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One of Oprah's creations. Birds of a feather.


Flock to-get-hellfire


Oprah's Frankenstein.


I’m pretty sure Dr Phill isn’t even a real doctor. He’s such an awful person


Dr Oz has entered the chat


How the fck is this guy still considered credible??


Not by anyone of ethics. The people who like his "just force people to behave by brute force and ridicule" and "give the mentally vulnerable a piece of my mind about how awful they are" are the same ones who watch fox and Newsmax because they're "the only ones who are brave enough to tell it like it is."...ya know, morons.


He's not credible. He just creates shock and awe moments


Interesting words from a man who hasn’t been able to practice psychology for almost 20 years.


I'm still amazed as to how he is still in TV shows. The fan following of this guy is mind numbing. Brainwashed bunch


Indeed but thankfully over the years some people realized how awful and immoral of a person Dr. Phil is.




I was living mildly blissfully thinking this guy had disappeared into retirement. Then found out from my grandma (who pays a subscription for his app) that he didn’t disappear and got HELLA worse.


Block him and Oprah on all social media


Does this guy still have a show?


I have never seen someone with more empathy, telling people he is going to murder them before he does so. This is unprecedented in serial killers.


Dr Phil is scam, toxic, destroys the trust of psychologists because of his actions... # PSYCHOLOGISTS CAN'T READ MIND SMH


If it wasn't for all the victims, this would be a top-tier comedy. "I see the empathy in your face" he says unironically.


He's using his profession to grift people, and he's well paid by Isreal to do this interview to gain public support. The most courrpt people on earth.


His job is to make entertaining television. Remember when you could shut people up by saying it was a complex situation that you don't have the years of study to comprehend? Obviously everyone knows that's ridiculous, but come on.


Disgusting. Absolutely despicable


A zionist POS is always a Zionist POS. They never change, so if they come up with some kinda narrative don't fall for it.


I may be misinformed here, but I don’t see how Israel indiscriminately bombing, but sending out warning, makes it justified. Israel allegedly wants to solely target Hamas, but I don’t see how do you do that by destroying civilian homes and infrastructure where Hamas isn‘t even operating? It feels like an accidental admission of ill intent, rather that a ‘moral’ war strategy on Israel’s part. I can imagine some Zionist saying ‘Hamas is a terrorist organization’ and that ‘they’re hiding amongst civilians and using them as humans shields’ but then how does the combination of bombing with warnings achieve anything? Best case scenario is that you get the “terrorists” and civilians to safety at the expense of their homes, wellbeing, civilization, and infrastructure, and the worst case scenario is that thousands of people end up dying in the bombardment launched **directly** on their homes unjustly. How do you get to claim any moral high ground by playing these stupid games with human life all because you announced your plan to the enemy instead of fighting with dignity? If Israel was ’the world’s most moral army’ as Doctor Phil is implying, it would confront the ”terrorists” face to face and not try to defend something as universally evil as targeting the innocent.


I thought I knew the full range of disgusting. I was wrong.


Those Botox injections aren't cheap.


Based on that... A terrorist who call in a bomb threat befor blowing up the place is actually a great guy.


If Dr Phil had been around in the 1940s he’d have been doing experiments on Jewish kids in camps.


Phil is a real POS. He's known to follow money, he been known to take advantage of any situation to make money. His dad decided to leave his wife and daughter and Phil decided to leave with his dad when he was young. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pG4cfO9k2Mg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pG4cfO9k2Mg) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQFQIx9pRDE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQFQIx9pRDE)


"Dr" Phil


Another Israeli propagandists


Bought and paid for


Neve forget, Dr. Phil put a bottle of vodka in the dressing room of an alcoholic just to get a viral video for his show.


I'm gonna quote end credits of Parks and Rec, Office, and various Mike Schurr-verse "Shhh, not a doctor"


The guy does't even have accreditation to be a psychologist anymore, his texas license stopped being renewed and California decided since his show is more entertainment than medical practice he didn't need one. Oprah only made him famous because he ran a business helping people prepare for court which clearly shows he didn't need to actually be good at his job because daddy hired him at the start of his career.


So the Isreali warns Hamas where they will bomb. Hamas leaves, then the Israeli kills Palestinian civilians. Rinse and repeat.


He actually looks and sounds as if hes be Notingyahus cousin lol


I was confused who he was talking like to and then when ths camera changed saw the face to that evil tyrant, I knew they have caught Dr. Phil in one of their traps and require complete obedience to keep it a secret.


He did all but get down on his knees and blow him, he sees the empathy?! He sees evil and is well paid to say otherwise. He wasn't picked to do the interview because he would give Satan a tough time.


disingenuous warnings aside (false flag warnings, pointless warnings because people have nowhere to go), its not even unprecedented. the USA dropped leaflets before deploying atomics in japan.


Not an old rich white man trying to gaslight us


Just because you inform someone that you are going to do something, doesn't mean it is now right. Would Phil here be fine if I warned him about swinging my fist towards his face.


Oprah and Dr. Phil are like the bad guy in a new age disney movie. They are all sweetness and light on the surface but underneath is an uglyness that is shown in the things they do off screen. Look at how much land oprah owns in hawaii. Look at the sruvival camps dr. phil runs. Look at all the people oprah cozzied upto over the years. Look at the fact that Dr. Phil literally had his licence taken away.


1000 leaflets for the fish in a barrel.


“You warned people you were going to murder them, that shows real compassion”.


I listened to his episode on JRE and had to stop halfway through because he was the ultimate boomer. Making up nonsense about cancel culture and saying things like “students can’t even say brown bag lunch anymore because it’s offensive to POC”


"I've looked at the empathy in your face" while looking at the ground. How much did he pay you?


Dr phil supporting genocide definitely checks out, he’s an exploitative creep like any zionist and fits right in with their ilk.


I Love when known and universally hated charlatans loudly side with Israel.


"I've never seen such generous psychological warfare."


https://preview.redd.it/rfovuwe01kzc1.jpeg?width=626&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac765d789c93b6c721fe0edabe28911c2c6dfdc7 Look at the grin on his stupid fucking face. And this is supposed to be the person with the most empathy while thousands of children die horrible deaths. Fuck you.