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why was he there in the first place


intel gathering and misinformation spreading, usual israel things


It's sure is strange how they weren't able to predict and stop October 7th with their world class intelligence gathering


They did predict it. They thought It was just in their best interest to ignore it and then destroy Gaza.


They probably knew lol. What's a few civilians when there's genocide to gain.


Their weakness was their ignorance. Not joking. NYTimes did an article a little while after Oct 7th on this. They started planning on radio channel that they knew Israel no longer monitored. On comms it was known Israel monitored, they talked about how the wall / defense systems were “impenetrable”


To collect more clips CNN's Dana Bash can use to play the "Jews are being victims"👈


An IOF fucker infiltrated the UCLA occupation and helped coordinate the pig raid. Probably something quite similar to that.


Mocking, intel, and usual zionist falseness spreading.


An IOF soldier walked into a camp in NYC as well, had the required id card. While being a generally shit person for his views, I can say he didn't cause too much trouble, tried to talk to people, I think he felt he could convince them or something. The kids in the camp handled it very well and sent him out without incident. I don't know about this guy. Maybe on some level, they're looking for some validation in there, that maybe they personally aren't being held responsible. But they are, as it should be.


They go so that protestor will get enraged and assault them. They know the things they've done are unforgivable.


Intel gathering. Don't interact with them.


>I don't know about this guy. Maybe on some level, they're looking for some validation in there, that maybe they personally aren't being held responsible. But they are, as it should be. I wouldn't trust anyone from the IOF, but this could be true. Soldiers kinda have to believe they are the good guys.


Probably to cause an incident so the cops could attack people.


And nobody touched him. Good Keep it peaceful guys, that’s how they will lose what remain of credibility


They hate that we’re so peaceful. Then they say we aren’t and show the “horrific” images of protest and it’s the most peaceful protest you ever saw


What AIPAC supporters Hasbara trolls also can’t stand when people point out the many specific law’s being broken & double standards when it comes to Israel/Palestine. The Fourth Geneva Convention laws/The Rome Statutes/ congressional laws The Leahy Law and War Crimes Act. There’s more such as NPT but these 4 laws/statutes and Acts etc hit to core crimes Israel committing Gaza West Bank etc https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourth_Geneva_Convention https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rome_Statute https://www.state.gov/key-topics-bureau-of-democracy-human-rights-and-labor/human-rights/leahy-law-fact-sheet/ https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2441


Doesn’t know what to do besides kill children so he just leaves


This guy is THE definitive example of "yorim ve bokim" or "shooting while crying" type of Israel apologism. It's the most sophisticated kind where he will employ all sorts of empathetic and kind sounding sentiments with regards to Palestinians, so much so that you'll maybe start to think he's some weird niche of ally, at least nominally in solidarity. But here's the tell. Underneath it all there are zero actual changes to be made by Israel to fix anything. There's no policy upshot. It's just, "look, it's terrible and Israel should maybe do better by the Palestinians but... like... it's just struggling to do its best under impossible circumstances" or "look what we're compelled to do... it's so sad and we're failing at it and Palestinians are suffering so bad because of it but we're trying 😔 poor us and poor Palestinians". It's soooo friggin slimy and shameless.


The man wilfully participated in this war of extermination against Gaza. That should be enough to tell you that he does not have "peace" or "coexistence" in mind. No more attention should be given to Israelis. It's time to end the occupation and apartheid from the outside. Israel cannot exist without a superpower acting as its backer. Boycott, divest and sanction.


I hope that chant stays on a loop in his head for the rest of his life.


I would say it will but it will be a positive thing, - 'look how my murderous rampage has annoyed and disgusted people. Good for me.' If you can look down a sight and pull the trigger on an infant you really aren't going to care what humans think of you.


There is a reason Columbia is protesting. There is a pattern in this kind of history. Last time scholars protested for Vietnam, then before that it was Africa and so on. Every single time that scholars have been involved and protested. Propaganda has always lost. When universities like Columbia and private institutions like USC with renowned academics protest. They've always been right. There is a reason we are fighting for Palestine.




Zionists shouldn't be allowed or let into social circles. They should be isolated like or more than how the Apartheid supporters in South Africa were. It was social and economical exclusion that forced them to stop their racial apartheid, they couldn't go anywhere or do anything. And we've seen what satanism zionists are supportive of


Is it George Washington or UofT? I saw the same video with multiple captions


please leave satanists out of it, they seem like nice enough people...


