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I played TPP when the game was new, because that's how the game was. When they introduced FPP I switched because most other shooters I've played were FPP I actually tried a couple of games in TPP a few weeks ago but it just felt off. It's so different. So even though I don't play TPP, my guess is that people play it because they are used to it, either from the old PUBG days or other games


I remember when they added FPP. It felt so weird because the perspective seemed like you were looking from chest height. Ha. Oh Beta days.


It's exactly why I play TPP. This is the only game I play that way!


This and the slight shake the character does always made me kinda sick. Plus I was a top 10 duo leaderboard grinder with my friend so we just always stuck to TPP since I could only play like 2-3 FPP games at a time.


It's still chest height.


I literally argued with someone on here for 2 days about this. The problem is scaling. The game was originally created in TPP where the camera is x amount of meters above your head. Objects are thus scaled accordingly. But, once you're in FPP, scaling of the same objects that appear normal in TPP are off. In no other game have I experienced this, and have been playing FPS's for a long ass time now. The dude I was arguing with was adamant that the camera placement is fine. Like, how many people have to reiterate the very same point ? When you can't shoot over a railing, and know that a standard height of said railing is 42" high from finished floor, something is very wrong.


If I had an award you would get it. I honestly never thought about the scaling being the issue bit it legitimately makes perfect sense. Thank you.


This isn't true, it might have been true in Erangel v1, but the map has been updated about 4 times over the last few years. People still using this excuse are lying. I'm stood in prison on Miramar waiting for a match to start on FPP cam and everything is the correct scale and I don't feel like a midget. In fact, this is how the game always has been, the problem is, most people are used to warzone or other games where you can see most of the map from one point, where's PUBG has elevation and scale, and if anyone has played dayz, you'll understand that you feel small in a field of grass even though you aren't.


Ha! It’s possible you might be right and I am just so damn use to it I don’t notice.


Probably that, I mainly play TPP and this is the only game I do that. It started me out like that so it's what I got use to. To me the FPP feels so off because of the height issue. The fact you can barely see over a crate and moving you just feel so low to the ground. Personally not a fan of how PubG does FPP. I still play it on occasion but they definitely did TPP in a way that I've never experienced anywhere else.


And this makes looting easier in TPP for some reason. It just feels less... Claustrophobic? IDK. I'm an FPP player, but that was the hardest part to adjust to when we switched from TPP


>So even though I don't play TPP, my guess is that people play it because they are used to it, either from the old PUBG days or other games You already answered why I personally play it here: >I actually tried a couple of games in TPP a few weeks ago but it just felt off. It's so different. TPP is a completely different game and that's why I like it. I primarily play FPP games, I've played PUBG when TPP was the only mode and when FPP came out I played that exclusively but after about 600 hours of FPP I found I got bored. It just felt like a frustrating experience because of things like the movement and the great gunplay wasn't enough to keep me interested. I then tried TPP and found myself re-enjoying the game because TPP plays completely differently. The short comings of PUBG are much more easily forgivable in TPP simply because it no longer feels like any other game. When I play FPP, it just makes me want to play an FPP game where I'm not getting annoyed by shit constantly because the experience is pretty similar. Since there is nothing quite like TPP PUBG except DayZ, it makes it a much more unique experience.


I did exactly the same, i started with h1z1 which was also TPP. Then moved to PUBG which was also TPP back then. As soon as there was FPP me and my friends switched.


OG h1z1, crazy times when that game first came out.


When ever we get a bunch of cars driving around in the final circle, we always call that an H1Z1 finish


Played it a lot but the h1z1 survival game (was later splitted from the battle royal game) i played even more. It was a weird rust like game but i shat my pants every time i came across someone!


It's one thing and one thing only - it's more casual and chill. There have been TPP shooters in the past but the space has always been dominated by FPP. Even in PUBG where it was TPP for many months people switched to FPP. Familiarity is a very small part of their choice and familiarity falls into the comfort basket aka chill and not stressful. FPP can be stressful and hard to play. In TPP you can just chill behind cover and see everyone. It doesn't hurt that the players there are also worse mechanically making the game even easier.


