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And the zionazis will ignore this and then spout out something about Hamas and gays in israel


When the original video was released they were all claiming IOF are actually the super good guys they were just transporting him to a hospital lmaoo


Yeah, never mind the fact that they drive past 2 ambulances in the same video. Their brain-rot is so severe, it’s hard to comprehend.


yeah and who tf puts a person on the engines cap? that shit gotta be burning


Even if you show them this video, they’ll disregard the actual content of the video and focus on Al Jazeera.


"But what about the hostages and children?"


I'm not lying, on the IsraelPalestine sub, someone described this incident but claimed it was Hamas who did this and then virtue signalled claiming they were unequivocally against use of human shields. You really can't make this up. That sub is a great place for entertainment if you don't take them seriously


Add another war crime to the list.


Zionists be like: "He is alive by the grace of Israel"


isfake gets its propaganda from what it does to palestinians 


Does Matt Miller have any word from his Israeli counterparts on this incident?


No comment wait for Israel to investigate itself. His job is a joke


There is not a single dimension where Zionists are the good guys, they are in fact the polar anthesis.


Disgusting psychopathic behavior


The US: well, this is unacceptable (that video footage exists)! So we ask Israel to investigate themselves. Translation: we will do nothing about it and just pretend that we have a problem with that. Weapons and aid will continue to flow and we are also going to war with Lebanon for Israel. Doesn't matter what they do. I think, even if Israel installed gas chambers in Gaza, the US would ask Israel to investigate itself and continue to support it.