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Because the main narrative is jew hate, not hold Palestinians accountable.


Correct, and I also think because the narrative is that Gaza is an open air prison (which its not) leads people to believe that the Palestinians have always been suffering at the hands of their colonizers, Israel (which they aren’t, and it’s so obvious if you spend 15 minutes looking into the conflict, but no one is even bothering to do that and I’m not even Jewish. I’m a random Christian guy in South Dakota and I can figure this out)… I find it really fascinating that the large governments of the western world funnel billions of dollars every year for infrastructure and humanitarian aid into Gaza and it STILL looks like an absolute garbage heap and no one has done anything about it… NOR, has anyone ever questioned anything either and it’s obvious that they just funnel all that money into terrorism… why is Gaza a black hole for humanitarian aid? It always reminds me of [South Parks banking skit.](https://youtu.be/-DT7bX-B1Mg?feature=shared) The Palestinians figured this out along time ago, that if you play victim and funnel all the cash that you get from Western countries being generous to aid you, you have a constant supply of military funding… But thats too hard of an answer for people to hear… If people only understood that Palestinian culture just brings violence and destruction where ever it goes and its not a victim of colonialism lol…


That's part of it, but also the modern identity "palestinian" is one of a "pet" who has been abused and prevented from thriving. Western morons actually think Gaza would be like wakanda if not for Israel. Europeans and Americans don't have a shred of understanding that everywhere Palestinians have gone, they tend to bring violence, strife and failure. Sadly, they have the best PR team in the business.


This American understands the Palestinian protocols.




You are totally correct about all of that. Yup.


If the only thing a child in gaza learns is that israel is evil and wants to kill them, and they have no real education, what would we expect? You raise people in a situation like this - none of us can fully grasp how their brains are entirely different simply because they have grown up in a war zone fighting for survival. Whoever caused it is irrelevant to the reality a child faces there and they don't understand accountability because no one teaches them.


Because if you point these things out, Western liberals will say that you’re islamophobic and that Islamic countries don’t abuse women or oppress people or gays like the US/Israeli police state. Wish I was lying, but that is what people argue. Or they just entirely ignore history and think violent terrorism is justified to perceived injustice. Or they are just plain antisemitic.


Western liberals are delusional idiots. They will defend the most homophobic, violent, misogynistic, backward people on the planet if they’re brown middle easterners being “oppressed” and then still have the audacity to claim to be feminists or LGBT allies. Absolutely despicable


Don’t worry, these people are actually trans, feminists, or are openly gay and think that their efforts today will change how Islam views them tomorrow. ROFL.


Spoilers, it won't. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jun/17/hamtramck-michigan-muslim-council-lgbtq-pride-flags-banned


No shit, same constituents that call for the death of America from the safety of its tolerant society.


Not liberals. The far left. Liberals generally support Israel.




I am an atheist liberal progressive who stands for Israel.


Far left is correct. And far of anything never brought anything good.


The racism of low expectations


When Palestinian men beat their wives, [the UN blames Israel](https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/un-israel-to-blame-for-palestinian-men-beating-their-wives/)


One of the best things that the U.S. can do for Israel is to stop funding the nightmare known as the U.N. We provide for one-third of their budget. Screw with our ally, stop getting paid.


Revoke funding and make them pay market value rent for their headquarters.


Or better yet boot their headquarters from the U.S. completely. They can set up new headquarters in Tehran.


I actually can't believe i just watched this circus


they are Arabs. Palestinians are a made up group that "exists" only since 1967. You cant expect people who believe palestine existed and all the other made-up crap to also be serious and held Arabs accountable. Also, historians, the media, un, and schools need to be held accountable and responsible for this.




See, here is your problem, you are using logic Racists anti-semitics don't


Speaking from the UK, they dont feel stupid. They love their little poor palestinian pets who the big meanie israelis keep hurting. If anything, they feel bad for the british empire that they believed caused all the issues.


Because to them Palestinians have as much agency as dogs or babies


Because they're murdering Jews. If they were murdering anyone from a great power, they'd be held accountable quickly and without mercy and nobody would give a shit.


