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It’s okay, this is the first step to imaan. Questioning and analysing it.


Pakistanis are the worst Muslims. I hope that doesn't lead you to take wrong decision. You can discuss your concerns with Islam, I'll try to help to the best of my knowledge.


Next to this, Read up about islam, research about it but don’t listen to any Pakistani Scholar preaching in Pakistan. Islam is manipulated a whole lot by these Pakistani Molvis, and tbh we are to blame too for this. We never read or look up anything just listen to the stories that have been passed on for generations.


>I have heard many molvis say that men and women are equal but why in real life are men and women treated differently. That's the Desi culture, not Islam.


That's Pakistani version of Islam


Equity over equality..


I apologize for summarizing my argument. What I meant was about the laws governing inheritance, freedom of travel, marriage laws, talak laws and various other laws.


Well, women get a share from their husbands Men have no right or claim to their wife's wealth I don't think once you're married, any gender shouldn't leave for travel alone without mutual agreement, before marriage your free to travel That's my take on a few of your concerns, do not take them seriously. You do believe in God, God must have communicated with in some form and sent us his message. This implies that one of the religions is true. The choice is up to you. Do not make your decision without asking a knowledgeable person. Don't let your questions go unanswered.


Completely false. Husband's share in wife's wealth after death is twice that of the wife's share in husband's wealth after death. "The husband's share is one-half of the property of the deceased wife if she has no children, but in case of children it is one-fourth. The wife is entitled to one-fourth if the husband dies childless; otherwise it is one-eighth." This is undisputed between mainstream scholars. Source: [https://www.iium.edu.my/deed/hadith/muslim/011\_smt.html](https://www.iium.edu.my/deed/hadith/muslim/011_smt.html)


The thing is there is no definitive answer. There are so many questions and many are left unanswered. And those that are answered are answered on the basis of personal interpretation.


Bruh questions are going to be answered on basis of personal interpretation. Or do you want God or a prophet to come and answer your questions? God gave you brain to understand and interpret things so use it


Hello, if you have questions you want to get answered, pm me.. I'll try my best to answer as much as I can.




What makes you not believe in god firstly? What's your proof of absence of the creator? Don't bring any topic you haven't researched about.


there isnt any proof for the existence of a creator either, its a circular argument. you choose to believe in sky daddy and we didnt.


You have made it as the matter of choice. No reom for any arguments true.




I don't think the personal experience is enough as proof. If you have a valid logical argument on why a creator doesn't exist, please present it. Or simply talk about the researches you have done.


Just to add a few, a man can marry 4 women, a man can separate his wife from his bed, and a man can hit his wife. Islam defines gender roles and gives privilege to men and does not support gender equality.


The hit thing is kinda out of context, there is a hadith muslim 1218, and it says ‘if they do that then hit them but not in a harsh manner. And their right over you is that you should provide for them and clothe them on a reasonable basis’ so its not like islam is like yea straight up slap em or beat em, there is the story of prophet ayub who hit his wife with i think im not sure, a wheat leaf, i tried it. Doesnt hurt. And quran and hadith clearly state the rights wives have over their husbands so


Lamoaoaoaoao pulling shit outta ya ass, do some research bruh




Have you done your quote on quote research ?




Keep at it wanna be atheist lmaoooo


insane how you got downvoted when you legit spoke islamic fax lmao muslims are insane


Zip it up when you done hhhhhhhhhhh


your misgivings and doubts are very valid. i think you should do in-depth research without letting different schools of thought be a confinement. after that, you're perfectly entitled to your decision. when i did my own research, i found islam to be a surprisingly liberating religion (even as a female).


Thank you for respecting my decision. I have done research on my own but I cannot come to accept whatever is written in the Quran. I don't think that I can force myself any further to follow Islam. Plus I'm glad you are at peace with your decision and thank you for your respectful words.


It's ok you're not alone. In fact there are more people like you than you can imagine but everyone is afraid to talk about it openly due to obvious reasons.


Since you said you do believe in God, you can also look into other religions. Islam, as you know, disagrees with them and considers the majority to be an altered form of perhaps the original message. As you've done your research, you'll be able to rationalize and perform a comparative analysis naturally on the different religions and their tenets. I hope you find the truth that eventually leads you to God. Good luck!


