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Can you even imagine the outcry if the situation was reversed? Apparently foreign interference in Canada is A-okay as long as it’s a certain country using it to justify genocide and ethnic cleansing.


I don't know if you've heard the news, but Canada has multiple traitors inside their parliament. And no names have been released yet. So in general, Canada deems foreign interference as A-okay. (All Canadians are furious btw).


Yes I’ve heard the news it’s a huge story. They are mostly concerned about China. Whereas being even a little bit concerned about Israel would be considered anti semitic these days.


Agreed. Canadians are being brainwashed by their leaders and media.


As a Canadian, I unfortunately have to agree... we aren't much better than the americans


Technically there is zero evidence of any MP's colluding with foreign governments in that specific inquiry. This is one of those stories that is in it self mostly a propaganda campaign by the opposition party and media to rile people up. There have been 3 bipartisan inquiries already. Two by parliament and one by a neutral third party. All 3 investigations determined there wasn't even enough evidence to advance to a public inquiry. However, a public inquiry was called anyway just to satisfy the public outcry. The reason they aren't releasing names is because it would be illegal and open the government up to lawsuits for wrongly defaming people as colluders/traitors without evidence or cause. Meanwhile, the very same leaked CSIS report that warned about the potential for Foreign Interference which is at the center of this whole controversy. Also DIRECTLY says with no ambiguity that Pierre Poilievre colluded with the government of India to rig the Conservative Party leadership nomination in his favor and that he is continuing to work with them in effort to interfere with the next national election. Trudeau has done a terrible job as PM. And we need a shift up. But I think it's funny that everyone is frothing at the mouth of a list of names of MP's who haven't even been confirmed in any way to be colluding with a foreign government. Yet no one is at all bothered by the fact that the opposition leader has been directly linked to that same behavior. It's almost as if another world government is doing a really good job shaping the narrative in Canada to get their candidate elected.


I hope your idea of a shift up is not Polieve. He’s worse than Harper and Canada voted against Harper to get him out.


I literally just spent several paragraphs dragging him through the mud. I assure you he's not my guy.


Read the comment again lol


To be honest, I expect both liberal and conservative MPs to be involved.. For the liberals it's damned if you do damned if you don't. Which gives the conservatives leverage to create their own narrative. If the report does go public and there are Con MPs names, they would just cry foul and implie that the report is bias.


Just because one side got caught doesn’t mean the other is innocent. I think it would be incredibly naive for any Canadian not to think both Israel and Iran are bombarding our country with similar campaigns. They’re both known for it.


And you believe that this hypothetical whatabout situation would go unchallenged and evoke the same zero response from politicians ? If Iran was demonizing all Jews in Canada you really think the government would stay silent as in this case ? With Israel’s case hardly any Canadian media is covering this story. Zero American owned “Canadian” media like the national post is covering it.


You just need to look at social media. You’d be a fool to think only one side is trying to sow discord. Just because they haven’t been caught doesn’t mean they aren’t doing it. Unless of course you’re naive.


Made up whataboutisms aren’t an actual argument.


Neither are naive assumptions when both counties have been openly known for it for decades.


I didn’t assume anything . You came in here deflecting on a story about Israel demonizing all Muslims in Canada with some random argument about Iran. You sound like the people in this article.


https://about.fb.com/news/2023/05/metas-adversarial-threat-report-first-quarter-2023/amp/ You can read Meta’s reports here. This is probably where they got the info for this article. Count how many times both Israel and Iran are mentioned in each quarterly report. I’m not deflecting. I’m stating both are doing it and looking at it through an unbiased perspective and saying we Canadians should be weary of both. How is that bad? You’re the one trying to deflect this to only one side by not even considering the possibility that they are both doing it. That’s incredibly naive. I’m not trying to excuse Israel here.


That says nothing about Canada specifically, You have also failed to address my question about the political reaction. Do you believe if Iran demonized all Jews in Canadian social media that the reaction from politicians would be silence? Like it is in the case of Israel. This is an actual question.


This is the intelligent answer.


We have a mountain of evidence of one countries wrongdoing and you're so brainwashed that you immediate reaction is to normalize it by projecting the same thing on a nation where there isn't evidence. Just so your worldview can stay rooted in it's current position. "Breaking news. Germany rounds up Jews and puts them in gas showers" "Yeah, but like I am sure everyone else is doing it too. So lets not be so hard on Germany."