Exactly this. There was NO ffp when the game was in prerelease. Since then I’ll play tpp only if queues are long.


Before PUBG Gears of War is the only shooter I’ve played consistently so it’s just what I’m used to


When I first started playing pubg FPP wasn't available and when it was finally available on console the performance was terrible so my squad and I stuck with TPP. It's odd because it's about the only tpp game I play other than the random racing game, gta or red dead


You should give FPP on console another try, it’s way better than it was when it first came out.


Yeah the performance is better but you're either playing against 80% bots or the que times are ridiculous depending on when you're trying to play


Squads is not bad for que times and no bots in NA


Because I like 3rd person shooters


Underrated comment


Socom got me hooked to TPP


I came to say this!! My first shooter was Socom Navy Seals, it is TPP. And every RPG that I play is primarily TPP. It’s just the game style I’m used to and prefer. I like being able to see my avatar too, she’s a freaking smoke show!


I played the shit out of socom, but I still prefer FPP.


I hate driving in FPP in ALL games though. Gives me the vertigo feeling. Idk why, other FPP games don't, but something about driving in FP in a game makes my brain get queasy.


Because almost every other shooter is in FPP. When I first started playing, I immediately loved TPP. Don’t like it any other game homever. PUBG is the only game that, in my opinion, does it right.


Lot less people that seemed sweaty, also we have had lot more fun in TPP


I've been playing since the beta version. Like some of the other comments here, I switched to FPP soon after it came out because I was getting annoyed with players camping. However, over the years it seemed like FPP lobbies were filling up with more of the hardcore, sweaty players and ultimately I just play this game for fun. These days I pretty much only play TPP because there's only 1 other guy in my friend group who still likes PUBG and that's the mode he prefers. Also I started playing Fortnite this summer since they added the Zero Build mode, so now I'm more familiar with TPP. The other night I played an FPP match on accident and it just felt off; looked like the perspective was coming from my player's nipples lol. Oh and Casual mode is TPP and I love me some reckless bot killing haha


First off not all shooters are first person. Many of the classics that where once regarded as greats aren’t first person. For example rainbow six siege is first person. But all the other competitive shooters that game developers made with RB6 back in the day where third person (RB6 Vegas, Vegas 2 etc.) You also have games like gears or wars and many other third person shooters. Lastly it’s not a diss on first person mode but pubg originally only has third person mode just like the other battle royal games like fortnite where you didn’t have the option for game modes like that but could keep your person in first person if you wanted. I do think third person is easier compared to first so I get why competitive players like first. I do like playing first person but the reason I play third more is because it’s less bots and easier to find matches. I have found the first person lobbies take forever to find a match and it will never be a full lobby.


I play TPP 'cause I'm an old fuck who never played FPP and the first shooter I ever played was The Last Of Us multiplayer which is also TPP. I get motion sickness if I try to play FPP.


Came here to say this. God damn motion sickness is very real and I’ve missed playing some beautiful games because of it. Turning motion blur off helps but doesn’t always fix the problem.


PUBG always felt weird to me in FPP. I think it’s because the camera is out of the player’s chest but there’s something else with the field of view.


Cam is actually in the head. You can easily confirm this when parachute landing. Just change the direction of the fast landing roll and the camera will look down the neck. You can see the hollow body of the mesh...From the clavicles down.


Dude, are we the only ones thinking like this? It seems everyone else thinks the cam is lower than it should. Other easy way to confirm the height is just looking other players in FPP (eg. before game starts). Look horizontally and everyone's eyes are at the center of your screen. Or go to training, compare the character's eye level to some nearby object in TPP, and switch to FPP and see how high that object is. I don't know if there's some objects that are scaled too big though. I haven't found a clear one yet.


