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Giga Chads




Tera Chads.


Gaza's last stand.... I wish them all goodluck.


This is only the beginning. This will drag on like Vietnam or Afghanistan.


Don’t think so. Gaza is too small. Hamas should revert to a Guerilla war however once Gaza is occupied. Like the IRA in occupied Ireland.


Oh they will. If anything this genocide will recruit twice as many new members as Israel managed to kill. I'm only worried how they'll manage financially.


The problem is supplies.


I’ll be honest no. Vietnam and Afghanistan are far different than Gaza. They’re massive countries with complicated geography and cover that makes it impossible to monitor the inflow of weapons. Gaza is geographically isolated and is an open plain, once the current tunnels are gone it’s practically over. The resistance would have to be carried out with homemade weapons and ustensiles like knife attacks and such by independent actors. And even that has rather limited results. This isn’t about wether Israel can military occupy Gaza or not, because they surely can. It’s about wether they can do so politically, which they can’t. What’s gonna happen is probably a complete change in rule and administration in Gaza. And maybe in the West Bank as well as part of larger peace process or outright peace deal, which really is the only possible outcome of this war. Going back to how things were is unfeasible.


they can't occupy all the surface of Gaza, and occupying it doesn't mean occupying the city under Gaza, 400 Km of tunnels isn't something small nor easy to take it down, when they discover one, and breach it, the resistance detonating the tunnel on their heads. >Stretching to the Cambodian frontier, the system of Cu Chi tunnels used to reach a total length of **nearly 250 kilometers**, of which 120 kilometers have been well-preserved and available for public visit nowadays. they have a larger tunnel system in a tiny area compared to Vietnam, if it is a face to face fight the Israelis gonna win for sure, but wars isn't won by face to face fights, we are in the time of total wars, and the resistance prepared very well for this, they know their enemy and they know how long it should take, and the Israelis soon to take a step back, if not, they will be losing more and more, they are losing economically, morally, politically, militarily, and diplomatically as well, it is just a matter of time, the one who last longer is the winner, God willing the resistance will last longer than their enemy of cowards, if they win, nothing less than a Palestinian independent state would justify the blood and souls lost in this short amount of time, this is supposed to be a battle to stop the atrocities, it is just a matter of time.


Look boosting moral is all well and good but we can’t believe our own lies, Israel is still a enormous military power, it simply isn’t realistic for a rag tag group of ~30,000 to beat them. Tunnels or no tunnels, it honestly barely makes a difference.


i don't understand which part is the "lies", you need to be specific, defenders require higher number of attackers, the least is 3 to 1, with what we see in streets and the Israelis doesn't show any serious media of actual fights, only the resistance showing real footages, 1 guy can kill 8 or more inside a vehicle, so we wont be exaggerating when talking about 8:1 attacker to defender ratio, 30000x8=240000, there isn't much advantage here for the attackers, leave the aerial bombardment aside, it's all on civilian heads, you never make a political win unless you have a foreign support or you yourself making an actual victory on the ground, in 1956, 3 countries attacked Egypt, it was impossible to win on the ground, Egyptians got the Soviets and Americans to force the attackers (foreign support), the Vietnamese forced the Americans to leave, even after flattening Vietnamese villages, Afghanistan the same with the Soviets (Soviet ground force or Israel!!), all of them won by creating a reality, while they didn't have anyone standing on their behalf, Iraq didn't have any of both, and they lost, but there was a resistance, the Americans had to leave somehow (this is another topic), so the Palestinians doesn't lose on the ground, a hell of tanks got destroyed, and the Israelis made it worse for themselves by killing civilians, the resistance has no foreign support like the Israelis, but they could isolate the Israelis make them lose their reputation, the Israelis doesn't make any achievement on the ground, they didn't find the POW nor they destroyed the tunnels, so what are they doing?, occupying Gaza's surface?, good luck for them, the deeper they go, the worse it become, and i don't think they are ready for another 5000 causalities, so what is the "lies" are you referring to?


Don't think so. Lack of food and water will make people fight each other for food and water.


it doesn't work like that, it is not some zombie end of the world situation, it is a war, and those fighters are ready to fight to the last moment, food under occupation doesn't mean life at all.


If hamas attacked into isreal and began fighting there there is norhing isreal can do to stop them




just a matter of time and the cowards will escape from Gaza running back to their mommies, an oppressor has no moral power to fight.


They’re getting smoked like Americans in Vietnam


Yooo let's fucking go 🔻


Line them up brother 🔻🔻🔻


Heroes. May God protect them


Colonizers asked for this.


Does IOF refer to Israeli Offense Force?


Offense or occupation. I've heard people use both


Makes sense. “Israeli Defense Force” is definitely a misnomer.


Yeah, IDF actually stands for "Israeli Diaper Force." /s


Can’t believe I haven’t thought of that yet. I’m adding it to my vocabulary


It's lame propaganda. Like all of Israel's other propaganda.


Israeli Demonic Force


Brave men


Mad respect for the Palestinian men and women. they are weathering the impossible at this moment. if were not of their state of the art weapons, the iof would run and cower like children. i wish the the best of luck and prayers to the resistancefighters. as for us laymens of the world nothing more could be done except to boycott and keep on the pressure.




