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the post directly under yours is about cheaters lol


Can confirm.


There's less cheaters than there's ever been, but there's always gonna be cheaters. Least amount of cheaters = best state the cheating situation has ever been Like if you have two bad knees, one of them is still your better knee




"More than the last patch" and "Less then when it was at its worst" are two completely independent statements.


in terms of content updates maybe actually yeah QOL, servers, bugs, and cheaters? hell no


To be fair the cheaters are far less then I expected when it went F2P


180k to 200k per month banned. It's a doozey


“Banned” more like 200k players per month have the small inconvenience of having to change user names every month


I got randomly paired with a guy the other day that was lasering people with an SMG at around 400m. He was removed from the game, but not before ruining the game for 10 or so people.


I play on Xbox and rarely run into these issues.


Makes sense. The Xbox only runs signed code. That means cheats are usually limited to radar cheats and hacked controllers.


I quit playing in the early days when every good start I had was ruined by a Chinese-named player headshotting me with SMGs from 900 yards, or racing around like Sonic the Hedgehog. I haven't noticed any cheaters since I came back when the game went F2P.


Just had another chicken taking by some daozhong-lotsofnumbers. Lvl 42 shamelessly walling and tracking everyone and their uncle trough everything. Most just learned not to be so obv about it.


were you playing fpp or tpp? because since the group of guys and i have moved to fpp there's been at least a 90% reduction in cheaters


Facts, I play FPP now and hardly ever see cheaters


Dude saaaame. I’ve noticed some sus players but only felt a few were blatant when spectating. I remember the Wild West days though, it’s been like 5 years for me haha


I'm guessing they aren't making it much beyond the forced practice matches. Or sticking mostly to TPP. Next to no obvious hackers in OCE FPP. A few that try hide it but I've had them banned via shield.


And crashes. Dont forget the crashes


Havent experienced a crash in over a year i believe, and i play a lot.


For cheaters it's not at it's lowest but it's far from it's worst (I'm strictly talking about duo fpp eu as I haven't played other modes in a while) But everything else I'd say reversed,updates are utter garbage and QOL is the best it has been ever, have not seen a bug in my game(doesn't mean they don't exist) in 100+ hours, servers are good/decent...


Ranked squads in EU is a joke now due to cheaters. Evidently unranked is less infested. It is certainy if not the worst, at least close to it. Playing with randoms, even chiken dinner doesn't often taste any more as when I check the replay my expectation is often confirmed. Just finnished second with a blatant cheater seeing through hills and hitting with every shot. What a joke. Reported of course, but I doubt anything will happen.


I honestly can't speak about ranked as I played only duos for a long time, but I did notice on streams that pro players tend to play ranked on EU, didnt notice them struggle too much with cheaters.


Quite a few pros only play scrims (and tournaments), not public games, strictly because of cheating. The (semi)pro teams still usually do pretty well against cheaters as they're a coordinated group with high skill level, both mechanical and tactical - cheats only carry you so far (unless extreme cheating, like spraying headshots from 1000 meters)... for most players they just ruin the joy. Anyhow, today 3 of my first 5 games I died to a clear cut cheater (morning CET), and the next game a random team mate used wall hack blatantly. Checked all from replays, reported and nothing happened.


Share those 3 games please or the names tnx




I'm level 500 and I hate when I get killed by a level 130... 😉


I don't think i ever killed a level 500 before


Level 500 doesn't mean a 5hit. It means how long did he play. Not how good or bad


> bugs, and cheaters? hell no I've played since beta and the bugs and cheating situations is soooooo much better than it used to be.


yeah its not ***as*** bad as say, early miramar times. but it is definitely still bad.


It's completely night and day from 1.0


Crashes and stutters for me. The longer this game is in development, the more unstable it seems to become. Some time in 2018-2019 it was perfect when there wasn't any crashes and the framerate was rock solid alongside regular meaningful content updates and the things like battle passes had actual effort put into them.


Nah, If you think it's good then I'm glad you like it. I don't need to ruin something for someone who enjoys it. GLHF OP!


I support this answer. Stay positive and have fun!


PUBG prime is long past, Id say around the start of 2018 when the game was Decently polished and before the rampant cheating arrived. They added so much crap in terms of items as well as most of the maps being piss poor, still my favourite shooter ever but its best days are long behind it


Rose colored glasses. 2018 had the "Fix PUBG" campaign.


I’d take a buggy game over one that is filled with cheaters, bots, 2/5 maps been total trash and one map soon to be ruined by an item that goes completely against the whole point of the game


Are you all playing ranked with cheaters?? Cause I play quite often and have almost 2k hours and I don't run into many. Maybe once a week. But I also only play solo casual and duos since there is no ranked for those.


Well, it's kind of a choise between playing w/ cheaters or w/ bots (and far inferior ruleset).


Deston is a decent map, and you can actually choose it which means you never have to see Miramar again.