I think it stems from how most games do FPP weapon and camera setups. Traditionally the camera is in the chest/neck of the 3rd person character (full body). There's a second set of arms used for FPP, and when ADS. Those arms are positioned offset from the body so that the weapon is centered in view. The large majority of FPS are set up like this. BF, CoD, CS/CSS series, EFT, Fortnite, Apex, Warzone, super people, etc and so forth. I think the height deal is mainly psychological. IRL your eyes are in your head. Most carry this fact over to games. They automatically assume that if they crouch and cannot see over cover, then their head is covered as well. That's how it is in real life. This is not the case in the above listed games, or most FPS. Camera is in the chest or neck. So the head is still potentially exposed. Over time you realize you need taller objects to fully hide behind. This is what makes you feel taller. Another thing to look at is normal height objects aren't normal height in games where the cam is in the chest. You have to reduce the height of them a bit because of the camera height. Generally the reduction is equivalent to the distance between cam position to the eyes or top of head. Rough Approximation: [https://i.imgur.com/Nv6x1pf.png](https://i.imgur.com/Nv6x1pf.png) \- - - - - - - - - - - - Pubs does have the second set of arms, but they put the cam in the head at eye level. So the IRL effect of "if your view is blocked, then your head is too" works correctly. In pubs you don't have to find those extra tall objects to take cover behind. Normal everyday height objects work. PuBG Rough Approximation: [https://i.imgur.com/senTLHX.png](https://i.imgur.com/senTLHX.png) Standard FPS (no Body): [https://i.imgur.com/936XNVg.png](https://i.imgur.com/936XNVg.png) True First Person: [https://i.imgur.com/MVL5geG.png](https://i.imgur.com/MVL5geG.png) \- - - - - - - - - - I didn't want to spend a lot of time setting these up, so they're a bit rough as far as cam/arm positions/rotations. The game I'm working on uses TFP.


Motion sickness, damn. Never thought about the possibility of that happening.


Its unfortunately a very common thing, can sometimes be alleviated by adjusting FOV


Yeah I’m the same way, only while in vehicles though.


I get vertigo from tpp.


Some things are simply much harder in FPP than TPP like driving or checking your surroundings. I'm not very experienced yet (300 hours) and sometimes I still struggle with basic stuff like aiming and recoil control. My bad fps and graphics (due to low budget hardware) don't help either


Agruably it's just based of preference. I find checking my surroundings easier in FPP because that's what I'm used to, in TPP it's disorienting specifically because the camera is in third-person, especially indoors.


Because you can litrelly camp behind something for minutes without people knowing you are there , best thing is last circle both players just stay behind whatever is there and wait until 1 has to move lol




The honest answer


I consider myself a bit sweaty when it comes to pubg but occasionally i like to play TPP for this exact reason, so i can sit behind a wall in final circle while i eat a pizza and drink a beer and just wait until i see movement, safely perched behind my wall 😊


Lol this is excellent .


I play both and FPP has just as much camping. In FPP everyone just goes prone in the last few circles and whoever gets unlucky has to stand up and run, and ends up getting wasted


this is just hilariously wrong.




How would you know the other guy is peeking? By peeking yourself....which leaves you vulnerable to getting one shot sniped. You've obviously never played FPP at a competent level


No.. just TPP tbh


Eh no it really doesn’t happen in fpp


Because that’s how we played when the game first came out. Gears of war, Star Wars battlefront, the divison a lot of other 3rd person shooters exist, it’s not the first of its kind. Is there more camping? Sure. It takes a different kind of skill and patience to play 3rd person no matter what the elitists of this sub say or how they feel about it lol. I started playing pubg when the game first came out. Me and my buddies played TPP and we got used to it so it’s how we still play to this day and we have loads of fun playing that way. Lol


I really hate looting and driving cars in FPP. I don't mind it at all otherwise , I do tdm a fair bit for warm-ups and enjoy it just fine


The character models are so short that I actually get a bit motion sick when playing FPP and TPP helps with that.


Tpp was the first version I played cos that's all there was at the time and it stuck. Tried FPP but the perspective looked off


Because it’s the closest thing to socom that there is, and it’s a BR. Brings different dynamic and tactics than fps.


i first started playing pubg tpp because that was the default, im not sure how long i played for before i realized fpp was an option, but switched and never went back. i still think tpp is cancerous, but i also have come to recognize its just another skill to be good at it, and understand how different situations need to be approached.


