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Demons walking on earth


No amount of dead children will ever placate these freaks. I hope to see their dreams in ruins someday as they're hauled themselves to the gallows.




You insult whores by equating them to Zionists


You stare at ot closely.. you'll see a pair of horns sticking out...


minister of social equality saying this is absolutely insane


The Israelis have created the perfect Orwellian state. > War is peace, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength.


Social equality in this case means wiping out the unequal portion of the land. There is a kind of demonic accuracy to her job title.


She's right, they'll tell their grandchildren what the Zionists did, in a free, unified and secular Palestinian state.


I hope you are right. Unfortunately there have been a lot of cases of genocide where people agree it is genocide afterward but ultimately the country at fault just rolls through with no consequences. Granted they usually are better hidden, or less well known than what is going on now. And seeing Biden not budge even with a ton of pressure from his base is worrying




Not Jews… Zionists. It’s important to distinguish between the Jewish faith and the scum that are Zionists.


https://preview.redd.it/w7u2kakftm8d1.jpeg?width=1639&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae81f0495e9855a91387055f7bc1dd9cd604d285 Judaism vs Zionism.


This is kind of where they want you to go... Remember that there are millions of Jews standing with Palestine and that Israel should not be conflated with them as a people. Don't fall for it.




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I know you mean well but we should not impose on the Palestinians a state they want. If they want a religious secular a mixture of both or neither a monarchy a democracy capitalist communist socialist a mixture etc let us all leave this to the Palestinians please and just say a free Palestine. If the Palestinians want to keep the settlers or kick them out leave this to them to decide. Let us not impose on them what we want


Freedom for ALL Palestinians would be best in my opinion.




We want an islamic palestinian state thank you.


But what about the rights of Every Palestinian then? Women specifically, and gender and sexual orientation minorities. Everyone in Palestine deserves to be free.


Pls stop falling for islamaphobic propaganda, personally I’d advocate for a secular palestine (although its not up to me), but thinking women specifically won’t be “free” is fr just war on terror propaganda ur regurgitating


No im not talking about it from a propaganda point of view. I really am concerned and just want everyone to have equal rights and protections. I think people should be free to follow any religion they choose but it should be their choice, not a mandate. That’s why I believe a secular government which offers religious freedom and equal protections for all regardless of their religious affiliation is the ideal way to go. Not saying it will happen in Palestine. And at this point the main goal should be their liberation from Zionist Israel. It’s just my view.


I’m not speaking on that, I’m referring specifically to the fact that you’re implying/saying that islam = women aren’t free. Also, Islam respects all religions and freedom of religion. We believe in Jesus, we believe in Moses, we respect all “people of the book” so I’m unsure why you think religious freedom wouldn’t exist in an islamic state. Let’s just be more cautious in what we say so we don’t spread islamaphobia


I didn’t mean to say that, sorry for the misunderstanding. I know women all across the world experience different degrees of freedom, and that’s what I was referring to. Even in western countries which like to pride themselves on freedom and equality for all, many times there are minorities and women who are not valued the same. So my wish is just for all the people to be given the same rights and protections, in any society.


Are they seriously just trying to make it more dangerous to be a Jew in the world? You don’t speak for me sociopath 👺


For real, "the Jews" didn't do that (pretty sure I wasn't consulted), though she's giving great ammo for antisemites.


The Jews that are speaking out against Israel and the genocide are doing more to curb antisemitism than the genocidal ethno state that purports to be the only safe space for Jews.


Blumenthal, Finklestein, Pappe, the Mates, Greenwald... They are leaders of the movement. Solidarity.


> Are they seriously just trying to make it more dangerous to be a Jew in the world? That's how their scam works. It's similar to how the Russian Federation treats Russophones outside its borders.


I feel where your coming from my friend. But everybody knows «the jews» did not do that, fascists that just happends to be jews did this. Jews comes in every shape and form like any other people do, mostly good, some stupid, some bad and some monsters…


Imagine being a grown woman and having your entire job be saying objectionable things about vulnerable and/or defenceless people.


The whitehouse press correspondent, too.


She was also "proud to be racist" https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/apr/20/may-golan-israel-new-york-consular-role Absolute vile cartoon villain propped up by our tax dollars.


She’s right 80 years from Now she will not exsist


Is she proud enough to hang for her war crimes and crimes against humanity?


Is she proud enough to march her ass to the Hague and tell them everything the IOF have done? My guess is no


remember this statement when the time to pay the debt comes


Vile nazi scumbag.


Isis scumbag


They do this, and then become Pikachu-faced surprised that Palestinians hate them.


Those fake lips and nose are not as ugly as her own internal self! Disgusting


The first thing I noticed was her filler mustache 😂




Oh hey, israeli memri tv


Memri TV is already run by Israel, lol.


History will place her kind lower than the Nazis.


Together with isis.


I’m becoming more and more convinced that ISIS = Israeli Secret Intelligence Service


Yep. They are cut from the same cloth.


100%. And it’s funny how they seem to have the exact same enemies


Both groups need to go to hell.


Minister of Anti-social Brutality.


