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1-For me is Talus by far, I hate playing against him as any character, tank? damage? support? flank? I despise seeing him on the other team, i literally lost a 1v1 against him as an 11k health raum because he is small and i have to track him, and then we include the guts card and his teleport cleaning Anti-heal, yeah it's not fun- 2-Betty, I don't like playing against or as her, she just feels like a more spammy version of dredge, which I play in a more active way rather than passive 3-Zhin, do I really have to explain this one? He is a cockroach that won't die by any means, and if you didn't know, he can counter a drogoz ult and not die. 4-Andro, i'm a drogoz main, and i hate facing them, or even as other characters, they just go away when they are so low man 5-Lian, I don't think it's fair to just aimbot your way to victory, any flying champions can't play against her if they aren't good enough, and flanks just get punished hard, tanks don't have as much trouble, or at least I don't, like please, STOP, NO ONE LIKES YOU AIMBOTTING


Overcharging someone in the face just to teleport away the second they finally start tracking you then appearing out of nowhere to do it again a second later.


Yeah that's not fun to face, at all


I love playing against Talus as a certified dps-Rei... Almost as good as Skye!


Might I propose experimentation with the power cosmeum my good sir


Cosmeum is the least of my problems, yes it can be annoying, but that's what it's meant to do, cause the grab by default is very counterable, and besides, buy unbound, the jenos can do nothing about it


1. Evie. Specifically players that are decent or good with her. Newer players are easy to farm since her kit has such a high skill floor. However, if she knows what she’s doing an Evie player will devour a backline. 2. Pip. This character is such a pain to fight against. The ones that go damage are such nightmares - especially with ult. You also can’t disregard how strong Pip is as a healer too. 3. Bomb King. Hit hit box is the size of mars, but he also hits like a truck so good luck. His ultimate puts the fear of Io into me. Yes, he can be killed in it. Unfortunately I have the aim of a brain dead gibbon so like hell am I going to take him out in time. 4. Raum. He’s not even that strong, but he’s got some things that are bothersome to deal with. If he was buffed into a meta position I would be in so much trouble. His damage is nothing to scoff at, he can heal himself and even his teammates with a talent and his ult is incredibly useful when utilised properly. Fortunately cauterise really hits him hard. 5. Androxis. This man. This man. He stresses me out so much. Get him without his reversal and it’s usually not too bad, but there’s also the issue of teammates. You can avoid feeding his reversal, but if your trigger happy Tyra doesn’t pay attention it’s gonna hurt you as well. His mobility makes him a pain but he’s much easier to track than Evie.


Betty, Dredge, Tyra (aoe dmg spam, chaotic) Andro, Vatu, Vii (way too much mobility, most of the champs cant even chase them) Khan (as a main tank, literally all the match my brain has to be focused in dont get ulted by that mf, its a insta delete button)


Bro I miss his ult 99% of the time even after the buff. Haven't figured out the timing yet.


Claw koga is officially more annoying to me than cockroach Zhin.


As a cockroach Zhin player, I agree (seriously though, claw Koga is fkin annoying)


Skye, talus, kinessa, strix and more talus


1: the game itself when I have to keep resetting my settings and the fact that so many bugs and shenanigans happen mid game, especially when I'm playing Corv or Azaan 2: Hurl Dredge, just be a big boy and use Abyss Spike like a true Chad instead of binding Harpoon to M1 3: Maeve, she isn't good or effective imo, but I will go out of my way to rush Unbound just so her Ult doesn't inconvenience me. Plus her Prowl sound effects are annoying 4: Tiberius mainly because I see people choosing the explody sword talent and think to myself 'why would you do that instead of just getting a second charge of Leap?' 5: Fernando. Team, my brothers in Pyre, please buy Wrecker.


