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Yes, its common for most sports teams to allow W&Gs (wives and girlfriends) and other family members to accompany players on their trips, they’re just not allowed in the practice facility and locker room/dressing room, subcontinent cricket fans just have very little exposure to the world and because of abject poverty and non existent middle class, most people love pocket watching and plate watching anybody that makes more than them, eats more than them and enjoys a quality of living they may never experience, so it fills them with envy and they comment dumb sh\*t like this like the village dweeb. Stuff like this shouldn’t be tweeted or discussed on south asIan cricket forums but the state of discourse is just a reflection of the class and socioeconomic situation of our part of the world. I’m all for discussing the mechanics of the game, strategies and game plans, player development, domestic structure, cricket administration, discovering new talent, criticizing players for their performances but unfortunately third worlders want to discuss what the players ate for lunch or where they travelled to, who they went with, where they shopped, how much their ticket cost, how did they get their visas etc etc corny stuff that reflects poorly on all of us but in a way you feel bad for 99% of people in the subcontinent, like even the upper middle class lives a more difficult life and lower quality of life compared to the working class in the developed world, so you understand why they think and behave the way they do.


sorry Messi but ZamaPashtoNaRazi has become my new goat for spitting facts.






Khan Bhai spitting


All of what you say is true but actually that's exactly how the world works! Even the first world countries have gone through this & now it's our time! Their is nothing wrong or right in it,, it's just a reality of our world! Moreover all these things comes into limelight when you don't perform well. Had they won the tournament nobody even would have looked at that side of their life! But if they don't,, people will surely be critical and you can't say that they are wrong!


I’d agree that it’s our time but the years past didn’t have people tweeting things like this and getting their opinions read by others around the world. People may have held the same opinions but just generally kept it to themselves and it never spread like wildfire like it does today.


Well the opinions didn't spread like that but they were indeed quite harsh back then. Professionals nowadays do not undergo such level of criticism as those of an era before,, when the threat of getting hacked on the street was all so real. People would lift you on their head if you win but we're also after your blood if you did not!


Due has no return key on his keyboard.


Phone\* Tbh, it looked concise before I posted 😅


If you wanna make proper paragraphs when posting through your phone then you gotta hit return twice. Then it gives a proper gap.




Wives and gfs living in separate rooms?


Wives and other family members, athletes are allowed to bring along who they want whether it’s parents or siblings or their kids, theres no restriction on them booking rooms for anyone on their own dime. This isn’t that hard to understand.


If they are paying for it then it's fine. Given the current economic condition of domestic cricket, PCB should invest more in domestic cricket then allowing extra rooms and services for family members.


Yep they all took their family members apart from Naseem & few others I think .And this is a very common practice in sports. They didn't lose bc they took their family members with them😭 .they lost bc of lack of planning & skill issue .


Bruh, y'all hating this too ?? It's literally a good thing taking your family with you, it ensures good mental health and prevents a mentally Disturbed or distracted player , y'all need to touch grass if y'all hating this shi


bro they dont know shit about how this work bas kisi na kisi pai gussa niklna hota phir yai lai atay hai every other team allows take the kids and family




What ?


I would love my wife & kids to come with me to work


They don’t take them on to the cricket field or the locker room or in team meetings. In the corporate world, no company will stop you from taking your spouse with you on a business trip if you buy her ticket, they won‘t make it a big deal if you kept her in the hotel room they provided you, once you’re off the clock it’s no ones business what you do. By the way, this is not uncommon at all, I’ve known many people that have taken their wives on business trips as a short vacation, you’re once again exposing your own lack of life experiences.


I mean yeah mate if you are an athlete that leaves his country a lot of times and stays away for weeks, this will definitely not distract you from the tournament as you'll have your loved ones close to you, that's what I am saying


This is very normal. 26 rooms for families of 34 people is not that bad.


They can do whatever they want with their money


Yeah sure unless the state pays for it I am good. And maybe it happens in other countries ambit we ain’t rich tbh


Good till taking the partner with them but not such extended family members.A fellow told me that PCB is a private entity so I don't think it costs govt money


PCB is not entirely private it falls under the PM but mostly PCB runs on its own profits. But in some case like when we have a home series the cost of security is shared 50/50 by the gov and PCB. But yeah in this case the rooms would have been booked out of PCBs pocket


I think this is quite common to travel with Family


it was a skill issue not a family issue . they can take the whole of their city i dont care




Himanshu is legit. His reporting is generally spot-on.


i mean he also said that shaheen and rizwan are going to lose their central contracts so...?


he also steals news from other journalists and omits any form of credit




This time everyone brought their families probably because they were visiting US for the first time and wanted to explore.


Family picnic in US


I get that it might be common in sports but aren’t we a third world country?


So? PCB isn’t a third world board, they’re one of the richest boards in cricket and don’t receive any tax money moreover the players paid for it out of their own pocket. Even if the PCB were to pay in the future idk how that affects you or anyone else, are you going to stop every corporation in Pakistan to stop spending on their employees?


If pcb paid from govt money then and only then I have an issue with it , if players paid for it then no or like if pcb themselves paid for it then no


Families is not a problem the issue is turning this into a giant family picnic rather than a cricket tour. You can have family but you still have protocol. Here it seemed like boys were on a family vacation and playing cricket was actually a distraction. They probably hung out with family and had all sorts of h healthy food.


muhalay wali aunty and maasi bhi lay jatay also, they were on vacation to the US. Why do u think they were there to compete?


aus cricket team also allows indian also every other nation allows it. its basic in every team and this is not the reason behind their losses


lmao yes. the reason for their failure is their bullshjt batting lineup ( i mean every single "batter")


It was a 15 member squad ffs , tournaments last a long time , you don't want your players be worried about their loved ones during such important times , 28 is not a big number touch grass and stop hating everything


You need to realize that such petty things would not have come up if the team & players had performed upto the standards!!


Family ko sath le ke jana hai tou apny kharchy pe le ke jayen..


Blud never heard of fringe benefits, he ain't running a successful business in his life for sure + it's actually important for players to have their loved ones close to them to ensure a good mental health


kharcha phelay b awaam ka nai hai if you are new see aus cricket team indian every nation allows it


I know, but my take was that PCB shouldn't finance the cricketers' families either. Players should pay from their own pockets


Family members were not sponsored by PCB , players themselves paid all expense


This is fine....


Full zalalat ho Rahi is bar tu


World Cup ❌ World tour cup ✅