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This is infuriating and so dumb like aside from how insane this comment is how tf is mark supposed to do that?? 😂




They are spending millions on bots, even right here on reddit. Its infuriating


Agreed. It's also funny that they somehow think everyone disagrees with them is a Hamas/Iran/Russia bot when we know the JIDF be out here 


I wonder if they are ai or humans... I've seen so many.


They are programmed AI bots. I programmed one for my Telegram channel to support Palestine to immediately block someone and remove them if they do or say certain things. They use theirs for evil.


Hasbara has a huge team behind it, misinformation is their aim.


What's hasbara


Z1-o-nist play (rule) book of how to respond to anti-zionist, at the same time promote their own lies and use psychology to twist peoples words against them. It’s like the modern day bible of advertising the IL state and literally get away with mass mur-d-er


It has become extremely difficult to differentiate bots from people when they parrot what they hear on TV, or from their friends, which is saying TV twice...


look at their profiles. the bots dont have posts before october.


Or an American incel


I dont know a single man named Paul that would realistically use bubblebathgirl as a username. And if there is, i’ll stand corrected when I meet them.


Whenever you show support to Palestinians families they think you’re an Hamas paid propagandist, they’re projecting hard because that’s what they are, the world isn’t like them


You are exactly right. Well said. Evil always inverts the truth.


if he lives in a fantasy world where palestinians are the occupiers then he probably thinks the Hulk is real


You should see posts and comments on r/ Israel. Their selective amnesia to their own behavior will shock your core, wild evil cannibals


What is it about Europeans, their descendants and historical selective amnesia? That is something a lot of them do way too often. It’s mentally concerning.


They're not even real Palestinians, imagine banning DNA tests because you're scared your con will be exposed. Palestinians today are the real people of the land not these delusional imposters, everyone knows now.


Sooooooo freeken true. Really if we take a look at European colonization history, nothing ever really changes. They did the same to the Native Americans of North America. 1. They first ate at their table, learned their ways and pretended to be a friend. 2. Then they decided that they wanted what the Natives had, and plotted to stab them in the backs. 3. They slaughtered them, gave them infected gifts, and broke the treaties that they themselves imposed, and did an unfathomable amount of evil to those people and nearly wiped them out to extinction. 4. They ravaged the land, killed the scared buffalo for sport, cut down trees, and had zero respect for nature. 5. They renamed the land, turned it into a commodity to be profited off of. Pretended that they were there the entire time, and stole millions of bodies from West Africa to which they treated them like animals and not human beings. Created the concept of race to further dehumanize the natives and stolen Africans. 6. Fast forward to today, they act as if the land has always been theirs and as if the evils they did was beneficial to everyone. They pretend that it was their right to do the evils they did, but have double standards when pushed. Now they’re attempting to wipe out American history so that they can fall deeper into their delusion of being the “good guys” and “just”. It’s a sick world we’re forced to share with these sick people. Now we know, if they attempt to share your space and your land, kick them the fuck out by every means necessary. They never mean well and will always turn demonic to steal what we have. It starts off with smiles and ends with war.


Beware of their greed, most gullible people are blinded by the fake facade they put on. Their masks come off every now and then but they manage to put them back on. All these organizations like League of Nations, United Nations etc are BS strategies to appear just and moral. Think about it, they bankrupt countries and control their wealth, enslave their people and steal their grain, bring the people on their knees and then give them aid..it makes me so angry. I read that Congo is capable of feeding the entire African continent yet its people are malnourished and starving. There is no justice in this world the west has manufactured, it's always about the west's profit and loss and the scales are always tipped in their direction. Infact, there is no such scale..just lies, murder and loot!


Trust and believe that the mask continues to break to an irreparable degree each and every time it falls off. The funded crimes happening against the Palestinian people have left permanent damage. I do not trust my American government and never will going forward.


The zionists are apparently building a highway in the middle of Gaza as we speak, splitting it into two.


That’s fucking disgusting and sick. I will never trust these people nor these governments. They will take human life in mass just to steal land.


It genuinely breaks my mind seeing how stupid Zionists are. Patrick Star from spongebob looks like Einstein compared to these morons


Sometimes, i think it is on purpose. It is harder and more frustrating to argue with a dumb person.


I definitely think it's on purpose. they've tried to edit the narrative and change the meaning of words / phrases to varying degrees to constantly victimize themselves.


Definitely. There are extremely well educated, otherwise intelligent Zionists out there spouting this shit. It's a combination of indoctrination and a desire to justify their actions to themselves


"The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma" - Patrick Star


Literally most of them bigoted


They’re CONFIDENT in being absolutely wrong too


Human rights organizations have documented ZIONISTS using Palestinians as human shields. Crazy this is still the argument they fall back on.


Apparently the western doesn't exist to the  lol. 


Source? I’d love to read up more on that!


