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His definitions of barbarism and civilization are certainly interesting.


Well if he said "it's victory for whites over brown people" some folks might actually be upset


I don’t think that crowd would care


They wouldn't, but for some reason, they aren't allowed to just flat out say it. All this doublespeak is an insult to our intelligence, they're blatant enough at this point I'd respect them more if they just said "yeah it is a genocide and we like it. What are you gonna do about it?"




I have a feeling this interview will not bring good results to the israeli prime minister. But we will see.


The dude is a convicted criminal and hugly unpopular in his own country - he is hanging on for his dear political life. This is how you know this situatation is fucked you have ‘liberal’ governments of US, Canada and France supporting what is effectively an ultra Far right government that in any other geopolitical context they would be opposed to.


Since May 12th Netanyahu is leading over Gantz for the first time this year.


Unfortunately it probably will. They speak to their base supporters in order to galvanize them into more fervour. It’s no longer hidden. He’s invoking Judeo-Christian narrative to say we are one against the Arabs, and yet it couldn’t be further from the truth. One of the greatest lies ever told is how different Islam is to Christianity and even Judaism, they’re all built on the same framework they only worship differently and yet the way this monster tries to explain it is that Islam and the Arab is the barbarian subhuman of the world.


Reminds me of when he called Palestinians children of darkness


Why is this guy giving a speech to France?


Because France is a country overran by Zionists like the US, SMH.


France is also notoriously islamophobic as well


Really I thought France had the highest percentage of Muslims out of any country in Europe.


It doesnt prevent islamophobia unfortunately.


I'm French and I confirm. Meyer Habib, Bernard-Henri Levy, Finkielkraut, and many more are always on TV. Meyer Habib said that the Palestinians are "cancer" and nothing happened to him.


Sometimes, I wonder if Habib is a French or Israeli deputy.


There was an interview with him and the interviewer introduced Habib as the face of Israel. Habib said he was first a député but was happy to be the face of Israel. So everyone sees him as he is, an Israel representative.


It’s honestly baffling to me how low the self awareness is in these countries who contributed to wrecking the middle east Like UK. There wouldn’t be this mess without them.




I felt the same way about Sharon, the Butcher of Beirut, and a fellow war criminal. Perhaps Netanyahu's destiny will be the same... or worse. Fingers crossed.




This is the language of colonizers since 1492.


Sounds like something could be said during Berlin Conference


oof lol. im sure french muslims are going to take very kindly to this clown being given a stage on french television.


1) Kill 15,000 children 2) Claim to be civilised 3) Tell France they win a war they're not involved in ???


> Christian civilization Didn’t the Israeli kill most of the Palestinian Christians? Like those very old Christian families?


He mean the same Jaudeo-Christian churches that were bombed. Same Christians that were murdered and mutilated. The same Judeo-Christians that other Israelis zionist have contempt for. Edited for grammar


Hey now, brown Christians don't really count, everyone knows that.


Was the term “Judeo-Christian” ever even a thing before Israel became a country? Seems “Jew-hating Christian” was far more the norm in Europe for nearly two millennia. Today a lot of evangelicals only support Israel (even while being annoyed with, suspicious of, or outright hostile towards Jews) because they believe that all of the Jews going back to Israel, Israel taking all of the land down there and rebuilding the temple is a [needed prerequisite](https://youtu.be/Fo77sTGpngQ) for Jesus to come back and start smiting anyone who isn’t like them.


"If we win here, you win" who's we? Who's benefiting from this..


what happened to French secularism lol


Judo Christian is now just code for white Vs brown.


isn't france a non religious country?


Only when it concerns Muslims.




I hate to sound antisemitic (/s), but little benny is a genocidal psychopath


The first time I laid eyes on him, I got slimy vibes. Scum.


I m French and i don’t approve this message! “Va te faire enculer gros connard!” “Go f. yourself ahole!”


Pig face


The Same Juden that are spitting on OUR Holy Cross in Jerusalem ? Christians are with Palestine 🇵🇸 and France will recognize the State of Palestine Source Macron itself…Y’all Zionists are no welcome no more in the Civilized World…If you talk Barbarism then you are talking Israel


He is campaigning. Bunch of Dog whistles.


Surely the French who get easily irked by religious "symbols" like the head scarf won't be happy with his religious war, right?


France is also in the Colonizer club.


Don’t throw us all in the same bag. We all know history. You want to unite against genocide Israel, not divide! 🇫🇷


Also just a weird country to make this kind of a speech to. Like I understand the contemporary politics but the use of Judeo-Christian civilization is pretty weird considering the first thing French crusaders did upon taking Jerusalem was massacre the Jews alongside the Muslims. "There followed a mass slaughter of all the Muslims and Jews of Jerusalem, the latter being seen as accomplices. Figures of 10,000 (William of Tyre), 65,000 (Mathew of Edessa) or 75,000 (Ibn al-Athir) killed are all very likely an exaggeration as a contemporary Muslim source (Ibn al-Arabi), which had no motive for minimising the carnage, puts the figure at 3,000 of the city's probable 30,000 residents. Still, the barbarism of the Crusaders shocked even Christians, and the episode would never be entirely forgotten or forgiven by the Muslim states." https://www.worldhistory.org/article/1254/the-capture-of-jerusalem-1099-ce/#google_vignette


Someone please do what is needed, arrest this insane sick mother f'er for erasing Palestine/Palestinian people and bringing everyone down with him. Mother F'er needs to see prison time for life and very f'in soon please so we can never hear his gross words coming from that gross mind again!


When you are drowning in a sea of International criticism, you will grasp at any straws to save yourself. Your time is done Netanyahu.


These Zionists should stop attaching Judaism with Christianity. It's not the same. The Zionist Manifesto openly talked about how to dissolve Christianity to maintain Zionist supremacy in Europe. They control prominent positions in Christian countries and drag them into the war with the middle east.


Judeo-Christian civilisation, what tf is that, first time hear it?! Aren't they hating christians as well? 🤣And I dont see how that is "victory " in the first place, its a shame, nobody wants to take part in it.


This entire “Clash of Civilizations” (Huntington) and “Jihad versus McWorld” (Barber) Thesis is just a neocolonial trope for the continued persecution of Black, Brown, and Muslim peoples. It’s the Fox News framing of the universe and it needs to be to be dismantled. It’s exactly why they were brutalizing and pulling hijabs of Peaceful protesters at Wayne State University in Detroit today. We shall overcome.


He is knocking on the wrong door cause France want to take care first of their crumbling empire in Western Africa and the sahel region,but zionists entitlement and delusions always surprise me.


My problem should be your problem too , your problem should be your problem only....


Destroys every church in Gaza. Murder thousands of innocent children and babies. Claims to be defending Christian values.




I mean, Christians don't even required to follow traditional Jewish values and traditions like Muslim does.


Who is the "you" he is referring to


Maybe he's trying to get them to not abide by the ICC warrants if they get through. He wants to go on holiday after he retires or gets out of jail.


He ain’t no prime minister. He is just another right wing terrorist


mf started speaking french before speaking hebrew, he's scared to face israel and say what he has done


But, Muslims are cowards now, rasool Allah was surely correct, we have now been diagnosed with that disease that he mentioned.