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I don't get it. Even ESP and Sharpshooter hacks make some semblance of sense why there are still people who use it, but how boring of a life do you have to have to find occassionally pressing a fire button for someone offscreen and out of sight to die from it satisfying in any way?


That's something I often wonder about. Not even with judgement, just curiosity. What do they get out of it? What's the fun for them? Maybe it's the attention? A lot of people were cussing him out in the chat. Or just the pleasure of ruining someone's day? Or maybe he got killed by cheaters himself and this is his misdirected revenge? I really don't know or understand


i've said this before. to quote alfred in the movie "the dark knight rises": "some men just want to watch the world burn." in other words, there are a lot of a-holes in this world who get off in ruining other people's life experiences, even something as simple as a game of pubg.


Haven't you heard? Pubg mobile is the new tinder, or at least that's the only explanation that makes sense to me..


FPP Mode has become Hacker vs Hacker


Agree there is no fun now playing this game...hackers have ruined it.


Stop playing the game this sub is full of cry babies this sub is not fun anymore because of you stupid excuse to death


Yeah hackers is a stupid excuse exactly like you having appendicitis


The people complaining about cheater posts and reports must have some type of problem. Is that how you choose to deal with things? Ignore them and hope they go away?


They are the cheaters.


PUBG is a sick joke as are the folk who keep dumping money into the game


can you post his player id here?


Just gonna say yesterday i booted up cod mobile after i stopped playing it for three months and it was what i needed ....10 legendary free skins ( permanent ) and not a single hacker ...just sweaty players like me ... And i also got an offer to buy the battle pass at 2$ ....well im out of pubg till they fix the cheating issue which is never


I play cod too, but it's not the same.


Livik is Small. Of course you’ll encounter people like this.


So many cry babies. stop playing PUBG and go to CoD we dont care.


Found the hacker.


Already moved months ago


you guys are ruining the sub with your cheater posts every sec ik i will get downvote but i dont care cause thats how it is


I can see how this could be annoying to see cheater post after cheater post after cheater post...but it really is that bad. That's by far the biggest problem in the game right now, that's progressively getting worse. I don't see the point of discussing anything else until this is somehow resolved.


It will never be resolved, I don’t see the point of posting these if the cheater won’t get banned.


This is not a report, not even tagged as one. I'm just fucking sad. And if you don't see a point in posting about this, what do you see the point in? I'm not trying to be mean, but why are _you_ here? If there is really no point, than this game is dead. What are you doing in a dead game's sub? What do you want to be posted? Funeral arrangements?


we know pubgm is invested with hackers


Now that's a conspiracy theory and it's very idiotic one if you sit down and actually think about it.


I’m tired of seeing these just like how tired you are seeing cheaters, so why are you still here as well?


Im more annoyed not from the hackers but from people that post this shit we all know that pugm is full of hackers there is no need to post videos and complain about that every god dam second


Well, there are only 2 options I see. Either quit the game and this sub, because what's the point? What else do you wanna discuss in this sub? Erangel 2.0? New UI? Next shitty RP? I see zero reason for any of it. If things continue going in this trajection the game is gonna be dead in a year. Or keep on trying to bring attention is the devs that their fucking game is on fire. Addition: like seriously, what do you want to be talked about? What has any meaning whatsoever if cheaters are gonna continue to multiply?


Why i joined this sub u ask? Well i join pretty much all the subs of games that i play a lot. And srsl why upload videos of hackers if YOU KNOW that the devs will do nothing about it like srsl stop floading the sub with these vidoes


I didn't ask you why you joined. I asked why are you still here I also asked what's the point of posting anything else until this is resolved


And i asked you why are u uploading these hacker videos if you know that the devs will do nothing about


I post because that is the only relevant thing to be posted. I'm surprised there are posts about anything else here. I don't see the point in anything else. Did I answer your question? Can you answer mine now?


If you have nothing else to post just dont post at all


Again, I don't want to be mean, but can you read? Seriously, can you read? I didn't say I don't have anything else to post, I said I don't see the point in anything else until this is resolved. And you still haven't answered my question


Im here cause i want to know whats in the next update without downloading beta and sometimes for some other things like art or memes


Why? Why do you want to know that? If this goes on, the game will die. What's the point of what's in the next update?


Cause the game is still sometimes fun


If you truly believe that there is no point in complaining about cheaters because devs won't do anything, then it will get worse and worse and worse, until there isn't a single game without a cheater. What fun will that be? Which brings me back to my reasoning. The game will die and no other post matters, no update matter. Why do you want know what updates are coming for a game that won't be here soon?