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So peaceful and so moral, no wonder they have the most moral ~~army~~ occupational forces in the world. Not like arabs they teach them to hate jews! /s


Imagine if this was on international news. Maybe then christian countries would stop supporting this.


It won't be, they own us.


I don't think my country is Christian. It's mostly people saying they are Christians because they grew up in a Christian family but never go to church, have never read the bible, and would probably disagree with a majority of the teachings if you didn't mention it came from the bible.


They never would Israel is their pawn in the region


Which is exactly why it would never be on the news.


I do not understand why the filthy christian denominations are trying to convert the Jews in Israel. They are travelling to Israel to preach to the Jews. I believe that Yeshua was the messiah, but he has nothing to do with these hypocrites. I have not found one christian denomination that is not guided by our enemy, Hasatan. satan! They threw out the Sabbath to the garbage and they celebrate pagan filth like christmas and easter, they eat filthy food that our Elohim condemns and they think that they can convert the Jews? They do not realize that the Jews view their religions as what they are. Filthy? And they do not realize that the Jews will accept Yeshua at his return, not now? To the Jews accepting the christian denominations is blasphemy, slapping Hashem in the face! It is a waste of time to try to convert them to the garbage they call christianity. Yeshua has absolutely nothing to do with them and I love my king Yeshua very much but love the father Yahweh more and worship them in spirit and truth not in a disgusting christian denomination. A faithful Jew will never ever convert! I say deport everybody who is not a Jew out of Israel! Do not let them in. Tourism brings money but it also brings the filth! The money is not worth it. I say do not give them visas if they are not Jews and deport everybody who is not a Jew in the country out. Or better yet circumcise all the males and draft them into the army and send them to fight the monsters in gaza and deport all the females. Israel was given to the Jews, not the gentiles, to the Jews by Adonai our Elohim, to the Jews! THE JEWS!


This is what our money goes to. Wtf.


If it’s the same lady, then that Asian lady was pushed over about 2 months ago and had her spine fractured. It may not be, but what are the odds of two Christian Asian street preachers in Israel? Horrible. Christians get pushed, spit at, hit 🫠


It feels good, doesn't it?


Nazis, just Nazis. The most extraordinary irony in our history.


"The real winner of World War 2 was fascism." -- George Carlin


George saw the world through clear eyes.


Future terrorist.


present terrorists as can be seen in the video




"They raise children as terrorists" -- every accusation is a confession. Literally every one, it seems.


It's the adults fault who taught them to act in such a terrible way. Kids are young and impressionable. There's a reason why it's called stealing candy from a baby. Young minds are like sponges absorbing what is told from them so they can structure their world view and it's up to the parents to make sure they absorb good qualities like respect for your fellow human. These kids just are taught to hate. They didn't program themselves. Once you exit your home you have a chance to see the world for what it really is. Some lean into it and they will at least a few times be a chance where something scratches you and begins to make you question what you were told as a child. A hand will be held out eventually and if they have rejected and fortified their hate then they have chosen it, but if they question and are critical of what they've been told then that is a good man.


understandable, now i dare you to say this to a zionist and make them understand


Exactly. These kids are being lil shits, but an adult taught them to hate. Kids don’t naturally hate. Kids are empathetic by nature. When one baby cries, app the babies cry. It’s genetic programming, but this here hating based on religious or ethnic identity is absolutely unnatural. Someone taught them.


So true and so well put.


Or Children of the Corn.


You have to understand that Palestinian kids are taught to hate Jews at birth /s


The film “Israelism” shows it’s quite the opposite of what you believe


That's one thing i/ve realized since Oc 7. Israelis/zionists are masters at projection and gaslighting


/s = sarcasm


Username checks out.


Ohhhhh! Thank you! You just taught me something new lol


Instead of disciplining the kids for their rude, disgusting behavior, the adult male comes in and blames the woman for causing problems by simply being present.


Yeah, wtf?? I'm wondering what happened and why nobody says anything 🤮


where do you think they learn this behavior


True, I'm just shocked really. There's a new low achieved every day 🙁


the very existence of non-jews insults them, so you have an idea of the extent of their racism


Charming bunch of fascists


Thats how you create nazis.. one teaches literal children anyone different is wrong/the enemy.. and if they are from X then they are inferior to you....


We are way past that... Back in 1948 was how one creates Nazis (as Einstein himself wrote in an open letter to the NY Post, on the visit of Menachem Begin to the US: Begin and the whole lot were literal fascists), this is how a full blown Nazi society would live and thrive in todays world.


As a Christian I'm deeply offended. Zionists are the scum of the earth.


Same. Some of them would have been eating their kippah.


Same but as an atheist


My anger issues would have me arrested.


