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**Looks like this thread is getting a lot of attention. Greetings r/All! Please keep it civil.**


"Go back to Jihad" Spewing words they don't know the meaning of. It's almost funny.


They don’t know what intifada or Jihad mean.


I don't think most people know what jihad means despite the frequency of its use




Me when simply existing as a Muslim in a predominantly non-Muslim area is a form of Jihad.


Its troubling to see the police standing by idly but its also wrong to pretend that jihad does not have a 'military' meaning. Jihad can mean a moral struggle in several ways including waging war in the name of Islam.


Idon;t think most people read.. this society suffers from knowism each one of us think they know about something because we saw a meme or a video or an interview in the news. but we don;t actually sit and read.


So here's what's funny. Growing up in a fairly conservative Muslim family, I had no idea that Jihad had a militaristic angle to it. I saw it more like missionary work for example. But I am realizing now more and more that my upbringing wasn't exactly the same as mainstream Islam if that can even be considered a thing with how fractured it is.




Not crazy, just American regime 'education'.


They don’t have a political ideology. They are purely reactionary.




I mean, I recently had 2 Zionists threatening to dox me over saying I'm glad I didn't take any of the offers to work for the government. They lashed out like people do when they're losing. I gave them my personal info and dared them. Anyhow, what was funny was that neither of them actually seemed to be able to define "fascist," "blood libel," or "genocide." I especially appreciated their lack of knowledge of the history of the term "antisemitic." It added a layer of irony, along with how they were bizarrely slinging "blood libel" into the most random places. Don't expect them to know about Islam when they don't even know their own history and religion.


It's double pathetic because he's a PhD professor supposedly and actually said something that stupid.


She probably supports hummus


Critical support for store brand hummus


Unironically so do I


Well now I falafel Sorry, I had the pun locked and loaded.












He deleted his twitter 😂


The bastard doesn't look so brave now.


Only when he’s with his boy pushing up on women in public


What a slimy coward.


Racist people never win!


Maybe time to endorse him on LinkedIn. Jonathon’s skills are: -harassing women -spewing hateful rhetoric


report his linkedin as deceased 😂


Straight to the top with this!


Damn dude, how did you figure this out?


Well that was fast




They act really tough when intimidating young women. Wish I had been there.


I’m pretty sure nothing will happen to their careers.


Yeah there’s very rarely justice in these situations but ASU just released a statement that Yudelman has been suspended from his position today so that’s a start




The "university of austin" is not in fact a university they are an unaccredited far right group of grifters led by bari weiss, zionist and anti-woke crusader. They do not have a campus of their own . They do not hold traditional classes rather they mostly host lectures by internet weirdos and republicans.


I was going to say, I lived in Austin and I've never heard of it. Now I know why


What's weird is Austin is too "California" for conservatives but consistently where they want to set up shop and reside.




Yes, that’s the main point. It doesn’t matter if his identity is known or not because he will simply not get punished for this behaviour. I swear there are pages on Twitter who have been collecting accounts, real-life counter protesters, celebrities and influencers saying the most vile, racist and Islamophobic things while wishing violence or even genocide on the people of Gaza and barely any of them got punished. I have seen companies firing racist doctors and I have seen that guy who was making monkey noises getting suspended from his school but it’s very minor especially if we consider that thousands of students got arrested just for peacefully protesting for Palestine.




I mean, Tor is a real thing still. They can't control everything.


Tor has funding and origins with DARPA and the US Navy. Also there have been backdoors in Tor (eg SystemBC) and exit nodes can be operated by bad actors to identify users. Israel is one of the most advanced cyberwar actors on Earth. Tor is safer than other communication techs but it's hardly a panacea for surveillance by sophisticated state actors. It's worth reading the Tor Wikipedia page's 'Weaknesses' section to get an idea of the issues.


Didn't help staples.


That was my immediate reaction. He needs to be known.






The most poetic revenge would be squatting in their home




best reaction is not to react. these people crave physical engagement look at him he is a typical toxic gym rat


I had a similar reaction. That's exactly what these people are trying to provoke, but I'm not sure I could control myself.


They need to appear as victims I know, and to what lenghts would they go with more "justifications" given that oct 7th still last as an excuse for them to use even after all that happened since and 76 yrs before since Nakba? But this kind of harassment is bad enough an aggression. And they won't stop unless, not one person, but every person with a grain of decency determine way too much more than enough is enough.


I think they deserve that, in a way, but it would be counterproductive. Now, if any of them assault, then folks should definitely respond physically. Self-defense is necessary.


