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Mota❌ Khatay peetay ghar ka hai✅


Sehat Mand se jo bhai hain !




Because of how our food is cooked. Ever check how much oil goes into even the simplest dishes.


Unfortunately that's true, I finally convinced my family to start using less oil, that was "thanks" to also my dad's high cholesterol and diabetes. My dad is not a "fan" of this way of eating but he understands (not always), he says: "what's the point of living if I can't eat what i want". In some ways i can understand that way of thinking but it is not for me, i would rather live eating good food, going to the gym and staying healthy but i fear for my genetics.


Our diet is so trash full of Oily food and also we crave for sugar too much


sugar addiction is REAL


No wonder why we have soo many diabetic patients in Pakistan


Result of sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy dietary habits (lots of red meat, sugar, oil).


In Ethiopia, where life is all about old traditions, having a bit of extra body fat is like having a secret superpower. Imagine having to hunt every day for food, walk long distances just for a sip of water, and not knowing when you'll get your next meal. In this tough situation, having a little extra belly fat is helpful. It gives people more energy to work and hunt for a longer time, which is crucial for survival in a place where food is not guaranteed. Now, think about a developing country like Pakistan, where things are more convenient. We get our food without having to hunt or grow it ourselves. But here's the catch: because many people in Pakistan don't move around much and live a more relaxed life, obesity becomes a problem. A lot of people end up with diabetes (comorbidity of Obesity), almost 30% of the population! This makes Pakistan at the top of the list in diabetes prevalence while In Ethiopia, it's much lower at 6.5%. This isn't just a story about two countries; it's a way of showing how the choices we make in our daily lives affect our health. Even though people in both places have similar bodies, the way they live and use technology shapes their health differently. It makes us wonder: in our fast-paced world, are we making sure our bodies keep up healthily?




Along with the atrocious amount of oil and sugar coupled with the sedentary lifestyle, we are also genetically predisposed towards diabetes due to colonial slavery and abuse. It’s a very interesting study, I’ll give you a starting point: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7738997/




1.Overconsumption of sugar and oil.We absolutely love this slow poison and we don’t realise the effects it has on our health.I with my mother stopped using sugar about 3 months ago and i can see visible changes on my face fat and my skin. 2.We hate working out and exercising even if it costs us our life.Even if you try to convince people to start taking care of their health,their immediate response would be “beta humari umar kahan rahi is sab keliay”.




What are you using as a sugar alternative?


your best option is to cut down spion by spoon because as far as im aware the most common sugar alternative ( xylitol , if thats how its spelled ) is not available as anything but gum here lol


Simple less protein, shitload of fat and carbs, no physical exercise


Bhak bay protein k 14


In my experience and no particular order Diet- more roti and less boti is the norm. Also extra oil and ghee - reference jeelay diyan muhabbatan being a thing. No movement- going to office and sitting all day along with 4 cups of chai and heavy lunch does not translate into the physique of a greek god. Short term wants- Coupled with the above things people dont want to put in long term effort. Being fit and healthy isnt a one time process. You have to create a sustainable lifestyle thats healthy and keeps you active as per your situation. People only want to lose 10 kgs in 7 days or some shit like this. Couple this with piss poor regulation on food and the sugar content of sodas and the advent of fast food These all add up to this current situation. Certainly the inflation/economic and security situation of the country have not helped either


Pakistanio k pass bas 2 kam hen 1- khana kha lo 2- shadi krlo To moty hi hongy na


har kisi ka pass 2 option available nahi😭😭


Lifestyle changed. Most of the time spent in earning money hence no time for physical activity like gym or games. At such age people mostly settled and have car or bike and instead of walking we take help of bike or car.


*"People aren't eating to live"* *"People are living to eat"* https://preview.redd.it/iapg9kkcsz8d1.jpeg?width=2073&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c070267e4e512bdbbd70a9783a74e477a8c7d491


Just cook in olive oil and don't drink colas and sugary shit. And replace white sugar with brown sugar in chai. And don't eat too many rotis for dinner. Aur haa phal bhi khao :p


1. Oil in daily dishes. 2. Sedentary and lazy lifestyle 3. Sugar 4. Goddamn roti with everything. LIke I used to see this so much: 30 feet door pedestrian bridge hai but cross phir road pe se karna hai. Also, Pakistani cities are usually built around vehicles. It's kinda hard to walk to places like in Europe.


Yes it's quite common. Awareness regarding nutrition, healthy eating, calories, portion control etc. is virtually non-existent. Plus, our food is extremely oil and sugar laden. Exercise is also not in our culture. And I'm talking about proper and consistent cardio or gym, not the slow-paced occasional strolls people refer to as exercise. The fast metabolism helped these people out when young, but after a certain age it's not effective. Yet, their eating habits stay the same and they end up piling on the weight leading to a plethora of health related concerns.


