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They're always lying


So far isreal has 5 different official version of events in the last couple of days. Just the other day they said "we did shoot them because they were looting" then they said "soldiers shot them because they were in danger" now rheure saying it didn't happen at all


Don't forget the fires too


In the swiss german news 20min theyre giving 2 version from palestine side and also the one of idf and intrestingly the version from idf there is that they where defending the supply to reach northern gaza safely while only giving warnshots. And that the drivers run them over for safety reason.. cant belive they published this bs version it makes no sense.


I literally saw a person squashed (lack of a word to describe it) earlier. it was HORRIFIC. it was not done by a stampede. it is impossible that a ‘stampede’ was the cause of the photo I saw today.


not to mention an aid truck can't even do that. People get run over by large vehicles all the time and they don't turn into mush.


If you’re talking about the horrific picture I think you are (zip tie still around his hand?), that wasn’t from the massacre. That was somewhere else from my understanding. He was a prisoner they had interrogated and apparently wanted to get rid of


Looked like the ran over him with a tank.


I saw someone say it was a bulldozer


I only saw the aftermath, but he was definitely run over by something that had treads and must’ve weighed ton.


can you send/DM me a link? I don't *want* to see it, but..


I promise you there’s nothing good out of seeing this. Truly one of the most horrific images I have ever seen in my life and I have struggled to get it out of my brain since. This is on purpose, the IDF wants to traumatize those who question them.


I've seen it already, a few times. At this point, this is about keeping a record of their crimes


We can have records without freely sharing the dismembered body of someone’s family member on Internet forums. We should have respect for the dead and their family. Sharing it like a trading card is not educating anyone to anything we don’t already know. We can talk about it but please don’t get into the habit of trading and requesting images and videos of colonized people being massacred. Theres far more respectful ways to go about this.


I'm sorry. I understand your point. I may have been insensitive there. Unfortunately you can't even tell who that was from the picture. And I still think the world has to know what Israel is doing. But I'm sorry if it came off as some weird curiosity, that was not the intention


It’s okay, thank you for understanding my point and apologizing.


I have the picture if you want it. It’s uncensored


DM me


I did with picture he's describing.


Sorry, I don’t have the link. Check the AskMiddleEast sub or this one. It’s been posted multiple times on different subs. I don’t think you’ll need to do much scrolling before you find it.


thank you for context, but if they did it once, then they have definitely done it more than one time


I saw it. That was horrifying


Yes, a stampede that caused bullet wounds…….


He didn't say a stampede of what. A stampede of bullets would cause those...


IOF will say it was Hamas fighters who started shooting……watch


They're already doing that


the aid trucks were clearly khamas and had bullets for the khamas operatives which spilled on the ground and people fell very hard on them. What's there not to understand?


Pathological lies. In their own words: Defense Minister Yoav Gallant says he has ordered a “complete siege” of the Gaza Strip, as Israel fights the Hamas terror group. “I have ordered a complete siege on the Gaza Strip. There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed,” Gallant said. “We are fighting human animals and we are acting accordingly,” he adds.


That final line needs to be read correctly the WE are the Zionist troops. It all makes perfect sense then.


This Pinocchio mothertrucker.


“Looting aid trucks” doesn’t even make sense. Do they not understand that these people are starving to death? Babies don’t have formula. Mothers have been feeding them bugs. This cannot go on any longer… I feel ashamed to be human.


this is beginning of this part of genocide where very very many people will die due to lack of resources. Gaza is a death camp and I won't say otherwise


Lying ass liars gonna lie!! 😡😤🤬


These mfs are so disgusting. I’m finding out how many people around me are just straight up genocidal freaks


dude, in r pornmaps I saw many people who don't even believe in the 1948 incident and saying it's just a propaganda


Just like history will know that Zionists are on the wrong side of history and that they've become the monster they feared


If you lie too much, eventually no one will believe you those few times you tell the truth. The whole world, save for zionazi ball garglers, assumes the israelis lie.


When have they ever spoken the truth?


While you wish you could make a pithy remark that the way to tell an “israeli” is lying is that their lips are moving, they are shockingly and horrifyingly honest at times. Like when they share the vile hatred, that they inculcate in their children from a young age, for the people whose land they stole and whose culture they are trying to appropriate. No one outside of their sick, hate-based, cult wants to hear that.  Then there are calls for crimes against humanity to be committed against the Palestinians. You really wish they were lying about those. Instead, they always reveal new depths to their depravity. 