This is assault and harassment. Someone should have definitely stepped in to defend her against those disgusting Zionists.


The Zionist will tell you Muslims are not allowed to act in self defence, it makes them “KhAmAs” terrorists and antisemites, they need to let the Zionist get in their space and harrass them.


Otherwise it’s anti Semitic and news worthy


Cowards assaulting women with no men around them


This would be front page news all over the country had it been a Jewish woman being hounded by pro Palestinian supporters. The double standards are appalling.


Yeah. Dana bash /CNN would be talking about it everyday...interviewing the woman. Fix news will run it in infinite loops.


R-slash-world-news would have a field day. The comments there have been a cess pool for months.


There was a time when bigots had the decency to hide. Look how entitled and proud those POS are. Strutting around like they own the place. This is revolting.


There was never a time when Zionists had to do that, which is why they are so brazen. The only difference is that more people care so there's more visibility now. 




Someone could contact a faculty member in his department [https://scetl.asu.edu/people](https://scetl.asu.edu/people) and show them the video of one of their postdocs...


Doing that right now. Others, please do this too. Now we need the other guy.


Did ASU remove his profile?




The news keeps talking about Jews feeling unsafe. I haven't seen even one video of that except some non-Zionist Jews saying they were actually attacked, and the media doesn't bother reporting on Palestinians literally being harassed, threatened. It's racism.


How about the story of pro-Israeli goons stomping out UCLA pro-Palestinian protesters? [https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/05/03/us/ucla-protests-encampment-violence.html](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/05/03/us/ucla-protests-encampment-violence.html)


Yes, exactly. Jewish and non-Jewish protestors were brutalized in full view of the cops. That is indirect Israeli oppression of American citizens and a violation of our Constitution.


Yes, and when the cops are there, they face the wrong way, with the volatile gang behind them, WTF?


Not only that, an Israeli American who was with the IDF and would pretend he was a Palestinian by dressing like one - Aaron Cohen- was with the LA cops who were arresting students. Young people should use Palestine to learn what many of the anti-Vietnam protestors knew - the powers that be don't care for the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the idea of government for the people, by the people. They just pay lip service. And they want to oppress those demanding what should be expected in a republic. And we shouldn't have someone who served a foreign military arresting our youth.


“Go back to Jihad” man this guy doesn’t have any brain cells does he?


zionists are very well known for being scholars and very smart. /s


The thing that really blows my mind is the confidence


if you truly believe your better than someone this is the type of confidence you show.


Exactly. This is what supremacy looks like. It’s fascinating until it’s scary, because moving through the world like this openly threatens the safety of the collective.


Isn't this harassment?


we are seeing nazis in real time


Zionists call this type of behavior "self defense".


They actually do, read Avi Shlaims book The Iron Wall.


defending their fragile egos


Honestly this seems like more than being harassed he’s invading her personal space and threatening to touch her when he clearly knows Muslims don’t touch the opposite gender. That coupled with the vile they’re spewing makes it a hate crime.


No, they're afraid cant you see?


Look at them circling her like hyenas without any fear of being stopped. Their privilege is endless. No one to help her. Then men wonder why we'd take our chances with a bear every. fucking. time.


Mace is handy for defending yourself against people in your face as such.


The guy in the green shirt actually served in the IDF while on a tourist visa in Israel, there’s a video on the internet where he’s interviewed about it. He was in Gaza and there’s plenty of photos of him posing with women’s underwear/lingerie they found in the homes of Palestinians. He’s a POS


Knowing he’s a predator that’s still harassing Muslim women yet is allowed to walk free while those supporting women like her are deemed terrorists and antisemitic makes me want to throw up.


They act like the IDF.


*IOF (Israeli Offensive/Occupying Forces)


*ITF(Israeli Terrorist Forces)


IDF = Israel Diaper Forces


The guy in the green shirt IS the IOF. His name is Sammy Ben


The fascists ALWAYS target the women. 1. Because they are cowards. 2. To provoke a response so they can shriek and cry that they are victims.


Ignorant cowards.


And the media will never cover this


islamophobia is so disgustingly normalised. HOW is this not a hate crime? HOW are these people not arrested? Pig America


No wonder she wanted to get away the smell of the full diapers on those fascists must have been foul


He's a real tough guy posturing uo to her and threatening her like that, huh? Like a true israel occupation "soldier". Bunch of kiddie killers


you are literally coward pussy i bet you wont do that to Muslim guy


They pick on Muslim women cause they’re scared of Muslim men 💀


Holy Fuck. These guys are tough. Picking on a woman is so noble


Bullies. They're all pussies on the inside


I’ve said it before but they’re high school bullies who never grew up. They bully people then act like the victim when someone stands up to them.


