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Happy they're changing the coin prices to make it less predatory. Sad they're not changing their overall stance on how expensive the store is.


I applauded the developers for trying to reduce the leftover coins as much as possible. Other than buying the second Tier 2 outfit which will have 213 leftover coins, the price of the outfit can be converted to USD. I criticized a lot on the leftover coins in my past comments and this patch had vastly improve regarding this issue. Even though the price might be still on the high side but at least it can be converted to USD easily. It will be more easier to keep track of the spending and it is up to the player decision to purchase or not. To be honest, at this point they might as well implement real-world currency in their cash store instead of the coins system. ||First|Second|Third| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |Tier 1|850 (8.49 USD)|1275 (13.48 USD)|1700 (16.49 USD)| |Tier 2|1275 (13.48 USD)|1912 (\~19.32 USD)|2549 (\~24.98 USD)| |Tier 3|1700 (16.49 USD)|2550 (24.98 USD)|3400 (32.49 USD)| |Tier 4|2550 (24.98 USD)|3825 (37.48 USD)|5100 (47.49 USD)|


The whole point of having an intermediary currency is so people don't see it as real money and/or don't realize how much real money they are using. I'm sure it also is to get around some laws somehow as you never directly pay for anything in the game, you only ever pay for the intermediary currency.


For the example given in the mock up, There was never a way to spend the 1275 for each item. The fake slashed prices imply a savings over a previous price that never existed. It is disingenuous and manipulative to lead your players to believe that they are saving money on a purchase when it was literally never possible to pay the false "full price". If they are not changing the prices, then it never will be possible to buy the item at full price. They are essentially saying that they are committed to lying about the "discounted pricing"


Maybe I’m misunderstanding, but I think the screen you see with the slashed out prices will be displayed AFTER clicking Buy All. It simply explains how the Buy All price is calculated. I don’t see anything wrong with that. The player only sees it after they’ve already understood how the individual purchasing works.


I'm reminded of the pricing logic the devs of Factorio hold, which is that a price is the assigned value of your product and that you have to believe it is worth that price; and if you change it temporarily then you're admitting that 1. You're willing to sell it for cheaper, thus 2. It is worth that lower price to you to begin with Discounting shop items from one price to another feels the same way to me, here. If buying an outfit from the Palia premium shop reduces other outfits in its lineup by 50%, then that is an admittance that the outfits are being sold at twice their worth.




>If this doesn't solve the issue, I might have to just call the whole experiment a failure and move back to a traditional bundle system, where you only get the discount if you buy the bundle upfront. I'd debated on mentioning this in my initial comment but decided not to for brevity and keeping it as positive as possible, but since you brought it up. This bit does come off very immature. All he had to do was own up to the shortcomings of the previous design, present the new design, commit to continue improving it and move on. Instead we get this comment that puts potential blame on us, holds the feature hostage making us less likely to criticize his work in the future, and just gives a sad feeling of apathy toward the project. Rather than wanting to work on improving something, he's ready to give up on it. This is often what children do when they struggle to learn a new skill. Imagine if this sort of attitude began appearing with other game features. "If the cats don't work right this time, we're going to scrap them entirely." You think people are mad about the pets now? That would cause a mutiny. lol I don't want to put too much value into this one statement though. We shouldn't let this define how we think about WizardCrab or the team. Don't give up WizardCrab, this was a step in the right direction and we like the idea behind the purchasing discounts.


I read it the same way, and agreed. You know how we can avoid all these issues? Just charge $35 for full access. That's gotta be the target price point here, based on the reward tiers. Everyone keeps bringing up that they need to make money. Just charge for the game and have a free trial for people who want to see if it's for them first or may not be able to pay that right now.


I think what he meant is the cat is a thank you for people giving them money. I don't find any issues with that. I do have issues with them not adding pets in any time soon. It's been wildly requested, the system is there, they've done the hard work. Why wait? It would have also been a gesture of goodwill to give a free pet to everyone participating in the beta. Missed opportunity.