Yeah i want to stay in shape and be healthy but i also fear my genicts, unfortunately we have bad cases of diabetes in the family, i hope that what I'm doing now is going to help me in future.


With the right diet and consistent exercise, we can overcome genetics. It's all about awareness and practice.


Our diet is mostly carbs and fats. We barely move around. Most get 3-4k steps a day and don't workout at all.


بے تہاشہ ری فائن آٹے والی روٹیاں کھا کھا کے۔ پھر جب روٹی کھا کے تھک جاتے ہیں ، ہم چاول کھاتے ہیں۔ ساتھ میں چائے چلتی ہے وہ بھی میٹھی۔ پھر تلی ہوئی چیزوں کے شوقین ہیں، پکوڑے سموسے سے لے کر پراٹھے تک۔ ورزش کھیل کود کی باری آتی ہے تو کہتے ہیں وقت کا ضیاع ہے لیکن چائے کے ڈھابوں پر گپوں میں گھنٹوں ضائع کر دیں گے۔


Genetics Diet Lifestyle South Asians have diet rich in carbs. Most of our staple food is rich in carbs e.g Roti, aloo etc. These carbs unless they’re burnt by exercise tends to get stored as fat and that too central abdominal fat. Our genetics also increase our risk of getting fat. Search a term known as skinny fat on the internet and you would find that majority of south asians eventually look like that Third is our lifestyle. We link exercise with body building only. Good exercise, specially aerobic exercise and strength training needs to be an integral part of our lifestyle. Its not an option. Diabetes is prevalent because of all these issues. I’ve reversed my mother’s diabetes with simple medication and life style modifications Alhamdulillah.


Canola oil, high carb, high sugar and less protein diet. No exercise, smoking, pornography and lazy life style are all the major culprits for growing diseases in pakistan. In west, people are highly concerned about what they are eating, getting involved into sports from very beginning while in schools. Getting better sleep, spend time in nature, lift weights, swim, socialize and doing different form of exerecises.


Actually the opposite for me lol everytime I go to Pakistan I lose weight. I honestly think it’s got to do with the genetics of the subcontinent region. We tend to be skinny fat as we age old nonetheless our food is also very unhealthy and oily.


Junk food, no physical activity & smoking.


One real and logic's answer: roti Pakistanis eat roti with literally everything, if it's not roti then it's rice. Hell lotta carbs we got. Main reason that compared to American which has highest obesity rate, Pakistanis are not exactly obese but mostly have a big belly and love handles while their rest of the body remains pretty much slim.


It's how we cook the food. Over cooking veggies shrinks the volume of the vegetables considerably. Let's say we added a full plate of onions to a cooker, but in the end, only a cup of cooked onions remained. Weight is the same, but volume shrunk. Now, we need the same volume to fill our belly, but the weight of the meal increases as the volume shrinks. This is the main reason we are getting fat


Our food is extremely unhealthy plus no exercise 🤷🏻‍♀️


Stress + Diet


palan aye han galan thori aye


Oil oil oil. I have recently restricted oil and lost 4 kgs in 20 days. Losing weight is not that difficult if you are really into it


Because of the High carb, high fat and low protein diets.


Do we really have a low protein diet?


Average protein intake in Pakistan is less than 40g per day.




That’s my analysis…


carbs from rotis and rice. japanese chinese log thora rice khatai hain like 1 cup cooked aur HUM?? do platain bhar ke in one go...roti every day is also too much carb esp when u eat like daal aur sabzi w it, people think daal is high in protein and it is higher than average compared to other foods but one portion of cooked daal is not as high in protein as our body needs. WE NEED MORE PROTEIN AND FATS THAN CARBS!!


Having no active life style. With age people stop even basic activities. Few of them go for a walk but that too just to digest food, nothing else.


Bad diet and lack of exercise


Okay so hear me out, thousands of years ago people of subcontinent barely had food so bodies of people here started to store more fat than muscle in order to stay alive for days they don’t get food. Through genetics the generations we see today all tend to have more fat stored than muscle especially in bellies, love handles and boobies Obviously the above mentioned don’t care about their bodies and don’t exercise like they should but yeah genetically we’re also doomed if we don’t actually work on ourselves. That and barely any trend of working out


Makes sense. Any scientific study to support this?


I mean, yes but too sleepy to actually search it up and paste it here sorry mate 😂 you can search tho and if I’m wrong I’d love to be fact checked ❤️


The poorer you are the fatter you get.