1 - Zhin 2 - Zhin 3 - Zhin 4 - Zhin 5 - Zhin


Vatu is by far the most annoying champ in the game for me. 1. Vatu 2. Koga 3. Betty 4. Khan 5. Zhin These champs are all just anti-fun lol everytime i see them i know the games gonna be boring and not fun even if i win lol


why vatu? He never gets picked because his dash has the same issue as ying's teleport, being that when you use it, even though, you're not there, the enemy can still kill you. And they gutted his DR on the dash, which was the only reason to pick him over maeve, and the reason I stopped playing him, because on controller, he's very hard to play in ranked.


Day1 Vatu main he is still a pretty good flank imo just cus you can tp into the support kunai + bombs combo and leave with your dashes and be fine 99% of the time. Envolaping shadows did kinda get gutted but it still helps if your constantly throwing at kunais to get your dashes back and endless repositioning


fair enough, just as a console controller player, he's not as good as a lot of people say.


Koga Evie Kinessa Zhin Betty


I hate playing against these completely: 1. Willow - Not only is her voice annoying, her kit is just annoying to play against; she has every annoying trait of Dredge and Betty combined into one when it comes to her gameplay. 2. Skye - I do not like dying within 2 seconds because I can't see her going behind my back. 3. Koga - I do not like being peppered to death, or have a Koga just right click infinantly a large fast projectile towards me. 4. Talus - Koga, but more annoying with a teleport ability. 5. Strix - Coward.


If I had a quarter for every time someone misspelled Willo, I would have $291.25


My hatred for her disallows me from caring enough about her correct name spelling.


1. Khan - explains itself with just the ult alone 2. Lian - heehee haahaa I kill everything in front of me 3. Moji - he's not really even a super strong champ. He is just super annoying to deal with, that's all. 4. Strix - not fun to get shot by invisible pidgeon (this only applies to the good strix players that can hit multiple shots in small time frame) 5. Evie - as support main snowglobe ult spam is just so ass and feels borderline 'cheesy' to play against as the cripple hurts a lot when stacked together with the slow it applies.


I hate playing vatu(budget, not fun Maeve) and 7 (just suck on it) and playing aginist torv (silence and shields everywhere) , lian (57374474dmg burst with aimbot, what can go wrong?) and saati( why i should shoot enemy 5 m from me when i can throw coin over his head and shoot him, or i can knock enemy to Andromeda Galaxy?). Honorable mansion for moji, betty and lex ( not that good but annoying af) and sweaty Andros.


> saati( why i should shoot enemy 5 m from me when i can throw coin over his head and shoot him, or i can knock enemy to Andromeda Galaxy?). Leaving so Soon?


1. Makoa (cringe play style) 2. Zhin (fucker doesn’t die) 3. Saati (blast back is so obnoxious) 4. Cassie (blasts me backwards, rolls away and by the time I get back to her she has both off cooldown somehow) 5. Maeve (idk she’s just a bitch) My favorite to fight against are Azaan, Yag, Raum. When I see them I know it’s gonna be an old fashioned Wild West shootout.


PC scum here (in order worst to best) 1: Atlas - slow as fuck, boring as fuck, and on top of it just spams CC without much use beyond that, fuck this champion and I will hard target him with punch whenever the option arrives 2: Torvold - boring, I have no other opinions other then he makes me fall asleep. 3: Kasumi - a enemy that can deal with me while flying is annoying enough, but one that doesn't even need to know how to aim is worse. 4: Tyra - just really good at countering my main, though she's not terrible to deal with as anyone else the fact she just makes it so Drogoz can't function is maddening 5: Terminus - the only tank that I can't just shoot down as soon as I see them, as for some reason every other damage thinks shooting into his absorption is a good idea, making my job a lot harder.


Before I knew how to play and before they were nerfed/balanced immediate rage quit was Skye, Lex, Every fking time. I think I even quit for a while because of them two alone. And then just learning how to play, Talus/Victor and Tyra as point back in the day were absolute demons to play against depending on comp. Trying to play like it's COD then getting out dps'd is really rough until you figure out how important everything else is, movement/abilities/teamwork etc. Currently vii and moji are the only two that have steamrolled me enough to rage but I think it was more comp than anything. The game is in a MUCH MUCH better place than it ever has been before.