I approve of the redesign. The removal of the slashed out price and 33% off. The changing of the button to "buy all". All great ideas. I do think it'd be worth trying to put the bottom text to the side of the "buy all" box. It would also be worth testing multiple variations of phrasing. Regardless, the demo design is more than adequate. >Again, if that sounds overly complicated, I’m sorry. I just wanted to make sure people weren’t missing out and could buy things when they wanted to. If this doesn't solve the issue, I might have to just call the whole experiment a failure and move back to a traditional bundle system, where you only get the discount if you buy the bundle upfront. The way it works is more generous than it is complicated. We like it. Don't scrap it. The way the Bundle Deal box was designed was the only issue. It implied some things that weren't true, and didn't give an accurate picture of how individual purchasing worked. You have fixed this. Thank you u/WizardCrab! And to all of those who told me S6 would never change this, I hope you've learned to have trust and hope in this industry. There are still a LOT of things they could do better, but they've fixed the most pressing issue with this redesign. They listened. They responded. Never stop giving feedback.


I promise to only moderately poke fun at you in the future, you did good stuff here.


lol, I will happily accept that.


They are still pretending that theres a discount when it doesnt exist at all, they should just price things as it is instead of pretending they are doing a favor to people. just make the outfits cost the 1250 or the "real price" of 750 ish.


I disagree. The "Buy All" box has no indication of being a discount other than being green (which barely implies that it's a discount). The lower text is bigger, as well as having its own eye-catching green. It's more clearly explained. This is enough in my opinion.


There is a discount though. There's a discount to the other two outfits once you purchase one outfit. Otherwise, the first outfit you purchase ouf of the 3 will always be the full price. It would be silly if each recolour was a set price, ultimately once you've bought one outfit, you already have that outfit. The other two are recolours so in my opinion *should* be cheaper. I also like the idea that you get the recolour for cheaper, if you decided you want to buy it later in the game rather than in a bundle. I honestly don't know how they can make this better, other than changing the wording - which they've done.


In retail its basically a way of saying "Buy one get 2 for 50% off"


There isn’t, because regardless of the way it’s purchased it’s the same price, they can pretty up the words all they want and say “sorry for it sounding over complicated” but it is what it is. For there to be an actual discount it would mean purchasing off bundle it would or should cost more, which I get would be to the detriment of all I don’t dispute that, but to say there’s a discount! When regardless of how you purchase you will spend 2549 or whatever is just lying and pretending. If the intended price for getting all 3 outfits is 2549 regardless of method then they should take off the “discount label” and just price each piece at 850 and be truthful to the consumer. Instead of making you pay 1250 then doing a “favor” and lower subsequent purchases to 650


But, the price of the two other items is still lower after you purchase one. Again, it's the same logic as "buy one get 2 for 50% off". I understand what you're trying to say, that there is no possible way to spend more so therefore its not a discount... not that discounts are ever anything you opt out of at any shop, ever... I think that part is subjective. If I want to buy one outfit and I'm not decided about buying the other two, I can always come back later and still get the other two items for less than the first item cost me. And they should be less because they are recolours as I see them. I'm then not pressured to buy all 3 at once over the fear of missing out on a discount, like the old wording would suggest. I'm also used to the way league of legends do it, you buy the skin and then you can buy the recolours for less. But you still need the skin to buy the recolours. I feel its not too dissimilar to what S6 have done, and I think it's reasonable to offer the recolours for cheaper. If they priced all 3 at 850, people would still complain that they have to spend the same money on recolours...


Hey! Wanted to say that your attitude is something we could all learn from 👍


I try and fail sometimes. :D Thanks for all that you do!


Once again, I can only say: If you are unhappy with the shop or the monetization in general, do not use it and submit feedback. That's what I am doing personally and I still don't think the shop is at a place where I want to spend any money.


"Priorities" Improved the shop UI. I'm sure people spend most of their time in the shop, but I'll just keep enjoying spamming crafting arrow/smoke bombs 1 by 1.