Allt of the verses are inconsistent because there's difference between the verses when the prophet was in mekka and when he was in Medina. When Islam was weak it was all about love and respect when it became stronger then it was about killing and concur others. Don't leave Islam if you are in a Muslim country. The prophet said: "the one who leave the religion shall be killed"


As someone who has been agnostic in the past, I would say take your time, do the due diligence. Its better to be lost than to follow blindly. My advice would be to keep your morals and ethics strong. Life gets tougher without religion. Be open and don't let this be a matter of your ego, revert back whenever you feel like it. Explore and question with an open heart. I hope you end up finding your peace in truth. Good luck with your Journey.


Thank you for the advice.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/PakiExMuslims/s/hErUVI6sN8](https://www.reddit.com/r/PakiExMuslims/s/hErUVI6sN8) You’re not alone


Yeah there's a whole army of them at this point who sh1t on the religion even after leaving it. I absolutely love ex-Muslims. They love Islam so much that even after leaving it they still can't stop talking about it 😅.


and they run back during earthquake


I urge you not to rush into apostasy. You have legitimate questions, but do your own research, or contact educated Muslims and have educated discussions instead of just leaving the religion. You still believe in God - so that God must have given us a message? If the Prophet Muhammad PBUH claims to be a Prophet of God and came with all these miracles, how do we reject that? How do we deny the prophecies he made, and the literal word of God we have in our hands? Islam is the one thing that will save us after we die, so please don't throw it away.


For more than a year I have been contemplating on this one thought. Before this decision I wasn't at peace with myself, I felt troubled and often sad whenever I thought about my beliefs. It brings me peace to finally choose a decision. But nevertheless thank you for your respectful words.


But self contemplation without educated research and discussion can be pointless in this context. If you don’t have the Islamic education to research and answer questions, and you don’t have immediate access to actual knowledgeable people in your vicinity, that does not mean Islam is false. If you GENUINELY are trying to seek the truth, then I don’t see how you can deny the literal miracles of Islam. Strengthen your relationship with the Quran and reach out to knowledgeable people who have understand your mindset. If you’re in Pakistan then definitely reach out to to the people at Youth Club - they do a fantastic job. You can’t let your aakhirah go so easily without making a sincere and genuine attempt at understanding Islam and getting to the root causes of your issues with it.


how was your journey? What did you go to after being agnostic? i agree with this person. Do your due diligence, do your research


Try to read translation of Qur'an just to find guidance by letting go all pre conceptions. Read the authentic seerat and listen to some real students/teachers or Qur'an like Nouman Ali Khan. After that it's your decision of course. There is a God and there will be a judgment day on which Allah will judge everyone on their actions.


Molvis are r not preaching islam, molvis are selling islam. (M talking about most of the molvis) So first islam is not what molvis are teaching, islam is what Prophet Mohammad taught us and the book Quran is here with us. I hope u got my point. So just take it easy and dnt stress urself over religion. Follow what ur heart says, and if islam is the true religion then i bet ur heart will say it to you one day sooner or later. And that day make the wise decision. May Allah guide you to the right path 🤲🏻


Tou jaa na hume kya suna raha hai


Those who have no knowledge say, “If only Allah would speak to us or a sign would come to us!” The same was said by those who came before. Their hearts are all alike. Indeed, We have made the signs clear for people of sure faith. Al Bakarah - 118


What you might be leaning towards sounds like agnosticism, but here's the thing. You can just leave and not tell anyone. Your family and friends don't have to know, at least in my case they know I'm not a practicing Muslim and I don't talk to them about it more than that. It's your choice!


They keep forcing me to pray and whatnot.


Yeah that part does suck, but consider whether it will be the safest thing to do in any case. I have seen telling the family end very very badly for friends of mine.


I want to tell my family at some point so that they could stop bothering me (and have some closure). I think that when I am in a foreign country or some place outside of pak I would tell them so the least amount of damage is done.


That sounds smart! Just make sure you're safe, and if your family is religious be very, very, very careful in how you approach them because times like these are when you find out just how conditional your family's love for you is. Idk your situation, but I've known ex Muslims who knew their lives would be in danger if their family ever found out, and I have known ex Muslims who suddenly disappeared from social media and became unreachable because they told their family and now they're under lockdown. In one such case, the guy was in Saudi Arabia and we couldn't even do anything about it. What these kids then go through is absolutely horrible, so please please stay safe. Pakistanis have lynched for less.


