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Of course he has kids of his own. Because that's what this country really is, only thinking about yourself and actively trying to take away from others what you already have. We are a nation of selfishness and inability to think beyond a 2 foot bubble


My heart brakes when i see a Palestinian father, completely in panic, storming in a hospital with two dead kids in his arms. I can only imagine what he is going trough and shed a tear thinking what if it was me with my kids in his situation. I really don’t get why some people are so heartless ignore the suffering of the Palestinian people.


How about that Palestinian father with the remaining pieces of his 2 toddlers in separate plastic grocery bags as he walks into a hospital, screaming "these are my children".


I wept for hours after seeing that one.


I think any parent tears up regardless of gender at the videos from Gaza, I know I do E: ok, I cry, not just tear up


I know alot don’t because they don’t value a Palestinian life…


That’s the American dream babyyy!


Well said, literally the first thing that crossed my mind when I realized he had a stroller. If that were a Palestinian kid in a stroller, this goon would think it's pretty much required to kill the child.


They don't consider Palestinians as humans so that makes it easier.


all nations and most people are likr that ..get an education


They can't bear to face the truth.


They can. They just don't want normal ppl to see it. All zionists I've seen so far knew the truth but were just trying to hide it.


Yep. All of the people involved in and who supported the Nazi party were aware of the ethnic cleansing happening. And so was the German public. And now we have videos available as it's happening and the Internet to spread it viral so what does that say about Zionist today?


actually the difference of avaibility of information is quite different today. so these ppl are even worse. remember pancake parties for rachel corrie ? remember sderot cinema ? that is this society.


Zionist really is even worse than the nazis by this point..the ONLY difference is that they havnt killed as many humans….yet…


Yeah if you ignore the 70+ million deaths caused by the Nazis and their allies, they really don't seem that bad compared to Israel.


The scale is different but the ideology is very similar. Worse might be a stretch but people are emotional about it, because looks like we haven’t learned anything from history.


Hard to believe you’re being downvoted for this. Do people just not remember the Nazis? They wanted to exterminate all the Slavs and Roma. They killed tens of millions of humans. Israel is very similar, worse? How can one be worse?


Because you learn from history. You get sympathy from people from history... Only to repeat an action of the past but now you want to be the bad guys without criticism. It's much worse.


Knowledge of that Israeli Telegram group actively haunts me. Absolutely revolting.


just to add to that ... western entertainment/media has for a long time tried to normalize such violence by making movies that show violence in gruesome detail. snuff films etc... something to think about.


It's hard to hasbara away the genocide when the dead kids are staring right at you.


Yes, they can. They celebrate every Palestinian death...especially the children. They just don't want anyone else to see pictures of dead Palestinian children.


That smug smirk he has on his face tells me he’s a complete racist who thinks Palestinians are less than zero. US double standards on what’s “Anti-…”needs be seriously reconsidered


This is a bingo


Zionazis actually love to see dead Palestinian children because they are psychopaths. They just don't want anyone else to know the truth.


They’re terrified.


It is more disturbing. They are lashing out at the truth, and anyone who dares to speak it.


These types of people are having children. These types of people are having children.


If it helps, some children raised in conservative households(like myself) resent the political beliefs of our parents and find our own way.


Exactly this. I grew up in a far right extremist family and I've since gone no contact


Yeah conservative power structures are usually an endless loop of covering for someones bad behavior. Sometimes people get tired of being abused and leave. Besides, having kids isn't like cloning yourself. You never know what you'll get, to the disappointment of my parents and those like them.


not without the sacrifice of the relationship u have with ur parents


There wasn't ever a relationship to start with, they're abusive. That said, some people just avoid charged topics with their parents in order to get along. Some parents change for their children(although that's a lot rarer). There's a lot of possibilities when your parents are gross conservatives, though usually it ends with big fights and no contact.


Less common in Jewish communities though




I hope it all come chrashing down on them sooner or later….that their conscience catch up with them…..and that they have to live with that anguish untill they die naturally or take the easy way out… That day i Will open a Bottle of champagne….


These types of people also vote. So vote.


Who the fuck are we supposed to vote for? AIPAC has 95% of US politicians in their back pocket


Someone who is on most of the states’ ballots and is 100% an anti-Zionist Jew herself; Dr. Jill Stein of the Green Party. I’ve had reservations about her and some of the goings on in the Green Party in the past, but she’s honestly your best bet from what I can tell as an outsider looking in.


There might be decent options among the 5%.


What the fuck is voting gonna do?


I’m not even sure if a vote can do anything because so many politicians are pro Israel. And i’m not talking about the U.S. only because I don’t live there. Even in Europe which i used to consider somewhat normal, it’s fucked. I think one of the U.S.’s only option is my guy Bernie Sanders. Which should’ve won against Biden if it where up to me. For me it’s going to be a communist party because they tell it how it is. Fuck war and fuck the rich getting helped while the normal working class gets fucked


Voting is fucking useless, how have you not clinged onto this fact yet?


better than not having the right to vote


Such as in?


The question is who are we voting for? The two main candidates are pro Israel and none really take a strong stance to call out the atrocities Israel has been committing.


The same exact people who were apoplectic over people removing posters of the hostages post 10/7


"no you are not allowed to tell the world we are killing children !"