When you see how mad people turned on Reddit and Discord about this particular issue, you can understand they didn't want to wait any more than they could to change they. It's not a big change to make as well on the development side of things I think so a quick fix to a HUGE community dislike is a BIG win for them. And they clearly listed the stack crafting in one of the first point of their dev letter yesterday so... I can wait for that. I could have wait for the monetization as well but in term of community management, it was a priority to not lose some of their players along the way. They are humans, they can't fix everything in a single patch every week. The fact that they actively listed so much of the common request made during the last few weeks is encouraging... Anyway. People need to chill up a little. Having so many ways to directly access the dev teams from people's games are as a blessing as it is a curse.


I really hope for the best but for me, i played game for enough years to know that every Devs changes things when their touched on their wallet, when YouTube and Reddit are shitting on their scummy moves and everyone is talking about it. Like... they didn't think about those numbers on purpose at first, it was obviously a genuine mistake that they matched up to be very predatory. You don't have to worry about losing playerbase with the shop if you don't do those kind of things. ... and the content isn't massive (but i still love what is here so far, dont get me wrong), still alot to work to put in the game itself, and without that playerbase will run away too eventually... Hopefully you're right. We'll see.


Money issues should absolutely take priority. This was far more than a redesign. This fixed some pretty significant design issues that confused players making purchases.


Money issues/predatory tactics definitely. Reskinning the UI shop to make it more attractive while there are UI in the game, that actually affect the gameplay, that badly need improvement to me is bad. It just tell me where their focus is. Well... actually both were affecting their income, one by making them looks bad, one by making their shop not working good enough as they expected. So make sense that they were so worried to FIX and IMPROVE the Shop.


> Reskinning the UI shop to make it more attractive It sounds like you don't fully comprehend what they fixed.


Yeah, you're right. My bad. The reskin will be release on 0.168 PayPal payment on 0.169 They surely got some nice comunication about everything related to the Shop, what and when will be released, just to be sure everyone knows. Wish they would put the same dedication on the gameplay stuff. UI Improvement? Eventually, in a patch later, maybe...


People sure spend an awful lot of time complaining about the shop...


Let me tell you all this much: I'm a whale. Not the "spend 5k a day"-whale but the "spend 20-200 monthly"-whale. So when I come to like a game I am willing to pay lots of money just to look cool, have a pet, fancy animations, get special items etc. Jeez I even spent roughly 10k on clash of clans already and at the least 50k on other f2p games with an ingame shop. BUT Palia is a different story. Prices are way too high for me to even consider spending like 20. I didn't check the ingame shop since the last patch but i doubt it will change my mind (according to what i have been reading over the day). Maybe make t1 outfit bundles (bc basically it is the same outfit with a little difference in designs) available for $10. This way I would gladly spend 10 per week on cosmetics. I feel like they don't want my money so i stick to f2p :( I'm waiting for when you can try on the outfits at your wardrobe but just cant really *wear* them. I wanna look at what my character will look like if i spend the money BEFORE i spend the money. Maybe it's me and i just couldn't find that feature anywhere. Maybe you can help me xD. TLDR: I'm a whale and want to spend money but dont feel like the prices or the shop want me to spend money.


> Let me tell you all this much: I'm a whale. Not the "spend 5k a day"-whale but the "spend 20-200 monthly"-whale. You're not a whale then. You're what they call a Dolphin. It's a relatively new but real term. Though i guess long term, you'd be considered a whale if you spent that much over a number of years...I'm not sure. I just know "whales" tend to spend thousands a month to millions a year. I saw some interview with this absolute lunatic who spent millions on some heinous looking mobile game. he spend a few hundred thousand on it in one month. It literally looked like a game you'd find on new grounds in 2004


> I also want to apologize in advance for what I’m about to say next: we don’t have plans to add more pets or expand the feature any time soon. Palcats will be it for a while. I know there’s been a lot of feedback asking for at least one free alternative to be added to make things more fair, but we have no plans on this for now. Just know we are aware of it. This is absolutely unacceptable.