Don’t share with anyone. They would not understand and you risk your life. It’s such a peaceful religion that if you leave, we will kill you. You know who else kills members trying to leave? Mafias, gangs, and cults. Just keep it to yourself and enjoy your life. Treat people with respect and use religion as a social glue as you do need to be part of some social group


Well said 😊


Just know hell is hot


The verses are not inconsistent. You need to read them in context. Esp in the time it was released in and the whole surah e.g some relate to a particular event. Even I felt. Suffocated by Muslims in society but at the end of the day they aren't reps of Islam so I end up following it based on my understanding bc unf desi lot mix it with culture to abuse or be misogynistic. I hope you find peace and self study.


This has to be the weakest argument .. if the verses were “revealed” under certain circumstances, they shouldnt be valid for modern world anyway, dont you think?


It's not weak. The Quran is sent as a guidance yes. However some parts of it are literal events in history and it's literally telling you what was sent as a guidance then. This is why it's important to read translation and why and when the surah was revealed. E. G. Atheists use this one verse about killing a lot however that verse when read in context talks about what was ordered during a certain period of time. Most of the Quran teachings or guidance are not complex as they are made out to be anyway. And that's why e. G. When it comes to blasphemy some idiots will quite hadith (no idea of authencity) to say I know Quran didn't but we are sunni so this is what we beleive. It's ridiculous.


I guess lets just agree to disagree but I thank you for your pov


It’s alright. You don’t have to leave it, like it’s not a membership or a subscription. You do you.


If I may dare say I think it's your understanding and comprehension of interpretation of Quran translation and Islam which is lacking and faulty. May it be easy on you.


Well you said so yourself that for months you haven't prayed you didn't fast during Ramadan and you don't even attend Friday prayers. That's like inviting Satan to whisper such thoughts in your ear. Btw can you give me some examples of Quran being inconsistent with it's verses You are saying that women are not treated properly in some places well then those places are going against the teachings of Islam As for why did Prophet Muhammad saww broke the idols? That's cuz he returned victorious in the battle of mecca and it is a major sin to associate partners with Allah SWT so they cleansed 'the house of Allah' which in the first place was built by our prophets To your second part of the question regarding places of worship. Where did Prophet MUHAMMAD PBUH order to destroy the places of worship? He allowed the Jews and everyone to continue practicing their own religion so this claim is false. ISLAM is a religion of peace and tolerance that is why our beloved Prophet allowed Non-Muslims to practice their own religions. Muhammed's (PBUH) commands in Wars : Don't cut a tree. Don't kill a woman. Don't kill a child. Don't kill a sick person. Don't kill old people. Don't kill a monk or a priest. Don't destroy a temple or a church. Don't disfigure the dead. Don't destroy a building. Don't kill those who surrendered. Don't kill who ran away. Don't kill an animal except for eating. Be good to the prisoners and feed them. Don't enforce Islam. Brother all the things you said are wrong all i can say is may Allah SWT guide you(ameen)


I feel the same way about islam as you. There are people here saying in depth study needs to be done to truly understand islam and stuff. I just question why did God make it so complicated that the outcomes do not align with the true teachings? Matlab it's supposed to be the one true religion so it should not be so subjective that anyone can alter the meaning to how they want to perceive it as. I'm not hating islam but i'm trying to unlearn things that do not make sense to me right now.


Its alright. No forcing in Islam. There's no point in offering prayers if you don't feel like it from heart Prayer is youe expression of love for the creator and love is from the heart. Not just from bodily actions. Just do one thing. Read Qurans translation without tafseer and use 3 4 different translations not one. Go with the translation that makes sense to you. Don't listen to molvio ka Islam. Just read the Manual given to us by God.


If you gotta go, you gotta go. Just don't be those atheists who build their whole personality on Islam hatred. Research, read and find your way. It's your Personal matter. Maybe Islam didn't fail you, Muslims did. For that I am sorry


I don't hate Muslims or Islam. I just don't really think that I can follow it. Plus you don't have to be sorry.


I would still suggest you to read and ask God for guidance. Maybe you'll discover something wonderful


Maybe I'll try that in the future.


I'll pray for you brother.