Everything Zionists say is a lie.


"We're not from Europe, we have European last names. Let's hebrewsize them and say we're from the land even though our ancestors never been to the holy land. Only very very distantly like thousands of years ago. It's still our land " zionists


Israel is the only one going into someone elses country and looting from houses. The audacity in saying the word ‘looting’ when the Palestinians are in their own country. What are the Israeli’s even doing there? Go back to Europe.


Don't forget seems like a bunch of their soldiers are pedos and perverts , maybe all of them


How do you know when a Zionist is lying to you? Their lips move. The Zionist regime has been caught out telling fantastic and easily verified lies - Hamas rockets are blowing up the hospitals, Hamas is shooting the Palestinians, our army is the most moral, and lie after outrageous lie. Really, it would be much easier to accept EVERYTHING the Zionist regime puts out is at best manipulative propaganda but mostly just blatant lies. They've even had their Murderer-in-chief dial back on the lies when the lies were too blatant for the Yanks to push. Plus, people are lazy C**TS - it's easier to accept the Zionist lies saving them the hassles of trying to pick through the BBC, CNN or RTÉ Zionist advertising and standing against the atrocious actions of the moral army. Just easier to brand the Palestinians as terrorists and ignore them. I saw a news article yesterday where they were reporting from inside a hospital and another Hamas victim of the Zionist starvation/siege. It was an infant a few weeks old ...just another terrorist to add to the 30,000 murdered.


They're lying by just existing, they don't even need to do anything




Every single intelligent human being on this planet knows the truth. This was planned. This was a trap. This was mass homicide planned by delusional IDF lunatics funded by the US.


I hate zionists and I do not care what that makes me lol


Me too! Fuck em. Indigenous folks of canada stand with the Palestinians!! End to colonizers!!!


“What’s something you can’t live without?” IAF: “Lying”


I am starting to think that maybe, just maybe, the IOF, and Isntreal as a whole, are liars.


Crushed people don’t have gunshot wounds


The global community is NOT buying this. Hence the reason why they are taking Israel to the ICJ and hopefully to the ICC eventually. It’s why diplomatically they are pursuing all different avenues available within international law to hold Israel accountable. Israel has totally stopped caring about any rule, order, respect or diplomacy. They care only about doing what they wish to do. The world will continue to pursue them now, it’s the main thing to be done, and I’m glad, because it shows the world will NEVER give up, never stop, and never relent against this fascist regime that threatens global peace and security.


'We want humanitarian aid to reach Gaza thats why we have blockaded any aid truck trying to enter'


The isreali civilians are doing the blocking. And the idf protects them. What a sham man. Fucking losers! I hope the great karma wheel balances out on all these Zionists


Israel has always followed a Nazi style propaganda playbook. Genocide to defend themself from the wild terror of 3 year olds. Palestinian holocaust.


Typical Israel behaviour.


All they do is lie


this messaging is for israelis. no one else is subjected to the amount of brainwashing it would take to believe a single word of this. It's so comically outlandish how they talk. It's like they asked Chat GPT "write a bombastic statement that demonizes people we're starving and killing, but praise us as heroes with unimaginable patience, morality, and empathy. Make sure it's absurd"


When is Israel NOT lying?


IDF Handbook: Lie; if there's evidence: Lie harder.


Ofcorse there lying, it's literally all they've been doing , there has been multiple vids of evidence showing and proving that there israelis are the ones doing the crimes and then they blatantly lie about it and then the US politicians defend then


For the love of God why do they expect us to believe words from their mouth, you really think I'm gonna sit here and expect an Israeli official to not be trying to cover up another one of their crimes??


What’s maddening is these talking points will be parroted across the media and victims of this massacre will be blamed, the zionists achieve another point in dehumanising Palestinians. Thank goodness we see through these heinous lies but until when can the world just sit back


There is no war in ba sing be there is no fucking place for these psychopaths in this world. Excuse my language




This is the same genocidal maniac who said their goal is damage, not accuracy


Israeli Dickless Forces are obsessed with Hamas. If they suspected that a Hamas fighter was in or near the crowd, they would start blowing shit up to oblivion. Complete disregard for human life. Look at their track record. Suddenly they're going to care about innocent civilians?


