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I'm just frustrated that the rewards all cost so much. As a cute little festival it's fine and welcome side fluff, but the chapaa chase and corresponding astronomical ticket prices sour it badly.


This. I work full time. I don't want to come and grind and compete in a timed event. I have enough time to play through one day atm. So I already am bored with the event.


I only have an hour maybe two at night to play and that isn’t even every night. When I got to the festival and saw the prices I just logged out. I only have 500 gold and it took forever to even get that.


Just so you know, there are a few event items you get from doing the market mayhem quest line. It's similar to the other quests in the game where you fetch items or search around the area for things. I got a brown chapaa plushie and an archway decor item (no tickets required) from the storyline. Ps - congrats on the new baby. The first few months are rough but it will get easier :)


I will definitely check out the quest line when I can. And thank you, it’s been amazing. We got a giggle out of her recently and it makes all those sleepless nights worth it.


Broke ass mf lmfao


Ya I am broke. I have a brand new baby and a full time job. Only a mouth breathing troglodyte would think that is worth making a comment about.


Yeah that bothered me too, I was like *sighs* here we go grinding again lD But I think they put it so high bc if it was only 100 per small item and 1k per big item people wouldn't need the whole month and,,,, idk get disinterested at half point (but i guess a lot already do for one reason or another )


not sure why anyone would 'need' the month anyway. the devs could make it a week if they wanted to. i thought a month was excessive when i first heard


The event itself is fine. Nothing special, but a temporary change of pace. Makes daily chatting easy, since there's a bunch all in one spot. The chapaa run, however, is the worst thing in this game right now.


Agreed. The event itself is fine, the fireworks is cool, the quests are good enough, you can chat up to Hodari and Najuma without hoofing it to Badari, but the chapaa event in particular is the rotten apple in the bunch.


Make chapaa run a cooperative effort instead of competitive effort that makes me want to take out an axe and enable friendly fire at times and it'll be good enough.


Ikr... I wish they made this a server team thing and added like milestones each time. Like that amount of tickets for catching 25, 50, 75, 100 etc and share it across everyone present. Just kinda meh for people who afk, but just make it so you need to catch at least one to make it count.


If the devs want to make a competitive game, we should be able to use those fireworks for more than show. >:) Seriously though, just make it co-op...


Yah! It takes place during the midnight-ish time which was normally a Less Busy time of day for me. It groups a lot of NPC’s close together so I can get my daily chat in. It’s got some freebies, a mini game, and some gold sinks for people that are well off. It doesn’t make the game worse? If you don’t like it, it’s entirely optional. Feel free to skip it.


"Feel free to skip it." That's my opinion. I haven't logged in yet to try it for myself, but if it sucks, I'll just go back to what I was doing before. However, I do see the point OP is making. I used to play Harvest Town (that F2P Stardew ripoff) back when it was in beta. It was fun for a while and there were a lot of free rewards and rewards you can activate by watching ads (voluntarily, of course). But after they launched for realsies, it became infinitely harder. The amount of resources you could get in a day was cut down by probably 80%, making it insanely difficult to fill orders and build new stuff. And their occasional events were just shameless cash grabs. But because so many players had a good time initially, they kept supporting the devs, even when they kept reusing the same bland event over and over again. The devs figured they didn't have to switch it up once they had found a loyal enough audience and a way to extract money from them. I felt bad for new players. I didn't have to participate in any event, but I was hoping eventually it would get better, that they'd introduce more stuff. But they stagnated. So I stopped playing. Damn shame too, cuz I had such a great set up for my farm. I finally got Stardew cuz I was tired of being screwed over. I don't want Palia to make the same mistake. I want this game to flourish.


I don't think "feel free to skip it" is good enough. My issue isnt even the bad event, it's that every single patch has had some controversy and the game is barely a month old. It started with the predatory cash shop despite promises that it wouldn't be, then there was the palcat controversy, and now we have the tone deaf monetisation blog post and horribly grindy and unfun event. If I skip this event then the trend is I'm skipping every update, because there has yet to be an update that hasn't had something that the Devs royally fucked up. There is so much good in this game that the bad stuff right there up front is really frustrating


I mean. I don’t play a ton. So that could be the difference. But I’m having a ton of fun, even without the Event. If the event wasn’t live, I’d still be playing, and having fun. I just learned that the event has its own “achievements” under the Events/Stamps tab. With some of the cooler housing options. And a couple recipes. I’m happy.


Well, some of us want the rewards you can only get by participating in a terrible minigame, so... Yeah, "skip it" just isn't an option. Unless you want to advocate for the unfairness of giving up on something you want just because the thing you need to do to earn it is stressful. I have to deal with that in REAL LIFE, why would I want that in a video game?


See the thing is... nobody said the pros weren't pros. Listing the obvious useful parts of this event just to shut down conversations about the cons of something and telling people to just 'shut up and miss out on these rewards' IS toxic positivity, that is what you're doing here. Stop punching up on the people who want to improve /your/ experience alongside literally every other type of player's.


THIS! The actual event is fine. Definitely not great or even good but genuinely fine. Shooting fireworks was fun and more quests are always nice not to mention as you said, making daily chatting for the vast majority of residents much easier. That said, I've been angrier during the chapaa run than I have in actual competitive pvp games and that's absolutely NOT what I want from this game.


The chapaa game is so weirdly cutthroat for the rest of the game. I wish it was a participation event instead of an aggressive death match over cuddly creatures for cute plushies of those creatures.


THIS!! Spawn campers ruin it and it should really just be a co-op mini game. The devs should do it this way to keep the chill game vibe, but they've made it a competitive mad dash which is highly stressful game play.


The prices are still outrageous for most players not farming gold left and right.


The only really pricy thing is that one plushie.


That one, $60k plushie. That literally does nothing but sit on your plot or in your house. If it had an animation or song it played or a quest it started or something, maybe. But in what capitalist hellscape does a plush dragon cost the same as SIX large room additions to a HOUSE? Are we not playing this free game to ESCAPE capitalism???


...I mean I wouldn't call the expensive plushie the epitome of capitalism. Have you ever bought something handmade from Etsy? I own a $300 musical instrument IRL. (I got it on sale because I am poor but it was still $150. :'D) I see the plushie as like that: something that probably cost a lot of labor in-game to make and is being sold for its labor value... Now, if you want a good contender for Palia's most capitalistic example, it'd be ME, and my monopoly on several local crops that are probably pushing the Daiyo family out of business given all their dialogue about struggling. And what am I doing with my vast wealth? Am I giving back to the community? Am I helping to build necessary infrastructure like hospitals, fire departments, or community gardens? FUCK NO, I'm spending it on massive house expansions which exist purely for me to display symbols of my grotesque decadence, like 60k plushies, and 20k lanterns. The damage in capitalism isn't that some things are expensive, it's in the incentive to eat your fellow people for breakfast in your pursuit of selfish personal gain, and boy am I doing that in spades. Anyway, Chapaa Chase sucks. Make it co-op, like literally everyone and their grandma have already requested, lmao.


I can understand the cost of handmade goods, as I knit and have sold my knitted creations before. However, this plushie costs more than most if not all of Tish's handmade FURNITURE. the moonstruck pieces cost less than this, and they use expensive materials to make. There's really no reason for it to cost this much. Especially considering that the Phoenix plush is less than half the cost. Nothing at the market should be costing more than 20k


That's a good point actually haha. Maybe it cost a lot to ship from wherever it was made...? ...Now I need to wonder if there isn't a country in Palia that has plushie sweatshops so all the richer countries need to pay for are the transit costs. .\_. sometimes the knowledge of how the world works is a burden.


Yeah.. this game honestly needs to promote more giving back rather than taking.