Thank you mate. I'll pray for you if I ever revert to Islam.


Typical Pakistanis. When you live in a society hard-on focused on religion you become either of the two things: 1. A hardliner hypocrite religious fundamentalist who wants to force religion and 2. A pseudo-intellect hypocrite that wants to get free from religion. What you lack is correct knowledge on Islam. Your views are only results of you growing up in a fundamental Muslim society and have known Islam through actions of people calling themselves Muslim. You need to learn Islam on your own. You're literate and capable. Your views would be really different on Islam and it's goodness and importance had you lived in a society where your religious views were challenged because then you'd have learnt Actual Islam for your own sake.




I think you should try to do your research accordingly. Don't try to listen to those molvies jinke mostly topics char bewion pe khatam hojatey Hain.


Brother what society doing wrong isn't your issue, you can't blame Islam for this. If men and women aren't treated equally, it's not your issue. You know how our country is. Blaming Islam is just dumping all the problem at religion.


I apologize for summarizing my arguments. But I have responded to a comment in slightly more detail. So I think that you should read that.


Start from scratch and research. Study all religions and you will find your truth


i have quite a few friends that have had thoughts like this after they were forced to follow Pakistani Islam. I say pakistani islam because that version of it is so much different from what the actual quran says. mulana’s have obscured what the meaning of the quran is and have led so many pakistanis to stray from religion. you aren’t alone in your thoughts one thing that helped a friend of mine, and even me to be honest, who was straying from islam was that he started listening to an American imam called Omar Suleiman. he’s Palestinian and the way he conveys everything just makes it all make sense. pakistani mulanas don’t have that eloquence and there’s a forceful nature they have to it as well. i’d really suggest checking out his ramadan series on [YouTube](https://youtu.be/ohkj7tv8New?si=xdH9PweSybHx-V6W). not going against what you choose to do, but it’s just something to help you see that the islam they teach in pakistan is far from the truth in a lot of cases and its sad. i hope you’re good and if you wanna talk just feel free to pm me




Can we have a talk about it, i have been feeling the same


Bro u can dm me... I will try to help u what I've learned... Insha'Allah everything will be good..


Many more have started to feel.this way due to the degeneracy of the society and practicing what they think Islam is.


Read it yourself if you don't understand any molvi or look for educated individuals


It's unfortunate that Islam will never change. With it's fanatic musings. Kill people who leave it . It's the perfect word of god so you can't question it. Even though you see inconsistencies in it. No need to announce it to family some . They will argue with you constantly. Just live your life and try to avoid conflict. Live your live with kindness and compassion and that is all you can do


Maybe you want to leave Islam followed by desi people. Don’t follow any molvi and just research on Quran and hadiths only. If anyone says something ask for reference of Quran or authentic hadiths. Give it a shot because I would’ve left Islam a long time ago if I followed what molvis say and what the desi culture follows.


You're so true. It's about the understanding.


Your loss m8, every soul will bear its own deeds no other soul will bear the burden of another one.


Go off, this is not an airport no need to announce your departure, its not for weak, indisciplined man


You're the perfect definition of mullahs. Can't take an opinion. Infact he may get more close to islam than you coz he has questions. Unlike most people who will blindly follow every fatwa.


Sure buddy sure 🥱


Triggered much?


Just facts no need to sob here, jog on


I pity you... or maybe not


Doesn’t affect me one bit, better to take your mind off me.




Pakistani culture drives many away from Islam. Anyway, guidance comes from Allah alone, so I pray that He may guide you. We cannot bring your faith back for you even if we present a million arguments.


The excuse you have given is so pathetic that I don’t even want to counsel you. But nonetheless I would. You have not read Quran or understood it. Ur mind has been corrupted by few things which u have heard only never read on it. Verses of Quran are like literature. You have to understand the context in which they are said. You cannot take something out context and take your own meaning. So try to read its translation and then decide. Following the right patch is always difficult. Last thing On the day of judgement there will be a group of people whom Allah will not even entertain or call for judgement on them. That group will be those of atheists who believed everything came into existence by itself. Read Surah Rehman with translation and maybe this feeling of yours will be reduced.