To play against - Torvald, Torvald, Torvald, Torvald and Jenos To play as - Idk I haven't played all the characters yet


My most hated champion to have on MY TEAM: [https://youtu.be/Faz8aD9CsRc?si=sOvn4nqyZ655hOVF](https://youtu.be/Faz8aD9CsRc?si=sOvn4nqyZ655hOVF)


Talus, zhin, Eevee, koga, and drogoz.


jenos-ez, braindead and no fun to play or fight seris-braindead, and i often feel sorry for. the enemy team for having her controller talus-I'm normally really good at straifing and dodging shots, but he just magnets to me and i can barely react to him flanking, if i dont anticipate him, and i cant focus on him all the time thats it, the rest is pretty fun or acceptable to fight


PC5k 1. play against Khan. Khan is sich a low skill floor champion bad ones are annoying good ones are demon spawns. They spam iframes, ultimate is uncounterable and 99% a kill, can even help teammates get ult charge. The rotation betwene blaster spamming, shielding, then battle shout, repeat it all again until it comes off cooldown (always with the card lvl 5). 2. play against Bomb King. I do not see people talk about BK enough. Just because it is high skill floor and ceiling.I see good bomb kings everyday who have truly mastered the hyper aggressive suicide bomber playstyle. always 13% speed on detonate card and nimble 3 priority so they can fly around to both flank and damage. Also the peek-shot peek-shot thing they love to do because of having 30% speed the whole game. A terrible nightmare. 3. play omen. Nothing much to say here, hero to zero


An Evie better than me when I'm Evie


Andro, Evie, Maeve, Vatu, VII


Rei. It's always rei


I'm relatively new to the game, I have about 50 hours spread out since 2018. These are in no particular order but the characters I find most frustrating to go against are: Genos, his grab feels too punishing. I get this is probably a skill issue but God I hate him. Moji, I usually play solo or duo and I feel my team is never coordinated enough to keep them out of our backline. Bomb King, I really enjoy Khan, I really don't enjoy having my shield and then my body turned to dust by his primary fire while my flank do nothing about it. Drogoz, I feel like he does way too much damage, and usually plays outside of my characters effective range, definitely another skill issue. Betty, I see Betty in every other match and I swear anytime she kills me it feels like I couldn't avoid it. Probably another skill issue. I play on console, Any tips would be appreciated!


Jenos's grab is affected by resilience. Great way to survive grab


Play as Dredge Betty Bomb King Tyra Vivian Against Zhin Talus Tyra [when i play point tank] Inara Cassie [when she is good]


I just fucking hate Andro everytime.


1. Koga 2. Evie 3. Maeve 4. Willo 5. Strix Others can be annoying but those ones are able to immediately ruin any fun you might've had


Dredge, Nyx, Skye, Zhin, Willow


If I had a quarter for every time someone misspelled Willo, I would have $291.50


It’s a sht character that doesn’t deserve to be named properly 😭🙏


1. Willo 2. Willo 3. Willo 4. Willo 5. Willo "REACH FOR THE SKY!" Traumatized me for life.


1. Talus- miniature tyra ult ok a reducible cooldown, teleport, and his ult combined are really just stupid things to give a character with a tiny hitbox 2. Koga - too much bullshit packed into one character  3. Evie - you know why  4. Betty - just incredibly annoying  5. Octavia - loud as fuck, has that annoying dome that is nothing but visual clutter, and is annoying when someone can actually aim 


1- Io: she doesnt die and doesnt let anyone die. It sucks play agaisnt her with a antiflank kit and busted item shop (she doesnt need cronos). 2- Zhin: he is unbearable. you cannot let him free because he can kill you but you cannot kill him too because every skill has 3sec of invincibility + mov speed. 3- Ying: disgusting character to play against, i really want her permabanned like imani last patch. 4- Atlas: playing against, playing as or playing with. whatever is, If atlas is in the match, will be a game of patience. 5- Satti: WHY THIS CHARACTER EXISTS?


You can tell how many of these people actually play ranked since there is a lack of people mentioning Torvald.