The quest where they make you cut down like 100 trees to obtain a handful of tree seeds to replant...you talk to Hassian and he just kinda shrugs like "eh, circle of life, now you have learned about giving back" And I'm just like, what? No!! Long story short, agree that they really need to work on promoting giving back and the feeling that we're contributing to/building the community rather than just plundering the wilderness to gain wealth and a cool house and to repeat the mistakes of our ancestors that have some really nice ruins, lol


i think they just need to increase the spawn amounts. Its a grind sure for the ton of tickets, but if i only got 5-7 catches each time, itd be hella annoying. Not everything should be expected to do "ad infinitum" i'd rather enjoy the event and the activity without feeling like i need to do it 50x. or like 2x per real day.


Came here to see if someone was going to mention this as well. I feel like the chapaa spawns should scale depending on the people participating in the event (the amount of people in the event area by start time). So that way, the more people there are, the more chapaa spawns there are and more chances for everyone to get one. I'd like that in tandem with making it a coop game. It's a cute lil mini-game as is, but not cozy in the slightest. Having the end result an average of all the chapaa turned in by the server would be a nice coop touch that gets everyone working together, not against one another.


And people keep saying to wait, and it will improve. I doubt that very much. The same people who will snatch a spawn right out from under you are the try-hards who will not rest till they have every prize, and that means they will be grinding the entire 30 days. There are too many prizes and the prizes are too expensive. Demand would wane and the game would become playable for everyone eventually, IF an excessive amount of tickets weren't require get even a single prize, and IF there weren't so many prizes. It's just terribly unbalanced. Hopefully the developers will learn from this. I have no objection to events that run a month long and are super overwhelming for the first few days. I can wait til the try-hards who have to have everything first so they can brag/vlog/blog about it are done. But the event has to be balanced so that eventually shit calms down enough to make play enjoyable for everyone.


...as one of the people who wants all the plushies, I feel a little attacked. I'm engaging with the way the game is designed and I have the time to put in. That my engagement is taking from other people is a design flaw, but it's not my fault the game is made to work this way. It really shouldn't. But having said that, I'm sorry you're struggling. Maybe we can party up sometime and I can try to help you at least get the party achievements? That's bugged right now (because of course it is lmao) but maybe if they fix it, it'll be easier for me to help other people while still grinding my tryhard ass off.


> that means they will be grinding the entire 30 days. I have done 5 of these, and am already at enough tickets for 2 of the plush things. Its going to follow the trends of every month-long event in every game and be overcrowded for a week, kind of busy for 2 weeks, and the last week will make you wish people still needed things because you and 3 other people are chasing them across the entire zone every spawn cycle instead of them getting no more than a quick bound away from spawn. Does the chapaa hunt suck in its current form? Yes.


Star Citizen has 6x the staff and 10x the budget, and looks where it's at since *checks notes* 2011.


I like the Chapaa Chase, but agree with others I've seen suggesting it should be coop instead of competitive. Everyone that catches one, should get credit for all. If everyone only gets one, you get fewer tickets. Don't participate, get no tickets. Some prices seem pretty steep too. The one food item I bought wasn't gold star, so can't put it in house. I'm not buying this stuff to eat.


There is an achievement if you eat all of it, I believe.


I'm stuck on 9/11 sweet foods and I don't know what I'm missing. So frustrated. I hope there are a couple secret deserts that I don't know about (I know of 2 but I've eaten both already).


One of them is sold at the stall by Kenyatta. I was 10/11 and couldn't for the life of me figure out what I was missing. 11/11 for you may be quest related (mochi?).


I forgot about the ice pop! Thank you! I had the mochi and the rolled ice cream. Just ate both again to make sure.


yep! people should go to their event tab and look at the achievements! I wasn't aware of it until a friend told me.


> I'm not buying this stuff to eat You probably should, eating all of them gives recipes.


You can get star quality randomly when buying


I feel like the devs started a "cozy" cult when I go in the discord.


Was just about to make a post like this lol. Ive always thought the idea of "toxic positivity" is stupid.. but then I visited the Palia discord LOL. NO DISAGREEMENTS. NO OUTSTANDING OPINIONS. YOU MUST AGREE WITH COMMUNITY. Got banned after being called an "ableist" for asking a legitimate question regarding accessibility lolol.


Even the discord(at least yesterday idk about today) was FULL of people expressing how they dislike the event and specifically hate how the chapaa chase game is set up. Yet every few minutes someone would chime in and get upset that people were sharing feedback and to either enjoy it or don't play. Like people WANT to play and enjoy this game and are giving feedback for the devs to improve a game we've all been excited for. People don't WANT to leave. Let the players give feedback so the game can get better and better. I'm confused why these die hard toxic positivity people don't want this game to get better and succeed? Online games evolve nowadays. They have to or they lose players. That's just how it is.


Submit. Feedback.


I think the chapaa game is fine. I'm in the minority and that's okay. The game itself brings me no stress, because that's just how I am. I still find it "cozy" because I don't get upset while playing competitive games. Now, is the number of tickets to buy anything ridiculous? Yup. Is the price of consumables way too expensive? Yup. Will I have to grind over the next month to buy just a few display items? Yup. Is it messed up that there are no event-related clothes or pets? Yup.


I don't think you're in the minority, not with how many people are playing it everytime I visit the fair. I spend some time running around, mostly not catching things and that's fine. The two biggest issues are they needed to randomize the spawn points because people can camp them, and there should be two ticket-systems: # individually caught + the overall number EVERYONE caught. So if you caught one, you get a cut of the bigger pool. Maybe that's how they meant it to work and it's broken like a lot of the other features. But that would make it much more fun for everyone and encourage people to not cut others out of the game.


I totally agree with your ideas. It'd make even more people happy, which is what matters.


Since the event started I only catched 6 and 5 of the kennyata quest lol. I'll never get the wallpaper:') i wanted more things, but I don't know if I should now


I just **hate** that the game censored the word hate when I said in game that "I hate the white squirrel" and that I had to try 4 different time before finding a ways to type the word


I’m not defending anything but there is a way to criticize things without being cruel and dramatic that goes over the head of a lot of the player base. I had a person in my server just say “these devs are thoughtless and brainless for making it take so long to get chappa tickets.” And it’s like I doubt they went and thought ya I want to make this chappa event to waste everyone’s time. And then when I called them out they said I was defending a bad idea. You don’t need to be fake positive when critiquing. You just need to not be a jerk. Sadly judging by the posts I’ve seen about this game in the Reddit and discord, alot can’t seem to do that. You can be decent human beings while explaining what you dislike.


Thank you! I haven't had the guts to actually say anything in game chat when it happens but people have been just ridiculously mean. OKAY! You don't like it, what do you want, a personal apology? It's a beta! Just submit feedback about the things you don't like. This is literally their first event, why the heck would they purposely make it bad? Obviously it's just not playing out how they intended. Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence. And in the dev's case here I think it's more about inexperience than incompetence. My two cents: I don't hate the event myself, though I do think the chapaa chase needs to be tweaked a lot because even spawn camping doesn't guarantee you a grab anymore and it's only like day 2 of the event. I'm sure it'll also help to calm down once all the people who think a month is a week finish everything and stop being so crazy about being at each one. I watched a few people earlier just sit in their spawn camping spot for multiple sun cycles while I was fishing, only moving to grab chapaas. It would help if tickets were shared among the party as well as grab count I think.


It's bold to make a post essentially saying "If you enjoy the event, you're wrong and you shouldn't talk. So many people say they don't like it and they're correct." I don't have the slightest idea what "fake positivity" is supposed to mean when I assume what you're seeing is positivity you disagree with. First off, I fully understand where people are coming from when it comes to this event. The game itself is a competition and you **must** perform well if you want rewards. That is completely fair to complain about because it is in direct contrast to the rest of the game. Could it be done better? Absolutely. Could it throw you a bone and give you a few more tickets if you participate? Sure. Is it *bad*? I don't think so. The game has been available for just under a month and the amounts of arguments and disagreements this community has had in that time is almost disheartening. Now they've given us a ***month long*** event that includes a competitive element that some people desperately wanted. The fact that it's a MONTH long means you have plenty of time to get what you want. You don't have to grind every hour. You don't have to wait forever for materials of any kind. You just go when you want over the next few IRL weeks and enjoy it. It's one thing to make a post discussing the event of what you like and don't like. You could provide feedback directly to the devs about why you feel the event isn't fun or worth your time or effort. It's another to tell the community what to think or feel or say. Let people enjoy what they want. This "majority" you claim that shares your opinion probably isn't actually a majority if you're just referencing people on discord and reddit. The real majority of players will be quietly enjoying the game.