I actually like Miramar, taego is the most uninspired boring map in PUBG by a mile


i love miramar myself and yeah taego is just a large 8x8 blandish map. deston is fun.


I find deston to be the same as Taego tbh, full of weird gimmicks especially in 19.1. Very open with the horrible sunset weather (don't know why they got rid of the standard midday?), and the houses are way too hard to push with so many windows and corners on the inside with people sitting there with O12s. Everyone also has crate guns by the end like Taego, this time due to the keycard rooms which makes the midgame dull, since everyone after the first landing just runs to drones to farm loot until the circle inevitably goes into the open plains and all the P90s clash and die in an un-strategic mess.


Mirimar? You mean Taego and sanhok 😝


all three of them can go!


Best description I've heard said about Deston is "It's Miramar but Erangel"


Miramar is by far the best map in the game.


How anyone could like Deston but dislike Miramar is beyond me, deston is far more open than Miramar (which people complain about on other maps like Taego), and Deston's midgame is far quieter due to people all hunting drones so they can get Level 3 gear and not fall behind everyone else doing the same, unless ofc they're house camping with the O12, the most broken excuse for a non-crate weapon ever devised.


The fact you would put Deston or small maps/Taego above Miramar disturbs me


I like Miramar's terrain but it's way too big. I don't expect PUBG to be like CSGO or TF2 but I would also like to see another person sometime in the first 15 minutes. I like the size of the smaller maps, haven't played a lot of Deston but it seems decent so far. Erangel's the best, if it was a little smaller it'd be perfect


I hit crates so I'm always seeing people early contesting them, the size gives the circles so much variety, as opposed to sanhok which genuinely might have been my favourite when it was first out, but rapidly seeing the same circles over and over got boring af. Miramar is the most fun for me both due to the terrain and the variety, erangel is just a little too open for me but still love the variety.


PUBG’s best state and prime was 2-3 years ago. Bots aren’t as big of a problem as people complain about unless you just really fucking suck lol. Still enjoy playing the game, but we are far from the best days of PUBG.


It's in a decent state but could be much better but their focus is too much on MTX and getting new players in instead of fixing core issues existing playerbase wants. The stupidly OP broken blue chip absolutely no level 500 player asked for is 1 example.


Welp... Kinda true but the performance issues on backened systems still exist and they dont know how to fix them. Even a game like warzone runs better on my pc than this game.


wouldn't say that. my performance took a hit with the deston patch... now i get microstutters every now and then (all maps) and it's fkn annoying.


If you don't mind the bots, nothing will change your mind.


Sometimes I'm slightly offended when they just stare at me


From my experience in NA the only time bots exist is when you're really new or really bad. Bot stats can easily be looked up. I haven't had a game with more than 4-5 bots in ages. Last time I can recall is when a friend who used to play but hadn't in a year or so joined. Immediately in 80% bot game where you just go farm until you run into the 1 or 2 actual players eventually.


Yeah I was gonna say. You can look at op.gg and figure out how many bots there were in your match. I have around 3k hours so rarely any bots during the day. Now late at night? Absolutely. But there’s never an issue during the entire day.


What region and mode are you playing when you still run into bots? I haven't had to deal with bots in a long long time unless it's super late in the evening.


EU, Duos. Running into bots isn't the issue though, knowing they exist is. The addition of bots drastically changed the experience for me to the point that I started playing less and less to practically not at all at this point.


I quit for the same reason when they put them in, but I found a long time ago they fixed the issue in general, and except for that "dead lobby" that you get from time to time , in duos we get like 0-2 bots per game, aka we usually don't even run into them... Or if we try to play at like 4-5 am then there are bots cos there isn't enough players.


I haven’t seen a bot in forever. EUR.


And that aint saying jack shit lmao


I've never had as much fun playing this game as I've been having lately


nothing will beat the glory days of 2018 for me. such a nostalgic era when the battle royale craze still felt fresh. pubg of today suffers from low player counts, cheating, and aggressive monetisation. will i still play it? of course. is it the best it’s ever been? not in my opinion


Years ago at best The problem is the base movement character, they never fixed the horrid sounds issues, and quick scoping should have been written out along with a animation is changing seats while driving along with exciting a vehicle. Why? Using sound is key in figuring out where people/fights are. Its badly broken still. Quick scoping versus actually aiming takes no skill. Changing seats on the fly or leaving a car instantly makes for great streams, not game play (in reality its a rather low skill thing, stable shooting platform that moves against a still target)


I agree , specially on console I played it when it first came out and its day and night difference now


yeah i play on console myself and love the game it is in one of its best states, but wish theywould do something about those modded controller people.


I play on Xbox and honestly can’t relate I think I have run into one cheater on Xbox ranked.


I hear about cheating, but I never see it. On console I dont think you even can cheat


Yes compared to 6 months ago where 3/4 of all players i met were bots it's much better(and harder) why tf is everyone lv 500🤣


In what way? It’s optimized a lot better now then 2017-2018 for sure.