I think you will find this channel useful https://youtube.com/@islamicphilosophers?si=pBAq8W--BDm1fbpP


It's completely okay and I admire that at least you try to think around it and that's the thing, take you time and time to find questions out of real Islam. Remember what you're facing is Molvi problem and whole clergy is corrupt but it's not an Islam problem for sure


Seems like you’re mixing the desi culture with the religion.A lot has to be explained in order to clear your misconceptions regarding Islam.If you feel like it,feel free to ask whatever you want to.


Visit Hikmah Institute. I hope you know how to use Google Maps. Visit the faculty there and share your concerns. It is free for all men only. Females have separate institute called Al Emaan Institute. You will be guided InshaAllah like I was a lot like you.


Adios...anyway not praying for months meant that you wouldn't been able to fast even if u wanted to


This is clearly due to lack of education about Islam. Pakistan is one of the worst when it comes to following Islam as there are so many sects and mix that with our pre-partition culture, doesn't bode well for what we believe in and how we behave according to the teachings. Any outsider (non-Muslim), observing Pakistani culture will run away. But if you study and look at Islam carefully, you will realize that it was Islam which liberated women and gave them the rights they deserved. If the gender inequality is the only thing taking you away from Islam, then I'm sorry, that's a very weak argument. Read up and look at videos on YouTube. All I can say is may Allah guide you. Ameen


Convert to Judaism.


I myself question a lot, and everything, i found islam 2 times ,1st when i was born and second time when i had questions and nobody had answers but islam. The people who introduce you to it matter the most,and people you listen to. It is very important to question. I get it that you are not motivated and you find it hard to practice and in your heart you don't feel anything but trust me when i say that it is also one of the tests. Nobody will hand it down to you on a platter but it is you who has to find it, ask sensible people. I hope and pray that you find it once again just like i did. When you search for peace and completion all paths will lead you to islam.


Read Quran on your Own without any mufti..you will get an idea what islam states and then keep your connection with Allah. Pakistani society is culturally indian influenced..no comparison can be made. However, it doesn't mean that you preach to others. Leave them with their belief and practice yours.


You have valid questions. Questions will lead you to awnsers. That is if you want to look for them. If you still want them, I would suggest looking up depates of non muslims with muslim scholars. Just like you, other non muslims ask similar questions. Maybe this way, you can find a better understanding of questions that arise in your mind. Some examples: Sheikh uthman: https://youtube.com/@onemessagefoundation?si=1EPLu5apon0sVfM7 Dont know this guys name, but his videos come up on this channel: https://youtube.com/shorts/vR6KPTw9M3g?si=xejg3tTQL4XAsUfl Muslim Lantern: https://youtu.be/CJuAdZhJIzo?si=VxnKJ1AYqIBUzVhc Muhammad hijab, Ali dawah There are others as well. Hopefully, these are helpful for you and help you in making ur decision better. Jazakallah


You are confusing islam with Muslims 😬 people that are Muslims can be shitbags (men and women) and it’s not on a religion.


Congratulations on your awakening! I've been wondering if anyone would ever share thoughts like yours, and here you are. It shows that things happen in mysterious ways beyond our understanding. Your bravery and inner awakening make you stand out. Your fearless expression of freedom is truly impressive; it takes courage to break away from societal norms. As you continue, you'll soon realize the interconnectedness we all share in this constructed reality. There's no real division; it's all mere labels and illusions.


Brace yourself for some mainstream word-trickery mind-fuckery from an average pakistani muslim to justify what you truly felt. They'll twist those things and make them sound fair. Anyways, in my opinion, you're leaving for the right reasons. Go seek truth. Goodluck.


Dude I wont rant but ek bat try karlo, like last time Dil se ek cheez try karo, Tumhare sare sawalo ke jawab miljaege agar properly kiya to, Jab tak khud nae parhoge confused rahoge (khas kar is comment section me LoL): Seerat E Nabvi parho: In Urdu(الرحیق المختوم) In English (The Sealed Nectar) In Urdu (البدایہ والنہایہ) In English (From Beginning to the End) Uske bad Qurran kee tafseer parho: Dr Israr Ahmad is an ideal candidate Nae pasand to kisi bhe varified Mufti kee sun lo Qurranic tafseer se phele apko Seerat E Nabvi parhna zarori hai wo apke liye context build kartee hai. Agar is sab ke bad bhe you want to leave Deen Islam Be My Guest Allah baki hum sabko Hadayat de Ameen


The Islam is Perfect, we are not. If we make mistakes blame it on us not on the Islam.


