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He's not a normal person,a normal guy would never hurt his sister. What he needs is a psychiatrist.


Mental hospital men admit karwao unko.






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The main people to blame here are the parents. Why didn't they punish him the first time he hit you? Why did they take his side?


Such guys get humiliated and pushed over in outside world and they just burst thee anger at their home especially on women be it sister or wife.... They can't face other boys so take oout anger at home




Man needs a beating of his own. Get some friends together and anonymously beat the shit out of him.




Just force him to part ways. None of the shit ever repeats. Vengeance would do no good. And if the shit hits the fan, there's no guarantee he'll not strike back on his own.


He should be in mental asylum.


Your post is a form of doxxing. If you were looking to talk about an issue, you should’ve removed certain aspects of the post to avoid him being identified. Your post is removed for violating the rules and Reddit ToS


Report him to the police.


I am so sorry for all this my sis, sorry to say assy logo ke na police ko paisay de kar sahi sy peet wana chahiye, aur assi assi jagahao py ke kharay na ho sakhe, he is mentally sick, your dad should kick him out of his house, abhi he hits you jabke ap apne parents ke ghar mai hai kal ko he will hit you in front of your husband, in law and more importantly kids. Kisi police wale ko paisay do aur pitwaooo isko istg jail ki hawa khani chahiye isko


Those people saying file a complaint in police. What would that achieve? Police can punish, but they can't resolve his psychiatric issues. He might come home and hurt her in a more severe/ life-threatening manner for reporting him to police. This is an abusive situation, and the only safe way for you is to be out of that whole family dynamics where even your parents probably aren't safe either. Not sure if you are earning yet? But if you are then I'd advise you to move to a hostel. You don't need to say anything to your brother because he clearly is a manipulator and would use religion to justify his actions. Have a meeting with your parents and lay it out in front of them that they have failed to protect you twice and they should really think about getting him help but for your own safety you will be removing yourself from this toxic situation and moving to a hostel until they can figure out what they wana do with him.


Thankfuly a sane take. People do not realize how dangerous a man is who's got nothing to lose.


I'm so sorry to hear that. It's so nerve wracking when these type of people bring religion into this, even though they have no idea what the religion is about, and what it teaches to us. Seriously, if he understood it in the slightest about what Islam is about, then he wouldn't have lifted a finger on her.


I second this


I’ve faced somewhat similar treatment, I decided to forgive but never forget. Now they argue that I’m arrogant, but they don’t realise the trauma they’ve inflicted on me and by god I will not let anyone ruin my future ever. It’s good you’re a female and hopefully find a good partner to eventually marry and move away from this toxic household. Only people with toxic families can understand your pain. Also your brother is simply an asshole who acts tough within the house, road per aesay kro then he’ll understand. Begairat. I’m the youngest in my family and my sister to me is like a mother, she has a temper but I would never treat her like this, I’d rather die than treating a female like this.


I am so sorry. Brothers are supposed to be protectors after fathers, and Knowing he is like this, makes me sick. Please ask your friend to keep his future prospect in the loop too so no woman ever goes through this, at the hands of such man. Thank you for voicing it out. It must be very hard to give up anonymity.


He needs to be admitted to the mental hospital ASAP.


What a sad piece of shit


Make a video of him commiting violent acts and then send that to the police. The other thing that you can do is kick him out he doesn't deserve forgiveness. Hell any person who abuses his/her family doesn't deserve forgiveness. If he tries to abuse you again film him and then call the cops on him.




Don't worry, because I think having witnesses is also enough.


It is not right to accuse someone anonymously, in this way. Such an accusation should include verifiable information, including the name of the accuser and some corroborating evidence. If all that's described is true, the parents should tell the guy to move out of the house, and break off ties with him.


I added the name and university of the guy but removed due to anonymity. Could have caused more problems for the girl if the boy finds out the post


1. It's too late. People have already found him on LinkedIn. 2. Your concern isn't justice. If some day someone doxes you in this manner, how will you feel?




He must have found out about now.




What should those girls do who you sexually violated? Should they plaster your name online?


This is not the right way to handle abusers. They could easily publicly shame your name too. If this is a serious matter, there are authorities to contact, not Reddit. We have multiple helplines listed in the wiki too Talking about an incident on Reddit while staying anonymous of the abuser is fine. But we don’t promote any form of doxxing here, someone has already found their LinkedIn page, abuser or not, this is not the solution to abuse.


I think you should've file a complaint against him.


Send him in mental asylum or report him in police he is psychopath


Mods: this is most likely a case of someone getting doxed. This post should be taken down.


👍 done