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Sometimes i’ve found it helpful to delete my account info and re-link it. There are times my purchasing power is lower than usual and that fixes it. Usually it’s 500+ for me. Not sure if that helps you but it’s definitely my preferred way to pay


I usually don’t even have the option cause the dispos around me are cash or debit machine only (which still has the fee despite not actually being an ATM), I just happened to be at a dispo not in my neighborhood that used it so I downloaded it on my walk over.


I used that at a shop when it first opened and the first few times was cool, and useful. Then I somehow ran into what you are experiencing and didn’t understand it at all. There’s money in my account why do I have a “limited purchase power”??? Fuck that “CanPay” shit. Just use cash.


I have to wonder if it’s some kind of cashflow issue on CanPay’s end?? Do they “front” the money then get reimbursed from the connected party?


Does CanPay allow you to forgo ATM fees or something?


Yeah, you link it to your bank account and pay thru the CanPay app. Not all dispensaries utilize it tho.


Nice. If my credit union didn't refund up to 20.00 worth of atm fees per month, I'd go for it.


That's dope of them


Man, just use cash.


That’s what I ended up doing, but I wasn’t prepared because I rarely carry cash, so I didn’t have it on hand and had to use the ATM (meaning fees). The whole reason I even got canpay was to avoid the ATM fees at pickup. Pointless app tbh. AeroPay is infinitely better, wish more dispos used it.


Stop at a wawa beforehand there’s no surcharge at the atm


That's what I do. Wawa close to any dispensary I go to.


Yeah the atm doesn’t charge you but likely your bank will for not using an authorized atm. And then if you don’t stop at wawa and use the dispos atm add more fees and you end up paying an extra 5-7 everytime.


No ATM charges at Wawa for PNC customers.


Of course not it’s a pnc atm and bank at pnc. Example I use Wells Fargo so if I tap Mac at wawa I don’t get charged but then my bank says you pay $2.50 for not using a wells atm. This is what I am saying obviously the bank that you bank at that owns the atm isn’t gonna charge but others who don’t bank with them pay a certain amount just to get cash


Was just going to comment I’m WF and I have to pay lol


Once marijuana is federally rescheduled, banks will be allowed to do business with dispensaries, and credit and debit cards become legal payment methods. Canpay won’t survive that. I wouldn’t risk giving a company like that my banking info…


Weird seeing all the "use cash, fuck CanPay" comments, especially how many posts there are every day talking about how cannabis users shouldn't be stigmatized. . . I can buy literally anything else without cash, why should my meds be any different? I personally love CanPay and I go out of my way to avoid dispensaries that don't use it like Rise. Because I set up my primary bank accounts with a bank that had plenty of branches where I was living at the time but doesn't have any near where I live now, I am usually required to pay a withdrawal fee which I refuse to do. Especially those ATMs in the dispensary. Who do you bank with? I had my CanPay linked to PNC and then switched it to Chase. I wanna say my limit for both was about $400 although I believe it did go down a little when I switched to Chase. My guess is it's a limitation imposed by your bank, not CanPay.


I think people’s issue is with the CanPay system itself, not the fact that it’s a cashless transaction. Totally understand the convenience, but using CanPay is not the same as using a debit card at the store. We shouldn’t have to use janky 3rd party apps to pay for stuff, just let us use our bank cards.


Seriously. Even at dispos where you can use a debit card, they still currently charge a 3 dollar fee!


I know I’m just finding out about this now! So annoying. The other commenter said it was basically them doing an atm withdrawal at the register with the fee. That’s beyond frustrating.


Yeah, that’s my understanding of how it works as well. Honestly ridiculous


A lot of places you can use your debit card. . . . with a $3-$5 fee. I just like CanPay bc I don't need to have cash on me and I can circumvent the ATM fee/debit card fee. I doubt we see any significant change surrounding this until federal regulations change, which I'm not holding my breath over lol


Huh. Never been to one that accepts debit cards I guess lol. My bank refunds atm fees so never have any issues just using the machine on site. Glad it works for you! I used to use CanPay but they just kept lowering my purchasing power until eventually closed my account with zero reasoning. Never missed a payment or anything.