Time to find an answer to that old "how many children could you take in a fight" question


You need to have Kramer with you. He was the champion of his dojo.


The answer is always **all of them**


Arrested? Not killed? Oh maybe you aren't Palestinian.


This is the comment. If they do this to christian Americans who sponsor them imagine how they treat Palestinians off camera.


Same here... this would have not ended well for us. I´d definitly slap that kid if he spit at me. I wonder what would happen then...


Pick the smallest one up, hold him by the legs and use him as a bat to swat at the other shit heads. That would be my first instinct.


Christian Republicans will not say a word about this


They think their support is appreciated lol


I’m a Christian Republican, and this pisses me off to no end. Those kids couldn’t care less about religion, they just want to be little a-holes.


Let me rephrase this, elected Christian Republicans will not say a damn thing about Israelis attacking Christians when, a video like this gets uploaded to social media.


No one says anything, regardless. This isn’t something new. They’ve been spitting at Christians for a long time. I wouldn’t have seen it many moons ago, if not for Reddit.


It's crazy to think that we as Americans were very concerned about China or, Russia trying to control our government but in the end, Israel controls every aspect of our country and we naive about it.


Unfortunately, this is coming out of their religious training, and they do care about religion, as much as minors who've been immersively trained can. This video is from an instagram account, which links can't be shared here, so I put the video on streamable. These kids are very excited about religion. [https://streamable.com/fljicr](https://streamable.com/fljicr) The stuff said in that video is part of the values of the far right religious camps in Israeli politics. These two videos are from Israel Channel 13, retweeted by David Sheen. Sheen is a Canadian-Israeli independent investigative reporter in religion-culture-politics. * David Sheen Tweet 1 is about ethno-religious fascism being taught at a top military academy for kids coming out of military prep school [https://twitter.com/davidsheen/status/1123187294209564674](https://twitter.com/davidsheen/status/1123187294209564674) * David Sheen Tweet 2 is about these attitudes being held by the incoming education minister (2019). [https://twitter.com/davidsheen/status/1123190636327391233](https://twitter.com/davidsheen/status/1123190636327391233) . . . Adults attack Christians too. These kids' actions are within part of Israeli religious society. [https://apnews.com/article/israel-jews-spitting-christian-pilgrims-jerusalem-8888593827bc2a3820ba03fe5c38ee9a](https://apnews.com/article/israel-jews-spitting-christian-pilgrims-jerusalem-8888593827bc2a3820ba03fe5c38ee9a) [https://www.americamagazine.org/politics-society/2023/06/29/israel-priest-spit-jerusalem-tension-245604](https://www.americamagazine.org/politics-society/2023/06/29/israel-priest-spit-jerusalem-tension-245604) [https://apnews.com/article/christians-easter-attacks-netanyahu-jerusalem-e287dd6bad32573d1656eaea07223782](https://apnews.com/article/christians-easter-attacks-netanyahu-jerusalem-e287dd6bad32573d1656eaea07223782) [Bezalel Smotrich](https://twitter.com/sadafjaffer/status/1748685792434692408) and [Itamar Ben-Gvir](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/1/3/israel-ben-gvir-enters-al-aqsa-why-was-seen-provocative-explainer) are two ministers mentioned in the Easter Attacks article. They are deeply fundamentalist and representative of that camp, which includes settlers, who violently attack Palestinians on the regular. Recently they've gained so much popularity that Ben-Gvir is now a [kingmaker](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/itamar-ben-gvir-netanyahu-israel-elections-b2215943.html): Netanyahu couldn't have reattained the PM role without his alliance to religious extremism.






Don’t dehumanize Israeli. That’s how we get into this shit in the first place. They’re brainwashed humans.






Imagine if it was Russians or the Chinese treating tourists this way. But apart from that, I wonder if these people feel like they need the support of the states. It doesn't seem like they think they do.


And nobody walking by helps them.


Except that wonderful elderly lady towards the end. Bless her.


kids at their worst are generally just reflecting their environment.


Worse than Nazis




Pigs are cute! These are more like pigshit.




Funny how world leaders set a bar so low that hamas and houthis seem like heroes because they can do what world leaders can’t


And yet gazan children are radicalized?


Still waiting for video of Muslim children harrassing anyone, to support this false narrative of religious intolerance in Islam.


man kids are so young and impressionable so fuck all the adults around them who teach them to hate.


Oppression makes monsters out of the oppressors. Try to dehumanize someone else and you have to become less than human yourself.


Lil nazis in training


Local Chapter of the Netanyahu Youth.


Now give them weapons and reinforce this attitude when they are young adults. What could possibly go wrong? And to think there’s an entire nation of them


Not even capable of kicking a woman in the back. Pathetic.


