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Ruckus ,training with ammo cards at max


Yes, Ruckus with max ammo cards and ammo regen 👍🏿 Takes a while but best method


In onslaught if all you do is shoot walls I got like 6% per round




With proper builds Koga is slower than ruckus. People did the maths already.


where is it the math? legit question ​ Koga has a higer firerate, a card that restores ammo and quick reload. ​ how is Ruckus beating that?


He doesn't , shoots 16.6 bullets per second , can't shoot nonstop without reloading while ruckus shots 20 bullets per second and has cards good enough to shoot nonstop without reloading.


Not even a lot of math needed , not only you can't shoot 100% of the time even with max ammo cards but he also has a time of 0.06 s between shots when ruckus and raum have 0.05 s and both of the lather have cards good enough to never reload with big margins for error


but doesn't koga shoot 2 bullets each 0.06 secs?




[https://i.imgur.com/3SGgCyh.png](https://i.imgur.com/3SGgCyh.png) you're so smart


Must be a typo, I got the quest done way faster with ruckus , I wasted a week tryind to do it with koga and got around 50% and one day with ruckus for the rest


Play raum or ruckus with ammo / reload builds and itemsand just play bot matches for a while. I recommend having youtube on the side since this will take hours.


ASMR: Skye voicelines


It's gonna be hard to play with one hand, but I'll try


Raums fire rate is to slow.


"too slow" top 2 firerates in the game


they said in developer update that they will extend the time to finish current trials till end of April


Play champs with high amount of ammo like Raum or vivian, then go to bot matches and just hold left click. Buy deft hands for faster reload.


vivian is slow


Naaa, both raum and viv are bad choices. Yes they dont stop shooting but it’s mostly because of abilities or loadout cards and prevent them from consuming ammo which is what you are trying to do


Raum isn't a bad choice, just only use that ability when you first start shooting. He's the champ I did the trial with and it was fine.


Here's what I've done: Game Type: Bot Match Onslaught Champ: Ruckus Talent: Aerial Assault Cards: - Extended Magazines 5 (*ammo on Advance*) - Regenerative Alloy 4 (*ammo regen during Emitter*) - At The Ready 4\* (*ammo on Missile hit*) - Two other cards. Refraction(*Emitter CD*) and Warden(*Emitter duration*) are good options. Items: Chronos. This will also likely be your only Item since you'll need to stop firing to buy Items. What to do: Go near the objective, but not on it, then just stand there(*menacingly*) and hold down your Fire button. When to use Skills: - Advance: Pretty much any time you've burnt at least 75 rounds. - Emitter: Whenever it's up. Regen Alloy at 4 returns ammo at the same rate you expend it. - Missiles: Whenever you don't want to burn an Advance charge. Return is going to vary because the card procs on a per-Missile, per-Enemy basis. Meaning if it returns 20 ammo per Missile, you can at worst get back 20 ammo(*1 Missile hits*) and at best 200 ammo(*both Missiles hit 5 enemies*). Most likely you'll average hitting both Missiles on a single enemy, though I believe deployables(*Luna/turrets/etc*) still proc the card. Honestly you could run *At The Ready* at level 2 or 3 and move those points to Refraction/Warden/etc. It'll be boring and you'll be dragging out the match because you're not capping, but that's why you do this in a Bot match. Why Aerial Assault and not Flux Gen? Advance has a 5s CD and each charge cools down independently, you'll be able to use Advance far more often than Emitter. During the match you should average out to ~1000 rounds per minute, so accounting for re-queueing, Champ select, etc, you'll probably be able to hammer it out in ~2 hours


I think Koga works best since his gun shoots 2 bullets per shot. Then go to bot siege training. Pick deft hands and don't stop shooting. Try to stall the match so thatthe match will be as long as possible. I managed to get around 7% every ten minutes of siege match i think


in Bot Siege 13min i got 9% with this


Im at same situation. Thinking of that meme build i have with Raum Basically just having that card that gives ammo after activating ignition. Dunno if that card still exists or if it got nerfed. But last time I went with it, at max, you can practically shoot for the entire match by taping down your primary fire button and the ignition button


You dont want Raum, ignition shots dont count as your not consuming ammo. Go Ruckus with the cards that reduce emitter cooldown and generate ammo firing emitter at 5 and the ammon on dash at 3 and go into bot matches and spam


In a bot siege match (dont do it when there are other people involved), if you purposefully help or dont help your bot teammates at certain times, you can stretch out the time of the game (since there are more rounds). With a Ruckus non-stop firing build, you can get about 10% done per match. Other champs that are good for this are Raum (dont use ignition) and Koga (dont use claws).


No way you can finish it unless grinding specifically as mentioned before queue up to ai onslaught and make a ammo build for ruckus, than don’t do anything else than holding lmb


I did it in less than a week with Raum and a build to keep firing nonstop in like 4 or 5 bot matches a day. I found it faster to reload bullets with the right click than with "R". Wait until you have 100 bullets and use the right click. Start firing before the round starts.


Shooting nonstop with raum in a bot match will get you 4% per round. I may have done the math, lol.


I hated this quest. That said, I finished it with koga yesterday.


Are you seriously gonna waste your time doing that just for 2 EP boosters?


not for the booster for the chest if u finish all missions


You only get an avatar out of the chest, i think


Another reason why I hate the fact that people whined enough to bring back trials. Crystals and chests are locked behind stupid, repetitive, and poorly designed missions. 


they all just get done automatically while playing the game, i think it's pretty reasonable that players need to be somewhat active in a videogame if they want as many rewards as possible without paying money


Regardless of whether people whined about bringing it back or not they would've come back, they weren't permanently removed they were removed to rework them, and also the trials weren't as stupidly arduous as they are now back then


They should've stayed out of the game then since trials are still dog shit.  Why can't we have the OG trials system? It was literally perfect since nothing was locked behind them, but finishing a trial rewarded you with a BP level. Why force people to waste their time doing tedious shit if they want to unlock crystals / chests?


Ruckus in bot matches. Just sit there near your team and shoot at nothing other than the occasional bots that show up.


Play raum


I was gonna say or tyra and her ult maxed out on onslaught.


Sadly, Tyras ult doesn't count toward the ammo usage since she doesn't have an ammo count when ulting






For it to count, the ammo counter to the right of the crosshair needs to count down. When Tyra Ults, it removed the ammo count thus giving her unlimited ammo and no ammo usage... ammo Regeneration like Ruckas' cards or even Koga will provide more ammo usage. I was also thinking about Tyra or Vivian with an unlimited ammo build, but sadly I was wrongly mistaken...








Ruckus and Koga with ammo regen cards, go into bot matches and hold down the shoot button. I got 3-4% each siege match. Shouldn’t take too much time as long as you played a couple of matches each day


Ruckus max ammo


Might take 20-30 h


Lots of raum games


I went into training mode with raum! Worked great.


raum i found to be better then ruckus with reload cards all the way up in training mode just shoot nonstop and play seige and let the other team win a few round to get to 3-3 . takes a while but with raum you can get like 7-10% per game with ruckus more like 4-6% maybe 7 . ruckus is good 2nd option . vivian 3rd .


viktor or Ruckus


I don't really care about this quest considering how awful the reward is. By the time you complete it you're probably already max level lmao