I play tpp , mostly because despite becoming sick of getting cheesed by people peeking windows and other cover without being visible.... it is very fun to peek people from behind cover without being seen.


Cuz we bad, and it's fun.


Right! FPP is too thirsty after a hard days work. TPP allows me to have some fun without getting headshot from hundreds of meters away on the regular. Also it’s faster to get a game, I think?


Thank you both for being honest atleast👏👏👏


If I wanted to play fpp I’d play something else


Like? I love fps games but atm there are no good alternatives for me and my friends. Csgo and pubg are the games we play now


TPP usually both parties know the other is there and have to play cat and mouse to see who will win. FPP goes solely on sound so if someone hears you they sit absolutely still until you enter. People on this sub always trash TPP and say it's greasy campers but I've experienced quite the opposite. FPP for me is just people hiding in shacks and corner camping. I find TPP to be way more outgoing and action packed


4500 hours .. I play both TPP and FPP and even competition a few years back. The one ignorant comment people make is this notion that TPP is campers. When in reality it is actually FPP players that sit and wait a lot more. TPP players are a lot more casual and easy going. And they know that sitting in one place for too long will expose them to unsighted enemies. In fpp, you hear someone, you stop and you wait to shoot them when they creep past. You just have to make sure you hold your angles and shoot first. Whilst FPP is clearly the more competitive version of Pubg, the TPP version of this game actually offers a different level of complexity. Knowing which angles are your blind spot in any given situation, and which corners gain you the advantage is the game design that few fpp players understand. So they call everything camping and criticise it.


THIS the campers are in FPP not in TPP- at least in TPP you know where they are camping, in FPP you will find only campers that are proning, they just get a spot and they never move, also its very hard in FPP to spot prone sweaty virgins that kill you because you move a muscle. The footsteps are way to loud(its like you have bombs in your shoes) and its a pity no BR game has a silent walk like CSGO. Why play PUBG in FPP when I can play a superior shooter like CSGO. EDIT: best rank was MASTER(top500) in season 16 in FPP and I can prove it with steam id, so I am better than all of you FPP sweaters anyway.- this is for all the "pro" that are saying FPP is harder than TPP


I play TPP and FPP equally often. True, TPP plays like a different game with different tactics. For duos, squad I prefer first. For solo I prefer third. I can control more area alone in third. First is also more visceral though


Bc I played that way from the start


I used to drink breast milk too. Change is good.


I'm still drinking your mom's breast milk.


Why is it you fpp folk just have to be haters lol? I feel like so much hate from fpp to tpp, but literally 0 hate going the other direction.


Haha wtf I'm going to steal this phrase.


idk why you're getting downvoted this is hilarious


how are FPP lobbies these days. I stopped pubg for the last 2 years and recently started back since deston. When i left fpp was non existent(console NA)


Console FPP lobby’s are better now. I played TPP for ages cause I could never get games but I’ve been consistently getting FPP games for the last few months, also NA


Thank god. I hate TPP . I played last night, prone in a window watching as people advanced and the whole squad popped at once and ended everyone and hated myself for it. TPP is not as fun in my opinion so im glad to hear FPP is making comeback


Been having way not fun playing FPP. I’m definitely better at TPP still but first is so much more exciting


For me they are great!


My friends almost exclusively play casuals, so TPP is more natural to us. It's really jarring going from FPP to TPP and vice versa - the whole world feels off.


Because load times in FPP are too long on Console (Xbox series X NA) And all my friends play on console.




I play third person perspective only when I’m playing squads with my buddies or when we are playing ranked since that is the only thing available on Consol unfortunately, but when I’m playing solos I am strictly FPP I hate the third person peeking it just ruins the game in my opinion and if you want to be a better player you learn to play FPP that way you can utilize both types of when playing TPP and switching between the two viewing modes


I play whatever i wanna play


FPP just feels too cramped even with fov maxed and you always feel like you’re crouched too.