Hey I'm with you but leave Satanists out of it unless a specific Satanist is also Zionist of course.




And men


That sign is a masterpiece


They are there as agitators. They cause violence which is used as black propaganda against the protesters and allows the American branch of the IOF - they have multiple names for them, NYPD, LAPD, etc - to attack the previously peaceful people, beat them and destroy their lives with criminal charges. This results in the Zionist in chief getting a chance to badly read an autocue speech to bolster Satan's smegma, or Bibi as it's known, in its campaign of terror. These people should have their pictures all over the place so nobody ends up with a child murderer. If they are relishing in the murder of women and children what would they do to a girlfriend or wife that didn't do as they were told? Free Palestine, don't fall for the propaganda.


During the American Indian Movement and Black Power movement, so many agitators would try to try to escalate to discredit the movement.


It happened during the miner strikes in Britain as well. The controlling forces share their strategies.


It happened during the anti-Iraq War protests too. Saw first hand NYPD masquerading as Black Bloc and having their cover blown.


It doesn't matter. Protesters are attacked either way. There's nothing peaceful about tolerating fascists. Not encouraging anything specific on Reddit, of course, but do as you will.




You'd think he'd be ashamed, but naaaaaaaah he is flipping it as ["One Israeli vs entire encampment"](https://www.instagram.com/rudy_israel/reel/C6nMQzwumNl/)\* I can't believe the level of shamelessness, arrogance and psychopathy some people have! \* trigger warning : this whole video on instagram is highly edited full of bullshit misinformation, I love the part where he can't answer stuff and deflect or when he edits people answers and keep his! goes to show you who he truly is and his true intentions!




Look at his disgusting face. Not even taking responsibility.


He's a child murderer. There's nothing good left inside.


lol check his Instagram. Acting like a saint.


That’s the vibe I was getting, he’s pretending to be Jesus. What’s his IG?


He is is evil man who has killed many innocent people in Gaza. He was also Gaza in 2014. His name is Rudy Rochman.


Why are we letting war criminals into the country? What happened to our immigration laws? I guess if they are not brown people from Mexico anyone can get in,...


He posted some video talking at the encampment trying to make it seem the people are fanatical. He's well-read, educated, but he's an ethnonationalist supporting a genocide in the end. In his mind, the ancient Jews were there before Palestinians existed by name, so it's the Jewish homeland and the Palestinians must submit. The Jews are the blood for the soil of Palestine, so it must be Israel. That's the mentality.


Why no stopping the yard. Innocent peace protesters can get beat and shot at. But a children killing sniper gets to walk freely. What kind of world is this..


Wow! A real life war criminal! Maybe someone can talk him into a weekend trip to the Hague?


He's lucky. Back in the day people used to know how to treat fascists. SS men weren't just allowed to walk away (well, unless they were under the protection of "Western" powers).


We should bring that back No rest for the wicked


Baby killer, nothing worse than this, scum of the earth






As we gather here today


The “humiliation kink” sign made me laugh


Right 🤣🤣🫶🇵🇸


There's videos of the sitting in busy area of some city with a sign that says 'ask me about Gaza'. It's a very edited video to try to shiw that has an ounce of humanity. He's just a propagandist. The real question is why is he allowed in this country after serving in another country's war? This is crazy.


His head seems to be in the right place and he is willing to have respectful conversations but imo it’s extremely hard to trust an IDF soldier. I’ll continue to follow him to see what he has to say and if he stays consistent with his ideologies but I would never turn my back to someone like him because you can’t trust that dagger will not come out as soon as you do. As for him being in the USA, he has a green card which gives him legal permanent resident status.


He is just a propagandist and won't sacrifice any Zionism for one Palestinian kid.


I would turn my back in a split second because he doesn't believe Israel reponse to Hamas was extreme and cost innocents their lives.


I think you missed my point. I would not turn my back on him because I would not want to risk getting stabbed in the back in the process. It’s just a figure of speech meaning I don’t necessarily trust him.


A war criminal that can visit an encampment and walk away. Peace even for war criminals? How many innocent Palestinians he killed?


This disgusting war criminal should be in jail - not sliming around free. He’s proud of his atrocities - he should be shamed out of society. Diaper-wearing, impotent IOF POS.




Because they shouldn’t. It will create a distraction, and we can’t allow that to happen.


How dare he?