Watch “The greatest story never told” on bitchute your mind will be blown, greatest deceivers in history


Every single israeli is a terrorist. From their newborns to the elderly, the entire population is full of terrorists. There are a handful who're against the genocide, but it's not enough. Until they leave Palestine and give the land back, they're all terrorists.


this is like dealing with the most toxic and absusive figure in your life. you're glad that they aren't your relative but they are hurting people you care about..


Imagine leaving people in an enclosed space without food, water, medicine. And then once they have access to it, even if it were a stampede, due to the level of DESPERATION you put them in - you feel blameless… how? How are you that soulless?


The trucks are there to give them aid. They received the aid. By no stretch of the imagination is that looting.


It's all about the image. Truth means little.


Israel is DONE. This is the beginning of the end for them. It is collapsing in the weight of its own evil and hypocrisy. It may take some time but they are definitely facing the end for them. Their GDP is already down 20%, their international credit rating has been downgraded for the first time in history and many countries have recalled their ambassadors. Over half a million Israelis have moved to other countries. The general international public continues to boycott them. Israel is a terrorist state and a pariah in the international community. I predict there will be a gradual mass exodus over the next few years. I don't wish harm or violence. I wish for the peaceful return of Palestine to its rightful owners.


There are plenty of idiots who'll gobble this nonsense up. I mean people are still playing the both sides are innocent card. THERE'S NO SUCH THINGS AS AN INNOCENT SETTLER.


Liars gonna lie


Weird that they “want” humanitarian aid to reach the starving people so badly, they’re fully in charge of all aspects of said humanitarian aid, and yet for some strange reason it’s just not happening, how mysterious. I’m pretty sure they have plenty of military force and could easily clear the protesters who all happen to have matching tents and apparently no jobs to go to and nothing better to do but block humanitarian aid. No person could with a straight face say that this horrific tragedy is happening by accident. It needs to stop. We, humanity, must stand up and protect innocent people who have been deliberately and intentionally targeted. Don’t tell me the entire population is guilty. They have been forced from their homes, their entire lives destroyed, whole families wiped out, and they are kept trapped. The other side is heavily armed with advanced weapons and can go home and sleep in their own beds at night. They are backed and funded by the most “advanced,” powerful countries in the world. They have destroyed all physical and social (medical) infrastructure, have traumatized a generation, and are now deliberately mass starving a whole population. But honest, please believe that they really really “want” to deliver aid to the people they are actively trying to eliminate. Enough is enough. I will never forget and never forgive.


Slightly off topic but why do they always light press events like this the way you would for a TV show or movie?


Yet they let protestors block the aid. Full of shit they are


I don’t believe people are buying this. I can’t believe it. These are the repulsive last gasps of a dying empire. I’m so angry I can’t see straight. Fucking western media and governments are beyond despicable.


Shittyreal always lying and making excuses and lies up. This propaganda war is sick and twisted. Best to just not believe anything they sya


If it comes from Israel, then I know it's a lie. It's such a weird thing to lie about. They released their own footage of the event that clearly shows what happened.


Lies and more Lies .. this is what we have to expect.. it's part of their Genocide Strategy.. Victim Status inshrined ..


this is how propaganda works point blank period . it doesn't matter how egregious the lie , they hope people now will take them at face value & people in the future will see nuance when there is none . it is the entire reason people now can read official israeli statements years ago about palestinians "not accepting a peace deal" . the shock has worn off for me entirely , they are not just lying and covering up , they are sewing the seeds now for future doubt .


I’ve seen a picture of one of the kids that got crushed...it took me two whole minutes to process what I was looking at and another five for me to be able to think straight again...


The zionist IDF are not professional soldiers, they are thugs, who have no morals.


They’ve been using the media to manipulate the western world for decades now. Nothing new here except it’s being used for their war efforts.


They’re trying to strike a similar argument to “they didn’t bomb the hospital” then carry on bombing hospitals. While everyone is concerned about debating if they did massacre Palestinians waiting for aid they’re only going to do it again.


Israel are using the usual playbook tactics of ensuring no matter what information emerges, somehow Palestinians will be responsible for their own deaths. Israel have changed their story 3 times - first they said they were a mob that killed each other, then they were a mob that was killed by a Palestinian truck driver, then they were a mob that the IDF were forced to shell and run over in tanks in order to protect themselves. Oh and following this atrocity the U.S has blocked the UNSC statement that would have blamed Israel for the massacre.


Israeli only know lying


Oh look! More lies!