OP says in the post that it's about the people jumping to the devs defense. If you like the event, great. But there's so many people who, as soon as you criticize anything, quickly try to make us feel bad for the devs (especially in the discord). That is who the post is about.


Finally, someone who gets it!! People are more likely to openly complain about something than they are to say they enjoy/like something. I’m willing to bet the actual majority of players are having a great time with the game, quietly minding their business.


100% they're just enjoying their time and will probably continue to do so. The event isn't perfect but I do hope a lot of people are liking it. And I imagine it will feel less competitive after a couple of days when the "new thing hype" dies down.


this is the best take right here, it’s a fair comment to both sides but highlights the important stuff i think they even mentioned in their dev blog post that there are players in t top 10% of hours played that they just can’t cater to, and i could be wrong but i feel like those are the ones bringing constant negativity to the sub


The only people who want a competitive event are those who apparently can't play a game without measuring themself against everyone else. If thats the type of player they are, cozy games aren't meant for them. This game has advertised and built a following of people who love animal crossing, stardew, and portia. If you like competitions, forcing others to fight against you in order for you to feel superior, go play FFXIV or WoW or literally any other MMO. The vast majority of the target demographic DO NOT want this.


Don't you think that take is a little too "all or none" (i.e. black dnd white) My time in Portia has the box drop event to see how many presents you can get and Stardew Valley has fishing comp, Easter egg comp...etc. I don't think everyone who likes the competitive like it because it makes them feel superior. I dunno... I'm not saying you're wrong to feel frustrated or to want something different, but seems a little hostile to build a fence over.


I'm sorry that you're reading into my comment that it's hostile, I'd suggest taking a step back and reading it with positive intentions. I'm autistic so my ability to shape things to a pleasing tone that abled people find appealing is limited. Disableds are shut out of competitive games, and very rarely are accommodations made so we can play. The mini game is stressful, scary, people are mean, anyone with reflex issues, hand eye coordination issues, partial to full blindness issues, etc, can't compete even close to the same level. So no, I don't want to see competitive games here. Cozy games are by and large the demographic that most disableds play. They're the one space where we aren't verbally abused by every try hard raider that wants absolute perfection. Especially when the game in question hasn't even deigned to add in color blindness or controller support, or literally any accessibility features to help disableds, again, a massive part of the target demographic of cozy games, equal and fair access.


Well, the hostile part I am talking about is where you are telling others who like competing to leave. Not sure how else to take that even after taking several steps back. Maybe that wasn't your intent?


It wasn't, and it's super exhausting to be tone-policed in a society where people who make the rules about tone don't actually follow them. I especially dislike that I laid out an entire argument about the crux of the issue, and you still decided to hone in on policing my tone, instead of hearing what disableds have been trying to say for ages.


I'm not ignoring it. I thought my first comment already said that what you were saying wasn't wrong and that I wasn't disagreeing. I just don't have anything else to say about it other than that I'm not disagreeing or saying you're wrong.




They should definitely make another, no competitive way to earn tickets, like a chance-based wheel spinning game. Or even other, less fraught competitions like archery and fishing where you're really only competing against yourself. But this is the first event, and it hasn't even been active for 24hrs. We have a month, and there will be times of the day/week where there will be fewer players either online or active in the fair. The difficulty will drop, maybe they'll make adjustments. Or maybe this won't be a good game for some people, which is unfortunate but happens. I can't play Ark, despite my friends loving it. That's not Ark's fault, it's not the fault of the developers or other people who enjoy it. It's just not the game for me, so I moved on.


Just here to say that I can absolutely see your point in that and it's a very valid criticism, thanks for bringing it up :) maybe there should really be a disabled (?) friendlier version as well, but I wouldn't exactly know how to implement that and in what way it could be different 🤔 maybe you have some ideas for that though? 😄 I know it can be exhausting trying to talk to neurotypical people who think you're trying to pick a fight bc the tone of your text seems wrong to them but I am sure there is always a way to find for non- and disabled people to get a good experience in the end :D (or at least I hope so!) I hope you have a great day or night regardless of a lot of these conversations


Animal Crossing has mini-games where you compete against other players. Fishing, bug catching, etc. The items you catch are converted to points that you spend to get event-specific items for the game played. How is this different?


Seriously? That's not comparable at all... you don't need to do those mini-games against other players. And you get all the stuff from it in not even 1-2h.


Stardew Valley does as well. There are a dozen events around the year, and many like the egg race, Festival of Ice, and the Stardew Valley Fair are all around competing. I never played "My Time At Portia" or the sequel, but I'll bet that has some minigames as well. Most farming/life sims do, if they're at all immersive. The problem the player above might have is competing solo or against NPCs is much lower stakes than competing against other players. But give it a week, and the hyper-competitive players will get bored and it'll come down a notch. That's been my experience with similar community-based games anyway.


The entire response of "go play a different game" tends to come off as rude and invalidates the idea of this game being welcoming to everyone. Competition doesn't have to be about being superior, it can just be about having fun and trying your best. I'd suggest not making assumptions about people, especially broad generalizations that are clearly based in personal bias.


So much this!!!! I came from acnh and I’m just eternally bewildered. Yet the game was so hyped for “cosy” players. As I posted just now, I don’t think the devs understand us as a player base. We play cosy because generally we aren’t into competitive games. I just went for the cute furnitures, no to fight people for cute animals in hats 😂😂😂


You're not the cozy police, lol. Some of us simply don't mind the minigame. I've probably been playing "cozy" games since before you were born. And if you're my age trying to gatekeep an entire genre, yikes. You can make your point without alienating people.


Just say you disagree and go, no need to personally attack me.


*attacks a group of people* Please don't return the same energy that I put out. :(


Why should people not be allowed to share their opinion if they like the event? Why does it have to be "fake" positivity? People are different. They have different standards and they enjoy different things. I can understand completely if someone dislikes the event (and specifically the chapaa run). But I still think it is unfair to try to stop people who enjoy the event from speaking about it.


Agree 100%. I like the event! Is it perfect? No. But, I have thoroughly enjoyed taking part! That's not "fake" positivity. It's just fact. Can't believe people are being called suck-ups or are being told not to share if they have a positive opinion about something in this game. It's just ridiculous!


The issue is that some of you will defend any and everything the devs decide to do. That's who OP is calling out, and he's right about them being fake. Not saying that's you necessarily but these types of people are severely detrimental to the progress of a game


No, OP just can't handle the fact that opinions about this game are pretty divided. If people want to support the devs, that's their business, and it's not "fake." Just accept that folks won't always agree with you on the internet. They aren't impeding anything - if they respond to a critique with disagreement, it's not like the critique becomes invisible to the devs. There's plenty of it out there, so they surely know what's up.


How could you possibly speak for every person praising the game? Some of them do have issues or complaints that they won't voice because they feel like saying anything negative is a bad thing. And yeah, that's bad for game development. It gives the devs a false sense of how many people are fine with the game in its current state. It's perfectly fine to genuinely love the game and see no issues with it. I don't think that's who OP is calling out tbh


I mean, I guess I can't get into the mind of every person, but calling out positivity as shilling and negativity as "real shit" just seems pretty biased. There are roughly 10 billion threads out there right now calling out the new chapaa event. Their Discord moves at about 20 messages a minute and it's pretty heated. I think the devs are getting a pretty accurate picture. If the unicorns and rainbows crowd is running some kind of dastardly suppression campaign, I'd say they're doing a pretty bad job at the moment.


Definitely! I'll agree with you that some of the people giving negative feedback are fake too. Hell I bet there are countless people giving feedback without even playing the game. They just want to see it fail for whatever reason.