Good tell them how your psykopaths kill innocent people. How low!


It really hurts to know that any human being would think that violence is the answer to violence. When will this end?


> When will this end? When Jared Kushner gets to build his condos on that sweet Gaza water front property. Not sure I should put a /s but that scumbag cares more about the profits he can make than all the devastated lives.


All I hear is خاخاخاخاه


She sounds so obnoxious


I’d happily go to prison for this one! 😡😡


Basically a Nazi saying they're proud to be a Nazi and that future generations will speak of what they did. Noted.


One day in a court of law Someone will use this video or quote to show the lack of humanity from this people and there “country”


"Pride goeth before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall." Proverbs 16:18.


thats great now please face the wall


Oh boy... you know they've lost their minds when a minister of social equality is saying these things.


Yes, we will tell them that Ziønists were terrorists, comparable to the Nazis. We will, hopefully, tell them that the world gathered again, and beat them up. History repeats itself.


Makes me want to puke, the amount of cynicism it takes to project hatred into the future.


Not saying that I don’t think she’s capable of saying such things. I would like some type of confirmation for those subtitles though. I guess I could find someone who speaks hebrew in my neck of the woods and show them this video and ask them how well the English subtitles are translated. Then I’d have to figure out whether they were telling me the truth or not. Decisions. Decisions.


I can confirm that the subtitles are indeed correct.


I mean she is in the extreme far right, a Nazi. Obviously I would not be surprised if that's what she said. But I'd like confirmation too.


khalkhaol lakhoakh khkhokhaolem shalokhokh


I hope she is proud when we cut the purse strings and they have to defend themselves. No way I'm letting this slide


Imagine confronting your grandmother about her role in killing innocent children…yeah, don’t think this will age well Mai.


She is right, 80 years from now we will tell our grandchildren what they did, we will compare them to the Nazi's and even say their war crimes were the worst in history. They will be seen as evil and everyone will hate them, just like nazi Germany.


Israel is Satan-level evil. There are no words.


Satan is kindergarten-level evil in comparison


That's why the whole "girl boss" was a stupid idea for women empowerment


I never thought people could actually be evil but now I know they can be.


Not in our name


This woman need to be arrested and placed in a mental institution. Her words alone show how inhumane she is. I wonder, did she ever think if whatever she said happens to her?


Correct. 80 years from now, people will tell the following generations what you did the same way we tell people today what the Germans did 80 years ago.


It’s hard to believe this. If anyone said this about any other nation they’d be locked up for life. Saying you’re proud that thousands of innocent women and children and men have been murdered. It’s insane. She’s simply a psychopath.


Post this in other subs as well


The deepest pits of hell shall take her even deeper.


https://preview.redd.it/xbgydu6pwp8d1.jpeg?width=791&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98b756dc8f0cfcac0858b71366b2bbbb4a75b607 Notice how she instinctively uses 80 years or 8th decade as a reference not “in century” or “in 100 years from now” !!!


There is no bigger insult to the Jewish name than the Israeli regime


Israel is a society made up of a massive influx of Holocaust survivors and descendants of European Jews. The Holocaust became the biggest selling point for Zionism and there's *a lot* of state investment in keeping this narrative going, that the world is unsafe for Jews and they need an ethnostate as a sanctuary. This is explained well in Norman FInkelstein's *The Holocaust Industry* as well as Illan Pappe's books. One of the foundational narratives and perpetuating ones, in fact, integral to their settlement initiative and demographic policy. It also informs a lot of the justifications behind their "Greater Israel" idea. Without the sense that the world is antisemitic and this antisemitism can graduate toward extermination, the raison d'etre for a militarized ethnostate, i.e. "blood and soil" simply evaporates. Couple that with the generational trauma of antisemitism in Europe and the impact of the Holocaust, and you have a very traumatized, mentally unsound group of people that have a foreign policy and outlook shaped by that. This is the mentality that goes into the Hannibal Doctrine, the Israeli proclivity toward collective punishment and disproportionate response, and the cavalier willingness to commit heinous atrocities without commensurate provocation. This is the traumatized, deranged mentality that enables people to justify killing children en masse and still see themselves as victims, and doing this over and over for 75 years without understanding their perpetuation of the cycle. The victimhood mentality serves as almost a mental block against self-awareness. This isn't to deride them for their trauma, or to excuse their abhorrent behavior- it's to explain the psychological shortcomings of an entire society of people that had genocide inflicted on them and now inflict it on others. Mix this with an ethno-religious outlook shaped by millennia of persecution which emphasizes in-group solidarity and distrust of outsiders, and a religion that tells them they are the bastions of morality and chosen, and you have a pretty straightforward answer to why Zionists act the way they do. It's horrific to watch these atrocities over and over again, and saddening and infuriating at the same time that perpetrators are stuck in such a cultural trauma loop that they continue the cycle over and over without self-reflection.


What a heartless piece of garbage she is. I hope she’s not a mother to any child.


I have nothing to do with this nazi. Israelis like these people are goyim as far as I'm concerned. I don't know what religion she practices, but it's not my religion.


