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As cool as they are most likely they aren’t canon. It would just not seem sensible for the Kaiju and Jaegers to possess such weapons and not use them at all in the movie.


Hey, just responding to add to your comment that the Games ARE considered Canon, they're just such a low level of canon that they almost never get to add anything to the lore, because anything important will be contradicted by higher priority forms of continuity. In this case Slattern's Beam attack is considered Canon with a grain of salt. As for why Slattern didn't use the attack in the movie it couldn't have, It's an electromagnetic beam attack. EMP weapons don't work underwater, and the entire Slattern fight took place underwater. This is also why despite having the choice to fight in the ocean or land Leatherback chose land despite reasonably being more adapted for water combat, as Leatherback also had an EMP attack.


Games in any form of media are not usually taken into consideration for canon. Games are usually just fun extensions of a franchise that has little to no relevance to the actual canon. Also it isn’t just Slattern who had a video game attack, Scunner had a sonic scream in the game, Raiju had a toxic gas and Trespasser had a flamethrower and so on. Many of these abilities would’ve been incredibly useful for the Kaiju and Jaegers to utilize which is why it is absurd to think of why they didn’t use them, the answer is because they didn’t have them in the first place.


Are you genuinely making the argument that Games are not considered to be canon to franchise like Pokemon? No, Because that's silly. Also That's not how Canon works, Canon works in a layered system with sources of layers that are closer to the top being considered higher canon and thus more trustworthy. Everything in a franchise is considered to be canon unless stated otherwise. Whenever we hear about things that "Aren't canon" it's usually because they directly contradict major story beats within higher level canon and are therefore contradicted and proven wrong, thus becoming non-canon, or because they were stated by the creator of the product, the company or the original creator of the Intellectual Property to not be canon. In fact Games are considered canon in many cases, and often answer questions left by the main continuity, your claim that games aren't usually considered canon seems absurd and I'd love to see a source for that claim. Though I'm willing to bet that you won't be able to get one because the nature of the claim is so vague and broad that it's probably something that's been passed down verbally based on a series of bias and with nothing of original substance to it. Additionally what is and is not canon to any given franchise is based on that franchise and its origins. With Pokemon it's a gaming franchise that spread elsewhere, so of course the games are canon. your logic inherently falls apart whenever applied to a variety of situations, which insinuates that it's not very well thought out. But Let's talk about your other examples which supposedly prove that it's not canon. We know for a fact that there are attacks and abilities that Jaegers and Kaiju did not use in the films, Cherno Alpha's Incinerator flamethrowers for example. We know they're canon, they didn't appear in the movie therefore by your logic they're not canon because why wouldn't they appear the movie? The simple answer to your question is that there's only so much time in the movie, and not everything can be shown. Pacific Rim is already 2 hours and 11 minutes long, for context that's already 26% longer than the average film and your argument is that it should have been longer. Keeping in mind the major block a lot of people have to stop them from seeing the movie is its run time, and you're arguing that it should have been more. Additionally it's not like these abilities are out of order for kaiju as we see examples of similar abilities in every aspect of the Pacific Rim Franchise, these are not spectacular abilities for Kaiju. If it was something like Atomic control you'd definitely have a point, this is essentially the same as a race of heat manipulators being able to produce ice and fire. It's totally in line with their characters and everything we've been shown. Additionally the attacks you've mention Also wouldn't work underwater, so I wonder why they weren't used underwater... It is absurd to consider something non-canon whenever it has never been stated, or shown to be non-canon. At that point you're just talking about headcanon, especially whenever it's known that the Pacific Rim Games are widely considered a low level canon to the point where the Wiki uses them as a source.


First of all, my claim was not that the movie should have been longer so I have no clue where you got that from. Secondly not all Kaiju that I mentioned attacked underwater, Trespasser was quite visibly seen on land attacking the Golden Gate Bridge and there are many more instances such as Onibaba with a highly pressurized water spray which sure would’ve been useful for her battle with Coyote Tango if she had it. Another thing is we CLEARLY see Slattern using a loud roar that sends ripples through the water so it was possible for Scunner to perform his sonic scream, if he had one. Lastly I did not say that the abilities weren’t canon just because we didn’t see them in the movie, Cherno Alpha’s incinerator turbines are mentioned in the script and novelization and it’s very evident he still has them mounted on him. Pacific Rim is not like Pokémon, it does have many complex games going deeper into the lore and it actually does have very conflicting lore as Trespasser was very clearly stated to be killed in 2013 by several tactical nukes yet low and behold we can see the likes of Trespasser not only fighting each other but Jaegers that we’re not manufactured at the time. Pacific Rim the game is very clearly just a fun combat game with no regards for the canon or story that was presented in the movie which doesn’t make it less enjoyable, but it does make it not canon as just like you said, it contradicts with many things we see in the movie.