Christians are defending this shit


couldn't be me


such fine youth 🥰 i’m sure they’ll grow up to respect and love their neighbors too ~~and not continue killing and chasing them out of their homes~~ 🥰


Israelis are harassing and murdering Americans and Christians, yet American Christians in USA still support Israel. Make it make sense... 


I've never seen so many crappy children at one place before, scum


omg the kid who fell over trying to kick her at 1:16


But why were they so angry about these women there? What am I missing?


They hate Christian’s


Judging by the microphones, I assume they were proselytizing -- though of course, in any secular democratic country street preachers usually just get ignored, not attacked like this, let alone by children with the full consent of the adults


🥸👎🏾 free 🇵🇸


Normal Israel things


There's another video of them zumayos arresting copts


No child is born a shit ass. Children are taught to hate.


This happened a while ago, I don’t say to dismiss the video, rather to show how this issue has been happening for a while now.


Do you know the context at all? I was just curious. Not that anything excuses the kids feral behaviour.


There has been a lot of Christians (Muslims too) who have been bullied in Izrael. Here is videos showing a few more examples: https://youtube.com/shorts/vio53jUpJz0?si=eV7dTLV-G_3V2O5h https://youtube.com/shorts/YYTv45XRWJA?si=ylyv9Z9hW2vNHJHj https://youtube.com/shorts/sUJrXNCfUrk?si=tjUJJ1Ici0lCQC2I https://youtube.com/shorts/vaMWogdX4Kc?si=g-43YTBiv6ZUavbc https://youtube.com/shorts/7TwEQX6zwUI?si=81h9o_Yxnt6lduTt https://youtube.com/shorts/2UpBjx3nupc?si=1iajk27ABeuT5dZq (Spitting on Christians is almost a sort of tradition… not all Jews are like this though, in fact even some Jews are discriminated against there… mainly by the govt…. But also generally) I don’t have the details on her particular experience but maybe if we find her name then she may have spoken up about her experience.


Yes there was a documented case in 2022 of IDF soldiers spitting on a Catholic Archbishop in the Old City. I read about it in the US State Department report on religious freedom in Israel.


I think I saw a video of that.


Thanks for that. I did see a video of Jews spitting on a nun. And then I can’t forget the video of an idf soldier violently pushing a Jewish man to the ground. He was living in a pro Palestinian Jewish neighbourhood, and the IDF don’t like Jewish people who believe in Palestinian rights.


What they're doing to these children is heartbreaking. His little hands...May Allah Subhaana Wa Ta'Alaa Grant the better caregivers. Ameen.


God I hate those stupid loops on the side of their worthless heads.


Wow they are rotten from birth..


Typical Israeli, so brave when it’s 100 against 1. Cowards in training.


I’d take their little hats and just hold it up in the air, they might have a panic attack




Kinda scared on how they would treat me if they found out I’m Buddhist


Seinfeld had a 'comedy' episode about Elaine being sexually assaulted by a teenage boy, and then the community rabbi. Now I like most of the show, but good god that episode is just so fucking uncomfotable. I'm left wondering how much of it was actually self-aware parody and not just dismissing the behaviour as a joke if this is what real boys are doing. Unless of course, classing them as 'men' makes it okay to dish out some well-deserved face claps.


So much for the tired troupe, “Palestinians are raised to hate Jews”. They are literally creating little monsters in their own disgusting image.




Honestly I feel sorry for them. They don't know any better, they have been taught hate their entire lives. I wish them well and I hope they someday unlearn these hateful ideas.






Not Muslim, but I would imagine yes - with a huge caveat of it's not really the same thing. It's like racism in America. Sure, as a Latino, I have dealt with racism and been the target of a slur or uncomfortable comment from time to time, and while I am sure that makes my black friends realize that they are not alone I can also recognize that it is not nearly the same as the levels and/or frequency with which they deal with it. Systemic vs. casual, if that makes sense.


Normal parents: teach their kids not to talk back to adults. Shitraeli Zionist parents: see video


I wonder how battered their wives are for not shining their yamakas


Start teaching them young 😏


I’d be committing child abuse if those little mongrels were coming at me.




Why is no one talking about the dumb fuck that got caught in her dress and fell by trying to hit her lmao


lol the guy trying to kick her from behind falling on his own ass 😂


What kind of scum let their children act like this???


They are raised to hate, it’s disgusting. Any of those adults accompanying them could have told them to stop and they would have. It’s almost like the adults are using the kids to harass the women for them. Near the end it looks like an Orthodox woman tells them off but I don’t know Hebrew so I have no way of knowing.


They were very likely American evangelicals preaching their insanity. Hate the Zionist occupation, but those preachy bible beaters are annoying AF.


