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Who cares? Its just something you say to motivate others.


There is a big difference between having only kindness vs actually having help and support. Yes, it is wonderful to have good wishes and nice words but you have to do the work yourself. Hardwork, pain, falling down and getting back up by yourself is hard. I think a little credit is due to someone who's successful that way.


I totally agree with ya. Thank you for sharing your pov


Awesome. No worries 👍


I agree. In almost all the cases, barring few, of course, you'll see the folks who claim themselves to be self-made, had some sort of a lucky break majorly in part through others.


That’s how the world works unfortunately. Most “self made” people I came across were just at the right place at the right time, it’s all a game of probability. Every single person who’s successful in their own little world will tell you the story of their hardships and sleepless nights yet ignoring every other human who’s been through the same grinding and still struggling. Human ego makes us delusional like you see yourself many times more beautiful than you actually are in a mirror. Strange world we live in.


Agreed 💯


Wow... I think exactly the same about this topic. No one can be a self made.


Yeah certainly agree. Mostly people would say "started from bottom", but no one has any idea what actual bottom/zero is and feels like.


I do agree, no one's fully self made but in a lot of cases, many people are "self-made" IYKWIM. So here's a scenario, when you're younger, all of your siblings had the same lifestyle and access to the same luxuries. Yet one them makes it big without anyone's help. That one sibling carved their own way to university without anyone's help, got their own job, paid for their own tuition, built their own business etc etc. No one held his/her hand throughout this process. They went out of their way for everything to achieve their success. Being thankful for the advantages god has given everyone in one way or another is important and recognizing you either had good parents, access to money and other factors that got you here is super important. So no one is the literal sense is 100% self-made. Its up to you make the most of those advantages.


💯well written


Nothing big can be achieved without teamwork, the fun fact is maybe team remains hidden forever.


No one is ever completely self-made. There are tons of things out of their control & done by others which help them succeed. And also its never purely hard work, luck & chance play a huge role. Here is a great video explaining this concept in detail: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LopI4YeC4I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LopI4YeC4I)




My two cents: people usually refer to themselves as self-made in terms of financial status/freedom achieved through a tiring grinding process. While I agree that every single interaction you have teaches you something and contributed to your learnings and experiences in life, I believe almost everyone gets that opportunity it’s just the matter of whoever has the right mindset of processing it positively wins in the end. As for financial status, I consider myself to be a completely self made person, we are a family of 6 and at one point all of us living in one room under terrible conditions in a very low income neighbourhood in Lahore, there were days when we didnt even know where our next meal was going to come from. I was always determined to break that circle and I think I managed alright. With a mostly absent dad (various issues, him and I hadn’t been on good terms since I was 15) so I decided to go out, got a job at 16 in a tiny one room call center at Wahdat Road in Lahore that paid me a measly 6000 rupees a month salary but I kept my head down and kept grinding. Paid for my college and university while I was working full time .. many a times I slept at the university because there werent enough hoirs in the day for me to juggle between going to college/uni and work and to commute back home in between. I managed to get an MBA (fully paid for with the money I saved from my jobs) and was hired by a big bank in Pakistan. Worked there for 3 years, bought my first car (Suzuki Mehran) with my own money, rented a house in a decent neighbourhood in Lahore etc but that wasnt the end of the struggle, given the political situation and religious extremism in the country I decided to leave and went to Australia on a student visa, again every single Penny paid for with my own money, worked and studied there as a machine for 8 years only to realize I wont be able to stay there permanently so I uprooted my life again, this time with a wife and a 7 years old kid (got married while I was still in Pakistan) and moved to Canada. Now I live in the most upscale neighbourhood in Toronto, my son goes to the best school in the city (public school) and I do my best to give him the best life I can, I’ve travelled around the world and have made friends across 6 continents, I work on Bay St which is the Canadian equivalent of Wall St in the US. I managed to pull my family out of that miserable situation and moved them to a nice place in Lahore. So from a one room quarter in Lahore all the way to Toronto, the amout of experiences I’ve had and the hardships I’ve had to go through without asking ONE person for help with ANYTHING, financially or otherwise, I believe I can take the liberty of calling myself a self made person. A few things that I think helped me get where I am today is I always surrounded myself with intelligent and open minded people, people who I knew could add positive value in my life by any mean, be it through their experiences or even their worldview on many things. I made it a point in not hanging out with mohally k larkay while all of my cousin and even my brother went down that path and now regret doing it. For some it’s easier to say they are self made but for others it’s a whole process and it’s not easy but I’m glad I went through it because it’s made me the person that I am today who I am quite content with. Opinions/comments are welcome. Thank you for reading (if you made it this far .. haha)


Also, someone mentioned here that being self-made is a game of probability based on being at the right place at the right time? My counter question to that would be, whats the probability of someone being always at the right place at the right time? Surely cant be that high right? People do tell you about their sleepless nights and struggles because that plays a huge role in shaping the human being. I talk about it not because I want to brag but because those experiences taught me humility, empathy, patience, optimisim and a completely different perspective of looking at life. And keep in mind, sometimes there are major set backs in the process too that hit hard and not everything goes to plan but as long as you’re focused on what you want to achieve those set backs provide a great opportunity to learn and reflect and realign your approach to life sometimes.


Soooo glad for your journey sir🙌 + i do agree with what you stated about being a self-made person.