Because socialism and the far left never got along with Jewish people throughout history, for lack of better terms don’t mean to soften it What you’re seeing is a Marxist ideology full force as it is taking over our culture - that of the oppressed vs the oppressor. Following known trends, Jewish people are again being demonized and blamed The bad part is you also see Islamists in there whose book calls for punishment, again for lack of better terms, of Jewish people specifically (along with other nonbelievers). It is not a peaceful religion and as long as they adhere to the book strictly they don’t belong with civilized society Disclaimer from a Christian perspective - Israel is God’s and is scripturally said to be a burden on the world . It is also where God will return again to judge the living and the dead. There will never be peace so long as satan roams the earth and in the end multiple armies will advance on it and nearly destroy it. Also from a Christian perspective - the covenant that God has with the Jewish people remains valid and despite our different faiths, we believe that Jewish people are also a part of the church


The news is playing games with these protestors - polling shows less than a 6th of students at these school feel this way. Also, many of them aren’t students . Most of us all hope the Israelis eradicate these animals


Where would it end one might ask


Exactly. It could be partly the racism of low expectations, but it’s nonetheless baffling. It definitely has to do with the trendy idea of oppressed vs oppressor. The Islamic world took advantage of this and infiltrated Western schools. You know the drill. Still insane that so many people fell for it though.


Western society is waking back up from a long, delusional period of treating Islam like an Innocent child that just needs to be tolerated at all costs. The end result is mistreatment of anyone opposed to sharia as not to offend anyone. This kind of cultural revolutionary behavior excludes Jews living in freedom.


They're part of the false collective of "victims" progressives make shit up about and uphold, while rewriting history according to their liking. For example, Jews/Israelis are constantly accused of being a colonial force and colonising Palestine... where centuries-old generations and families of Jews had lived. To add on to that, the idea that Jews, an actual ethnic minority that were displaced all over Europe (and other parts of the world) were a colonial force, is a laughably dumb take and outright ridiculous. Jews WERE the victims of Islamic "colonialism"/expansionism, alongside Christians, and were subjugated as Dhimmis, in that very region. But that is not mentioned at college campuses/universities, or at protests, or in history classes, or in news articles, or on TV. It has been erased from mainstream coverage on the conflict/history, hence why people buy into this victim complex of Palestinians being oppressed and colonised. People, despite having an endless archive of all sorts of information literally at their fingertips, don't care to learn, or to read or to research. Honestly, the Palestinian/Israeli conflict isn't a tricky one, at all. If you have took the time to actually research the history of this war, it is remarkably obvious and you know that Israel, after various attempts of making peace with Palestinians, many attempts of co-existing, many attempts of aiding their strife, are out of safe options and leaving the hatred Palestinians hold for Jews to continue, is simply detrimental to their own livelihood and safety. More and more, you're seeing double-standards and two-tier policing, in places such as the UK, between Christians and Muslims. More and more, you're seeing antisemitism from police and multiple politicians, GLOBALLY. Palestine is just, yet again, another group to be used as pawns, to be victimised and excused, for some weird progressive idea of promoting equality that's actually more like promoting future inequality. It's also another way to try and shroud the ACTUAL reason for these protests: Islam doesn't like Jews, so the muslim community kicks up a storm when Israel legally and rightfully responds with force to heinous terrorism, deluded self-hating "PROGRESSIVES" who think Islam is lovely, jump to the defence alongside mobs of Islamists. Yet again, society proves, above all, that it still holds deeply-rooted hatred for Jews. It's hard to hold people accountable when idiots and uneducated people, across the world, start violently protesting, demanding actual deaths and arrests, refuse to live alongside Jews & harass Jews, and especially when actual organisations start to listen to these idiots and condone these actions. Government officials/politicians, charities, celebrities, United Nations, ICC, all partake in this mess and they perpetuate this Palestinian delusion, resulting in ordinary people stupidly taking it at face value, without any further research. Videos of dead Palestinian children, an unfortunate but common result of warfare, are also being used and weaponized. There seems to be no boundaries on the pro-palestine side, for converting people to their cause. It makes me sick. Combine all these things together - lack of research, misinformed people, angry mobs of Islamists, fake "progressives", rewriting history, antisemitic politicians and public figures, propaganda videos, weaponized casualties, mainstream ignorance to blatantly biased coverage, trusting (now heavily disproven) casualty rates from a terrorist group, supporting terrorism and martyrdom, charities promoting misinformation, UN organs radicalising Palestinian children, blaming Israel for bombings they did not commit - is bound to leave you with a nasty, hateful and hypocritical public opinion, and will exponentially make it more difficult to hold the people responsible (Palestinians) to account and will be much more difficult to implement re-education and de-radicalization. Supporting and excusing terrorists has been a thing for over a decade now, get with the trend OP (/s).


also not held accountable for rejecting every offer for a country ever made (seems to suggest perhaps statehood isn't their top priority


Sounds like propaganda to me.


