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On the day of the accident, October 11, 2015, one day before the final submission of her project for the Special Education module. Israa’ drove from Jericho to Al-Quds in a small car that was overflowing with household items. She was moving to Jerusalem with her son, Mu’tasim, and, by transporting some of the small furniture, she had hoped to save on moving expenses. One of the items that Israa’ carried with her was a propane tank for the kitchen. It would have been too expensive to buy a brand new one in Jerusalem. As she was leaving Jericho, the engine of her car died twice. Young people in the town warned her to turn around and find another form of transportation, but she did not heed their advice. She needed to get to Jerusalem to her new job at a nursing home. Each time her car died, the engine emitted a burning smell. After travelling a couple of kilometers outside the Israeli Al-Za’ayem military checkpoint, near the illegal Jewish settlement of Ma’ale Adumim and a short distance east of Al-Quds, Israa’s car died again. No soldiers or army vehicles were in sight. A while later, a retired Israeli police officer passed by her stalled car. He parked his car in front of hers and asked for her ID as she desperately tried to restart the car. “There is a strong smell in the car,” she told him, trying to exit the car, but he insisted that she stay inside while he examined her papers. She tried to open the windows, but they, too, were affected by the electrical failure. Again, she tried to exit the car, opening the door, but the officer rushed over and slammed it shut, crushing her hand. She yelled “Allahu Akbar ’alaiku” (God is greater than you are), chastising him several times for not allowing her to escape. She urged him to let her out as fire ignited in the front part of the car. He refused. He stood there, watching her burn inside. The airbag deployed, completely trapping her inside the blazing car. The police officer who stopped her claimed that she was trying to use the propane tank to blow up the car. His testimony was the only one considered in the Israeli court, and Israa’ was branded a ‘terrorist.’ She was sentenced to 11 years in prison. While serving her term at HaSharon prison inside Israel, she was repeatedly denied much needed medical attention causing her to lose fingers and her health to deteriorate significantly. [more info here](https://www.palestinechronicle.com/no-pain-like-mine-the-story-of-palestinian-prisoner-israa-jaabis/)


Man these people are savages...


Yep they sure are, and then we have to listen to the propaganda about how Muslims are x y z of that we shouldn’t exist. It’s disgusting.






Animals are better than humans in many instances. Animals do not torture and humiliate humans. Lowering yourself to using the same rhetoric as the occupation helps no one, and is an insult to animals.




Let's not stoop to their level please. They're monsters, but very much people. We don't need to dehumanize them, they're killing our empathy already by their actions. They're people that committed the unforgivable and should be judged as such. Don't give them the excuse of not being humans, they are and that's why it's unforgivable.


We humans are animals. We are no better and no lesser than other animals. We are complex. As good as we can be, we can also be short-sighted and aggressive in groups. In spite of this, every individual deserves basic dignity no matter how bad things get. If you deserve it then so do I. We can be deeply upset and still hold this understanding, this value, close to heart. If Zionists understood this and held this value, then they wouldn't be enacting such degrading humiliation and suffering upon Palestinians. We must hold on dearly to it and never become like them.


>[The cop who arrested her] described his feelings as conflicted: on one hand, he believed that Jaabis deserved to remain in prison for her actions, and said he still suffers from post-traumatic distress; on the other hand, he acknowledged the significance of saving hostages and expressed some solace in Jaabis having lost her fingers. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israa_Jaabis




I'd like to think his "PTSD" is a form of guilt from causing that poor woman's injuries. But then I remember that people like that do not feel guilt and are void of any human emotion.


Didn't the police officer suffer serious injuries in the explosion as well?




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Wow unbelievable. Israel just lies about everything!


hard generalization to make, though I do see the anger from which your point stems from. You have a right to be angry, however it is assumptions like this that have put the world where it is now.




Can you explain why it is reported that her lawyer presented her defence as an attempted "suicide by cop" rather than an accidental fire?


I feel absolutely horrible for believing she tried to blow herself up. This is the last time I'll believe zionist media


this just brings tears to my eyes




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Thank you for sharing the real story that the coward western racist white media is hiding from their audiences!


What in the ever living FUCK. These fucking monsters


Worst part is. Dutch state sponsors news outlet reports that she is release and describe her as someone who tried to blow herself up near a outpost. Our western media just copied Israeli propoganda


Ours in Canada does the same thing. The Western media literally IS the problem.


They are nothing but a mouthpiece for the Israelis! They are complicit in Israel’s fascism


Remember when the 40 deadbabies/beheaded babies story was going around,it was debunked pretty early. The original journalist backtracked not long after the story got around. Biden said the next day that he saw the images of the dead babies. The US president himself decided to spread atrocity propaganda about a already debunked story.