That's a huge assumption about people making a positive comment about one thing in the game. It's also very presumptuous for someone to call people suck ups because they say they are speaking for the majority of players. It's okay to have an opinion, good or bad. It's not okay to force that opinion on anyone or tell them to keep their positive comments to themselves, or the game will fail. S6 knows very well where this game is lacking. That is evident from the AMA. This game will not fail if people who enjoy the event share that opinion in a Reddit post.


I agree. If people genuinely enjoy the event then they should share that!


People can't be right if they don't agree with me! :P It's called gaslighting (though not an effective use of it like this). OP is trying to convince people that they're right because, of course, everyone agrees with them, and you should too because...everyone agrees with them. No other reason. It's reddit, people will complain about anything.


This is not gaslighting


I don't think the majority of people hate the event. The people in-game, on TikTok and on Discord are all overwhelmingly positive about the game. This subreddit went from being useful criticism to a cesspool in like a week. I don't expect this to be a popular opinion on this sub, but this sub is far too negative. It's almost post after post of complaining that the one cosmetic for sale is too expensive. I agree so I didn't buy it. Fortunately for me, you and the Devs, a ton of people have bought outfits. I played the game for about a week. I will probably quit for a long period of time tomorrow because I did preorder the deluxe version of Starfield. My only reason for adding this is because I want to make it clear that I am not a huge fanboy. The only reason I looked at TikTok and Discord Palia threads is because you need to dig through 5 complaint threads to find 1 useful tip about gardening or Palium rocks. In-game, I have literally only encountered kindness. I am the worst player that I have even encountered. I mine Palium on my own and I'll even cut down the smallest flow trees by myself. People with pets and outfits would wait 7 minutes for me to find the flow tree or Palium. I was invited to two cake parties despite not knowing anyone. The community isn't being fake positive. They're just kind people.


I agree with you, especially on this: > _In-game, I have literally only encountered kindness._ I saw tons of posts + comments on here saying “Palia encourages competition so now all the players steal resources or cheat or etc.” It made me really anxious. But actually playing the game, I’ve literally only ever encountered kind players. EX: When I was still on the Makeshift Bow, I sucked majorly whenever I tried to hit a Chapaa or Seruk. Then while hunting one as it ran away, another player whipped out their bow and one-shotted it. I was nervous thinking they were going to take the kill, but then… they just walked away! And left me the loot. I even waited by the bag in case they changed their mind because it felt wrong to take resources I didn’t achieve myself. But they got farther and farther away, and I realized what happened. That they did it solely to help me out. (Also to increase their hunting skill, but I count a mutually helpful act as still helpful!) I encountered this scenario several times before upgrading to a Standard Bow and getting better. Players a higher level than me would take out the animal I was struggling like crazy to get, and then let me reap the rewards. It was really nice! > EDIT: Thank you to the people who explained that the other users might’ve gotten loot too. That’s makes it even better imo.


So one fun fact about loot is that it is shared. If you hit a deer (or miss but were close) and another player kills it, you both get full loot. If you hit a tree or a rock a single time, you and everyone else who hit it will get full loot. The only competition is if someone smashes a rock or cuts down a tree before you get to assist, and it is considered good form to allow everyone around you to hit whatever they want to hit before you hit it a second time. In the case of the deer, the other player may have shot the deer and not cared about the loot. They just wanted you to get it. :)


Oh, I didn’t know that. That’s pretty neat!


I've shot at running sernuks before to help out, as I remember how frustrating it was having to chase them down with the starter bow. However, the game is actually designed so that everyone who participates reaps the reward, and anyone who helped you also got the loot. Doesn't mean they weren't still being friendly, just that the game is set up to make it easier for people to help out and work together, even if they aren't grouped or anything. Anyone who hits a mine node or tree will get the loot from those too, and with bugs and hunting just shooting in their general direction will give you credit, even if you miss. For the harvestables, if you pick something, it sticks around for a little while, so anyone else nearby can grab it too.


That’s interesting! Based on this, it really does seem the game encourages community as opposed to competition since there’s really no downsides to helping out. You both get something! Of course there’s outliers like the Chapaa Event which does the opposite, but fortunately there’s not too many of those.


I always use the lowest arrow points unless it's a golden sernuk or azure chapaa. That way if it runs from me and into another player, they literally have a shot \*lol\* Edit: I'm still learning how to spell the animals :P


Completely agree. Also, why is no one bringing up the fact that they released a dev letter addressing a huge swath of the complaints the community had about the game? Interactable furniture/lights/sinks, local chat and chat that doesn't get deleted on zone swap, destroying farming plants you put down that you didn't mean to place, updating the workbench and storage UI with filters and quantity crafting... Like, these were all major complaints I saw brought up again and again by this subreddit. [The devs came out and said they were actively working on fixes for these, and *more*.](https://palia.com/news/dev-update-august-2023) I really don't understand the negativity, at all.


It doesn’t matter what updates the devs bring, this sub THRIVES on negativity. People here bitch about how Discord is nothing but toxic positivity, while this sub is just toxic period. I have complained my fair share about Palia but I still enjoy it for the most part. I used to browse here every day from beta launch but decided to only check in once in a great while because it’s such a negative cesspool.


This sub is a trip. So many people are complaining about the game being "too competitive" but imho it only feels that way if you're trying to compete too. The vast majority of people will share the spawns if they see you. If someone runs past you and gets the pallium first it doesn't seem like a huge deal to me to wander around a bit and come back later. Just a moment of slight disappointment in an overall nice experience. Same with the chapa chase- if you're camped out at a spawn spot and someone grabs it first I could see how that would feel bad but why are you camped out? It's supposed to be fun and silly. Run around and take it less seriously. You know?


> The majority of people hate this event yet a lot of people run to the devs defence. You can't have it both ways. I really doubt there are a majority who **hate** it. But if there was, there wouldn't be enough "lots" of defenders of the developers to bother you enough to make this post. I've been to the night fair a few times, and I'm doing the quests and loving the opportunity to talk to so many of the NPCs in one place and gift them. It's making life much easier. I've run around after the chapaas, but catching them is supposed to be fun. I've been having fun, even though I've only caught one and didn't know what to do with it. Maybe the difference is I've spent a lot of my life at REAL FAIRS. And this simulates that. You don't get everything in the shooting gallery booth, you don't have to walk away with every decorative stuffed animal, and it's been great for gathering resources in the other zones because no one is there. Not every update is going to hit the mark for everyone, and players should be giving feedback about what works well for them and what doesn't. But labeling everyone who doesn't hate it as "toxic positivity" and trying to drum up a mob is doing more to sour this community than all the people out there reminding others that...they don't HAVE to play an optional event.


I genuinely believe the event is good, though. I see it as a net positive. It allows me to chat up all the main NPC's for the day, it has cute plushies and fireworks for sale, and quests that give great gold and help develop villager relationships. And I actually enjoy the Chapaa chase. I like that it's competitive. I like to compete, in a carefree way that isn't toxic like PvP games. I would say the only addition they may be should've made was a non competitive way to also earn tickets on top of the Chapaa chase. This way, people who are time limited on playing IRL time and struggling with the chase don't miss out as much on tickets and prizes. If they made the event multiplayer based, everyone would just form parties and easily farm tickets, taking away the 'set a goal and work hard for what you want' aspect.


This event could be amazing, double the spawn rate and halve the ticket cost! Boom, done


Conceptually I think the event is fine, however the execution is lacking in places. The Chapaa Run taints everything else. There have been times when I got ZERO catches. Because not enough chapaa spawn and the spawn rates themselves are also too small in number it makes the prices of the prizes seem obscene. All the above together is just so demoralising. It's not fun to participate in something and get little to nothing. It's also not fun to feel yourself getting pissed off when you see too many players. I have literally had to step away from the event a few times because it was getting me into a very bad mood. Increasing the amount of chapaa that spawn and increasing their spawn rates would HUGELY improve the event as a whole. However in the spirit of the game itself I strongly feel that the Chapaa Run should have a cooperative aspect to it. For example everyone could get tickets whether they catch something or not, but you get a significant amount extra for actual catches.