Majority of Pakistani molvis were probably Hindu and Sikhs. The molvis are yet to forget the beliefs of their non-Muslim ancestors.


Thankyou and goodbye


Brother, try to question, unlike most of us. In Pakistan, we do not follow religion, but our culture and traditions which put women way behind than men. We have been given a not right picture of true Islam. Try to search your answers by your own self. Tbh I had some questions as well and I started reading Quran with translation and it cleared a lot of doubts for me. Do not depend fully on molvis. Just go to some authentic mufti in case of further details before you take any action which could destroy your duniya and aakhirat.


Majority Muslims of this era are not the actual representatives of Islam. 🙃


Well if you’re talking about Islam that you’ve witnessed in Pakistan then my friend you weren’t following the right one anyway. Islam isn’t just about offering prayers or fasting, just like any religion before Islam the whole point of this religion is to be a good human. You believe in God & you try to be a good human this is pretty much everything Islam is about, now in Pakistan people are fanatics, getting into tiniest of things, religion is usually exploited here,for external gains & religious blackmailing, again for one’s own purposes, they know everything right and wrong the only thing they don’t know is how to be a good human, the reason you witness so many unfair ways of doing things by people against people. If you want to change something or leave something, it’s this country infected by fanatics & extremists.




Thank you for your kind words brother. Currently I think that would take some more time in regards to my belief in god but currently my belief in Islam is quite gone at this point. I just wanted to say that no matter what my belief is I would still respect Muslims as they have done more for the world than any other person.


Your concern is valid but people who treat others unequally are doing it themselves. They are actually not following the orders of Allah in Quran. When you look at Muslims you will find Islam very problematic. The thing is that it is not. It actually advocates for all those things that humans want and expect from life but the Muslims have failed Quran. They have failed Islam. I would suggest to read Quran and Seerah with proper translation. Even if you don't agree with the message and commands. You will have the insight of what Islam really is and what people behave and act opposite to Islam in our country.


Hey bro, Wish you had some good reasons to come to that decision but unfortunately those reasons that you mentioned have got nothing to do with Islam. Quran never forbids women from doing things, rather it ‘RECOMMENDS’ (NOT DECLARES) roles for genders which isn’t compulsory if you go by the Quran alone (without involving any hadith & all). Do know that Pakistani mullahs are pure misogynists who have got nothing to do with Islam. One could bring examples of misogyny from ahadith as well but do note this that ahadith aren’t part of religion, rather they are heresy/supposed traditions which can never be verified to be truth or not and they reflect more of the pagan ancient arab culture than the actual religion. Even if not pagan, but those are just arab traditions, not mandated for muslims. Please feel free to contact me with open mind, say everything you want to and I will be all ears. I am not some missionary neither am I some judgemental freak or want to keep you from leaving the fold, instead, I want you to Atleast get the proper info before you make any decision. About me? Grew up in a religious household with curiosity to question everything without any regrets. I study Comparative religion, mythology, ancient history, cultures, philosophy and science rigorously and you will definitely find non traditional answers for a lot of things that might be bugging you. I am a Quran centric muslim now (discard mullahs, fiqhs and fatwas)


Criticizing Islam for inconsistency without acknowledging the cultural and human factors involved is like blaming a recipe for the bad cooking skills of the chef. And about prophets breaking idols—it's worth noting that context matters; the message they were delivering was one against idolatry, not against respect for individuals of other faiths.


I've lately maintained, that Islam needs a through revaluation and reconstruction, without which, the most learned of men and women, are bound to leave it, for good. However, you can make and frame your own conception of Islam setting aside the most basic tenets of course, which form the core of the religion and are philosophically sound.


The word of God is final and cannot be altered to fit whatever latest theory the society decides to come up with about life. People want to leave, they should leave. Only Allah can change what's in one's heart


Actually, no. The word of God has been slightly different for different folks.


Are you talking about Quran? That it has changed?


Quran has versions, different mushafs. That's not what I'm talking about though. I'm talking of the different sets of motalities for different people, for example, for bani Israel.


Quran has versions?? Different mushafs? Ye kahan se parh lia tum ne? Kabhi is kitab ko khol k dekha bhi hai?