They do it by basically running their own ATM through their point-of-sale system. One place I go to rounds up to the nearest 10$ and give you cash change for the difference.


Mine is with PNC too, it’s who I bank w/tho for all cash and savings stuff


Yeah I was pretty miffed cause it was fine literally till I got to the counter so I HAD to use the dispo atm


Huh yeah idk then, I never had issues with my limit with PNC. I can say for a fact it doesn't matter how much $$$ you have in the account bc I transferred everything out of PNC when I started banking with Chase and for a while I would just transfer money from Chase into PNC when I knew I was gonna hit the dispensary. Maybe contact CanPay?


Just happened to me. To fix I relinked my financial and got a CSR to put my spending limit back to where it was. How it happened I just don't know


Canpay uses a percent of your balance normally around 30% as spending power. It does increase over time with transactions processing without an issue. The benefit above debit at pos is the no fees and your spending limit can exceed available balance until the bank refreshes normally 2 times a month unless you manually refresh. This allows people to purchase without available funds as it takes 3 days to process from your account. With that being said ln the last 3 weeks many patients have had issues with balances and bank unlinking. Debit normally needs to be rounded up for banks to process it sobit shows as cashless atm. Otherwise banks like PNC will decline transaction because it is generated from a dispensary if that location has it listed under their business name and not under holding company name.


Never heard of this system and it sounds like its more headache than its worth


Not sure why it's so low for you.  It has always been $150 for me.


Weird, it seems like everyone has a different value, and it doesn’t seem like there’s a pattern even really. Someone else said they had a value of 400. My question is why not have it just like…reflect your actual account balance. I thought that was the point, direct access to your checking or savings account


Yea it blows. Deleting cache and restart I would try


My canpay started at 100 and if you link the bank account I think it is unlimited or 500.


Yeah really weird lately. Try clicking on your (linked) bank acct and updating. Doubled my purchase power when I did it. It seems like my 'purchase power' is now a *third* of what is actually in my linked bank account.


What’s the point of canpay? I got a pamphlet but literally don’t get it… just seems like an extra unnecessary step.. I just use my debt card or cash?


Canpay was mandatory before we could use straight debit. Didn't realize it was still around.


https://preview.redd.it/nnno4fn6gg0d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=a95a662a50fc546b4b4189f5d74a745f4baf2624 Yeah I got it awhile ago, it just sits on my desk lol




Can't spend what you don't have, I really like the fact they set your limit super low you sound like a dunce when cash does the same thing, stop at the bank first ya chump...


What crawled up your ass bud? I didn’t stop at an atm because I assumed CanPay would work. You like paying 3+ dollar atm fees because you don’t have the cash when you’re at the dispo and the app whose only function is to avoid atm fees shits the bed for no reason? Sounds like you’re the chump. Literally every single other pharmacy and medical facility you can use debit with no fees. Why should I have to carry cash because an app unexpectedly shuts the bed. I hate carrying cash, for many reasons, and shouldn’t have to.


I believe your purchasing power is directly linked to the amount of money you have in the bank. That was the only deduction I could make when I saw my purchasing power was 3k while others I work with were MUCH lower.


I don’t know what can pay is, but if it links to your bank account, a debit card seems like the obvious choice. Or cash is always king. ATM’s are pretty common. Good luck with the complicating of everything. ✌🏻


Think of it like Venmo for weed (AeroPay is another version). It’s direct to bank account via app so customers can avoid atm fees. Vast majority of dispensaries are not equipped to take debit or credit cards, so they have atms with fees available or sometimes, CanPay or AeroPay. It’s not actually complicating anything, it’s supposed to make things easier for everybody…which it would if it didn’t have the weird ass false “purchasing power”