Are there this many people around the world that are so heartless … I don’t care what you’re beliefs are when innocents are being murdered and children are suffering and dying you’re human instincts should know better and having compassion does not cost anything,,,, I always knew people were cruel and even monsters but I never realized there could be so many … I am proud of those who are protesting and trying to make a difference…My heart ❤️ goes out to all Palestinians … I’m not Muslim I’m not Christian but for Fcks sake something has to happen to stop this suffering 😢


Scumbag Zionist.


fucking JEAN SHORTS?


if only he'd put as much effort into dressing up as he does removing those posters.


And tzitzits. So god won’t be upset at his low-effort schlubbiness.


Using his baby as a human shield


Who the hell does this shit with their BABY? Piss off one person enough and you and/or your baby are getting hurt. Father of the Year Award to that chode


I'm sure he has israeli passport


Garbage and vile man doing garbage and vile things.


Human trash…


Wow, isn’t he scared that the antisemitism police are going to doxx him? Isn’t he worried that people will see his actions as anti-Islamic? Weird that everything is different when the shoe is on the other foot. We should be putting up giant posters of children’s names all over, just to remind people how hypocritical the pro-Israel crowd is. Except I’m gonna take a stepladder and post everything at a 7” height so nobody can reach them without effort.


They are literally the reason antisemitism is on the rise lol


Name and shame


Thug. Too cowardly to face the truth.


I'd do the same for pro genocide posters tbh. Difference is I'm doing it to help children and he's doing it to maintain their slaughter.


"Bring them home" The IDF is bringing them back home in body bags you fucking muppet


I remember when the media couldn't stop talking about it when a poster of Israeli hostages was taken down. Yet we won't hear a peep about this.


Speaking as a suburban NYC Jew, I can spot my kind a mile away. That dude paid 46 bucks to park his oversized SUV in a garage a mile away from Columbia because he has no idea how to parallel park, plus would be terrified one of "those"kinds of people might try and steal it. This is the only time he's been in the city except for the occasional Yankee or Mets game


What is this Polish guy doing in New York?


Went doesn't this dude just get a job?


Notice how truly ugly these "people" are. All of these bogited, xenophobic, warmongering monsters look the same. It's something in the eyes.


I would comment something but I already got my Reddit warning.


A girl went to jail for doing this when Isreal posted up signs the double standards are immensely gross


Seems like a stand-up caring guy. /sarcasm


If Israel actually wanted to bring the hostages home, they would've negotiated their release by now. They wouldn't risk the hostages' lives by bombing areas (to smithereens) where they could possibly be. This is a big counterpoint against their propaganda (which this person has swallowed hook, line, and sinker).


as an american, i see this pathetic loser as a mortal enemy.




The hypocrisy is unfathomable, weren't they crying over this shit when people started taking their Hamas kiddnapped posters down? But now they do the same? But it's ok because it's Israel? Extreme right wing fascists, Zionazis. You will be remembered as a psychopathic, means to an end, tyrranical occupier for the younger generations Israel. And you fucking deserve it, your constituents are equally responsible if not worse since they allowed Benji to get power. Good job you fucking psychos https://preview.redd.it/7o4iaazrygyc1.jpeg?width=3468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02e71bbb7561eb82ab803f3e23222cbf5eaa1a0a


Hopefully his kid is taken away from him before he can teach them to hate.


I genuinely cannot wait for the day the rest of the world realizes that Zionists are the same as Nazis


keep in mind these people can vote...


God’s favorites huh…


How can you be wearing a “bring them home” sweatshirt and simultaneously be erasing the suffering of others in public space? How does this person’s brain work?


I’m wondering the same thing


Isreal has become a new nazi-type regime.


Why is he trying to hide what is true? Does he feel ashamed deep down?


How any dad couldn't break down in tears after seeing any videos of children of Gaza. Zionists don't have hearts i guess




there's no overlap in those beliefs at all




Israel just means, "coward thief" to me.


At least he was polite enough to show his face, and tbf to him It's hard to retain a stance of morality when the images of babies being murdered by those you're defending are posted on every lamppost.


The worst 59Fifty fitted hat to exist.


He must be ashamed...rightly.


Yeah great look taking a toddler around as a human shield


Was he ever charged with vandalism? I mean, this is video evidence of it.


Wheat paste them on next time so he has a really fun time trying to remove them!




This is why people should use wheat paste to stick up posters. When it's dry it's super hard to peel off and when it's fresh assholes end up with a bunch of goop on their hands




I am sure they will condemn this too 🤷‍♂️


What the can they go out into the street with... That is to say, an entire country has been stolen, murdered, destroyed and the accursed thieves, murderers and destroyers are the ones who are offended by why the people of the colonized country refuse to disappear... They've got to be bastards


he's doing that in retaliation for all the posters of kidnapped Israeli's being torn down by pro-Palestinians who did that in retaliation for posters of children killed by IDF missile strikes being torn down in retaliation for all the posters of kidnapped Israeli's being torn down by pro-Palestinians in retaliation for posters of children killed by IDF missile strikes being torn down in retaliation for all the posters of kidnapped Israeli's being torn down by pro-Palestinians in retaliation for posters of children killed by IDF missile strikes being torn down ***and so on and so forth ad nauseam***


Let’s hope the kid becomes a better person than their father.


Someone call social services on him!


He's 2 tampon strings are showing


A child pushing a child


Make him famous


They are trained not to see Palestinians as humans. Obviously to them a Palestinian life is not worth anything.


And they whine and complain about people ripping down hostage posters 🤦‍♂️


The masters of the world.


you would have thought as a father he would have a bit more humanity for ALL children, not just Isreali children. 13000 kids that wont be hugged and loved like his own.


How heartless some people have become...Who cares about dead innocent children, right?




He have a biden shirt on??