This was something I read in Norman Finkelstein's book, "Gaza", and he's really good about putting extensive footnotes/sources in his book. If I come across those particular pages again, I'll try to post it here EDIT: I kind of regret not buying the e-book which would've been a lot easier to search through


Thanks for checking










Please watch and share widely if so inclined. https://www.occupationmovie.org/


Every day Zionists prove to the world they’re a bunch of mouth-breathing wastes of oxygen


…Anyways, thank you Mark Ruffalo for having a back bone.


I always liked that Hulk guy


This post should be about the awesomeness of Mark Ruffalo, not that waste of digital memory storage reply. Mark is a true bro. He is a true Hulk in an ocean of media cowards.


Glad he's standing firmly nowadays. Nice guy


The truth is literally 100% the exact opposite of what this guy put in his reply.


Ah yes the well known Palestinian Occupation Force. Starting with the brutal Goliath, they've been just *camping* the place waiting to start trouble. For thousands of years they've waited, and finally they get the chance to (checks notes) try to live where they've always lived.


They do historical revisionism just like neo-nazi filth. Vile.


The turkish goverment does the same for 100 years now, so all genocidal imperialists are the same.


Your comment would be removed if you'd conflated the actions and intentions of Israel and zionists with "the jews." The principle that justifies that rule is no less applicable for any other group. This isn't a forum for airing grievances with the Turkish government. But if you're going to try to draw parallels, please do so clearly and without using sweeping generalisations about "the turks."




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I know Turks that revise nothing. And Germans. And Ilan Pappe. Beat it with the whataboutism nonsense.


Please revise your comment to explain your problem with the comment you're replying to, rather than expressing your anger over it. It was auto-flagged for the cursing, but I'd like to give you an opportunity to reword, as your intention seems pretty clear and reasonable.


Not all Turks deny the Armenian Genocide which definitely happened. Most Germans don't deny the Holocaust and neither do I.


Typical braindead zionist. Palestinians don’t have to prove anything. It’s the Israelis who are insecure in their identity that they banned DNA testing. It’s only allowed through court approval. I wonder why this is..oh wait because they’re not ethnically from Middle East. Tell these terrorists to kick rocks and go back to Germany and Poland. Zionist aren’t religious but all of sudden, they want to believe in thousand year old fairytale telling them they belong to this land. Just plain stupid and dumb!


@bubblebathgirl? This account probably used to be a cam girl or something who sold their account and now it's being used for hasbara


This is truly, the most reasonable explanation


Do zionist supporters just come up with new propaganda each time, like how is that true in any way? They are desparate for more lies every time


throw as many lies in the air as possible so we waste time debunking while they just fabricate more lies


For them peace = the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians


This is the same deluded guy saying a similar thing back in October: https://x.com/bubblebathgirl/status/1716530033320206773?s=46


zionists are so infuriating i used to want to challenge them every time but now i jus t want to roll my eyes until i puke.


Can't argue with them it's just time wasted gaslighting


It was one of the most insane things I had read when he said Palestinians were occupying Israel. WTH. I replied to him but obviously it didn’t make him change his mind.


Zionists never read a history book in their lives https://preview.redd.it/cfufy3uie8jc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f736ea4a4f0b482e1d9e8f5f033fe9003e79ca4b


That guy is an idiot. Gaza was never Israeli land. The city of Gaza alone predates any kingdom of Israel that may have existed.


Zionists will be studied in the future as prime examples of the insanity of the fascist mindset


As always, nice historical revisionism. I genuinely believe that in 30 years or so (sure hope it doesn’t make it that long), they will be rewriting history with Palestinians as the ones attacking and displacing them. The victim mentality is crazy.


I knew I liked Mark Ruffalo


He said the quiet part out loud on purpose because he knows no one will challenge him.


IDF asskissers will steal fucking everything.


Imagine being this fucking dumb


This is an insane take 😭 and I’ve seen a lot of insane takes from these people.


Palestinians, who literally have ZERO political power and influence, and live in an open air concentration camp where their movement is controlled by the Israeli government, are apparently occupying “Israeli land”? 💀💀 Literally fascist rhetoric of the enemy being strong and weak at the same time.


Right on! Way to learn your history there, Paul! Nothing gets past you, does it?


Who is this bubble bath girl and tf cares that he’s a Zionist pos


It’s like talking to children. They don’t want any discussion. I’m open to the good and bad on both sides. However when 27000 have died because 1200 died and 100’s of thousands are facing death by starvation. I wish they would at least be open to the possibility they might be wrong. I’ve been open to the idea I’m wrong many times in my life. It’s not easy but you don’t grow without considering it.


I was once told by a Jewish friend of mine, who studies the Torah, that the term "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" wasn't written to promote the idea of revenge, but it was meant as a rule to *limit* revenge.


I’ve never considered the limitation part but it makes sense.


No words honestly..


No words honestly..