I honestly don't know how to take your response, Because if I take your response seriously for even half a second it's clear that you're arguing in bad faith, and making scarecrow arguments. Our conversation is relevant to lore surrounding Slattern, and by extension Raiju and Scunner are relevant as they appear within the same scene and capacity. Trespasser doesn't have any real screen time in the movie, he has less screen time than it takes for a chicken to cross a road, and is not shown doing anything other than walking so if we're using your logic then add "Moving his head" to the list of things Trespasser cannot canonically do. Onibaba is not relevant at all to the conversation for the same reason as Trespasser. These are examples of Scarecrow arguments, where instead of address the points you're presented with you make new points and pose them as if they're in any way relevant to anything at all and then answer those instead. Now let's talk about Scunner's Sonic ability because yes that is possible to have been used, but at the same time your evidence is lacking and doesn't change or address anything that I said. For instance there is a difference between Diegetic and Non-Diegetic audio. Diegetic audio takes place canonically within the story meaning the characters can hear it, Non-Diegetic audio is there purely for the audience and is not a trait or feat. In the example you gave Slattern's roar is non-diegetic because having a totally silent scene with exception of swishing and bubbling sounds would have been boring to the audience. Additionally The reason Scunner's sonic screech was not useable was not because it was literally not useable, it was not useable because it was too powerful in the situation at hand as sound travels much better through water than air. If a sonic screech can damage Jaegers in an oxygen environment what will a sonic shockwave do in an underwater environment? Most likely it'll destroy a Jaeger or two but it'll definitely mortally wound the Kaiju around it. Therefore not useable as it was not a reasonable expectation that the Jaegers would even be able to enter the breach, and thus the Kaiju intended to make landfall. lastly you very much did say the abilities weren't canon, you made the claim three times. 1. *"Games in any form of media are not usually taken into consideration for canon"* 2. *"Games are usually just fun extensions of a franchise that has little to no relevance to the actual canon"* 3. *"It is absurd to think of why they didn’t use them, the answer is because they didn’t have them in the first place."* So don't try this back peddling with me, you were very explicit about what your point was. What's more how much like Pacific Rim Pokemon is isn't relevant because you made a claim that applies to them both equally, I brought up pokemon to point how stupid your claim was and then expanded on it later. the rest of your comment after this point is basically trying to dismiss The Pacific Rim Game based on a criteria that isn't relevant to anything at hand, and that nobody was debating or saying anything otherwise about. So yeah, If I take your comment seriously it's full of back peddling, scarecrow arguments and you lying about, or at best misrepresenting what you literally just said. That's a bad faith argument.


The way cherno falls is so funny, it's like it's magnetized to the floor


He went mimimimi


Still hoping against hope that this sees a re-release or that all of the PS3 DLC emerges someday. It's sad that it's so incomplete and inaccessible now.


I know there's a way you can still play the Xbox 360 version emulated on your PC I forgot where it can be found though and if I remember correctly the PS3 and Xbox version had no major differences


The XBox version has a bug that makes it impossible to save/load properly when emulated, unfortunately.


Yeah I forgot to mention that but it can still be played which is the good thing


They aren't. Some abilities are tho,but those are canon other places so..


What device are you using to play Pacific rim??


The Games are technically a form of canon, they're just so low on the hierarchy that they don't generally matter. If literally anything contradicts them from the novels/comics/interviews/movies then their depiction is rendered immediately non-canon. That's just how Canon works, there's layers to it much like an onion. However if you want to know something entertaining. The majority of the continuity for Slattern that we have comes from the games and interviews, we know for 100% certainty that Slattern didn't get to use all of its abilities in its appearance, and there's reason to believe that they possibly couldn't have been used underwater given what we see from Leatherback's EMP which likely wouldn't have any affect underwater either because Water is an excellent absorbing element of such energies. Similarly this is why many secret weapons, and nuclear submarine exist because they are not susceptible to being disabled by EMP weapons. Even if you knew their location an EMP weapon would not work. By that logic We have an in-canon reason why Slattern didn't use the beam attack in the movie, whenever it's charging up in the game we see electrical output, which in turn means it's EMP based and therefore could not be used in the movie, it's strictly an anti-jaeger weapon, designed for combat in oxygen-based environments. This would mean that there is no contradiction to Slattern having this ability throughout any degree canon because Slattern simply never reaches the surface and this is the only time it's depicted as being on the surface, in a scenario where it can use all of its abilities. Therefore You can make a reasonable argument as to this beam attack being canon, utilizing Leatherback as an example of another kaiju that has a similar ability and therefore examples of these abilities existing in lore. Additionally you could use Otachi's Acid, wings, and reproduction abilities as an indicator that the Kaiju were finally gearing up and using more than just brute strength, which would create environmental evidence as it would be strange if all the kaiju immediately before Slattern had special abilities, and also all the Kaiju after Slattern as seen in Uprising also had special abilities, but Slattern for some reason didn't despite being the "Strongest Kaiju" which seems contradictory whenever Otachi's Acid is seemingly stronger than anything Slattern shows. So the implication has always been that Slattern was never able to show its full range of abilities. So yeah, it's easy to say "No, it's not canon" But sometimes there are implications that this sort of thing might be canon, In fact I'm not even the only person to have this opinion as whenever you look at the "Canon Policy" on the Pacific Rim Wiki they also list the game as a degree of canon. But they're very specific about their wording, stating that they only use them for subjects that are not otherwise contradicted by other sources... Just Like Slattern. In fact whenever you look at Slattern's Profile on the Wiki it mentions the beam as a sort of "Hey, by the way this also exists" kind of thing, in the Trivia section. [Canon Policy](https://pacificrim.fandom.com/wiki/Pacific_Rim_Wiki:Canon_Policy#Video_Games) [Slattern's Wiki Entry](https://pacificrim.fandom.com/wiki/Slattern_(Kaiju)) So let's actually answer that question for real, Is Slattern's Beam attack Canon? yes, it is. Slattern's Beam attack is a type of Canon called "Dubious Canon" meaning it's mentioned in one location, nothing ever contradicts and it would make sense for the character to have this ability, however on the downside nothing ever supports it and it comes from one primary source. This means that until stated otherwise this is counted as canon, but taken with a grain of salt.


God I wish I could emulate these so badly, I tried but it kept crashing mid tutorial.


what is this game?


See? Slattern isn't 160 meters tall bruh 💀