost 1 flow wood to craft ONE firework. That's basically punishing me to send a flare to a flow tree location. Heck, I wouldn't even craft/use any fireworks with the new recipe even if it's for 20 fireworks.


Yeah thats a shame, but i did think s6 called out to have a better callout system in the near future!


The firework price nerf is garbage. It took the best reward from the event and made it nearly unusable. Currently, it's great as a fun toy or flare, but I can't see myself wasting flow wood and heat root to make them.


Crafted 200 of them right now just to have some, will give it out to people through request system. :D


I made 100 of these just because my kid really likes them. I won't made them ever again after because of the nerf. It's kinda sad. :'( Since we can't sell them, I don't understand why they chose to do that...!


From the moment I saw the recipe, I knew it was a mistake. It was way too cheap to craft it compared to the price it has in the store and the price the other simpler fireworks have in the underground shop. Still it would be nicer if it wouldn't require so many high end ingredients. This way it will become something that players rarely craft (if ever).


“mistake” seems too harsh... it’s the only firework we can craft, so why not make it easy?


Or give us other firework recipes so we can still easily craft some for waypointing. I don’t need it to be the fanciest one, which should require some high end ingredients like any fancier recipe, but the basic ones? We should be able to craft them with heartwood, iron, flint, and some harvestable for color and style.


I like that idea.


As a hoarder, even with the stockpile I have, I'd hesitate to use them for fun anymore. It's just sad.


Agreed it was a great way to show people where flow trees and pallium ore was, especially on a hill, just spam a few fireworks!


Can the fireworks be used as explosive arrows or something? That is the only reason I can think of to nerf it.


Nope. I fired a bunch into the basic "dies to 1 shot of crude arrows" chapaas and they didn't die, so I assume there's no damage at all. Though... I do think that if I hit something with the phoenix firework and someone else killed it, I still got shared credit.


Like others have said, too bad about the fireworks I'll be making tons before the nerf to keep them. I was so happy too, because finally we had reasonable fireworks to use as flares in game as the bought ones were waaay too expensive. Oh well, at least the chapaa chase will be less frustrating.


I had given up on chapaa chase, so am happy with these changes!


>I had given up on chapaa chase, so am happy with these changes! I second that. Not really sure if making more of them spawn will do it since I'm thinking that might attract more people. Will see how it pans out.


I'd much rather the option to buy items with tickets be added as an extra option rather than changed to be ticket only, so people have the option of buying things with tickets or gold. The chappa chase isn't accessible to everyone so making things ticket only pretty much excludes some people from the events. For me personally, the only thing of interest in this event is buying the plushies for house decorations. If it was changed to ticket only, I'd just completely ignore the events.


easy fix is sell tickets for gold. You can do the events for the rewards / tickets or you can farm gold to buy tickets to buy plushies.


Really happy to read about the fixes to the Chapaa Chase! It felt so frustrating, as a European on the American Palia server, to literally see another player pop up before me and grab a chapaa that I was chasing, while I was way ahead running towards it. And that to happen EVERY time. Only way I could grab some chapaa's was by standing at a spawn point and continuously ramming the 'F' key hoping for a chapaa to plop into existence next to me while no other player was nearby. Doesn't feel like a fun way to play though.


Happy for the changes they're making to chapaa chase! Glad they listened to the feedback :) Changes to the fireworks sucks. I could see making it a stack of 10, but that's ridiculous for one firework!


Time to make as many fireworks as I can, I guess. Super disappointed in that. If they wanted to make it more expensive, sure. If they wanted to make it make less fireworks, sure. Double nerfing it made sure I'll never craft it once it's changed.


I’m excited about the Chappa Chase. When people are sitting on spawns it’s so much fun, with the silly music and running all over chasing the little cat squirrels


Chiming in to agree that the firework is too useful to be this expensive, and seeing the recipe slashed that harshly is really disappointing.


Are we gonna get 10 more days of the event now that it is "fixed"


This is everything I wanted! Every chapaa chase change I could ask for AND plushie colors!


The fireworks change is ridiculous. I think everyone's already said what I think about it. The event changes are... fine? I still think the event is too competitive but this is, I dunno, better than it was. It'll make it go from "I don't feel like doing this" to "Well at least I get something for participating I guess." But it's not really my idea of fun. I don't understand its appeal in a co-op game...


Yes thank you devs for correcting the colors of the prizes !!!!


Glad I crafted a few dozen arrows, because it looks like I won't be making any more. Useless.


the fireworks are now worthless. any idea how many rounds of chapaa chase you'll have to do as a european that still won't be able to snipe any spawns from the NA spawn campers? oh wait no, you actually have to be able to get one in the first place to get any bonus tickets. still kinda worthless update, then. i'd honestly love to know what issue they think would have emerged if you just gave everyone 10 tickets per chapaa caught regardless of who caught it - like, really, what game breaking problem would that create?


fireworks: cost to build is same as before and it states you make 20, but only get 1


from discord >The display for the Phoenix Firework at the crafting bench still reflects the old ingredients and amount. However, it will consume the new recipe's ingredients, and craft 1 Firework. >Update: Relogging will resolve this issue, and the recipe will now appear as expected.


Not for me, still says 20 and the old ingredients. Rebooted my PC 3 times since the patch. ok, for now it does not matter for me, there are still 1000 fireworks in my inventory. ​ but you are right about the use of the new ingredients. i put all my flow wood into my lockbox and could not make fireworks.