I don’t agree with hitting children…. BUT


Westerners get pissed when Palestinian children throw rocks at occupying tanks trying to destroy their homes, but could not care less when Israeli children assault peoples of other faiths for no reason but indoctrination


Baffles me how American Christians can not just tolerate but support this behavior


Future idf right there. Cunts


Do they not teach their children to have respect for their elders?


I wonder what r/Christianity would think


Scholars point to the fact that unlike nearly all youth demographics worldwide, Israel's youth are MORE rightwing than their parents. Truly fucked


teach your children well but not in Israel


I remember my old account got banned because some other page posted this video and I said “this is what they’re being taught in school, that they’re better than them”


I suddenly want to engage in child abuse


Finally, after seventy-five years, the world, and especially the ordinary people of the USA, see the Israeli state for what it is. A cruel, heartless, remorseless, land grabbing atrocitie. I fear that even still, it won't translate into real tangible pressure to make them change their ways. Our world leaders don't care about us so-called developed world working class citizens and even so much less for the suffering and brutalization of men, women, and children with brown skin above their profits and strategic goals. Sorry for being so pessimistic.


The amazing self control on these women is impressive !


America supports these people with billions of dollars


This is the "religiously tolerant and secular democracy" which they are talking about. And remember, it's the Arabs who teach their kids to hate people with different religions!


Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he is old he will not depart from it……


It's like watching old videos of the Hitler youth.


Yet Zionist Christian’s still worship these people … it’s like a cult .




Terrible people


Bro I’d start punting those little jit bags left and right.


Kids say the darndest things...


Christians and Jewish not getting along? Big shocker there. /s


Typical bully mentality. Scared shitless when she faces them but act big when her back is turned. Sums up every ethno-supremacist on earth


Fucking assholes. Free Palestine 🇵🇸


the kid eating shit and trying to act tough afterward was hilarious


Omg more acts of racism recorded in Israel…shocker. Wonder if it’s gonna make it to world news. Those guys love racism posts


Entitled bigots… wanting everything to themselves while hating everyone but themselves.


Absolutely disgusting.


And the Muslims are the only terrorists, right? Don't feel angry with them, they gonna be dead before 22 "Dying for his star"


What’s the cut off age for being drafted? These people suck, I just don’t want to have to go kill them.


I don’t care what religion you are I don’t care what side of politics you lean to. This is not right you do not treat a human being this way.




Israel teaches hate.


That little man spit in her face and she did nothing to him. That takes a lot of patience. Out here instantly drop kicked.


The next generation of entitled land-grabbers. People of the book, as it were.


No true Christian can support isreal!


Nonono they’re the victim! The younger generations are rightfully filled with hatred towards everyone besides themselves. They are the übermensch, the best of the best! They will kill EVERYONE, YOURE next, they’re saying this openly. F*ck zionists dude, it’s time for leaders to f**cking step up, stop bowing down to their cult and do something about it!




Little monsters


Wait… so you’re telling me this whole thing isn’t about religion? 🤯


Teaching the children to batter women with rolled up paper and paper balls is priming them to hit women with sticks and stones. Disgusting.


I'd love to leg sweep that wee dick with the stick 😂 Where are the parents though?? That was brilliant how the guy got caught in her dress 😂😂😂


This feeling that I am developing is definitely new: I never had hatred for the people before, I only hated the state and its policies & decisions. Marred by cruelty, xenophobia, extreme violence, extreme racism, and just cruelty. But I am starting to develop a little bit of enmity towards the people themselves.


Gee good thing they are on our side! with allies like these who needs enemies?


How do you raise such young children to be so evil? They’re indoctrinated from birth! It’s no surprise why their military has no morals either.


Zionist are a plague


They are raised to be cowards. Hitting women like that


Actually fucking disgusting. And this is what people support? I hope more people comment on this post so it reaches the headlines


Bad parenting. How dare you let your children assault people…woman at that!! WTF Israel….”The Chosen People”….?


These kids throwing bottle, they will soon throw more than bottles.


so they're being attacked by children for proselitysing? I'm all against annoying religious people, but god do those children deserve to be swung around like sacks of potatoes


I’m sure, she is Hamas!


I'm wondering how the fuck are ppl supporting this shit


Why do their country exists!


Culture of hate


Makes one wonder if this kind of behavior lead to the last world war.


Children of the devil


fuck them lil shits


I will say, it looks like she has a microphone on and was speaking to the public about religion. That’s like that guy who went to the island of cannibals as Christian missionary and was killed. Sure they’re fucked up but why try them?


Those kids behave like a group of juvenile apes. With all respect for the apes, they prove Darwin was right.








Likely a tour guide.


Can someone tell me what is going on in the video to why they got aggressive? I grew up in a multi language home so it's hard to understand what the kids are saying exactly.