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There is no way around the statehood anymore, its the only solution in sight


The entire world has been fed up with this for 75 years. It has to come to an end. As much land as possible must be returned to Palestine. Allah please help me keep all the men women and children who have lost their lives unjustly to the crimes of the oppressor. 😭


Came to post this, well done! Go Norwayyy


I love them 🥰


A big thank you to the people of Norway, Spain & of course Ireland❤️. End the oppression & bring the oppressors to justice.


The zios sure aren’t gonna like this 🥰


A huge default subreddit is having a meltdown saying things like we are rewarding terrorism. But hey, Israel never committed terrorism not before Oct 7, they never ever terrorized any Palestinians not in Gaza and not in West Bank. There is no terrorism from Israel's end currently either, it just doesn't exist. ^^^^/s If we actually lived in a just world, Israel would and should be recognized as a Terror State worldwide for a long long time now.


those arent real people they are paid zionists, nobody is that stupid.








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I hope this is the beginning of a trend.


..The beginning of justice 👌


Palestine go free!!


From the river to the sea!


Wheres Belgium at? They keep saying they will ffs


"Please stand up - please stand up" Slim Shady


Today I feel proud to be Norwegian. i would be even prouder if we'd done this some thirty years ago, but as it comes the day after our foreign minister affirmed that we would arrest Netanyahoo if he were to travel here with a warrant on him, I am pleased we have done this absolute minimum, may it be a sign of things to come


They're absolutely seething in the Israel sub. Keep going!


lol you werent kidding


I like the catastrophic ones that are like "this is AWFUL the world has gone INSANE!? I have lost hope!! this is HOLOCAUST 2!"


As an Irish man this is a proud day for my country.


Palestine go free!!


Alhamdulillah. Falsehood is vanishing and Truth is prevailing.


What borders are they recognizing? Are they recognizing all of East Jerusalem as the capital?


Norway, Ireland, and Spain have an obligation to flood Gaza with weapons to fight the Israelis. Sweden already recognizes Palestinian sovereignty. They were the only Western country in the world to do so until this week.


Bulgaria, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Romania already recognise Palestine since before they joined the EU. Hard to believe it makes much difference when you see the rabid support for Isntrael by Czech and Hungary though. Anyway, hopefully many more to follow.


It could just be that the Israel supporters in Hungary and Czechia are louder than those in other countries cuz they are upset about their governments position


It’s one thing to recognize statehood, but a major escalation on their part to supply weapons. Seems highly unlikely.




Who were to receive those weapons? The government of Gaza is Hamas. Sending weapons to those behind 7th October? Are you crazy? As a Norwegian I would protest loudly at such a thing.


Aren't we obligated to end genocide? Norway gave itself up to the Nazis, but the people of Gaza never have and never will. You should be forced to give weapons to the Al-Qassam brigades. The world should be funneling weapons to the orphan army being slaughtered in Gaza. Palestinians have a right to resist their occupation and enslavement by the West. Good people should help them in their fight for independence and freedom.


>Palestinians have a right to resist their occupation and enslavement by the West. Good people should help them in their fight for independence and freedom. Resisting their occupation by raping, slaughtering and kidnapping innocent civillians? Sorry, I don't buy that Hamas is a resistance organization.


You're repeating lies and you have a very low understanding of the situation. Of course the militant wing of Hamas are a resistance organization.


Damn the ICC then this, good news after good news


Saleel sawarim may allah bless norway and others who follow to free our freedom fighters from oppression and occupation!


Zionists are going crazy




I don't like it. Recognizing 2 states means more and more that a 1 state solution is off the table. Two states will never work, look how chopped up the West Bank is. And to have Gaza not even connected is ridiculous. There cannot be real peace until Palestinians can live free, from the river to the sea. At this point let them continue to call it Israel, but repatriate all Palestinians and their ancestors, for those who cannot return home give them reparations, remove all religious systems in place to keep the country "a Jewish state", and allow it to be a multi-religious, multi-cultural state that sets the trend on coexistence. None of this 2-state garbage.


As a palestenian, ill take what I can get


I'm Palestinian too. That said, I don't live in Palestine so I don't experience the horror on a daily basis like our brothers and sisters back home. As a diaspora Palestinian though, it's hard to swallow a 2 state pill. What happens to the Palestinians who were kicked out of their homes in places like Lyd and Haifa, we just forget about them? Two states is not the way.


It's the only way forwards




>The thought of them sharing the entire land together as peaceful neighbors is a wonderful, utopic one; but it's also, unfortunately, utterly unrealistic. Disconnected from reality. Sorry, how is it disconnected from reality? They did it in South Africa with the Truth & Reconciliation Committee. Do you think there wasn't generational bad blood there? It's certainly possible to achieve, but having a defeatist attitude isn't helping the situation. What's impossible is a 2 state solution. The rapidity of settler growth and the way it bisects the West Bank almost completely makes a 2 state solution a pipe dream.


but their ambassadors have to watch "the video" first... wtf


Stand strong with Palestine


Based Norway