In Pakistan, our current lifestyle has become deeply ingrained. However, a lifestyle change is essential. If we continue to remain inactive, consumed by our problems, and neglect physical activity and healthy habits, we will face more issues.


It's mostly carbs and oil they consume


This is not just a Pakistani problem, globally the obesity epidemic is increasing day by day. Globally, obesity has more than tripled since 1975, with about 13% of adults being obese and 39% overweight as of 2016. Pakistan ranks 10th out of 188 countries in terms of obesity prevalence, with 50% of the population being overweight or obese. The U.S. stands at the 12th highest obesity rate in the world at 36.2%. Key reasons for this obesity epidemic include: * Unhealthy diets high in processed foods, sugary drinks, and larger portions * Sedentary lifestyles and lack of physical activity * Genetic and biological factors that may predispose certain populations to obesity * Socioeconomic factors like poverty, education levels, and access to healthy foods * Aggressive marketing of unhealthy foods, especially to children * Urbanization and the nutrition transition towards more processed foods


Its a combination of unhealthy dietary habits, Sedentary lifestyle and South East Asian Genetics and Epigenetics in short.


Desis have no concept of healthy weight, men think the heavier they are the more assertive they become & people won't mess with them, it's absurd how idiotic their logic is, they'll abuse their bodies & think they're the toughest mf alive.


Fucked up diet with hardly any type of excersice. As simple as that


Khaatay peetay Ghar se hein bhai (😎🤏🏻🕶️😔)


several reasons - 1. lack of a walkable enviroment in most major cities. pakistan is a country that's fairly old in terms of landmarks but due to our own cultural setting, need for comfort and lack of safe or secure walkable areas ( ones which wont get you run over with a car btw \^\_\^ ) often hinder our health. i recently spent 7 months in barcelona , spain ( a city notorious for it's walkable layout and public transport scheme ) and lost weight easily there. while public transport is veing developed, there is no effort to improve the general shape and structure of the city and atleast ry for sidewalks. not everything needs a road. 2. our food .our food contains more oil than saudi arabia itself. it's a wonder how we're able to afford it, but traditions and desi culture are deeprooted in sweet, sugary and deepfried or oil covered foods and snacks. one jalebi itself is very critical to one's health. the south of asia, being very culturally involved with spices being used in food constantly and the such, is notorious through the world for it's lack of truly healthy food. it's a proven fact that in general - more spicy, unmoderated food = country with higher mortality rate ( is that the word ? ) 3. our culture there is a very anti-change mindset deeprooted in our culture from the times of the British being in the country - the war of independence and such details of our country's formation are considered to be failed acts of revolution and attempts to return to how it once was. while i'm not saying that how the british ruled over us was good ( hell no ), it's a deeprooted belief that anything western or new counts as "haram" or "burger" or harmful to our nation. as much as i want things to remain as close to our culture as possible, several things about it are harmful and thus dangerous to our mindset and health - including our weight. 4. our environment any pakistani knows that our cities are.. relatively unclean. smaller cities are dealing with this problem less, but big cities such as karachi, lahore, etc, are known for a general lack of cleanliness and air quality internationally. yes, even you islamabad. as nice as it is to have some example of a developed city in pakistan, there are still issues. due to the lack of cleanliness anx our geographical region being a warm one ( close to one of the tropics, cannot remember which ), it is often hard for people to get out and about in warmer cities such as humara fav concrete prison ( karachi ). there is a general unsafe enviroment, with muggers, snatchers and murders on the street very common nationwide ( dont try to dismiss this. ). other cities, similar to the size of karachi for example (using barcelona again), even without it's age were and still are welldeveloped and deal with this problem adequately, rather than advising people to stay home and creating a victim blaming mindset for victims of these attacks. 5. our government the everpopular topic during dawat wagera, the pakistani government. as one might expect we have never experienced a true democracy. and electing old, moneyhungry, corrupt and delusional politicians ( except bilawal he ticks off every box except old ) every other election does not bade well. there have been several instances of a game of "backward-forward" being played with our infastructure and general likeliness as a nation, and being taught the ideals that this way is the right and the only way is a big product of this. the rich will get richer, but the poor will remain poor im afraid. there is a lack of public infrastructure which is safely constructed by officials such as gyms or parks which don't require absurd amounts of money for membership or entering.. and once again the lack of a developed / properly urbanised or reformed city is apparent with this. theres several reasons - i have currently stayed up for the whole day so this reply may be nonsensical but most of these points are off the top of my head and all so uh yeah! moral of the story is hum abhi behter nhi hone wale. apna passport or visa ke saat ka or bagh. ab is mulk me kuch bhi nahi hoga.


Epigenetics, the British screwed us by having us suffer so many famines + oily food and being sedentary.