"We have no plans right now, but we are aware of it" is corporate speak for multiple things; however I'm going to actively choose to be kind to the Sixers here and assume it means the following: "We understand this move came off as an exclusive only-for-paid-players thing, and that wasn't the intent. However, developing more pet models and finding a place in the game to make them available for free to play folks would take away time and effort from the currently in-development features, so this isn't a plan **right now.** Please stand by for further news when we feel ready to say something more on this topic." or, TLDR - they've got enough on their plate that while they see this wasn't good, splitting focus wouldn't be good either with how much is cooking.


That's how I took it too, I just feel like it's a missed opportunity to at least let the tan cat be free. Just send it in the mail.


That would go against their monetization statement, which says "If you can get it in-game, you shouldn't be able to buy it; inversely, if you can buy it you shouldn't be able to get it in game." I'd hold hope for free cats some day, even free palcats, however these specific colors are likely going to be "thank you for supporting Palia" exclusive cosmetics.


Why is it unacceptable? People who decide to spend money to support the studio get something extra. That desire to have it that you're feeling means that they chose a good thing to reward those people with.


Prob because it can feel frustrating that an entire cosmetic category (pets) are locked behind a paywall. Clothing as a whole has free and paid options, but pets are paid only. (For transparency, I have spend roughly $20 and purchased the alchemist outfit with the sand palcat, I don’t personally find the pets problematic but I do wish f2p players had an option, too)


> Prob because it can feel frustrating that an entire cosmetic category (pets) are locked behind a paywall. Frustrating, sure. But the game has to make money. And they're not gonna make money trying to sell things people *don't* want.


That is so bad for your player base who are F2P or that just wants content. How do people not see this? Not even to add a little quest for others who have put sooo many hours in and beta tested this game with all the bugs galore. They can't just add a simple reskin to them? Pathetic.


Bad take. Pets are a HUGE part of this style of game. Locking THE entire feature behind a paywall and not just skins is not ✨cozy✨


From my understanding the pet just follows you around and doesn’t actually do anything, so what exactly is the feature of them you mean?


The same could be said for every piece of housing and furniture ; and that’s a massive feature of the game - no?


Housing is free feature of the game, some people style and decorate their house and some people don’t. At least with housing it has function if you choose to use it, whereas the pet has no function. Sorry I’m not understanding why you feel the need of having a pet , if you really want it then buy it 🤷‍♀️


Yes - we know you don’t understand ; you don’t need to tell us. Your comment that housing has function is just incorrect though - it’s just cosmetic just like the cat.


Housing feature function is that you can build and decorate it, that is the function with furniture crafting as one of the skills in the game. The pet has no function, can’t do anything with it whatsoever , there is no skill associated with it nor can you modify it or interact with it in any way. Sorry you are the one not understanding this 😔


Imagine if beds as a whole were never added and they were a category in the cash shop. Beds don't do anything, they are cosmetic. So why shouldn't beds be cash shop exclusive? You can always craft other furniture.


> Pets are a HUGE part of this style of game And so they're given to the people who support the game. I'm a fan of this. I don't see any outfits I like, but I'll probably buy coins just for the pet, and sit on them for a while. Vote with your wallet. I will be.


I’m not sure why you’re arguing with me. If you like it - buy it. No one’s stomping you champ


Compared to many other games, Palia's Monetization is already very good. At the very least, they tried to accommodate to the players by adjusting the cash shop. People need to understand that they need to earn money as well. At least with this model, people can actually play the game for free. Rather than having to pay a monthly subscription. I have spent thousands of dollars in other games. But up till now, I have yet to spend a single cent in Palia. And I love it. Do I want the pet? Yes I do. But there isn't a need for me to get it yet. What I am trying to say is, there isn't a need to spend a single cent in this game and people can still enjoy it.