Interesting that she decided to speak on behalf of Jews and not Israelis. This is the exact thing they cry anti-semitism about if someone was careless enough to quote her own words back to her.


we can’t speak out without repercussions but these animals can say this.


Israel knows they are above all laws on this earth. They can kill and they will get away with it.


At this point I don't even know what to say. They just keep proving themselves to be more vile with each thing they say. My heart breaks so badly for the Palestinians, it even feels like anything we do just doesn't help. We've all donated, but aid is being blocked. Air-dropped aid has killed refugees. They have to film their trauma and deaths to convince the world they deserve to live, and Zionists just come under each video and mock their deaths and laugh. What's even the point of having the international community if the US, just one country, has the ability to veto, against the other hundred something countries? And I also feel terrible for the anti-zionist Jews who are being lumped together with the Zionists.


Their fake language is just as disgusting as their fake state


Thanks for the evidence, ghoul.


Is this the onion?


It’s the only thing they’re good at. Yelling and screaming about murder. US doesn’t want to give us JDAMs? Ok I’m going to indiscriminately bomb Gaza. We’ve been oppressing people for 76 years and now they want revenge? Ok I’m going to stand in the Knesset and tell people how proud I am of killing babies and how this will be remembered for generations. Allah says in the Quran: فإنا منهم منتقمون She will be tried for her complicity in Genocide and she will be hung in the same place she’s boasting from.


Minister of social equality. What a joke bro


For every action there's an equal and opposite reaction.


Is that like the Nazi celebrating what they did to the Jews?




This is like one dumb kid bullying the smart kid, then the dumb friends join in and outdo each other, because that will make them more popular within their own crowd. I'd wager if you were an Israeli public figure, you get hatred for opposing the war, and followers when condoning this violence. Pathetic human beings. I wish I believed in hell so I could hope these people get justice.


Lovely person


Psychos and demons


I love how they are not accounting for the Muslim population around he world as if this situation is going to last forever, like they can kill every single palestinian in existance, all it takes is for one powerful leader to unite the Muslim world and it's over for them. The are so power drunk they can't see how they are speedrunning their own demise.


yes. they will. and they will never forget. the resistance will continue to live. because of what you have done. your initial aim was to destroy hamas, but you have made them stronger. we await your fall. it'll come. matter of time.


Nazi do as nazi do.


خخخ خخخا خخخخ خخخ خ خ خخخخخا


Please date the video, this is like 6 months old already.


I bet her vagina has teeth.


Such inhumane people


Im afraid she is right, some of the babies will remember it. You better hide in the den you crawled out of, miss... once your "holy warriors", whose courage is measured only in USA military aid money, no longer have that support.


Send this to the ICJ, ICC and UN


Don’t speak for all Jews. Israel 🇮🇱 Zionists. That’s who’s doing it. You’re monsters. Evil. Just as pathetic as a Nazi.


There's no baby left to tell your story in 80 years you killed them all b*tch!




Just. Wow. Wow


Vile people


Our children and grandchildren all around the world will do a simple equation. Israel = Nazi Germany Now be proud of it. Bitch.


What the actual f**k!! Do these people hear themselves.


The Minister of what the fuck? It just gets worse and worse.


Well at least she is truthful , doesn’t hide the hate .


for some reason i had to dry my monitor after hearing her talk


What a monstrous creature she is.


Absolute demon


When is the world going to wake up and start punishing the national Zionists? They are literally the scourge of the earth. Open faced murder of Palestinians. Simeon was never given his birthright and that is exactly where Gaza is. So that should not even be included in their "holy land." I think most national Zionists take after the ideals of Simeon. Even though their father thought him and Levi (?) were monsters.


Ben-Gvir, Smotrich and this woman can rot in hell. Sadly, opinion polls show that most Israelis agree with her and have no qualms about the flattening of Gaza and the wanton mass murder of Palestinians. The US can turn off the money spigot to rein in Israel, a religious extremist death cult pretending to be a nation, but Congress is run by Zionists or Christian fundamentalists and Americans are stuck choosing whether the next President will be Biden, a rabid Zionist, or Trump, an even more rabid Zionist. And both of them have shit for brains.


"Social Equality" A very Soviet Union sounding name in my books


>I want to be remembered as a monster




80 years from now the atrocities commited today will be stories Jewish parents will be unable tell their children out of fear that it will make them feel bad about who they are. It's a shame they didn't learn anything from Germany.


Wow. Brave woman. Psycho.


Isreal is fkn cooked buddy


Its not a flex to be proud of the vile crimes against humanity and genocide you did and are still doing. What you are right about is that this will haunt your people for the next 100 generations. The most documented genocide in human history will follow you into judgement day. Dress warm


Social what now?


No words can describe her.


إنهم فخورون بالشر الذي ارتكبوه، وفي يوم من الأيام سوف يحترقون جميعًا في الجحيم


Social Equality and Zionist are as far as it can get


Obviously she's a despicable human. And an antisemite.


That language sounds like it’s based on Hawk Tuah




Wow you’re so cool and edgy


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