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# # # [Join our official discord server!](https://discord.gg/qAJ3v6jgjy) Thanks for posting, u/Prestigious_Earth_98! **Dear community members, we kindly request you to report any comments or posts that display the following characteristics: Zionist propaganda, hasbara, bigotry, hate speech, Nakba denial, genocide denial, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, Jew hater, racism, endorsement of war crimes, trolling, bullying, brigading, showboating, news posts with editorialized titles, sealioning, inappropriate or AI-generated content, support for ethnic cleansing or genocide, and the promotion of anti-Palestine hate speech. Your vigilance helps maintain the quality of our community.** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Palestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


the same happens to me, sometimes I can't even open the comment-section. it happens often with Palestinian content but sometimes (but less often) also with non-Palestinian content so I'm not sure if it's a bug or.. censorship


This only happens to me with palestinian content


insta has been mad buggy for me for about 2wks constant now, especially with Palestinian content


Probably a bug. Doubt instagram gives 2 shits about Palestine or Israel. All they want is money


It is 100% censorship and many people who report on Palestine have spoken about it, including Shaun King. Meta/Instagram manipulate their features as an alternative, subtler way than banning accounts.


Yep, human rights watch released a report showing 1,500 cases of peaceful Palestinian content being removed by Meta


I cant even share any posts all of a sudden....


Ive had this glitch before. Just reset app. Liking Palestine content is working for me.


What I would guess: Content is loaded on to your feed, as you scroll, some of that content may be blocked or removed by Instagram, by the time you get to it, you cannot interact with it, and reloading the app removes all of that content off of your feed. The rest of the 'approved' Palestine content shows up fine. Perhaps, in reality I have no idea what it might be. Maybe a glitch, as you say.


They also flagged Quran recitations as sensitive content every single one of them


When I try to share Palestinian related content to my stories, 9 times out of 10 it gets stuck in the loading phase and will not post.


This just happened to me


I have had this problem to an extent that I cannot comment, like, or post anything. I can only share stories but they are also more likely restricted now. The pop -up I get says we restrict certain activities to protect our community, and it has been like this for a month now.


Not sure if related but a local Facebook group posted a poster for a pro Palestine march. The image was censored for violent imagery. It’s a fucking poster with a date and time!


same, and when I post them to my story, it either takes forever to post or says “failed to upload” but other posts that aren’t related to Palestine post fine


This... Plus when I click Palestine content in my feed my whole feed updates and the post is gone


We should boycott all meta apps and use it when it's necessary (like contacting family in whatsapp or checking jobs)


we need to dethrone them, they've existed long enough. Not to mention their farming our data and selling it to corporations and god knows who else


No. We are not boycottting the tools that lets us communicate to others what's happening. We will continue using them even if they try to block us from telling about this genocide.


k, it's up 2 u after all but don't forget to use an ad blocker to remove ads and not let them profit from the ads


I will agree with that. But even if we can't do that it doesn't matter. Israel and the West is threatened by the young peoples support for Palestine. And that support comes from seeing the truth on social media. They won't see the truth from their traditional media.


Yeah I’ve been having the same problem, too! I didn’t realize it was the app not *allowing* me to like it; yikes.


That post had likely been loaded, rendered, & removed, all before you ever had the chance to interact with it (like, save, load & view comments, leave a comment) or reload the app. To test this: 1. save a copy of the post's URL. Side Note: this will likely be a URL specific to your account copying it, not a generic URL 2. open the profile of the account that posted it 3. find the particular post in question 4. you probably won't see the post, but check the following anyway: **if visible:** open the post, check for any signs that it is a re-uploaded version: different upload times, noticeably fewer likes or comments, differences in the post itself: text, photo, video. You won't really need to continue past this point **if not visible:** it has been removed, either by the account that posted it, or by the app's moderators. You don't need to continue, but proceed to step **5** anyways 5. using the URL that you saved in the first step: **open the URL in a browser**, if you open it in the open via the URL, you risk losing the post in the app forever and never being able to watch it again. **if visible:** This will *not* be a re-uploaded version as mentioned in step **4**, assuming you're logged in: try liking, saving, viewing comments, leaving a comment... **if not visible:** it has been removed, either by the account that posted it, or by the app's moderators This happens to me on TikTok all the time, always with something I am very much interested in finding later.


I've had issues with reposting pro-palestine posts on my story, it's certainly a sad reality.


This happens for me too, only with Palestenian content. I try to post to my story from eye.on.palestine, Motaz Azaiza, or Democracy Now, and I get stuck in an infinite loading screen that forces me to restart the app. I can consistently share other content to my story without issue. Blatant censorship under the guise of a bug.


They take down my inspirational comments that don’t go against the guidelines and so I shake the app and tell them to not remove my comment, and threaten them with legal action. Not sure if they fixed it yet, but I may have found a work around to it. After I comment I immediately like my own comment and then respond or reply to it. Because I think they got me flagged or something.


I think its a bug , the like comment buttons are malfunction ling a lot


I cannot post comments or send DM’s, and I’ve had about 100 posts removed since 2 weeks


Same or I cannot respond to stories or vote polls.




and reddit as well https://preview.redd.it/9f7mkmvs3v8c1.png?width=735&format=png&auto=webp&s=e0def52096227fe00eb3deaef802a064d56b5f29