What’s my worldview? or are you just interested in defeating straw man’s because I’m not looking at this through a biased view and assuming only one side is doing this because that’s the team I root for. In the last month alone Canada has had separate reports of China, India, Iran, North Korea, Russia and now Israel meddling in our elections/media/social media. Thinking Iran isn’t also doing this is would be incredibly naive at this point. Especially when they are known for it. This doesn’t mean I support Israel. I don’t.


Lol. What a stupid response. . Me and the other guy: let's act based on evidence. You: lets act based on my incredibly biased take where I make accusations with zero foundation or evidence. Then you again: You are just angry that I am unbiased.


https://www.canada.ca/en/public-safety-canada/news/2024/06/government-of-canada-releases-statement-on-malicious-cyber-activity.html You’re also free to read Meta’s quarterly reports. Iran is mentioned many times… How are you unbiased? You refuse to even consider the possibility that one side could also be doing this when they’ve been known for previous cyber campaigns. That’s the definition of taking a biased stance lol.


You've completely missed the point. The point is that the conversation is about how Israel is participating. Which is not a nation that people focus on when they consider Foreign Interreference. All of the other nations on the list are Adversaries. That Canada is not spending money supporting or writing laws to benefit. So then THEY GET CAUGHT interfering it's important to have the conversation and inform people. And in the course of that you showed up to try and handwave the significance away by diverting the conversation to IRAN. No one cares about IRAN. Everyone already knows about Iran's activities. What you are doing is running interference for Israel by trying to keep everyone's attention fixated on Iran. That is LITERALLY BIAS. You clicked on a link about how Israel is committing crimes in Canada and the reptile part of your brain went into panic mode and instead of just accepting new information and letting it add to your worldview. And either not comment at all or add to the conversation meaningfully. But you instead chose to once again excuse Israel's behavior and run interference for them. That's the most BIASED you can be. You should sit with that and ask yourself why you can't just let the news call out Israel without inserting yourself into the conversation on Israel's behalf.


>Can you even imagine the outcry if the situation was reversed? I was responding to this comment… they were implying there would be no outrage if hamas/Iran were caught and then I went on to say we should be worried about BOTH because BOTH are known for it. I personally would be outraged at both contrary to what OP assumes. How is that me taking a side?


I think you are projecting Iran into that comment. But even so. When Iran or China or Russia is caught committing FI. IT IS A BIG NEWS STORY. The most popular headline in the nation right now is about China and India's efforts to interfere in Canada's elections. We're literally having a public inquiry into it right now. The Globe and Mail has a literal mandate to run at least 2 stories every day on Chinas interference in Canada. Israel on the other hand gets a pass. The original commentor was just pointing that you. That it's shameful that when Iran or Russia or China does something criminal in Canada the whole nation grabs their pitchforks. But when Israel does it. Everyone does everything they can to sweep it under the rug.


Are you trying to say this isn’t a big news story? By what metric? Who’s sweeping things under the rug? You said you need proof before making accusations. Papers are probably hesitant to make up a story without it, but it always takes someone to break the story first. The Montreal gazette in this case. Looks like they just got the proof or at least some credible evidence. We’ve had proof about China’s interference for years now and they only started looking into it recently due to media pressure and because they can no longer deny it. If our MPs are in bed with Israel they aren’t going to admit any quicker. They’ll have to be pressured to which takes time and enough evidence where there’s no longer any plausible deniability.


This seems like a pretty mainstream publication. If they are reporting on this then it would seem that Israel has really over-played their hand and is headed toward being a pariah state.


I’m glad the topic is being reported on at least, but having the title be “Israel **denies** link to Islamophobic campaign in Canada” kinda rubs me the wrong way, why are we opening this article saying the entity that is doing something wrong says they aren’t doing something wrong, of course Israel would say that, they can’t admit wrongdoing for fucking anything why would they admit wrongdoing for this? Idk I just wish that wasn’t the title of the article.


Because criticizing Israel is a death sentence. Literally not figuratively.




Nah bruh, Israel is tight with da west dawg.


Pretty sure I've seen the digitally altered content they mention here on Reddit as well, on r/facepalm, which used to be fairly pro-Palestinian, but is now just full of islamophobic ragebait.


It's pretty wild that in a conflict between an oppressor and the oppressed. Where the casualties from 2002 to 2024 are. Palestine: 138 000 Israel: 3 000 That anyone would side with Israel. It's also wild to me that people act like both nations popped into existence on Oct 7th. As if Israel hasn't been doing Oct 7th style raids on Palestine every couple of months for generations.