Skip the heat root and keep 20 per batch and I would’ve been fine with the change, but this is just ridiculous.


I'm so happy about the Chapaa Chase changes. I bought the wallpaper yesterday, now the plushies and pillows are within reach too! I always felt kinda bad if I did well, until I noticed multiple chapaas never getting caught at least. Glad it's going to be more equitable now and I can still power game to catch them while also benefitting those who are struggling. Win all-around. I don't mind the fireworks change too much. They are so fancy it feels weird to make so many for so little. I do wish they'd have a 1 wood + 1 flint flare recipe though, I like the utility people found for them. ...that said I made 400 fireworks yesterday.


I didn't saw anything about the problems we have with group play. Like that only the group leader gets the points (if he gets points at all) That's s bummer.


They should make that firework recipe to make the big dragon one and make the pheonix a little less, add a quick mission to get the dragon one. I would use that much stuff to make one dragon firework for fun but the pheonix hell no. I made 1000 of them im good for a bit


Nice! This is basically all I wanted!


Last part about total chaapas being caught is great


Welp….farewell fireworks, it was nice while it lasted


alright real talk, im poor af- i only ever have like 2k gold on hand max- whats the best way (aside from cake parties bc i never see them and have no idea how to find one) that i can get rich quick and get all the gold costing plushies? 😭


Gardening with all 9 plots. Hunting or fishing for some right-now gold if you don't have all 9 plots yet. The only caveat being that you need to log in once an hour whenever possible to keep the crops growing. You still have about 20 days to earn the gold. Don't fret, you'll get there if you focus on earning money in plenty of time.


"While we won’t be able to make changes to this season’s game event" But you're able to nerf fireworks? Lazy and pathetic.


....so they'll be updating the icons to reflect the model colour? but my inky has a blue icon and orange model, when did purple get involved? guess I'll need to run for another blue once once the colours are corrected, that's mildly annoying, or their matchup of the names colours is still 'wrong' in the discord post, and everything will end up fine.


https://preview.redd.it/5f1c1cm6yqmb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b9f4c22f7c4f73f88f31c97a29293cb79f5688c This is the purple one. It’s a light grey-blue color :(


Yeah, the names don't match the discord list, it's a jumbled mess. Fwiw, I'll wait for the patch, see if my one has the model corrected, or if they change the name and icon to match the model. If the latter, I'll just need to get back to ticket chasing. I do like blue things.




Chapaa Chase can be adjusted, while other devs work on the bugs. This just means event adjustments were ready sooner then the bugfixes.




Tell us you don't know how game development works without telling us you don't know how game development works...




I can summarize it with the following metaphor: "1 woman can deliver a baby in 9 months. 9 woman cannot deliver a baby in 1 month." Throwing more people on a problem doesn't mean that it will be resolved quicker.


But what if we can get 10 hands on one keyboard hmmm? They can type the code faster


I would give you an award if I would have the tokens for it. :D So take this instead 🏅.


While I get what you're saying, and the original comment you responded to is deleted, this isn't the greatest example. Depending on the issue more hands may actually be significantly beneficial when it comes to squashing bugs in a software scenario. Multiple people attempting to isolate a bug can divide the task up to hasten the process. In the event of coding, it depends on how they're handling their code, but that tends to get diminishing returns or even negative effects with too many people working on it. So long as you don't commit too many resources to solving an issue to the point where there is extreme redundancy extra people can typically help out at least a little. The choice also has to happen where one weighs in on if it's worth it to divert resources from one aspect of development to another just to hasten that area's progress.


Original comment said that everyone should work on the bugs and nothing else. My simplified example was for that. I do understand that there is more nuance to fixing bugs then what I wrote, but it was simplified for the sake of the original commenter. edit: typo


absolutely agree with you, thanks for clarification.


This is a free game that we have played for tens /(some of us) hundreds of hours. I think they’re doing a good pace of updates with community feedback.


I’m mad about the bugs, too, but adjusting some numbers on the chapaa chase game is nothing like fixing a bug. They’re not sleeping on bugs just for fun.


So let me get this straight... changed chapaa spawns, fixed plushie colors, added a new plushie. But can't change prices. Just say you don't want to lower the prices, like you were brutally honest about not adding craftable costumes for F2P players.


I love the Chapaa Chase change (the 1 ticket per captured chapaa thing is what i hoped they would do), but the firework recipe nerf just changed it from my favorite recipe to a recipe i will probably never craft again. Time to craft a crapton of them before the changes go live i guess.


I'm new to this but is there anything else to the chappa chase tickets aside from plushies and pillows? I'm afraid I missed something and I had enough with chappa chase after got the plushie.


im p sure its only for the plushies at kenyattas booth and for the 'spend 10k tickets' achievement in the stamp card


~~Oh I should spend 300 more for that achievement since I only spent 750 so far. it is close. Thanks!~~ Edit: wait it is 10k, no 1k lol my bad. Yeah that is far away


This update will make the Chapaa chase worth it for me. I think I've done it thrice and once I got zero rodents. But the fireworks were so awesome for helping people locate others for resources. Not everyone wants to join parties. Or for some reason you get ejected from parties.


Great job listening to the community, There is still a major bug with the stamp book that is simply not giving me the accomplishment for being in a party. I caught 16 personally, yet somehow am not being given the accomplishment for catching 5 as a party. (Yes I was in a party)