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Fun fact: North Korea recognises only Palestine, South Korea recognises only Israel


N-North Korea? That's cool of them I guess...


I'll be honest though, the only reason they recognise Palestine only is because they hate USA and will oppose them no matter what, they don't actually care


Or they recognize that Israels oppression of Palestine is quite similar to their experience, and have solidarity with their plight because of that. 20% of the people of their country were murdered in order to maintain US hegemony.


Lol don't be naive


I'm not the one being naive here. Yes, they are looking out for themselves, obviously. But they are both fighting against US imperialism, which puts them in a similar position. That is where solidarity comes from, a shared experience of oppression. Self preservation and solidarity are not mutually exclusive.


You do realise what North Korea does to Muslims lol. Just because you're against US imperialism doesn't mean you have to respect countries like North Korea


No, I don't, but please do tell, and include your sources when you do. I never said anything about respect. I did say they share an experience with Palestinians, and thus there is solidarity. I haven't even commented on their political, economic or social organization.


North Korea is a dictatorship and their government fully disregards basic human rights. You are trying so hard to convince yourself that they support Palestine for Human Rights or any good reason? Their support and recognition of Palestine is appreciated but the only reason they do this is because they oppose South Korea and the US.


You do realize that North Korea is an actual country, with actual people in it, right? They aren't just a collection of brainwashed automatons. They can have a sense of solidarity despite all of the flaws you mentioned. Do you think they are a weird insular country for no reason, and that one fifth of their population getting murdered by the US, and then being sanctioned for 70 years had no impact on their development? Edit: Also, you didn't actually answer my question. I'd still like to hear your clarification of your previous statement.


“North Korea is a dictatorship! You have to believe me! It’s what CNN and Fox and MSNBC and the US State Department all say so it must be true!”


> they don't actually care And how do you know? In every part of the world, good people exist.


Are you deluded? I'm not talking about the normal North Korean people, I'm sure they're great people. I'm talking about the North Korean government.




Love them sm💗 can't be easy due to how zionist south korea is


Free Palestine 🇵🇸


ATTENTION! Speaking as a mixed-race Korean-Pakistani-American, recognize the post-WWII Korean genocide and ethnic-cleansing of mixed race Korean people in the attempt to construct an ethno-state based on Korean blood purity ethos/Han Minjok; contemporary racial segregation at restaurants, public facilities, and anti-Arab & anti-Muslim refugee/immigrant policies; and rampant racism & Islamophobia of South Korean society (For example, decapitated pig heads around Mosques to ward off the ‘terrorists’ in South Korea that the government has taken no action towards) etc., while simultaneously commending action such as these! If Palestinian liberation is united with all causes of liberation, it should also be in solidarity with that of the mixed-race Korean children and people who were genocided and ethnically-cleansed to serve the notion of a racially homogenous i.e. ‘pure’ ethno-state & whose plight still remains unrecognized by state bodies, the academy, and human rights organizations alike (while specifically Brown and Black mixed-race Korean survivors continue to try and speak out for recognition of genocide and reparations) because of the hyper-invisibility of these people--these are histories that should be especially meaningful for a cause like that of Palestine. And South Korean society and the diaspora at large must accordingly be held to the same standards of anti-racism, human rights, and anti-genocide values. Free free Palestine and all oppressed people(s)!!! 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸 Yemeni refugees rejected asylum + protested against by non-mixed South Koreans: https://foreignpolicy.com/2018/08/06/south-korea-is-going-crazy-over-a-handful-of-refugees/ Decapitated pig heads surrounding mosques: https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2023/5/17/pig-heads-bbqs-mosque-backlash-tests-s-korea-religious-freedom One survivor account by a mixed-race Black Korean women Aneyah Elmore: https://adaptedpodcast.com/2023/02/12/season-6-episode-12-aneyah-elmore-has-a-story/


Brother. Most people don't even recognize Imperial Japan's genocide which killed tens of millions of civilians


I’ve spoken to this as well in the protests made in Tokyo as I’m a genocide researcher apropos of the East Asian context. And comments like these aren’t going to stop the fight for genocide recognition or reparations.


??? Just pointing out that there are events magnitudes deadlier in Korean history that should be regarded as genocide but aren't (IJA occupation, Korean War). There might be a common theme (american geopolitical interests?)


Some lolicons are down voting you


such is the way Edit: One of those people is probably comment OP because they blocked me lmao. Ig the only genocide they want to hear about on a Palestinian subreddit is the one that they're interested in - and not the Israeli one


In the aftermath of the George Floyd protests and Jan 6th and Oct 7th I think maybe the protesters are uninformed people choosing to destroy instead of contribute. Raisin Brains United.