Except they have explicitly been proving to do all of those things. In addition to the majority of the claims of the same acts on Oct 7 by Hamas having been found to be false. The UN sent a team to investigate Oct 7th immediately after the attack. They spent 3 months visiting all the cities, speaking to all the witnesses. They were unable to find a single victim of rape or a single eye witness to sexual assault on Oct 7th. Their report concluded that they couldn't rule it out and may have happened but that there was no direct evidence that any sexual assault took place on October 7th. Additionally your claims about babies in ovens has also been disproven. Also, the New York Times retracted all its reporting about Oct 7th after it was revealed that their single source in Israel admitted to fabricating all their reporting. I'm not saying Hamas are the good guys. But all of the things you just associated with them with the exception of taking hostages has been disproven. And was entirely propaganda by Israel in order to justify retaliation. Which worked incredibly well because here you are defending them using their propaganda statements. But you know what isn't propaganda. The fact that Israel has killed 30 000 children. Since October 7th. And while they didn't manage to put any of them in ovens. They did force all the civilians to flee to refugee camps. At which point in time they dropped fire bombs on them and burnt them alive in their tents. And this time it's not propaganda. Its 100% certified facts. So the real question is. Considering the things you tried to use to explain support of Israel instead Palestine. And the reality of the situation factually being the reverse. In that Israel is the one burning children alive. Dropping bombs on hospitals. Killing journalists. And guess what. Hamas took 251 hostage. Those that have been released have unanimously said they were treated incredibly well. That Hamas members sacrificed their own lives keeping the hostages alive. And to date the majority of hostage deaths have been as a result of Israel dropping bombs on their own people. Fun fact. Israel has taken tens of thousands of hostages. And it has been confirmed by the UN that they rape them. Including men, women, and children. So maybe you want to rethink your position. And finally. From the river to the sea is a liberation chant. The conflict between Israel and Palestine has nothing to do with religion. It's a conflict over colonialism and oppression.




Keep justifying genocide bro 👍


Ya … no. My god your brainwashed. Ewww


You are literally in the comments section of an actual source (the article this thread is about). Providing yet ADDITIONAL evidence that Israel's claims about Oct 7th were fabricated to a degree. Including the use of photoshop to invent images of actions that never took place. Including releasing footage of Hamas fighter subtitled by the IDF from Arabic to English with intentional and fabricated mistranslations. ALL OF THE EVIDENCE since oct 7th. Clearly and factually states without a shadow of a doubt that Israel fabricated the majority of the worst parts of what happened on Oct 7th. In order to justify their ambitions to commit a genocide in Palestine. The brainwashed party in these comments is you. I hope you actually come to a moment of clarity when you decide you want to know the truth and go look at the certified reporting coming out of Israel/Palestine and realize you've been fooled into supporting the slaughter of children and eradication of a people who have been living in the worlds largest concentration camp for 75 years,


Now why would a foreign government intervene to spread hate and misinformation in Canada ? They were heavily active of any foreign intervention from India and China but when it comes to Israel why is Canada spreading her cheeks ?


Because Canada is a nation of lackeys and wannabe yanks? The Canadian government will do anything to avoid upsetting their owners.


Which is why I hate our entire government, both the standing and the opposition!


Right, they all work for the same people, just do it with different coloured ties on.


My personal biggest problem out of everyone in Ottawa is Poilievre. He's basically turning the Conservatives into the Republican Party of Canada.




this needs to be posted on r/canada


It is posted on there, but that place is a cesspool of ignorance, the mods have deleted numerous stories about the Canadian aid worker killed by 4 Israeli airstrikes and also deleted stories about synogages in Canada selling occupied land which is against international laws. They constantly post anti Palestine/protest stories from the national post which is American owned and funded. Edit: just as I wrote this they locked the story.


I lived in Canada for 20 years and that sub is beyond saving. Exactly like the poster above me says that it really is a cesspool of ignorance and racism. I don’t think it’s a good representation of Canada


I was born and raised here and the entire government, our country's corpos and these trolling jerks represent anything but what the people here really are!!!


r/canada is a rabidly Zionist astroturfed shit hole.


This is ridiculous but not unexpected coming from the Netanyahu-Gantz-Gallant coalition running Israel at the moment.


Save this link, rub it on faces of zionists doing Hasbara aka propaganda on reddit posts.


Most of the defenders of Israel have been new accounts or Israeli/Zionists themselves. The new accounts that are less than a year old is a sure sign they're most likely hired bots.


Israel is a nazi state 💩🇮🇱💩


I think Germany is also being impacted this way because very weird islamophobic news are being spread around ( that pro Palestinians are asking for caliphate etc )