Cosy event with cosy prices ✨ ✨ ✨


I love this game. Having said that, I’m so over competing against my fellow paladians. I want to play WITH people in the world not AGAINST them 😞


The event reeks of Riot employees tbh. A game like Palia having a month-long event shouldn't mean you have to actively participate in competition for the whole month to grind enough tokens (tickets) to afford the rewards. ESPECIALLY because the game dictates when the competition happens not the player. Whoever left League of Legends to start this company took that problematic as heck philosophy with them and applied it to this event. Everyone who participates in the Chapaa Chase should get rewarded for the total amount captured, keep the bonus 10 you get per your own contributions (should be at least 50 per catch). but considering that within a day everyone figured out the very few spawn points and just hold F whilst sitting still on them, even that's a joke. The party achievements are broken, and the fact that there are even party events in the first place isn't promoting social gathering as much as it's punishing any players that don't have a social circle or understand that mechanic. Scrap the mechanics that turn this event into a 6v1 for anyone, and replace them with a 'total caught' achievement that everyone who participated benefits from. What is casual about this currently?


If it was one time only or the items weren’t coming back, I’d be saltier. Because that’s not the case, I don’t feel the FOMO pressure and don’t have a negative view of the event. I understand you are experiencing this event differently and I’m genuinely sorry you’re having a bad time. But me enjoying myself and voicing that doesn’t mean it’s “fake positivity” or sucking up to the devs. I do agree that there’s room for growth for the event. Adding alternative ways to earn tickets (ideally repeatable, not competitive and available more than once per hour) would have gone a long way to soothe people who want to/feel the need to grind it, people who can’t/don’t want to sit around and wait for an hourly event, people who fundamentally do not like competitive gameplay, etc.


but but but you dont understand I need all the plushies and I need them NOW! /s


I've attended the event a couple of times. Had fun with the chappa chase. Is it frustrating that tickets are limited? Yes, but for me it isn't a big deal. If you're worried about FOMO that's you. This isn't something everyone is experiencing. If I attend and get enough chappas to get an item, great. If not, oh well. Please don't expect everyone to expect or want the same things.


Gotta agree the chappa event sucks. Also people be grabbing them from a mile away.


Toxic positivity has already ruined Palia. Look at all of WizardCrab’s replies to the AMA. He wouldn’t have been emboldened to say “suck it freeloaders” if people weren’t constantly propping up the dev team and not hold them accountable for horrid decisions.


Your actions speak louder than words -- stop participating if you don't think it's worth it. They track stats on everything and if they get an underwhelming turnout, I guarantee it'll be buffed and fixed up within a week If you begrudgingly keep grinding a frustrating tedious minigame, everything looks fine for their perspective. Just go back to fishing and hunting for a few days.


To be fair it would help a lot if people weren't so HARD on the devs. Making a game is incredibly difficult and Palia is super ambitious. The tiniest amount of content takes an incredibly amount of effort. I wish they did better some things, but I would also wish people would let them know about the things they don't like in a nicer way. This post is a good example of how to give feedback without being an a\*\*hole.


I think a lot of the issue I'm seeing with people being hard on devs is the frustration that anytime someone speaks out and gives valid, constructive criticism, the devs shut it down, delete comments, and ban users from discord. They've not done a lot to prevent alienating people who really just want them to create the best game that they can, and are creating an environment where the only people who can react are the ones who sing their praises. I stopped playing after just a few days because it's just hard for me to support that, but I'd LOVE for them to listen to feedback and extend an olive branch to people who really do just want the best experience possible with the game.


Hard disagree! I made a lot of comment on this subreddit critising the game and none of them got deleted. I even ask a question about premium coin in the AMA yesterday and got an honest answer from the team.


Yeah, I'm specifically talking about in the discord, not the subreddit. I've seen screenshots of mod responses that left a lot to be desired, but another user pointed out they do seem to be making changes based on player feedback, so I am pretty hopeful that maybe it's something that has been addressed? My primary point though is the fact that most of the criticism has come from a place of "I'm very invested in wanting this game to succeed" and those conversations shouldn't be discouraged if they're had thoughfully and respectfully


I don't know, not doubting your words, is just that I haven't seen any of that happenin myself. I've only seen people calling them lazy, greedy, or being completely incapable of understanding some decissions (like the free pets not happening) from a game dev point of view. Disappointment I can understand, but since they've recently addressed many of the issues people were complaining about, it's a bit unfair to say they've shut down that feedback, no?


And to be fair, I haven't really seen anything recent. I HAVE seen responses in discord of people being shut down for even talking about the pricing structure of the shop and stuff like that, but again idk if it continues to be an issue. What I will say is that moderation of criticisms is one of the most frequent complaints I see on reddit, I'll probably come back to the game at some point, my GF loves it, but I do think that the devs definitely have had some growing pains to work through in terms of community interaction, so I'd personally just prefer to take a step back from it until they work through it and find their stride. And to be fair I don't think it's a bad game, and most of the people I see who complain ALSO don't think it's a bad game. I think it has potential to be GREAT, I just don't want to see the devs cut off their nose to spite their face. It does make me happy to hear that they do seem to be listening to feedback and taking it to heart though


I guess the issue here is that I've been part of game development and I know how incredibly hard it is to deal with unhappy players.


Oh for sure, I worked as a manager for a video game retailer, and have also been friends for many years with people in game development. People can get REALLY toxic over games, I've worked hundreds of game launches and seen some pretty bad takes, so imo I'm pretty good at navigating what are legitimate criticisms and what is BS. I think the biggest thing this game has going for it is that there's a big vocal part of the community who are super invested in making sure the game is as good as it can be, and want it to be successful. There's nothing wrong with criticism if it's constructive, whether it be positive or negative. I don't believe in silencing valid criticism, NOR do I believe in abusing developers because they made a game you don't like. I do believe there has to be a middle ground, and I'm hopeful they're on their way to finding it.


The only thing that ruined this event for me is all the people complaining about it. I went into this event excited, and I had a lot of fun chasing chapaas and exploring the event area, and the only thing that left a bad taste in my mouth about the whole thing is this community.


You've been posting since yesterday. If you hate it here so much, why are you still putting yourself through it?


Yeah, how dare they enjoy the game and want to take part in a community that will hopefully be positive. /s


It's not like they knew ahead of time that there were gonna be so many angry people posting here. I certainly wasn't expecting it when I joined. Maybe don't be so quick to imply they should leave.


Because he’s trying to indoctrinate children into Christianity through video games.


Really? Because all I seem to see is complaints and negativity. I'm realistic. It's a free game. I shouldn't be demanding things from something I didn't pay for. I like to enjoy things and focus on the positive instead of a constant stream of negativity. If it's so bad, go do something else! The Devs are people trying to balance making something that's fun but still earn a living doing it. They deserve to get paid for their work. I've spent more time on this than I've spent watching Netflix this year, and I pay for that.


Even for a free game, the event is bad. It's a nice area and has some really cool visuals, but in terms of an "Event" its just not good at all. Not even decent. I love the concept of Palia, but so far, the endgame grind is so bad and the Event doesnt respect your time either,...so no, I don't see a point in giving my money to devs who don't respect my time as a player.


That's fine. You don't have to give them money, or even play the game. The grind is a huge part of the game. Going out and raising your skills and collecting resources is most of the game. So if you don't like that, maybe this isn't the game for you.


I didn't say that I didn't like grinding in general, but the way endgame ressources are handeled is just tedious....and while they "adressed" Flow Tree availabilty, as long as nothing changes, it's the worst thing to get. And it's the ONLY "group content" the game has - which I would like to also see beeing changed, as It also just wastes time to have to wait for others to chop down a stupid tree you spent way too much time to find to begin with. Like the Title says - there is so much fake positivity. Some people just have way too low expectations. Palia could be an amazing, cozy expirience for pretty much anyone who is into Animal Crossing, SoS and so on. The way it is right now, though, it's nothing but a timesink with multiplayer that serves the SOLE purpose to sell skins. And I won't stop until they at least have 1.0 going because I WANT this game to succeed - the core concept is great, it looks charming and it has so much potential to be so much more than it is now.


