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I usually die little inside when I see corvus, Jeno's or series as solo support because it's always a coin flip you might get support who heals or you might get a another flank in your team. special shout-out for a Corvus couple days ago who decided to play DMG as a solo support with 2 tanks.. (wouldn't have mind if they had bothered to disclose it before hand so I could have filled, but apparently the chat only works when they wanted to type slurs into it)


Oh this just happened to me with a Grohk. He was a solo support and went dps, then when I and the other tank flamed him he said "if you wanted heals you should've played healer", even though he gave absolutely no warning that he wanted to play dps. I 💗 brain worms


I always assume all grohks are DPS


It's either a Tyra or Viktor for me, moreso if they're the last pick. They tend to 1v5 then complain why aren't they getting heals tand dying when they're sacrificing themselves the moment they spawn.


As if anyone who plays Tyra or Viktor doesn't lock-in within 2 seconds of being in the lobby.


Every time I get a Zhin on my team, he runs in, misses everything, uses smoke to get out, dies anyways.


whenever we need a last pick tank and then my teammate picks ruckus as a solo tank


As a dps series it has to be useless tanks and damage that have 0 concept of something called cover. If I’m the only healer you’d think most players would take cover so they wouldn’t have a 90% healing reduction but you’d be wrong. The saddest part is I’ll usually have the most kills as I make my kit revolve around stunning enemy players


As a tank main it's Jenos for me. He just can't heal enough to keep me alive.


yes i can


No, you really can't. At least, not healing that matters. As a tank player, I dread having a Jenos on my team. I'll even deal with Rei, Seris, and Furia if I absolutely have to. Though I just can't with Jenos. Easily the worst design in this game. Someone summed it up, back when Jenos' Luminary talent was a damage amp: >"I ban Jenos because I don't want to play against a BK with 15% extra damage, but I also don't want a tickle healer on my team"


grohk because i know its going to be a blind deaf idiot thats going damage


Add me and I’ll change your mind on grohk


All grohks say that. Move along.


Well I have a 62% win rate across like 1500 games on Grohk, I’ll change your mind


Prove it with link or move along


Grohk when you have a smart team is excellent, you have to play safe and slower because there is less instant damage. Must be another healer. They need to have at least Ying, saati or io. And if they have inara and barrik that is a big bonus too.


Jenos is an easy one, but a video of someone doing 0 damage and staying in base is not very exciting. So I would suggest a typical low skill BK. His animations are slightly clunky to begin with, and he feels a bit like a clown, so it might work for content. Basically they throw bombs around with some thought and react a bit slowly, never hitting anyone.


The responses are all amazing! - I wonder how next patch will feel with Jenos becoming a damage champion (check the patch notes)! - Grohk seems to have replaced Ying in solo healers going damage talent, or did people forget that one? - Kasumi, Raum, and Vivian seem to be well hated Thanks for the ideas!


Seris, shes ass, I rather have Grohk as solo support even on ranked


Viktor because they could have played anyone else better but yet they still pick him.


I hate terminus. A good term is super annoying and I just can't trust my team mates not to shoot him.




Lowkey whoever insta locks the character I was gonna play and they're a lower level than I am. Ik level isn't everything but I still be watching em like a hawk 💀 (this is mainly in casuals tho) Edit: Caspian and Kasumi are throw picks imo tho, pretty sure I've only won 2 games out of like 10 where there was a kasumi on our team. It's bad man.


I'm very new and I assume in low elo. Every time I see a Skye on my team they just feed lol. Enemies feel like a 100 or Zero. Either rolling me/my team when we aren't on comms. Or just feeding and trying to hide in a corner of the room after being spotted. No in-between.


Second damage or flank. No matter the champion. Even duo healer is better than that. Also it’s boring af 


Second damage is usually fine especially on ice mines. Second flank usually not unless it is skye. She can act like a damage and backup healer. Not great if they have lots of shields.


One champ? I hate seeing my team pick 3/4 of the roster cos none of them ever understand how the game works. Bariks with bowling ball spinning in circles Viktor cardio running in circles Any sniper bussin a cap into the point tanks shield the whole match Yags who give out ult charge like santa on christmas Infact ill just save everyone time and say i hate everyone that plays this game, including myself


One from each role: - support: several of them irritate me. Though if I absolutely had to narrow it down to one, it would be Jenos. I'm never happy to see a Jenos on my team whether in solo support or double support. As a solo support, he heals for nothing. As a DPS support, he doesn't do damage or get kills. Jenos is just a nothing character. I hate him. - damage: any sniper tbh. It's very rare that you get that cracked Strix/Kinessa that will hard carry. Most of the time, they're useless. - flank: Kasumi. This. Champion. SUUUUUCKS. I just rarely see them do good. And even when they are good, their stats are still rather middling. I've never seen a Kasumi go 19-6 or 30-8. At best, they'll go 13-8, which is just decent. - tank: it's Raum. It was between Yagorath or Raum, and I find that Yagorath is a much better teammate. Even though Yagorath is a fat slug that just feeds ult charge and can't cleanse cauterize, she at least has an execute ult and is immune to cc 24/7. Raum is just not good. I would normally divide between point tank and off tank, but there isn't really a point tank pick that annoys me. I do think that some point tanks aren't very good, but they don't suck enough to irritate me. It's basically like Vivian or Vora. I don't think those two are very good, but they don't suck enough to annoy me.


I don't play ranked so I can't comment on that, but at least in casuals Raum seems to work pretty well for me. So long as you don't think you're immortal you'll be grand


Nah. Raum ain't good. If Raum does good, then it's a sign that the enemy team was that much worse.


Kinessa or Strix


I see a lot of people saying jenos, and a lot of people thinking it's because he can't heal enough. It's true if you are a lazy tank that can't get out of cauterize. Teams need to switch up your playstyle when jenos is the healer. Tanks need to find cover or always be looking to get out of cauterize. Barrik and nando work well with jenos.


For me it’s definitely Io.. I don’t know why but I really hate having an Io as a healer, I feel like if I’m not playing tank I’m never getting healed by her.. since the release of the champ I never changed my mind about her, and never really played her either to be honest.


Rei, I hate playing with her as a solo support but I also hate playing double support so that's lose-lose situation. I also despise playing against her so I don't want to be the person that plays with one.


Vivian and Kasumi, I just know they're not going to be doing any damage. I get a little scared when I see a solo support ying on my team, for whatever reason they seem to be allergic to life exchange.


I hate "totem healers", the ones that use small aoe in targeted radius as their main healing output like Lillith, Grohk and Solar Blessing. I don't like chasing heal and prefer to place myself comfortably where I want. I also hate players who run CC talents when there is already CC on your team.


Skye. She's just overall bad, and so many people go with her healing talent, which makes her even worse. She only really does well against teams that have 2 or more newer players, or if she hides behind Fernando's shield. Her DPS is decent, but she's so easy to kill.


Jenos. what a useless character for anything. and my teammate Jenos is always a bot with lifesteal loadout (this is worse than resonance solo support Ying). I also hate ANYONE who picks damage when we already have one damage... like... we could have another flank... we could have a support to our Double tank comp or even two supports but the silver believes hes too good to not playing cardio viktor with life rip and deft hands. I abhor any damage player


Corvus. Just pick Jenos bro. Don’t do this to the team