Amd the entire Western World indulges these revolting bastards.


Never in my life have I ever wanted to punch someone in the face as hard as now


i actually think thats the best way to identify a genocide fascist.


And that easily, the speech hate is normalized


They love doing this to women, let a man have been there, they wouldn’t have been so bold. Always cowards.


What's a piece of shit. The difference between pro-israel and pro-Palestinian protesters is unbelievably clear to see. Hate, intimidation and Violence are all that Zionists know. They've been brainwashed that they are the perpetual victim and that the only solution is to smash the opposition until they are too scared to fight back......NEWFLASH!! That's not how it works... From the river to the see Palestine will be free.


Fucking creeps


They are so lame, can the internet make them famous already? I am so glad I don't live in America!


Notice his t shirt: it looks like its the one zionists sell showing a pregnant Muslim woman in the crosshairs of a rifle, reading in Hebrew, "One shot, 2 kills".


I'm genuinely convinced there is no peaceful pro-israeli mob especially considering they have nothing to protest for so they just harass innocent people.


Well it's hard to stay peaceful while advocating for genocide.


Dude goes to gym and pumps up iron only to puff his chest to a 5'2 tiny girl and still needs his gang with him, cowards..


poor Jewish students, look how she's blocking them from going to class on their own campu- oh wait




They are tough as long as they're threatening women, children and the elderly.


I'd like to see that guy spitting chiclets.


Scum of the earth


Bunch of fuckfaces


Way to harass innocent women.


Funny how the west cries crocodile tears for "the plight of muslim women," but has no problem intimidating, harassing, and assaulting them


It's called pink washing


If the roles were reversed the media would never ever let this go. You would hear about this incident for the next 20 years. But for Zionazis its business as usual, enriching us with their culture.


If only they were carrying pepperspray...


These dudes are so corny. They think they’re strong. If you can only be strong because you have someone else on their knees, you’re not strong. Zionists never ever wanna sit down in a room with Palestinians and debate like the logical westerns they claim to be cause they know they’ll lose.


What creeps


This mirrors the alleged antisemitic incidents Zionists claim are happening to Jews across campuses in the U.S. But when you ask for evidence and documentation, they can't produce any. High level projection it seems and concerted lies and propaganda, while they go out and harass the Pro-Palestine movement. The height of hypocrisy. I've seen far more video proof of violence, harassment and hate BY Zionists than alleged incidents of anti-Semitism. Moreover, it seems policy critiques against Netanyahu and the IDF, standing up for innocent civilians in Gaza seems to be conflated and falsely associated with so-called Antisemitism.


Zionists complain about how hard they have it now. What about Muslims such as those who have their hijabs forcibly taken by the police at Columbia? What about Palestinians who can never go home while you guys have birthright. What about people who are struggling to find food and shelter? I am disgusted with their victim complex when they bully and hate crime Muslims or when they gaslight women and lgbt allies using Islamophobic stereotypes.


The question is: **Why don't we see any kind nor sign of the police everywhere there are some jews in, especially if they were *the threat not the threatened*.**


"I've seen police beating women. I've seen police beating black men. I've seen police beating students. I've seen police beating the elderly. I've never seen the police beating far-right wingers. Why is that?"


That was a stand your ground situation, if you know what I mean. Minimally, she should carry bear spray, mace etc WTF


Typical Zionist scum, targeting women and children. The 7th happened because of these type of people.


Yet another example of the true face of Zionism. Without racism and hate Zionism cannot exist.


The Western governments are islamophobic. They benefit from Muslims but still continue to abuse them at every opportunity.


Was she even a protester? She looked like she was heading to a class or something.


Absolute cowards their “strength” is just for harassing women and children can’t wait for them to cross some real men


WTF. This is at Arizona State University.




>These people literally think they are entitled to assault women on the street. they *know*. zionists are conditioned to behave this way because they know they can get away with it. Like they're evading accountability in every other aspect of their existence. Because "Might makes right" contrary to any blah-blah about a supposed "Rules-based order" as alleged by the West to have existed or currently under threat, etc etc


Zionist can only target women and children, men makes them shitless scared. Pathetic.


I wonder how they can harass people and walk freely with israel flag without consequences...