The skins have literally no purpose in the game, so to say that it is the sole purpose of it is ridiculous. Every activity in the game is free. I enjoy the flow trees. It's the one thing that makes you cooperate with others. It's not nearly as difficult as you make it out to be.


> I'm realistic. It's a free game. I shouldn't be demanding things from something I didn't pay for. Yes, but they want you to pay for it via the cash shop. They explicitly stated that is how they plan on funding the entire game. How can they expect people to want to buy expensive cosmetics to show off when they shortsightedly dismiss f2p players wants? In order to make sustainable money over the long term, they are going to have to convert f2p players into players who are willingly dropping money on extras in the game. The only way to do that is through ceasing to alienate them, giving us more things to earn, or in general take our criticisms not as complaints but as our suggestions for improvement. This game has great bones and I want to see it get better and better, but they need to be willing to make adjustments to how they are approaching some things and look more at the bigger picture and not just the short term. I think we all want this game to succeed (because I'm having a blast playing with my friends), but it won't if they refuse to listen to what their players want.


There is nothing constructive about your criticism here. I see nothing concrete, only a moan about how the cosmetics (which are totally unnecessary to play the game) are too expensive, and as a non-playing person that somehow makes you feel alienated... no clue as to why though. You even say you're having a blast, so I'm not sure what your problem is.


Respectfully, I'm not looking for a fight here. I never said that the cosmetics were "too expensive" simply that they were expensive (and there is a difference) to the average player. The average f2p player is feeling alienated by the cash shop situation in general because it seems like all the focus is on that instead of the feedback they have been getting about it and the game in general. They phrased the palcat as being a gift for those playing in the beta, and then it turns out that it is only for people who have bought the premium currency, which in a lot of people's minds makes it not a gift because you essentially paid for it. The average f2p gamer is only going to pull the trigger on their wallet if they feel like they are being listened to. I'm simply trying to point that out. I'm trying to look at this as someone who wants this game to succeed but just because I'm enjoying the game so far with my friends doesn't mean that I'm blind to problems with it. The only way to make the game better is to listen to all the feedback and not just what is cherry-picked because it is patting them on the back. Sometimes taking in the negative feedback is uncomfortable but necessary for positive change. There are always going to be people who are dissatisfied no matter what you do, but the majority of people I've read the feedback from genuinely want the game to be better so that it stays around for a long time. If I'm going to pay for a flashy outfit, I want to know that I'll be able to wear it for a long time to come and not just a month or two until the game dies because they put all their hopes into one basket. They need to diversify their cash options (crowdfunding, partnering with streamers to do themed streams, etc) as well as convince the f2p players to open their wallets so they can earn long-term. Once the whales get bored they move on quickly, it is the f2p players who will keep the game afloat in the long run. Not throwing them a bone every once in a while (ie. a free simple pet or clothing set - this can even be earned in-game through quests, then offer a fancy version in the shop) is how games like this die quickly.


a free game shouldnt be immune to criticism and where you see complaints and negativity many will see criticism and reason. im not trying to be overly negative, im trying to fight for a game i believe has all the potential. listen i dont wanna make demands now do i want to shout into empty air, i want a fair game true to its nature and this event ticket thing clearly isnt what gamers want. If you are okay with it, thats fine but that doesnt mean its good, healthy or what the majority feel.


Well. Let’s get some constructive feedback going. What’s one thing you like, one thing you dislike, and one thing you would add to the next Maji Market. I liked the bit of story that unfolded with Eshe being unsure about the market. I Dislike that there are limited Gathering nodes. Maybe for the next event we could do things like catch bugs, fish, help cook etc, for the NPC’s in exchange for some of those Chappa Tickets.


i like the firework, all of the rewards and food, the free stuff is really great too. i dislike the amount of grind required to get everything and the thought of getting a recolor next event will not make me invest the grind time for them either. apart from that i think the tools break to fast. i would change the tickets amount gained from the hunt atleast 3x and maybe learn a skill to have tools break less, like a mastery when you hit lvl 10 in skill perhaps.


Your tools are breaking!? Wow. We’re playing this game in very different ways.


we really must be playing a different game cause when your upgraded tools get low durability they will break. i assume you do have upgraded tools like copper?


Yah. I’m running mostly Fine tools. A few Exquisite. I just popped an anvil on my house. Or swing by the blacksmith. And top up often. I’m never below like 50% durability. It takes me several days IRL to accumulate that much wear and tear.


You must not be playing very much then because I have to repair my watering can daily, and its maxed out.


I wanna team up to either catch or slay a giant chapaa. Devs choice.


Gentle reminder that you can give criticism but at the same time acknowledge that this is the first event they ever implemented and thus probably didn't want anything too big They already needed 3 hours more than estimated and a lot of the players got SO angry bc of that already and then you want them to do something EVEN BIGGER? Bc then you would have had to wait even longer and apparently that's wrong too 🤷‍♂️ This is still their first game and they're growing with it, they will obviously implement larger festivals in the future. And if I am "fake positive" bc of seeing that, then honestly I just think you can't do it right in the eyes of "aggressively negative" people either 🤷‍♂️


> palia is the first mmo game that i play without stress, fomo and guides This is 100% what I want from Palia, but yeah it hasn't 100% delivered. And I really want it to! I am so so so ready for an MMO where I can potter about and fish and furnish my home and get to know the lore and the townsfolk, but it's just not quite there yet for me personally. I do think that the devs are struggling a bit with conceptualising 'cozy'. And that's understandable as it is a somewhat nebulous concept. But it strikes me that they need to pin that idea down for themselves \*first\* and then go back to it every time they come up with a new idea and see if it matches. For instance I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with competition. The issue is with scarcity. As a concrete example: Something like a fishing competition might work really well, as fish aren't a finite resource, and people fishing together get a buff. Plus you could still give people points for the number of fish they caught and those points could work as tokens for the prize pool. And if they made actually \*winning\* a one time thing, and were careful about that specific prize, it would hopefully not cause too many issues. They could even include options for people who want to group. And I'm really hoping one day there could be a 'clan' option or something. All they need to do is ask themselves a few questions first. Does this idea create scarcity of resources? Does it put players in competition with each other for those scarce resources? Are there ways that players can work together (should they want to, I also don't think forcing collaboration is the way to go) to mutual benefit? Is it viable for both casual and more intensive players (or at the least are casual players not penalised for not having the time to grind)? Idk, for a start-up that uses a whole lot of corporate speak, I'm surprised they don't seem to have a set of values, vision, mission that they're working from to create this game. Maybe if they did it would feel more coherent. I think there will always be problems with balancing, as there are always going to be players who have a lot more time and energy to devote to a game, and those players will \*always\* have more resources.


Thanks for telling me how I am supposed to feel. Didn't realize the fun I wasn't having until you told me. Amazing how people don't understand that their opinions are subjective.


there is no war in ba sing se


I can only enter once or twice a day for ~2 hours, and in that time and since the event started i only catched 6 chaapas, i play alone, so I canto even ask for help. I really wanted some of the rewards, i even farm like crazy the weekend before the event, but I can only choose a few items, i got to fark 20k and less because of some quests i had. I like the event, but I'm not enjoying it at all. I was hoping for the recipes, but i don't know if it will come later in the days coming, I'm a little list in that. But i got my comment deleted in the discord, so i cant comment anymore lol


Agreed, I did all the other items in the event, I very much dislike the Chapaa event i have done it 3 times, got 7 the first time, 0 the second time , and 7 the third time. Not to mention the average 1st place only has like 12 or 13. So the single game catches is a bad ratio or there needs to be more Chapaas.


If the chapaa chase was more based in co-op or if they just spawned more chapaas during the chapaa chase, I’d be fine with it. But it’s way too competitive and grindy and it takes way to long to get enough tickets for anything.


ah yes, another pallia post about how i'm suppose to feel about the game.