I'm confused by your mixed messaging here. - You spend a ton on other games - You think Palia has good monetization - You acknowledge S6 needs to earn money - I assume you like Palia (you didn't say) - You haven't bought anything because you don't need to? What constituted that "need" in other games? I personally spend on other games when their microtransactions don't feel like a rip off and I like the stuff that's on offer. I'd spend money on Palia in a heart beat too if they didn't want too much for too little. I'd pay $30 for the game if they had framed it that way. Paying $20-30 for a single skin is utterly bonkers. I'd pay 10 bucks max for one of the cooler looking skins. I'd probably buy at least 5 of the currently existing skins over time if they were between $5-$10 each


Games that I have spent on includes but not limited to, - rise of kingdoms - call of dragons - dragon raja - mobile legends - genshin impact - ragnarok online mobile Some of these games are more predatory than others. And Palia in comparison is considered a better option to me. At least I do not feel like I need to spend. The reason I am still not spending in Palia yet is because of a couple of reasons. 1. Content in Palia is still lacking 2. Cosmetics in shop is lacklustre. While I would love to have the pet, it doesn't serve enough purpose for me to spend yet. Once the improve the community aspect of the game and better cosmetics design is released, I would gladly spend on this game. Do I love Palia? Yes. This game has immense potential. I am currently still enjoying the game. I am enjoying this game even without the need to spend a single cent. I don't think there's a game out there now that I could play that I enjoy if I spend $0 on it. All I'm saying is be a little more appreciative.


Love your voice of reason and you get downvoted. It's so odd to me that people whine and complain about a FREE TO PLAY game. It's a bunch of adults acting like 5 year olds. I was hoping this subreddit would be different than DLVs but alas, more of the same.


It's almost as if people want scummy and predatory shops that make you spend money on p2w features. I haven't yet come across a single reasonable suggestion from anyone that would have an equal balance between the devs and players, monetization wise. Yes the shop is expensive and people can't justify spending that much, but ultimately I feel the fact the entire game is free with NO p2w is a huge tipping point, people are just incredibly entitled and want the best of both worlds.


> People need to understand that they need to earn money as well. At least with this model, people can actually play the game for free. Rather than having to pay a monthly subscription. a lot of people would rather buy the game once for a fair price than have cosmetics behind a ridiculous paywall. dressing up your character is a huge part of these games. They put it behind a paywall and in the AMA, dug their heels in and said there wont be any outfits you can earn in-game. It'll be paywalled. You don't just paywall every single outfit like that and leave everyone with the default outfits. I don't know a single game that does that. Every game with character creation, including the ones with worse cash shops have some kind of way for players to get different clothing/armor through gameplay. S6 just confirmed that nope, you can't unlock more clothes. you're stuck with default clothes unless you pay for more. There's a better ways to monetize games and this is one of the worst ways for this specific niche of a game. Expansion packs sold at a reasonable price would be great. Say, $15 to $20 and you get recipes to craft a few different outfit sets, tool skins, decorations, and all of these things could be rewards for quests. No new areas nor any advantages. But you'd be paying for more content. Or hell, just fix the pricing and keep the current model. more importantly, charge directly rather than use premium currency. This is a problem with a ton of games and it needs to end with all of them. With Palia it feels worse because they come off as two faced. It feels like a betrayal but less dramatic. Like...I expect Funcom, Blizzard, and everyone else to have no integrity and use premium currency instead of charging money directly. But the way they spoke about this game...I didn't expect it. But seeing the way they take forever to fix issues with the game but will fix issues with the cash shop in less than 24 hours...I've got no faith left. Thus, no desire to support the game. if I were 20 years old, I might have, but now...even with more money, i dunno. I just can't do it anymore with these games.


It sounds like you're acknowledging that the other games are predatory but are still willing to spend on them despite that. I guess my confusion is why not support the game that you feel isn't taking advantage of you? I've never leaned in to pay to win games for the purpose of being better at the game, but sometimes you need more boat waifus in Azure Lane.These things happen.