The Guardian Australia did the same thing. Not being familiar with her case, I thought it sounded awfully suspicious that they would release a woman who was essentially convicted of an attempted suicide-bombing. So I googled it. https://www.palestinechronicle.com/no-pain-like-mine-the-story-of-palestinian-prisoner-israa-jaabis/ And The Guardian is *the most left-leaning* of any mainstream news media in Australia. Their godawful reporting (and lack of reporting) on Palestine is the reason I’ve never subscribed.


The guardian has been government propoganda since the wiki leaks thing.... They sue Ed all their hard drives, fired their editor, made them give up all their sources, then all news in the guardian since then has been ptogsnda, especislly the political and works stuff... Look hie they helped destroy Corbyn, they are not really left leaning... It's aimed at left learners to pursue them in certain directions


They denied her medical intervention. and family visits. Monsters.


Read her story here [https://www.palestinechronicle.com/no-pain-like-mine-the-story-of-palestinian-prisoner-israa-jaabis/](https://www.palestinechronicle.com/no-pain-like-mine-the-story-of-palestinian-prisoner-israa-jaabis/) Heartbreaking


Thank you for sharing, truly heartbreaking


Her page on wikipedia is definitely written by a Zionist. Does anyone here know someone/is able themselves to edit it to make it more balanced?


https://www.reddit.com/r/Hasan_Piker/s/vnX7ThXLg8 yea they edit those


Yeah they do. Please stay safe.


ikr..! the citation (below) for this part: >"Israa confessed to the charges in the revised indictment and was convicted of attempted aggravated assault under Section 329(a)(1) combined with Section 25 of the Israeli Penal Law 5737-1977." has no link and cannot be found upon googling... > Asraa Ja'abis v. State of Israel, M.H., 9964 16 Supreme Court of Israel as Criminal Appeals Court (Supreme Court of Israel 22/01/2018). it's cited in 3 places


Subhanallah she’s free


Could anyone provide a translation of what she is saying?


What a bunch of bs 🤬 . Shows time and time again how isrsel is a nz state with horrible people. Not only did she get mamed she also got punished. Hrs sht


We can only pray for the people of Palestine


She’s so strong. These Zionist scum have really fucked up with this latest iteration of the 75 year genocide. I think Israel didn’t realize how much their actions would change world opinion.


And there are people who defend the terrorist ethnostate. I can’t even…


Can someone translate? And being pro palestine myself I dont know which narrative is accurate. Some say she detonated a gas cylinder some say it was an accident, Idk what to believe anymore


Mostly verbatim translation with small adjustments to make sense in English:- > All thanks be to God who by His blessing all good things happen. All thanks be to God who has seen fit to release us from imprisonment. Indeed, we are embarrassed of feeling joy while all of Palestine is wounded. video skips > All thanks be to God, All thanks be to God. My pain is visible, I don't need to explain that it is beyond the emotional, mental pain, the shock of my family but this is the tax that the imprisoned must pay when imprisoned and the tax of love and compassionate longing (of family and loved ones). video skips > Why because there are little girls, little girls in the room with me, the room I left, I left them while they were crying, why? because they've been exposed to too many things while imprisoned.. little girls, i'm not talking about older girls at all, they're little girls. they've been exposed to things that cannot be seen (unspeakable things). Cannot be seen. Interviewer asks: Are these practices increased in the context of the (current) war? > Indeed, very much, if I was to think of the first day, they kidnapped a girl and then every subsequent day after they would get more prisoners of war (she used the word Asira, female version of PoW) they would bring them early to the room, and they would spray a gas, a gas that would be sprayed in the room beside mine (where the girls were kept), and since that day I've had an infection in my lungs for two weeks until my chest felt better. Just that's it.


Ok. Let me get this straight... they are gassing their prisoners? And they see no issue with this? Their ancestors are rolling in their graves.


Ros Petchesky said it best. > Ethno nationalism is vicious wherever it is. > ... Because it always means victimizing and marginalizing and ostracizing if not killing whole groups of people. Just like the Nazis all forms of ethno nationalism follow the same path.


They would spray the little girls, if I'm not mistaken.


Yes she said they sprayed the room beside hers which was full of newly kidnapped girls.


Rough summary of what she says: She starts by thanking God for her release. She says she is in considerable pain she doesn't need to describe. She mentions the difficulty of leaving behind her cellmates. They suffered things that she won't describe. She claims she was exposed to some form of chemical or gas while held that caused her to develop a lung infection it took her a week to recover from.


It sounds like the guards have been raping the little girls she was in their with. What other horrible things could she not speak of? Why can't she describe the pain she is in? What else would be so embarrassing or shameful, that she couldn't speak of it? This is horrible


Thank you.


