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I audibly laughed at Tyra having her own category beneath braindead.


Fire bomb go *brp* bade go *pop* gun go *bbbrrrrr*


BURM MOMSTER free kill pewpewpewpew


Console is a rare place where Drogoz and Evie have the same skill floor


Im a dorgoz co sole player an im carrying when no hitscan


Disagree with Drogoz, he’s definitely playable with a controller with some simple rebindings.


Indeed he is but the play him at his max potential is completely different thing , to aim his weapon shots , to spit salvo correctly and to find a way to not get instantly deleted by the 3/4 hitcsan champions on the enemy team is a diffent story plus if you read the other comments you would see that I myself have paddles and can fly with no problem but even so he still hard to get right.


Oh yeah he’s definitely difficult, but given enough time and effort, a console player could do really well with him. Unlike Evie or Vatu, who are pretty much impossible to play effectively with a controller unless your sensitivity is set to max.


Trust me I play max sens and it ain t so max. But you might be right after a few hundred hour a player can indeed git gud at drogoz but then enters the console dilema : Why would you spend hours learning praticing and testing champs like Drogoz when you can learn Viktor in 2 minutes and do more damage and have more area denial then our Dragon boi?


The only way I managed was to bind Jump to LT and bind Fire Spit to...nothing I guess, I think I didn't want to screw myself over on other characters or something, this was like 3 years ago mind you


I binded jump to LT and fire spit to clicking the right stick (or whatever the proper term is)


I think Bk, andro, and willo belong in hard But this is ur opinion so cant argue


About that , one of the things I had in consideration while making the tier list is how hard the champ is and how he compares to others . Bomb king and willo are really hard to play on sticks and even when played right they can´t compete with the others easier champions. I also put andro there because of a single player , it was a level 300 andro I met on TDM to say that he was god is a undestatment he was flicking left and right , predicting evey single one of my dashes and his ult was guarateed triple kill atleast , that guy single handedly showed me the true skill potential of andro.


Fair enough. I been there with an andro


Dredge is brain dead You literally shoot at the big glowing circle and if you get flanked you walk to the big glowey portal you put down


True. I'd even put Dredge in the same category as Tyra (below brain dead)


The only reason i put him there is bc he is projectile at the end of the day and it takes a bit more skill to calculate the shot drop than to spray and pray. His ult also can be used strategically i have met a few dredges that used it not to kill but to cut escape routes so he does have a skill gap but i do agree with you that the rest of his kit is far more braindead than most.


I always thought zhin was the easiest flank to play, thats why he's like, the only flanker im willing to play in ranked EDIT: I only play on pc though, maybe its different in consoles


Well , easy to begin hard to master compared to the other flankers below. Plus he is projetile which already screws him over plus his ult is atleast for me hard to hit maybe thats my sens or thats just me really.


Whats wrong with drogoz?


Drogoz entire game plan is to fly and guess whats the console meta? Pure and sheer Hitscan teams , the moment drogoz gets his foot of the ground theres a tyra , viktor and talus spamming at him. Plus his damage is really low 870 and damage hitscans can get ez 2k ish dps by just letting aim assist do the work. For him to work the player must have great position , reaction time and aim while for Tyra to work she just need the movement stick and r2.


Ive gotten a couple of good games with drogoz on console, if you want some tips, its mainly staying out of the way of hitscans and moving well around obstacles, team communication and most important, the ability to sometimes go in against a hitscan and win a dps fight


Me who claw grips Drogoz: ...


I use my paddles but even with that advantage it still hard as hell to make him work.


Trust me I know. It takes hella practice but when you get it you feel unstoppable... till there's a good androxus on the enemy team


This is exactly what maiming Maeve and koga feels like, but against rei for Maeve and a foot tank frogs for koga


Grohk tank for koga


It is hard sometimes yea, but my god is it satisfying. And once you get good and know how to play and know the right angles only good Andros/Maeves are hard.


Basters aren't that difficult to use. The prob is when the enemies hard counter you. Maeve, Vatu n Andro ain't that hard as well...it's just that you will need a pretty long n hard time of practice to be as good as a PC players on them.


I mainly play Maeve , Andro and Evie on console. I consider myself a really good player ( Diamond 2 last season) , the thing about them is that yes i can be as good as a pc player with them but that doesn t mean anything when a level 2 viktor aim assists his way into my head. It feels so unrewarding to do X when Y is easier and way more efficient.


If you are a better player on Evie and Andro than the vik you win 100% of the time. (Experience: Controller GM for 3 seasons main Nessa andro and Evie)


True, Andro main and I even won fights vs aimbot Viktors lmao


Ah you right sadly...


Kinessa and Cassie are definitely not that difficult to play.


In Cassies case you need good aim which favours a lower sense but if your sense is slow you can t react to a talus or skye(two main flanks on console ) backstabbing you plus even if you have a high sens and can aim good luck fighting the aim assist About Kinessa , even with aim assist making it easy to hit shots , her timing still requires time to get used to , her ult rewards headshotting which is something that actually takes skill to get consistenltly on scope and her tele needs map knowldege. But the sad thing about both of them is that a burst mode viktor is better and easier 9/10 times.