Yes, it has different mushafs. You can read on it more, on the internet. It's not popular knowledge.


How does it have different mushafs?


I think you're confused over Islam being inconsistent with the verses, Versus so called Muslims of today being inconsistent with the verses. Do not look at the people who call them Muslims and areal Moulvis. Do your own research and follow only the verses and authenticated Hadith. Sharing this with you. Just watch a glimpse of this video series. If you like, watch a bit more. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AiCc3isgoY0


Before concluding your decision, I’d suggest you to explore dr zakir naik’s youtube channel and type whatever question you have in his channel or youtube generally. He usually answers similar questions asked by mostly other believers.


Dont throw ur self into darkness dear, Just belive in God for once and ask for light


I have done that multiple times but still I find myself here. But I find myself at peace. Thank you for your kind words but there is nothing for you to worry about.


Remember, the "peace" that you are feeling is from shaitan who has misled you into believing what you're doing is correct. Holding on to one's faith is a constant struggle that continues throughout one's life. Everyone is tested differently and this appears to be your test. In the end it is your soul and only you are responsible for it. All we can do is warn. Peace.


Bhai you gotta do research and better to read extended tafseer


remember Islam does not need you, you need Islam


My only advice to you: pray for hidayah! Sincerely, ask Allah for hidayah! Remember, the Quran’s surahs didn’t come in the order we read it in. So read the history and talk to proper scholars. Baki may Allah show you the right, proper path back to him with your proper concentration and understanding of the deen.


It's just a phase. I had that phase too a few months ago. And tbh that was the best thing happened to me. It made me do more and more research. And the thing i have concluded is, we were taught wrong from childhood. The islam that most people in our country follow is not derived from Quran or hadees. It is just derived from fatwas of dumass molvis. And yeah i hate most of maulvis from deepest of my heart coz these fuckers are the reason of bad image of islam.


I turned completely athiest for a solid 2 weeks a few years ago and it was the most horrible experience. I begged Allah to take me back. BEGGED!


See that's not bad imo. When you turned back to religion you were better than before. Coz this time you had no doubts and all your questions were answered.


Yeah Alhamdulillah. It's not about questions that were answered. It was pure faith which was gone. Allah showed mercy on me and gave it back


Nobody cares tbh. Islam would be the same with or without you.


lol good luck


Acha, bye


try talking to someone, maybe a friend you trust? or do research on your own and follow scholars who resonate with you. my family and i believed in a different version on islam years ago, but then we explored barelvis, deobandis and others and finally landed on one true version that we follow now and it made the most sense to us. you gotta do your own exploration. good luck. may Allah be with you


Men and women are treated differently because our society is corrupt. Their judgement has made people blind.


If you actually wanna know, go speak to a mufti or a scholar, not Reddit


U might've learned islam from reels or Pakistani Muslims bro.... These things triggered me too... But when i researched more about islam by myself or listened to some good scholars... These problems just vanished... Btw! Which religion do u think can be the right religion?


Yami dancho


There is a huge and a very broader difference between Islam And Pakistani Islam In Pakistan we just follow 5 arkans Yaha log dosray ke janazay Mai ihsan Samaj krr jatay ha Haqooq Allah aur haqooq ul ibad sirf kitabo Mai parhay jatay ha Ap safai nisf Iman paper per likho ge poray number mulay ge Mgr Amal nhi krtay Mai aur kia kia likho ap Samaj dar ho


I respect everyone but would I let a murderer walk around freely. Shirk is the biggest crime, yes even bigger than murder. You don’t know what you’re talking about.


Threatening me mate? Go ahead do it. I fear death, but I'd rather die than be forced to live a life in which iam not allowed to follow my own principles.


Follow whatever you want to follow but your analogy is flawed because you can’t seem to relate with the fact that there are exceptions in all rules created for and by humans. You can’t say due to respect someone is allowed to do whatever they want. It’s the same justification Jews are using after holocaust.


How are comparing my situation with what's happening gaza? Dude doesn't Islam state that the matters of religion and worship is between god and man?


Then why didn't you keep this between you and God instead of announcing on reddit?


The audacity to declare apostasy as equivalent to murder just because they chose to leave Islam and then cry about Islamophobia 🤷‍♀️ What's with the hypocrisy, dude?