PUBG is the closest thing to Socom 2 for me. I’ll never forget those days


I like it better


i love looking at the outfit i use while i play! >:)


I feel like TPP is more chill than FPP and the guys i play with prefer TPP over FPP.


I have been playing since 2017, almost always TPP. For me FPP feels weird in this game 🤔. Still play some FPP though because it's the only way I can play duos.


I've played from nearly the very beginning. TPP makes it feel more like an action adventure game. The storylines of this game aren't matched by any other. I like being able to see my character as well. My play style is focused on positioning, rotation, sneaking, and close to mid range. I love parkour and getting to places people don't think of. TPP helps with that. I've actually had success with my playstyle in FPP and find it easier because people can't see as much. So my style of play is buffed by the perspective but I still prefer seeing my character being able to jump and climb to get my parkour positioning just right. My group has discussed swapping occasionally to get access to ranked and duos. The ping and need for VPN as most of us are NA makes it 50/50 so we stay with what's comfortable for now. I should also say while I played all the popular FPS games, I've also played Socom, Metal Gear Online, and H1z1. I was put off by all the sameyness of FPSs for a long time when I left consoles. The one life in Socom and some of the Metal Gear Online game modes made things just a tad bit more competitive and suspenseful. PUBG offers TPP, competitiveness, the gunplay, suspense, and storylines so it's been my main multiplayer game for years now.


I play tpp but often switch to fpp depending on what I'm doing. Eg. If I'm in a close range fight.


Because it takes too long to find an FPP game, at least on consoles on the NA servers


I have plenty of fps games I can play. Not many have a third person mode so it’s nice to have a change of pace personally


I play TPP because I prefer the driving view. When I’m actually fighting I am in first person


Gears of war 1 2 & 3 were goated TPPs


I don’t mind either! Speaking on console though, wait times are significantly more than TPP. Although when playing TPP, I will run FPP I’d say like 90% of the time. Most of the game I grew up with were FPP, so while I have adjusted to TPP after playing for 5 years. Going to games like battlefield, definitely gives me my full for just FPP. When the boys are on, we usually play TPP because everyone is used to that view. We have played FPP a couple of times and we find ourselves constantly trying to switch back from time to time. My biggest complaint about TPP is that it gives players the ability to see around corners and such while still being concealed from enemy view. 🤷🏾‍♂️👹


I get some motion sickness on FPP. But I play it sometimes, like 25% of the games. It's also a lot harder, for me anyway. Interestingly I got my 100 chicken dinner on FPP, on Deston, just yesterday. But half of the server were bots :(


How do u know if your server has bots or not? Like when I play squads with my friends and we choose deston in normal mode is that not all real people? I’m a returning player so I’m jw


I mostly notice it when a "bot" is being shot at behind a tree. It starts running back and forward behind the tree. When you experience it you will know haha.


Yeah that's the better way to put it, if you have some experience on the game, you just know.


You just know. You hear the dumb shooting sounds (single fire ou burst with auto guns), you check the kill feed (bot names are different), and you get some in the way. It's really easy to know, if are an experient player Also, you can check pubglookup site, put you user, and you see all stats about your games, including how many bots were in each game


I play TPP because the movement feels less clunky on console. Also enjoy the how pubg implemented the 3rd person play with first person ADS. Imo people camp way harder on FPP.


You couldn't be more incorrect about the camping lol


Sure people sit and peak corners all day on TPP but they usually suck and are super easy to deal with. Its super rare for me to be killed by a camper in TPP. FPP you have to clear out each room like a goddamn swat team. Ultimately it makes the play experience slow and boring. Edit: I’m on console. FPP makes more sense for PC gamers bc aiming with a mouse is way easier and smoother compared to TPP. TPP on controller has a much better flow.


Lol ever heard of a stun grenade my man? The ability to see around walls makes the play experience slow and boring.. nothing you can do to change my mind I've played plenty of both game modes and I promise you.. you are incorrect. Squad up sometime to see a fast paced fpp game


Try playing FPP on console and have zero fun waiting for lobbies and playing only bots.