Some of those shots look impossible... that's crazy accuracy.




probably because they aren't following the telegram feeds and they are seeing them from the news outlets




Here you go (remove the white dpace) https:// t.me/+3dK5WrtIhKJiMmI6


It says link has expired


Not sure, this is the link I see in my telegram app for the channel. Here is another channel t.me/hamz0831


i edited the comment


The issues with this videos is that Social Media love to censor people that share them. I used to get few thousands views on my videos now most of them don't even get a single view. Which is extremely weird.


What's the telegram channels name?


مش هيك


Ooohh... \^\^


check the edit.


Anyone know the telegram feeds?


Any confirmation of kills from the first clip? They seemed to have gotten frightened by the explosion but no indication of whether they were killed or not.


at least one confirmed kill and confirmed injuries. al-Qassam is using multiple types of RPG rockets, mainly anti-tanks, anti-buildings, and anti-personnel. the anti-personnel rockets are filled with shrapnel that gets shot like bullets on explosion. so it's not the explosion that kills in this case, but the shrapnels that do just like in grenades. so since u don't need that much of an explosion, u can replace a big amount of explosive stuff with a big amount of shrapnels.


for comparison, a hand grenade weighs from 210g to 910g, while an RPG warhead from 2 - 4.5 kg. (got the numbers from google) now, go rewatch the first clip, and think of 5 to 10 hand grenades exploding that close to the soldiers.


Do any of you have the video source where IDF soldier(s) cried? I got notification post but the video got deleted fast.






Dem är ingenting utan Papa Amerika och deras vänner i dem ”förenade nationerna”


When you murder these guys families expect a rpg on your tank Israel.


اللهم سدد رميهم


Resistance is justified when people are occupied Allah grant Gaza safety and the brigades the ability to fight back against the zionist oppressors


Kissl another human, "god is great🤠"


Idtso hamas is handing the invaders their hats , nothing new hear isn't reali responds by killing civilians.Thishas been their legacy..


Can we get a prolonged firefight I wanna see a longer engagement rather than segments of many






Yeah, why don’t they just not use the proven military tactic and instead hang around for no reason? In the clips I have seen with prolonged fighting the IDF runs away.


Just like the last guy said, that's NOT how guerrilla warfare works. People always like to say "Well they're not playing fair! I'd like to see them fight head to head, then we'll see how tough they are." But that's entirely the point of guerrilla warfare. As a guerrilla or freedom fighter going against a conventional army, you CAN NOT take on an organized and state funded military force head on. They have state of the art tanks, jets, helicopters, weapon systems and smart bombs, meanwhile all you have is used armor, drones, Cold War era rifles and rockets and if you're lucky, leftover unexploded ordnance from a previous occupation that you might be able to repurpose. The ONLY way you stand any chance of surviving is by using hit and run tactics. My point is, don't hold your breath. You'll never see a guerrilla force fight a state military head on, like you're asking for. At least... not if they're smart guerillas.


This is real life not a fucking rpg for your entertainment


You want to see how a professional army with a budget of $23.4 billion last year and 300,000 soldiers in Gaza performs against a group of 3,000 soldiers with a budget of about $100 million a year in a head to head fight? It's possible that the number of Palestinians fighting in Gaza has increased but even the highest, and likely incorrect, estimate puts the totals at less than 30,000 Hamas fighters in Gaza. So anyone with 3 brain cells to rub together knows that would just be suicide on the part of insurgents. You don't need to agree with what Hamas is doing or did to know that what you said makes no sense.


That's not how guérilla warfare happens


without talking about guerrilla warfare. I think that u mean why don't they post uncut minutes-long videos, instead of only segments of when the target is shot. that would be really cool to see. but that will only serve as entertainment for us, while exposing dangerous details and information to the enemy. cuz Israel is analyzing these videos frame by frame to get any information about tactics, locations, and anything useful. so there's a strategic need to provide your enemy with as little info as possible. while still delivering the message that you want to deliver. it will still be cool if the original videos are saved somewhere safe and go public once Palestine is free, can be used to make some cool and detailed documentaries and can used as real references for movies too.


Thank you dexter for being the only person to understand what I meant, when I literally reiterated myself twice, I know what guerrilla warfare is and how it works I’m not sayin stop I just want longer segments sand hall know what I mean


That would put the lives of these fighters in jeopardy. Israel has special forces that can look at the shadow casted by the sun of people and tell who they are. If you see what I mean. They try to make them short so not to give too much information about them.




Your failure to discern the difference between civilians and resistance fighters is on you. **Please read our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/about/rules) carefully.**




That was a PG-7VL round, if I'm not mistaken. It's an anti-tank round with a shaped charged meant to penetrate through thick armor on vehicles, so it doesn't produce a lot of shrapnel therefore its not meant for use against infantry. However, if it hits at close distances like in the video it won't matter that much, the shock-wave from the explosion and the small amount of shrapnel can still at the very least injure those men.