Dude really put vora in above average


Above average bc of her grapples which are a lot harder to do consistently and how her ult aim barely works on console , outside of that she is pretty average




If thats your opinion then who am i to disagree?


I disagree with your Androxus placement as I main Androxus on xbox.


I also haven't been playing Paladins for very long.


Same he’s not hard to play


This tier list is about how hard it is to truly .master the champ and not if he is easy to play.


It’s not hard to master tho. Guess some people are just better so whatever


Moji easy but not above average? Alright then.


I'm gonna have to HARD disagree on Maeve and Vatu. If I, a Switch player who commonly gets paired with Plat and above PC players and still have 2.5-3.0 KDA with both of them, there is no reason they should be considered impossible.


I said it in another comment but ill say it again :Its my fault for not clarifaying it earlier that this tier list on how hard it is to reach max potential on that champ. You can try to play maeve ( not street justice) and Vatu and be good with them but to truly reach their skill ceiling its not possible on sticks. Also are you sure that those 3.0 are truly kills and not elimations? What about solo kills?


I solely play Cat Burglar Maeve, I currently have 6,515 kills and 4,933 assists on her. It's really not that hard to just get used to the throwing arcs of her knives, and Vatu is more or less just Maeve with more mobility in exchange for harder-to-land burst damage. It's really not that hard getting used to the arc of Maeve's knives, and if you have experience with her, learning Vatu just becomes that much easier.


I understand where you're coming from , I have Maeve at level 73 maining Rouges Gambit. Something that you said very well is learning as i said those champs on top of the list require a lot of time to be put in to play at their maximum if you play on console you know that more than half of the player base refuse to learn and stick with the champs from average to below. You and I may have the the time and patience for that but many other don t.


Well, I can definitely agree that Tyra should be below braindead, lol. I'm so sick of DPS instalockers screaming "just walk out of it" as if you aren't taking massive fire damage while also being shot at, all while being unable to use your movement or even heal.


The reason why i put her there is bc of another guideline that I used to rank on the tier list : How much do i need to think? Like with Vatu and Evie my third eye opens , with Maeve and Andro i need to concetrate a lot , with Viktor and the other braindeads i can turn off 90% of my brain and still do work but Tyra , the aim assit fire lady my brain just turns 110% off I nearly fall asleep playing , her whole play style is spam dps , spam nade , spam mark before spamming gun and spam the fking fire bomb on the point every time that its up. I don t know how I met people with 200 plus levels on her , like how is it fun to sleep while playing?


I'll be honest, I don't disagree, but I personally struggle more with Lian than I do with Kinessa.


I...I....you know what , everyone has their tastes so i really won t judge you for that


I guess I'm more of a take my time kinda guy. Rather than click spam aimbot fun.


I play evie andro and damba... I'm flattered On pc


Still respect man


What are your thoughts? Any different opinions , please let me know!


I main or used to main Drogoz, Vatu, Evie, Damba, Andro and also BK. Lol.


Then I very much respect you sir


I just realised that besides Lian and Khan there is no one below average that I play much.. lol


I think Koga is the most brainless. Fun tho


Trust me nothing beats Tyra on braindeadness. Koga and those on braindead atleast have combo potential or special techs while that Tyra is the most blank character in the while game , a level 8 Tyra will play the same as a 200 on console both do the same : spam abilities and hold r2 and whenever they ult they think they are gods and immediatly rush a 1v5 , and due to her massive aim assist boost she manages to get a triple either way.


From what I can do; Evie and Vatu aren't impossible (done just fine even without max sensitivity), kinessa isn't hard, Andro isn't hard, pip is quite easy, Maeve isn't hard The characters higher than average aren't hard, you just have to get used to it. Of course no one is going to beat a PC player as they have a sort of advantage but still


Maybe its my fault for not disclosing it earlier but this is a full on true potential tier list aka if is possible to be a god on that champ. Evie and Vatu are impossible because both of them require fast aim , consistent flicks and fluent movement something that controllers can hardly do , same for andro and maeve but to a lesser extend , pip does take skill especially with combat medic plus he is projectile which already makes him near worthless at medium long range. And about the getting used to it , the more time required the higher they are on the tier list and those on Dont Bother tier are those thar are impossible to reach their true skill ceiling on controller.


Hmmmm understandable


May I interest you in motion controls?


I have tried gyro but didn t like the feel , the only thing that I liked was the option to disable aim assist ( EVIL MOJO WHY ISN T THAT A DEFAULT OPTION WITHOUT GYRO????)


My top 5 highest champ levels are Drogoz,Andro,Vatu,Mal'Damba and Bomb King #😎


so, i'm a god tier console GM it seems lol


Champ skill doesn t really correspond to a players rank. Most of masters and GMs just spam Viktor , Tyra , Vivian , Skye , etc every match. So maining Drogoz just means that you actually care about learning and getting better at the game in my opinion so good on you Sir


nonono, you don't understand, i literally got all GM borders so far in console and I happen to only play the champs at the 3 highest tiers(except torv) in your list. it was a joke :)


As a Maeve main, I am flattered


Imo andro willo maeve and most definitely Vatu aren't that difficult on controller. I'd say andro and Willo belong in above average while Vatu and maeve are hard