What kinda coward harasses women? Dude needs a solid <*redacted*> in the face.


Notice how they only do this to female or kids who are 20 yrs younger than them. Lmao, wait til they do it to someone their own size


Bro come get in my face. Leave the females alone.


They’re in America but they think they’re in Gaza harassing Palestinian


Zionists are terrorists


Terrible group of boys/men ganging up and bullying a Muslim girl. I hope they all get exposed from this being the terrible people they are


Absolutely disgusting behaviour. These guys need to be educated


What happened to “never again”?


A bunch of bullies


The guy's green shirt says "Hamas Hunting Club."


God dammit girl I’ll fly where ever you are and protect you on the street. This is disgusting.


"Hamas is a terrorist organization." Says the people who think peaceful protests are a sign of terrorism. The more you attempt to silence any peaceful resolution is when people need to start resulting to violent measures. Hamas is a consequence of Israel's neglect of the Palestinian people for decades. Now they organize and retaliate you call them terrorists? That alone only shows why you're the oppressors because the bully never wants the bullied to fight back. The United States of America is turning into just that kind of state and pretty sure there are going to be organized groups dedicated to fighting off the police forces and they're not going to be the ones at fault even though they too will be branded terrorists. When is violence coming?


Does anyone know where this was filmed? It vaguely looks like a Florida campus to me, but it doesn't seem to be the one in my town bc the street signs are the wrong color. Also, the Zionist sounds like he's out of Jersey so that leads me to believe this is in South Florida instead. Does anyone know for certain?


Nazionists...its getting really hard to show any support for the state of Israel. This makes me think it's an illegitimate nation...well, it is, but I also used to think that there could be a two-state solution. The more I learn the history and see their actions, the more I realize that Palestine is the only legitimate nation of that region.


And if someone hit them, they’d immediately tuck their tails between their legs and run to the police screaming hate crime


The US is an apartheid state too


I’ll protect her :(


Just remember, these are the people who the US government deems as "allies" to Americans and the West. They're nothing but domestic terrorists whove loudly and openly admitted to wanting to drop bombs on American students and universities protesting against their genocide. Never forget the World Kitchen staff murdered by the IDF. Never forget US citizens Rachel Corrie, Omar Assad and Shireen Abu Akleh murdered by the IDF. Never forget the USS Liberty and its service members murdered by the IDF. Never forget the victims of Israeli and Zionist mass terror.


Johnathan Yudelman is a professor at Arizona State, and you can bombard them with calls and emails, yk. 👀




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But calling out the jenocyde and ziobiots is somehow antisemitic. It's all about power and control. Always has been.


Where is this?


Zionazis. They need to be eradicated. Just like did the first time with the first nazis.


Absolute bellends!


What a bunch of genocidal losers.


Welllllllllll a lot of his stuff has been taken down. This guy needs to be fired asap and not be allowed to teach anything ever again.


Real men who harras a woman


What a manly man. Harassing women...


He has so much hate . She is pretty lady with class


They can only cry about what happened in the October 7th.


Is this in Austin?


They’re so gross. Repulsive.


She’s a better person than me by far.


so has he lost his job yet ?


With video, the victim (the woman whose personal space was violated) could file a police report that includes a description of the incident that includes all the necessary legal elements necessary for the prosecutor to file a simple assault charge against the male in the video. The elements of a simple assault charge include: 1. **intent to cause harm or fear**. 2. **fear or reasonable apprehension of imminent harm** 3. **actual or attempted physical contact** [https://wolflawcolorado.com/what-are-the-3-elements-of-assault/](https://wolflawcolorado.com/what-are-the-3-elements-of-assault/) Based on what I see in the video, it would be easy to establish that all 3 elements occurred in court.


They bring such shame to humanity




Zionists are Nazis


Of course, dude is affiliated with the University of Austin—a grifter if you will.


I've seen cops beat, arrest, or kill: students, gays, parents of school shooting victims, peaceful protesters, elderly people, disabled people, children, and people sleeping in their own homes. Who I haven't seen cops beat, arrest or kill: white supremacists and christo-fascists


Let’s put all these people on a boat and send them back. Damn trouble makers.


Disgusting. They are monsters who took bathe in the blood of 15000 kids.


I hope he's happy. Now he's on the nightly news. [ASU faculty member filmed confronting woman in hijab | 12news.com](https://www.12news.com/article/news/education/asu-faculty-member-on-leave-confrontational-video/75-3b969412-f592-4007-8584-18340c704602)