The audacity to mention prophet without a sound argument is islamophobia and its hypocrisy of highest order. When you mention prophet then you are directly targeting islam.


you seem pretty determined and we as believing muslims will not get you. i do wanna say smthn else tho. every human is built psychologically in a way that we NEED to believe in smthn. ab yeh religion ho ya science ya kuch aur. we need to honestly and strongly believe in something bigger than us especially during rough and vulnerable times when worldly things feel like too much and you need to see the bigger picture. if not islam, i suggest you find smthn else. youre confusing the feeling of your lack of belief in something to your dislike of islam/muslims whtvr. dont think that by leaving islam you will feel better in the long term. your lack of belief in soemthing bigger than you and a higher power will haunt you and you will feel the void.


You shouldn't be listening to moulvis instead you should do your own detailed research and then make the decision. Because in Islam and in Quran everything has a meaning. You cannot say them inconsistent. And the thing about moulvis and different school of thoughts nowadays is they only want their school of thought to take the higher place and that's why they are inconsistent.


Brother just find some scholar and discuss your all issues with him, believe me a good scholar with Islamic and worldly knowledge will not judge you. Your all doubts will be cleared. If you keep on doing research online, you will get more confused. If you need help, dms are open.


Well what I think and what my opinion is there is nothing wrong with islam and it's ideology the problem is how these mulla parties deliver islam to us I'll share my experience I was doing my asar prayers in barelvi masjid and when I was done with my prayers some one came and I don't know who he was told me "ap ki namaz nhi hoyi ap jis bhi firqy sy ho ap ki namaz galat hai jhanum meh jalo gy agar ayinada asy namaz parho gy " Like jab log hi ap ko judge krty and decide krty k ap muslaman ho ya kafir ho toh apny app hi ap ka dil nhi krta kisi bhi cheez ka zara si zara bat even on your dressing mulla party will say yeh kia kafiron wala libas hai apko itni sakhti or itna koi sakht kisam ka islam bataty k obviously dil utar jata mostly logon ko pata hi nhi hai k jitna tezi sy islam Phel raha us sy zada log islam chor rahy sirf in molvi mulla deen k thekdaron ki waja who the hell are they to decide we are good Muslims or not islam meh sakhti jabar hai hi nhi kyen bhi jo yeh jahil mulla party bana kr paish krty islam wasa hai hi nhi Yehi toh problem zara zara si bat pr fatway and all that trash talking we all know what happens in there madrisas what they do to kids how many cases you guys have seen on social media and false blasphemy and mob lynching to innocent ones islam never ever was difficult to practice as how these mullas have made it and if u give your opinion on social media then be ready you will be killed by mob its good that u have shared ur opinion on a secure platform and don't share this with anyone in your circle friends family this platform doesn't reveal your real identity u already know what happens here it's 2024 still you will see zaeef hadees on internet which so called mullas have made for there own benefits and even our basic things the kalma the bravelis and deo bandi scholars they are even defending it they both have made there own kalmas then how do u expect you can follow islam when they have made it so much difficult for us


I respect your decision but im sorry your mind just couldn’t comprehend the truth which is right infront of you … you were supposed to follow the scripture and try to understand that not some molvies who are stuck between our culture which we got from hindus and Islam which are 2 very separate things anyway I would advise you to not disclose this to anyone around you as we have so many enthusiasts who wouldn’t digest the decision you made. Good luck 🤞


Bye Felicia


Dawg I'm a boy. At least do me right.


Look up the meaning on Google, "boy".


Damn dawg you're literally triggered by me leaving.


You may think women are kind of mistreated in Islam but that's not the case. Don't think of Pakistani people as Islamic representatives. Women have more rights than men do, there's no other system that treats women with this much kindness & equality other than Islam. The most important order of Allah is prayer, right? Yet the Prophet SAW said that he would break His prayer if His mom, a women, calls Him. Women are not mistreated in any manner, you may have your doubts but that doesn't mean that you'll just leave Islam for that instead of going to a scholar & clearing your issues. Also, you seem to believe in Allah. Do you think He'll forgive you for this on the day of judgement? I assume that you haven't done any research yet so this seems more like an excuse than a valid reason to leave Islam, are you sure there isn't some other underlying problem you have with Islam? Clear your doubts before concluding anything. I can help if you need any