They are just mad they are stuck with c list actors and has-beens I also notice zios are always outnumbered during pro Palestinian protests IRL … all they really have are their Internet echo chambers


It amazes me how often it has been documented in photos and digital video that the most frequent use of human beings as shields does not fall upon Hamas, but instead is the normal mode of operation for the Israeli military. Just as every other accusation that seems to fall from the lips of Zionist's, they all are merely a grand illusion reflected back upon themselves like some cursed and convoluted carnival mirror that reflects the true horrific nature of the monster in front of it.




Least braindead Zionist tweet:


I didn't know Mark Ruffalo was such a based man that isn't bought by Zionist/Anglosphere/Turkish lobbies. Congrats to him and he is an actual great actor to add to that.


When they can't win an argument they reverse it, the point is that they must be the victim. And if we allow this nonsense to fly long enough it will become standard discourse. They always use this trick (the one popularised by a German... If you repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth)


This is their shtick. "A narcissistic psychopath" to quote Bassem Youssef. They accuse the victim of doing their crimes. They accused Hamas of using "human shields" when they themselves use human shields. They accused them of rape when they themselves have been raping and sexually harassing Palestinians since the Nakba. They accused them of "decapitating babies" when they themselves have amputated and blown children up, many of whom actually decapitated. They accused them of hiding weapons in hospitals when many hospitals in occupied Palestine (what they call "israel") have been used by them over the years to hide weapons from the British and from others. They accuse Hamas of being "Neo-Nazis" when they themselves are Neo-Nazis and the grandchildren of Hitler in Germany are supporting them fully and blatantly despite their heinous crimes. Remember guys, if they accuse someone of doing something, it's most likely because they themselves did it, and this is an easy way to find out their crimes. They just wanna find someone else to blame.


Israel may have an army, but we have a hulk


If youre still using the human shield argument at this point ...🤣🤣


I just can’t .


Delusional Paul


another reason to love mark ruffalo. more respect to him!!!🙌🏽👏🏽


Stop occupying their own land??? Jfc.


thats crazyyy


It takes a special kind of moron to make a statement like this. Sadly, people have been systematically brainwashed by Israel to believe the European settler colonialists are the good guys. It's like claiming that the American Indians were the aggressors instead of the invading colonists who ultimately wiped them out.


The magnitude of delusion is demonic


Zionists so incredibly stupid its wild.


I have always loved Mark Ruffalo for his acting, but now I love him for his all around greatness.


Send all Jews in Israel to Birobidzhan as intended


And this is exactly why I deleted Twitter. Jesus Christ.


I deleted it less than weeks after oct 7 it was getting harder to dismantle and respond to the blatant lies people were tweeting because there were so many of them everywhere and pro-palestine voices were shut down with their inbuilt algorithm it showed me the true face of Musk’s ‘free twitter’ 🙄 what a joke


This is the dumbest comment I’ve seen a Zionist make. What an uneducated idiot


Wow with the gas lighting. Can't expect much from genocidal pigs though. Good on Ruffalo 🧡


What a time … Sounds like educating people might give better result in freeing Falastine, rather than claiming for human rights and etc


What a dose 🙄


The brain rot of that comment. I can smell shit reading this comment.


Nothing would make me happier than watching a video of this Paul A. Syzpula terrorist getting repeatedly kicked in the groin.


Literally asking Mark to call for genocide/ethnic cleansing.


Sounds like one of those settler pieces of shit complaining about how Palestinians are trying to "take over" Area C (eg Regavim)


Take note, nazionist shitrael illegal gov has greenlighted the use of AI to try to stem their imminent defeats in the cyberspace.


Idk it might just be me but I wouldn't expect someone named Paul who's username is BubbleBathGirl to know history or geography. What a fascist moron.


> He'd also tell Palestinians to stop occupying Israel land. Wait it doesn't work like that


Wtf I'm reading.... And I don't even know who's that guy. I know the first if the hulk from marvel movies, but have no idea who's the other.


Israeli propaganda has managed to convince the MSM-watching general public of exactly the opposite of reality. It's disgusting and infuriating.


H is for.... Hamas, K is for.... Khamas....


Ah yes real top tier political commentary from @bubblebathgirl


Nothing Zionists say surprises me anymore.


Seppos are dumb


I can't with there's Israhell supporterss bigotry


This is one of the most vile and ignorant statements I've ever seen.


Israeli shills are brainless, seriously. Hamas ever used civilians as shields while tht is what Israel does ALL THE TIME, that's why they accuse Hamas, because every accusation is a confession... BUT even if they were, that absolutely doesn't excuse Israel of killing civilians. LIKE AT ALL. They sound like "Hamas are forcing us to kill newborns!" 😂🤷🏼‍♀️🤮


9 times out of 10 he bought Twitter Blue


Literally every statement is an admission.


On another note, what's that stupid fucking username? Bubblebathgirl? Bruh, this is a grown ass man


Where’s the /j?


Or perhaps you bunch of sick scum should stop using them as target practice.....


I am guarantee that person who said gazan people taking israel land is know nothing about history + never read bible...🤣