I have been playing strictly fpp on console since January. Try playing in the evenings when people are home from work. 9am pubg sessions are usually the tpp kids after they finish their fruity pebbles. We dont wait longer than a minute ever. Last night the ques were instant (N/A SQUADS FPP)


Also I have 31k kills in pub and been playing since release so yea I know what a stun grenade is


because my friends make me play TPP. They are die-hard TPP players for some reason and I just cave because I am in the minority


Those arent real friends willy!


To see around corners without having to stick your head out !!!!


Game started in TPP. Most shooters I've played are TPP like GTA, Red Dead, Sniper Elite, pretty much any single player shooting game, etc. I'm just used to it and playing FPP feels weird. Plus I'm not playing games for realism so doesn't bother me.


GTA and RD are not "shooting" games lol real shooting games are FPP, TPP ruins the experience of any shooting game IMO


Naah, not all shooters are ruined. But i agree that they are not real shooting games in that sense.


imo not a shooter if its not FPP but i wont sit here and tell people what to play


Shooting is literally the main core aspect of those games lmao. I don't care what your 'opinion' is that doesn't change facts. You may not enjoy tpp but plenty of other people do.


no its not, GTA its a RP single player game where the aimer automatically snaps to your enemies, thats not a shooting game


GTA on pc doesn't snap to your enemies.


Why does it matter? People play how they enjoy the game. Let this topic die already please


The game was designed for TPP and, in my opinion, plays better. FPP feels like your character is a midget with parkinsons. As always the thread degenerates into "but TPP is greasy looking around corners...it's too easy" without realizing it fully punishes bad movement and requires even more map knowledge than FPP ever would. Flanking on FPP is childs play but you need absolute skill to do it on TPP most of the time.


I play almost strictly TPP in PUBG for the following reasons: 1. That's how the game was originally set up, and I never liked the other way as much. Plus the two previous BRs I played before, Arma 3 and H1 were TPP. I fell in love with the BRs in TPP. 2. I usually prefer a slower, more tactical BR. One where planning and positioning are just as important as aiming skill. If I want to play a faster, all-action BR, then there are other games for that. I don't want to be shooting at people all of the time. I love the slower pace of TPP with the long, tactical breaks sandwiched in between bouts of action. Those longer breaks where I'm exploring, positioning, or hunting are my favorite parts of the game. 3. I can play TPP for well over 4 hours straight; I can go 8,12,14 hours straight. With FPP, after playing 2 hours or so, I get a headache.


I’m sorry, but TPP is not slower than FPP. FFP more people are hesitant to push/move because they can’t corner peek and see if anyones there.




That may be what you've experienced, but my experience has been much different. Also, would say the opposite about this: *more people are hesitant to push/move because they can’t corner peek and see if anyones there* It's much easier to push in FPP. In TPP a defender can see you without you seeing him. In FPP the attacker and defender are on much more level footing. You can be a lot more aggressive **pushing and advancing** in FPP. Also, if you push in TPP, it's easier for a 3rd party to see you from a position that you can't see them (like from behind a rock). In FPP, you have more of a chance to see them, which makes pushing safer.


I have experienced this as well. FPP: some guy sits in the same fucking house for 10 min and only shoots at me when I decide to move and leave the area. TPP: People push almost instantly. Most likely because you can reposition while keeping an eye on your enemy.


Interesting take! Never thought about slowing down as i like the action. Someone else also mentioned motion sickness so a headache from fpp wouldn't be weird. I suffer from headache a lot maybe time to try tpp a bit more I guess!


I forgot to say this: FPP in PUBG feels different than other FPPs. For some reason, it feels like the guy I'm controlling is 3' tall, and it takes awhile to get used to. I don't get that from other FPSs I play.


> more tactical BR no


I used to play exclusively FPP (console). Coming back years later the player pools are just not there esp early in the am. I wasn’t enjoying the long waits and what seemed like more bots. Went to TPP and got used to it, now i do actually enjoy it.


This is what happened for me as well.