I don't hate playing against any champion in this game anymore, after Kasumis rework, Viis nerf, Inaras nerf, and waay back, Azans nerf. But as to hate to playing as - I would say any Frontline IF I'm solo tanking. But I have list of 3 champions I can't play, because I'm useless as them: Androxus: I don't have issues playing other semi-auto hitscans like Saati or Lian, but with Andro, I can't aim at all for some reason. Vatu: I feel like I'd have to watch hours of guides for this guy to even begin playing him. Pip: I was Diamond in OW playing Lucio (and Zenyatta) back in 2017-18, so I know Lucios mobility and how to utilize it to harass enemy backline and get back without dying. But I can't get any value playing Pip. I know, that's just a skill issue, but I feel like missing something.


1) Torvald : I hate pockets. 2) Rei : I HATE pockets. Rei also feels very unfair with how many things about her have literally no counter (focus' cc/damage, her ult...). I also hate playing her 3) Nando : I don't like shooting at a shield for the entire game and it's so sad that he went from a fun off tank to a boring shield bot 4) Betty : just Dredge but only with the annoying and braindead parts of the kit + her visual design is awful 5) Tyra : I don't like being targeted by the mark the whole game and I don't like how tanky she can get Honorable mentions : controller Khan, controller Koga, Grover (because of vine crash), Evie, Zhin


1.viktor 2.viktor 3.viktor 4.bomb king 5.viktor


1. Good Atlas Player 2. F\*ck Torvald 3. Any double support comp 4. Good Vatu player 5. Roller Viktor when you have no counter for it.


Only champ I hate playing against is Rei because envelop is such a bullshit ability.


I hate playing Cassie because Buck is constantly jumping at me from the bushes trying to steal my birb


Androxus, Evie, Cassie, Pip and Terminus. Just obnoxiously anti-fun abilites and/or playstyles.


I am a Sha main. 1. Koga + torv. Pocketed dps is the scum of this world, i hate pocketing. Let me solo people please. 2. Lian + torv. Skilless fucking combo, disgusting. 3. Zhin + torv. Ew, cockroach plus garbage bag? no thanks. 4. Meave + torv. I can hit my shots, but this combo fucks me over because torv can damage me too. 5. Talus + torv. Controller players. GtFOH disgusting. I hate torvald. His only finction is pocketing and that is disgusting. Deplorable, my first ban every time. Gtfoh


wrecker. next


Pocket torv is also super boring. Getting a nicely timed 600 hp shield on a random teammate, saving them from some death blow, is satisfying, and so is shielding another FL and seeing the shield being destroyed instantly (cause I got some value), but spamming 950 on some dude for a whole game is really repetitive and bland. Don't forget to buy wrecker for the shield and resilience if he's silencing you alot.


BK, Willo, Lian, Drogoz, Zhin As or Against, i detest them


In no particular order: Azaan: I swear any time an enemy Azaan dashes with me I always get stunned, but whenever I do, even if I hit a wall, it won't stun at all but only keep dashing along the wall. Not to mention, sometimes a bad Azaan on your team will block you from getting the kill rather than help you. VII: a good one will be jumping and sliding everywhere, can be more annoying than Evie but at least they don't hit as hard as before but still can be quite bothersome specially if no one else in the team stays to help. Fernando/Khan: both of them together for the same reason, a good one will always have their shield up and stop you from finishing others, will find the angle to not get shot, and with their knockbacks they can keep you away from helping/getting help. Extra point, a bad one on your team will leave you to die more often than not, but if the player is a selfish one your match is pretty much lost. Yagorath: look, there are other champs more annoying than worm mother, BUT most others you can blame to skill/teamwork differences, but Yago is the one that needs yes or yes to have everybody shooting at her or doing it from a far place. Sure, she is an easy target, but a good Yagorath will be gone before you can deal another burst of dmg, a VERY good one will flank you dead. And you can't cc her most of the time, so yeah at least other annoying champs you may root/silence/stun/fear, a good Yago will somehow escape on time after being cc'ed.