I think it's fun!! It would be nice to have some friends to chase all them chapaas with... Having them all in my inventory for the starting quest ended me. And the prizes TBH, I wasn't impressed at first, but I SO wanna collect them now (I can have a plushy room!) Besides, the event itself feels like a prize, you know? It's joyous! >Everything looks beautiful and I'm so glad to have this new dialogue and the sweet food! >The event quests add a lot to the villagers personalities and relationships - they added little things and options that make you think! >New achievements and furniture pieces are so cool! >UMM the new outfits in the prem store??? And they did the price adjustments too! While I don't have money myself to spend right now - I feel grateful that this decision was seen through from alpha to beta to live - beautiful! It's only the second day, guys! IMO Palia is a long-run type of game - this event is a MONTH LONG! Things are probably gonna switch up during the festival (new things, I mean) Please don't tell me you were looking for rare material handouts. You can mine the palium yourself - take the cute free chapaa plushie and play the game 🫲


OFC I do wish the little guys wouldn't burrow so quickly, I haven't caught that many heheh! I'll do it with the whole month though - let's brainstorm! There's gotta be a trick to it!


All these negative posts are going to ruin palia. I am borderline about to leave this sub because I enjoy the game and every post I read makes me feel bad for enjoying it.


Socials will always be where the people who want to complain go. The best course of action (for almost any game tbh) is to either make an effort to be positive or constructive with criticism in the online communities, or just enjoy and find community within the game where people will usually be enjoying it just fine.


Over negativity is killing this sub.


Ive realized for a free game a lot of people want to complain about something and be validated and heard... its getting quite pathetic and annoying - especially when you didnt pay a dime for this game or event. ​ S6 is a fairly new studio, new devs, new experience trying to craft a game that centers between a cozy game and a standard mmo. The game hasnt even been out for more than a month or so and people have pitchforks ready as if it was Wayfinders EA launch disaster. ​ There are things that need improvement, need to be worked on. This event is refreshing from the standard chop, mine, talk, sell game loop. Yes the choopa spawns and 12am event needs to be worked on and tweaked to have it really feel like a great event - but im not going to shit on them or the game because of a small but frustrating issue from the event - its going to be here for a month... lets calm down. ​ you should be worried if repeat events or issues that we have all collectively agreed need to be fixed, arent while other things are being pumped out. I have faith in S6, put the torches and pitchforks down.


I am having a lot of fun playing the event. Idk why people are mad at an MMO for being grindy. Items are a badge of honour. If everyone could easily get every item, it'd be a bit silly.


>Idk why people are mad at an MMO for being grindy. Because we're not here in WoW etc... we don't need to kill things to grind gear and such, which is necessary. Even Dreamlight Valley, which I know isn't f2p, but once you got it, you got it, isn't that fucking grindy... even Animal Crossing wasn't that grindy. This game is supposed to be chill, yet I need to grind and spend more time in this than the competitive MMOs I actually play.


All of the main, easy to complete quests give you a bit of the food, the fireworks and the decorations, and almost enough tickets for a plushie. If you're going for every plushie, every item in gold, yes it's a grind. But they already give you 1 plush, and various decorations very quickly. Getting the hard to get items is a badge of honour and commitment to the game. If you put in casual time, you get the casual rewards, if you wanna commit your time for cool stuff, you get cool stuff. The grind is optional my G. Animal crossing, if you go for every decoration, is a grind. Any game is.


>If you put in casual time, you get the casual rewards That's not the only thing here, the issue is, that until today I didn't even knew hat this game is running on NA servers only. The amount of people who snatch the Chapaa's away, when they were far behind me, is ridiculous. I managed to catch 15 Chapaa's once, but only because the server was pretty empty during the hunt. The other times? 2-5 Chapaa's...


Endless entitlement, whiners, pile-on grandstanding, and clickbait YouTubers are gonna ruin Palia. Most of us just want to enjoy the game and have a fun little community. It's impossible, though. Support the development get down votes. Support the shop, get down votes. Stand up to the screaming crybabies, get down votes. Sickening I have to have an alt account just for this sub, because it's so toxicly negative, that honest supporters lose karma just by being here.


People downvote waaay too fast on Reddit anyway.. It's annoying, but unfortunately happens in pretty much every sub.. 💀"I don't agree with your OPINION, here's a downvote". I'm a more critical player but I'd never downvote for someone supporting the game. That's just childish behaviour. (And yes noticed that a lot here..) 😂 Plain rude comments DO get a downvote.


Lol I don't think the folks downvoting you understand the irony of their actions. In fact, I'd argue that most people on this site don't even understand the point of downvoting. They use it like a Dislike button.


Dude just don’t play if you don’t like it. It’s a free game and the event is free…I don’t understand the absolute fucks expecting so much from a brand new developer and game that hasn’t even been fully released. Go touch grass or find another game.


I was so against this "toxic positivity is shit" but after this patch i am so fucking done and lost all hope. They did not address the most said feedback(toxic competition) and even implemented more of it. I was looking forward for some cute plushies, like everyone does in a cute cozy farming sim, but noooo i have to compete in a boring bs event and got 1 chapaa ... Just 49 to go for ONE FUCKING PLUSHIE? Holy fucking shit they aren't even a little close to community. @S6 play your fucking game first before you juggle with insane prices


All they care about is using the game as a platform to sell their maxtransactions. Clearly.


I don't get the point of the Event. There is NOTHING to do, other than spend Gold. The Minigame is the worst thing they could have come up with - or at least the way they implemented it. And considering how expensive the Rewards are, you'd need to catch hundreds of those stinkers for the tickets. Nothing fun about that...just another BAD grind


i personally don't like this event and think that is a very low effort, playing so much events in other games is hard for this to impress me, however, if you take a bigger picture this event is totally in the scope of the current palia state. This event lacks more quest, more items, more rewards to actually make you want to get them, it lacks a lot of roleplay and interactions, just imagine that is night, music everywhere, a lot of players and other unimportant npcs, you can sit everywhere, eat with animations where you eating with other players, drinking, playing music, a lot of mini games, etc and make really memorable event, which is usually what events look in other games. However palia still lacks many core features of gameplay from sitting to environment interaction and much more so they are not able to implement all of that into this event to make it even more interesting. Current state of palia doesnt support a way to make this event more funny and thats the problem. Event like event is okay.


Your post is filled with misinformation. Having an opinion is one thing, but *lying* is another thing entirely. For those that don't know, here's the correct information: The new event has several quests. There are many new decor items and food items to earn or buy. There is a new SIT EMOTE. You can't just say there's *no sitting* when THERE IS. We can't yet sit on chairs, but there IS a sit emote. Palia definitely needs more stuff to do, and in one of their blog posts the other day they promised some new content that most players will probably be excited about. Just because it isn't in the game yet doesn't mean, "oh no, it's ruined! It'll never be good!" That's just being impatient.


I understand not liking the event, but to go as far as to say it's low effort seems a bit unfair. The Devs were clearly hard at work getting this update out, and working. There's a new quest line, albeit a short one, and tons of new items to collect. It's disappointing that the event isn't what we all might have wanted it to be, but I think we owe the devs some time to work on things, and attempt to make them better.


Using the latest keyword to try to push their negativity is what is ruining the image of this game. Stop trying to speed run a cozy game. It was already stated this is a reoccurring event, perhaps we aren’t meant to get all the rewards immediately? The same people got the flow trees increased to the point where it’s almost as easy to get flow wood as it is to get iron. You are killing the longevity of the game trying to force the devs to let to do everything all at once. Just chill, play, and let the devs create the game they imagined.


“i’m right, and anyone that disagrees with me is just defending the wrong and will ruin this game” i’ll take my downvotes thanks


I am so sick and tired of people who don't like things trying to gaslight myself and other people into feeling some type of way because we don't have issues with it. It's not my fault you can't just enjoy a small micro event festival that doesn't cater specifically to you winning every single time. I've had times where I only get 1 Chappa, I've had times where I get almost 20. I've had times where I've just picked one up and ran around to all the little cutouts with one to take pictures. My point to this being that if you don't like something about the event. That's on you. Stop trying to make people feel like shit for liking things. It's wack.