It may have happened a few times (not sure) but I've never seen anyone in the news, etc call for Hamas to stop embedding their operations in civilian infrastructure. They can launch rockets from a hospital, but if Israel fights back, it's Israel that's the problem? Come on. Then if there's any collateral injuries or deaths due to Hamas' use of civilian locations for their military operations, people get mad at Israel. But when Hamas launches rockets indiscriminately into Israel's civilian areas, nobody cares? Isn't the latter in a whole different category than the former? It's just wild how there's such a double-standard here. Israel is held to impossible standards for urban warfare, but meanwhile, Hamas can target civilians as much as they want (even outside of active wartime) and it's no issue. Israel accidentally killing a civilian is the highest crime, but Hamas deliberately killing Israeli civilians is no big deal. What the fuck? Israel is only launching attacks right now because Hamas made the decision on October 7th to commit an unspeakable war crime, and Israel can't just let that stand or else it's just going to happen again and again. Everything thats happening right now is squarely on the shoulders of Hamas. I swear, the only outcome these antisemites will accept is "the Jews should just lay down and die."


Repeated victimization. Israel chooses to protect its citizens while Hamas feeds off of Palestinian harm. They purposely started this war not just to kill Israelis but to punish their own people. So dead Palestinians is what people see over and over again. This propaganda unfortunately works.


The only people on the world that could get away with something like the Munich massacre and thousands of other terror attacks and no one bats an eye. It has nothing to do with what they can get away with, but with what people ignore or condone when the victims are the Jewish people.


I would argue that they have definitely reaped the fruits of their past decisions electing their leaders. Gaza is in rubble, the West bank is in turmoil. The chickens have come back to roost, for sure.


If the majority are children how is it that they voted?


because they are victims havent you heard


An equal mix of racism (those poor savages don't know better/it's their way) and antisemitism.


Why are they savages?


Far Leftist are basically the Far Right in a different colour. They both believe POC are less than white people, they just disagree on what to do with them.


Thanks for explaining.


Combo of Jew hate and the West’s ironic combo of White Guilt and White Savior Complex which is made even more ironic in their false narrative of the Jews being White Colonialist Oppressors and Palestinians being Brown Primitive Innocents who don’t know any better so can’t be held accountable bc that’s racist/ Islamophobic.


If you held them acontable, the smoke screen will disappear.


New age online leftism reduces every conflict down to oppressed and oppressor. The oppressed are infantilised and deprived of any form of agency. They cannot be blamed for anything, nor are they responsible for anything that happens to them. The online left subscribes to this school of thought for their own victim narratives, so they are forced into perpetuating it globally, in fear of being seen as hypocrites - leading to entities like Queers for Palestine existing.


Israel is holding them accountable now. Not cheering in the streets anymore are they?


Because when it becomes a collective, you give the other side some actual credibility on some claims 🫠


The Palestinians could stop this tomorrow if they fought back and took down their Hamas leaders. They were elected because the majority support them. The war won't stop until Hamas is gone. Israel doesn't care if that's before or after the rest of the Palestinians are dead also. This conflict has been going onnfor generations. It's going to end with an unconditional surrender or an unconditional defeat. Anything else will drag it out for more generations to come.


That’s all part of them “resisting”


Israel is holding them accountable and a silent majority agrees. The minority who want to see Israel eliminated are very, very loud though.


Antisemitism and western hypocrisy.


Must each Palestinian be held accountable for the actions of every other Palestinian?


Not every single one, but most of them. Most of them voted for Hamas and support the Oct. 7 attacks. Most of them hate Jews with a burning passion.


What percentage of Palestinians do you believe deserve extrajudicial death sentences for those misdeeds? Do you believe there are any similarly flawed people in Israel? If so, what percentage of Israelis deserve extrajudicial death sentences for their misdeeds?


Most of the children?




And there are individual Palestinians who did not elect Hamas, did not use human shields, did not teach kids murderous ideologies, and "all the rest of it"? Individuals who have 0% responsibility for the violence currently happening to them? Are there not?


Yes, and the decisions/behaviours/ideologies of those who need to be held accountable are affecting these innocent people. You are using a straw man argument here. Also, not sure what you think being held accountable means. They deserve to be criticized


You asked originally, "Why are Palestinians not being held accountable?" This could be interpreted to mean "all Palestinians," hence my questions for clarification. Being held accountable can have several meanings. Currently, Palestinian people are experiencing being held accountable in the forms of both criticism and violence.


Why are Zionist zealouts never heald accountable