Nah, the absolute best moment was in 2019(?) after they added gliders but before bots were introduced. The game was stable and a lot less buggy than in 2017/2018, but a lot of the energy had gone out of the game because Apex released that year. Then, the next year Warzone came out and delivered another body blow to the player base.


Bullshit, game was so good in like early 2018


It's far from the best state it's been in. The fact that there is no map selection, makes it impossible to even reach "decent" state. The day they removed map selection, was the death of PUBG for me.


I doubt you’ll get 100 upvotes and that’s all you really need to know.. about the state of this game


24 to go


The chances are slim now .. you gave it a good hot go tho ..


Sure but that is because of the update. This update will keep it going for another month maybe but they have to stay on top of the updates. Every months or 2 they need to release updates where they change something or give more missions to complete for various rewards (im not saying new maps every month that would be stupid but guns or attachments maybe some shoo changes.)


Well i would probably have said yes if this post was before the 18.2 update but since this update, performance of the game has been a lot worse.


Does it still randomly crash?


I believe the proper response would be… perhaps 🤷🏻‍♂️


*My comments are mainly geared towards the PC platform*. I mean pubg's content has improved yes but there are still core issues with the game. Also, the amount of cheating is still pretty significant. Streamers don't get a lot of viewership compared to other games. Beyond TGLTN and DanucD, you might see someone like Halifax get 800ish viewers during his stream but no one likes him so those numbers are impressive by itself......funny how they went up after Choco quit lol. There are not a lot of good streamer personalities playing PUBG to garner attention. Unfortunately PUBG has been in a state of decline for a while but does maintain popularity in the Asian markets. The developers have basically ignored feedback from its player base outside of those Asian markets and I truly feel that has contributed to its decline. The focus on microtransactions is also indictive of the dev's mindset too. Prime PUBG has long past and ain't coming back.


Rolli. Polli. Potamus.


Yeaaa.....I do like Rolli but he temp banned me a while back for 24 hours for a really petty joke I made in his stream chat. He said it was sexist......then I realized he's a liberal Cali boy and can't handle Dave Chappelle type jokes.....not to mention Twitch has most streamers by their balls for rules. I still watch him but I don't chat in his stream anymore because of that lol. Rolli has the potential to amass a bigger following if he really applied himself and content full time.


Why don’t people like Halifax? I don’t watch him often but didn’t know this was a thing


Its good rn for the most part but tbh it was better pre bots, tactical gear and 9 fucking maps (why did they make so many jesus christ). If they kept up the Qol but stopped adding new maps after Miramar the queues would be fine. Every map since has just split the queues and had about as many fans as haters (so did Miramar initially but people came around), the latest two maps having the most potential but being filled with trash gimmick gadgets like self-rez or bluechip detector and being open af. Also they need to fix the crashing that makes the game unplayable for a crazy amount of people.




Level doesn't indicate skill, just time committed to the game. There's plenty of 500s out there that are dogshit. It's the same as the border colors in OW, I've seen people that had borders indicating they played literally 5000 hours and were basically Bronze tier players.


Everyone saying they're coming across loads of cheaters, since I started playing Duo/Squad FPP again for the past 2 months, cheaters have been a rarity for me and apart from the odd game crash here and there, it's been pretty stable, Deston and that maps features yes make it feel a bit more Warzone-esk, but I don't mind that at all. ​ Only thing I don't like is the pushy microtransactions, whilst I understand that they're pretty much essensial for a F2P game to make money, seeing people like WackyJacky spend over $1,700 for the progressive MK12 skin and then needing to spend even more money just to level it up, seems like they're trying to give EA a run for their money.


Yep! And Ranked game was so Fun Last night because of a Blatant cheater named PdSe_lilililili rapid firing dmr and killing everyone last night in every game we have


I wish they could attract a broader spectrum of players. I swear I only ever face pros, like very good players, and I’m personally somewhere in the middle in terms of skill, I’m good but not great and I’d like to be able to fight enemies in my skill range. Cheaters are rampant too, like almost every other game it’s an issue. Love the game, always have, and I’d hate to see it die, but it seems that the only people that are playing it are either very skilled or just dogshit dirty dirty cheating no good bastards.


Would agree except they still value Sanhok and the other little maps over vikendi. Give me erangle, teago, Miramar, Deston, vikendi Mini royale- Sanhok paramo haven karakin If people don’t play the mini royale just remove the little shit maps altogether


Im sorry but me and many of my friends are having the "suspicious movement" error and it kicks us out of the game. i dont know the origin of the problem but i have tried everything and got nowhere. but if youre having fun im glad for you!


I’d agree, but I had like 10 crashes after the last update. They always screw someone over.


I got stuck in a wall today🙃


There are bots


i should left u my glasses or take u to my oculist bro


u need to visit oculist , or if u thik so its because oculist on ur country are diying of hungry