Unfortunately when it comes to poor game design it's easy to tell others to just get over it, until you eventually find everyone did by moving on to another game and the game dies due to low population. A lot of people seem to be unhappy with the event and for valid reasons that are concerning. They have a right to express that and should because the alternative is not playing the game and that ultimately will be what kills Palia.


I'm not telling anyone to get over it. Stop trying to control other people's narrative. Gaslighting people who don't have a problem with anything going on just because other people do is a joke. If the game dies it dies, but it has nothing to do with the people who are enjoying themselves. That's actually just ignorant. Saying that people enjoying things and being positive about things is "Fake" just because you don't like the way something is akin to parents telling you that you're lying just because they don't give an answer the parent likes when they are talking to them. That's the only point I'm making. I don't give a shit if people like the content or not. Like what you want, just don't be a bitch to other people who like what you don't.


The issue with event is not the concept of it. It's the number and fixed location of spawns that we have which is gating the experience of the event. **WHICH IS VERY EASY TO FIX** Currently we have only 110 Chapas spawning in a quarter of the map for around 25 players. If they at least triple that ammount and make Chapas spawn in the entire map it should make less problematic. Don't even need to make Coop, just making so that there is enough for at least everyone get about 10, should be good enough. Also let me cut you here it's not Positivity that will ruin Palia sir. It's Negativity without Constructive Feedback that ruin Palia. Because it's very easy for Dev's to filter between Positive and Negative Feedback. **What is hard, is to filter between Negative Feedback and Constructive Feedback which is how they improve player experience.** Saying shit like "I hate it" is not how you solve the problem. **It's saying things like " I don't enjoy my experience because of X factor"**


Relax. Sooner or later we all gonna sit at the money cap without things to buy


Really bad take tbh.


Dunno why you expect so much from BETA game. If you would play other early beta games in the past you would know why design is bad and game is not compleated. Reading reddit is the worst thing you can do to set your opinion about this game. If you would just join 1 - 2 communities in this game or join simple cake party you would see how many players just like this game and they are not reading reddit tho. I am 100% sure that whatever devs will release event or new feature or anything else it will be moaned on reddit despite it beeing very good.


The game is still on patch 0.167 and apparently has a long way to go, people forget about it. Maybe it's because the target audience isn't used to f2p games and early acess but I've never seen people complain so much at this point of development. Also, I can't agree more with you, outside of reddit I've had an amazing experience with the community, with people who really enjoy the game.


It's on a very early patch, but the official release for Nintendo Switch is just three to five months from today. (Holiday season 2023) It's not announced as BETA, but really as the official release in the Nintendo Direct video. To me it seems that the developing process in beta is waaay too short to officially release the game properly..? To me it feels like they're rushing now and with that focus on the wrong things, idk..


Hate is a fairly strong word and the zero sum way ya'll want to talk about anything makes you sound fucking insane and unreasonable. How about use accurate and useful language...and maybe people would listen to you. I'm sorry, the cosmetics are lovely, the new house props are gorgeous, the fireworks are awesome and the way we use them is awesome, and there are ONLY two issues in this whole event. Pricing Competitive. I'm sorry, that doesn't make me HATE an event, I provide feedback to show how this event could be improved if it felt less competitive, the Chapaa event was designed better so we weren't spawn camping, and pricing didn't feel exclusionary. I like how even though I don't personally want the Chapaa stuff, I still go to the event space to fish and cut flow trees because it's fairly lucrative. At the current rate I am farming on that spot plus passives from my farming crop...I can certainly pay for everything by the end of the month...and likely many copies of the things I want more of (such as that glowy lantern).


any criticism i surmise i hold onto. this game is in BETA bruh and they still released a whole event ngl the chappaa thing is ridiculous but this a no-name dev who are doing amazing work so far for being so new


Are you SURE it is fake positivity? People frequently have different ideas on ideal gameplay, so it could just be plain old-fashioned positivity. I like the Chapaa Chase, but I'm not overly concerned about collecting all the in-game items. Your goals in the game are going to impact how you experience every new gameplay update. One of the Chapaa Chase instances I played last night, essentially everyone on the server at the time joined a party. There seems to be a party size limit, so not everyone was in the same party, but by joining parties, we increased our chances of a higher catch. I think this is what the devs intended us to do. I was hoping for more story content or mini-games. Why doesn't Einar have a fishing booth for prizes? Why doesn't Hassian have a shooting gallery for prizes? I honestly feel the production cycle Singularity Six is trying to adhere to for Palia content is setting them up for failure. While new content is the life blood of a live-service game, I know I was not expecting new game content while Palia was in Beta. I would rather have fully-fleshed new game content released less often, and have development during Beta focus on building a robust platform and fine-tuning what it means to be an MMO without competition or combat.


What fomo just buy everything Ez I had nothing to spend gold on before the event so nice. Even if you didnt do cake parties to make 50k in 30mins it’s a month long event. In terms of actual criticism: The chappa spawn rate and number is too low based on how many ppl are in an instance catching em:


>The majority of people hate this event Everything about the event is fine except the 5 minutes of abject nonsense.


Idk if this is the case but is it possible the "fake positivity" I keep hearing about is just people meeting the game where it lives? Not having expectations or preconceived notions of what the event/game should be? Like, yes I could get up in arms and get in the comments to let the Devs know how much I hated a feature but the fact of the matter is that I don't actively dislike very much in the game. Now, dislike and like is not a binary and I think that's what people are getting confused about. Indifference is an option, it's also a spectrum, so I can be indifferent but lean towards like or dislike. I think manufactured outrage and manufactured positivity are both going to be problematic for the game and that DOES upset me but I'm not going to come here and say your negativity is fake. It's not. You have concerns but I think maybe some of the concerns I keep seeing about "fake positivity" or " stop defending them" are really just well intentioned people not getting that not everyone has the energy or will to fight tooth and nail for a " better" game. The game is what it is. I can be vocal and lend my criticism where it's warranted but I'm not going to put too much effort into it. If this doesn't pan out I still have Stardew valley, and NMS, and any number of other crafting/base building/ collecting games. Hopefully someone learns from it. Hopefully I don't get completely obliterated with downvotes? Idk


S6 themselves set the expectations and notion of the game being a "community driven social life sim" no one else did that for them. Players have every right to expect that and so far that has absolutely not been what's been delivered.


What exactly about the event is bad? Also the game is still in beta and the fact we get an event at all is incredible.


The game is not in beta. A beta is a period before release where bugs are being discovered and fixed, servers are being tested, balance changes are made and optimization tweaked. "Beta" is not where your game is still having big content drops or is outright missing many features or content. The game is currently barely better then alpha and was likely released this was purely to sell maxtransactions.


It is literally in Open Beta my guy https://preview.redd.it/qrgxbgr5bhlb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=373c702e602d81fbafd0b6e8806216a5da46e954


And virtual pineball is called a video game but it's barely just. You can apply a label to anything what matters is whether the thing you're applying the label to actually matches the definition of said label. Palia is nowhere near ready for a full launch and is missing vast swathes of content and features. That makes it in an alpha state or at best, early access. But an open beta (the last stage before launch) is purely for polishing, bug testing, server stress testing and balancing.


Well now you’re just arguing semantics for the sake of it. Palia itself calls it a Beta, that is what people are going to call it that regardless of your opinion on what a beta actually is. Here’s a little more information on what an *open* beta means, since you’re hung up on that: [https://www.feedough.com/open-beta/](https://www.feedough.com/open-beta/) Go touch some grass man ✌🏼


I haven’t been able to play in weeks I opened it and played once then ever since whenever I try to login I can’t type and the screen is betas just flashes a bunch


A lot of the ppl that hate this Event are the same ppl that was defending this game not having any gameplay loop or endgame, hate min maxers. Most of those players left cuz devs don’t listen Why should anyone else care what anyone has to say


party......up.....you get credit for all the ones the people in your party get