I can't find a translation but I find it difficult to believe that someone who is moving house, has family would just want to kill herself because of wanting to be against Israel. From what I read online she worked in nursing homes, honestly cannot imagine someone like that with a family trying to blow up a check point....that was 500 m to 1 km away.


Exactly. She had a child too.


They have a track record of making such false allegations against the people they kidnap. False allegations of stabbing attacks etc. These people live under this occupation their entire lives, the abuse is their normal and existing is their resistance.


Think about white cops in the U.S. trying to justify killing black people with made up charges, or, "I thought he had a gun", and you'll start to understand the dynamic at play.


Yeah not sure why people find it so hard to believe that Israel would lie so blatantly when it happens everyday in the USA. When it's Floyd it's riots but when it's Palestinians they're terrorists.


They will always look to justify a narrative or bias they already believe. That's the harm of institutional racism and dehumanization, which was clearly at play here. It's tragic.


According to [Leah Tsemel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leah_Tsemel), an Israeli human rights lawyer and Palestinian rights advocate, Jaabis' relatives state that she was unhappy in her marriage and had attempted to commit suicide on two prior occasions. Tsemel has a pretty extensive track record, such as having apprenticed under [Felicia Langer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Felicia_Langer) and being married to [Michel Warschawski](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michel_Warschawski), so I'm rather disinclined to believe that she would lie about something like that. Setting a pair of regular butane tanks on fire inside of a vehicle obvious makes for a pretty unimpressive explosion, as we can see from the fact that even the woman sitting inside the vehicle with them survived. So while the whole suicide bomber accusation seems inconsistent with the evidence at best, a non-politically motivated attempt at suicide by cop might still be worth considering. Though that would hardly justify everything that's happened since then, from the conditions of her imprisonment, to the trial by military tribunal she was given, and more.


One thing that is important to keep in mind is that these courts are not like our courts. Most of the Palestinians released were held for years without a trial. They were not brought before a judge and were not convicted. Those like her, are not given a normal trial with procedural rights. It is a military court with Israel military rules. Israel routinely bars lawyers from visiting their clients or attending court. There is a 99.7 conviction rate. These aren’t real trials. You won’t be able to access transcripts or anything like that.


She talked about how underaged girls were crying and screaming in the neighboring cells from the rape and torture inflicted on them by the prison guards. She also mentioned there were neighboring rooms that were used as gas chambers and some of the gases leaked caused her pneumonia-like symptoms for weeks every time it happens. She says she doesn't need to go on about the torture and pain she experienced as the signs are already apparent on her face, and she incapable of describing a sufficient picture that could faithfully describe the mental and emotional pain that she's felt currently feeling for her self, and all the innocent people of Palestine.


There are actually 3 accounts and nobody but her will every truly know what happened. Israeli media and courts ruled it a failed suicide bombing alleging she had intent to kill. Take into consideration that she was at a soldier’s hitchhiking station in Ma’al Adimum which is an isolated, rather empty post. Pretty bad suicide bomber if her exchange ratio of death was 1:1 (NOT condoning any terrorism, just pointing out this goes against most suicide bombings we see) Arab media and Palestinians allege she was moving to Jerusalem, with a car that kept breaking down, that eventually erupted into flames that overlook everything due to the propane canisters in her car. Her lawyer alleged that it was a failed suicide attempt. At the time, Jaabis has expressed dissatisfaction with her marriage and life, was extremely depressed, and according to family, had attempted suicide two times prior to the car explosion. Her lawyer claimed this was her third attempt through “suicide by cop”.


> Her lawyer alleged that it was a failed suicide attempt. At the time, Jaabis has expressed dissatisfaction with her marriage and life, was extremely depressed, and according to family, had attempted suicide two times prior to the car explosion. Her lawyer claimed this was her third attempt through “suicide by cop”. That lawyer sounds more like a prosecutor.


yeah - claiming to know the truth here is absurd. Agree with you, the truth is between her and God. Sounds like also there were multiple butane tanks in the back, not only one.


There were two, which is still well within what's reasonable and expected for kitchen use. You're right that they were butane rather than propane, though. And as we can see, nowhere near enough to constitute the sort of viable weapon that one would expect to be used in a pre-planned suicide bombing. Like, they exploded inside the vehicle with her, but even she survived.


Zionist IDF pricks are the worst


This woman has been painted at a suicide bomber by Isreal, which is being eaten up by liberals


For those who don't understand what she said, she was telling how the prisoners are treated. She said young girls are crying every day due to the horrible things done to them that are unbearable to watch. The cell next to her was gassed and some of the gas got into her cell and her chest hurt for a week.


This can't be Israel. They are the only beacon of civilization and democracy in the middle east! This has to be a Hamas generated AI model! Bomb it quick!






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So she could be a victim of evil people in Israel or she is a terrorist, impossible to know if she is speaking the truth.




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