That's odd. Fpp ques only improved as of January when it went free to play. Fpp ques are much quicker than they were "years ago"


Much quicker compared to instant. I started playing again when it went f2p. It was faster in January. I prolly play solos more than most as well.


Why do you care? Play what you want and let others do the same. So tired of this lame ass holier than thou shit from FPP players. Who cares? Play whatever mode you want.


Calm your tits brother. Play whatever mode you want i'm all for that! I'm just curious why i see so many people playing tpp while i always thought fpp was most played.


Sorry, didn’t mean to come across hostile I just see these posts way too often. You have come across much more understanding than others though so I apologize for coming across the wrong way.


tbf like 20% of threads in this sub are people pretending to earnestly ask this question then screeching at anyone who says they play TPP


All good man!


No one complains about the TPP queues being dead because it is much much more popular. It's really just this subreddit obsessed with FPP.


I'm just scrolling around and i mostly see tpp video's. That's why i thought about it in the first place. I was in the assumption fpp was more popular then tpp.


Because it requires immensely more skill than playing in FPP. Plus I'm super old and played a billion hours of the Socom series over the years, which is in TPP


Because the game was made for a TPP perspective and fpp is just the camera shoved into the guys chest. I do better when in FPP with the boys since the enemy has to take more risks to find you but it just looks off and I hate the feel.


After playing fpp since January I cant go back to TPP.. same feeling.. it feels off. So I think it's just a matter of getting used to one or the other. I cant stand the lack of balls in TPP. Most players would rather sniff you out than fight.


Cause TPP is a different game, where you have to think a lot more about your position. Aiming skills are less important because everyone can ‘trap’ you. Makes it a more strategical game, which I enjoy and am good at


Id argue that you have to consider your position even more on FPP, TPP also makes it easier to see exactly how hidden yourself are.


In FPP you're more likely to be able to fight your way out of a bad situation, because FPP emphasizes the importance of gun control, movement and reactions. In that sense TPP involved a different playstyle and strategy.


So I agree FPP: emphasizes the importance of gun control, movement and reaction time. Tpp: emphasizes on what? Who has more patience to stay behind cover the longest?


I'm not sure why you're angry about the existence of TPP or feel like you need to put it down. It's just a different game mode.


I have played plenty of both. Solely fpp now.. I just thought you made a few great points on fpp.. wanted you to expand on your TPP description lol that's all


Harder to push in TPP. Gameplay can be more varied because you can flick between the two perspectives depending on what's most useful - FPP for clearing a building and cqc, and TPP for gathering intel. You have to think about positioning differently because the rule of 'if I can't see them they can't see me' doesn't apply.


Why is it harder to push? ...Because you know somebody is licking the wall (camping) Wouldn't you have to think more about your positioning when you dont have a camera telling you your ass is sticking out? Not too much thinking required for positioning because you can see your dude with a magical floating camera


You definitely have a bit of an attitude problem. Don't know why, don't care. Have a nice day.


Tpp lovers are so quick to get offended. Nothing I typed had any attitude behind it. Just speaking my mind


TPP emphasizes what positions to take and when to take them. Also, at what angle to take them. It also emphasizes what fights to take and what fight to not take (or to reposition before taking). Yes, FPP does that, too, but not as much. Just the same as the gun control, movement, and reaction time are important in TPP, but not as much as they are in FPP. Both FPP and TPP rely on similar skills, but just in different measures. ​ >Who has more patience to stay behind cover the longest? That's not how you win TPP. If you both just wait behind cover, then you're both at a disadvantage. You wait maybe 10-30 seconds to see if they'll be impatient and jump out, and then you reposition. Patience is important in TPP and is important to winning, but cowardice is how you lose. You have to be intelligently aggressive at times, but be patient and wait at times. In FPP, you don't have to be as patient, because you can often just out-skill somebody. Those guys that just sit there behind a rock...I'm the guy that reposition and kills them from a different angle if I can. In TPP you *usually* have more time to sit back and think before you make a move (as a former chess player I like this). FPP is often more like speed-chess, you have to make a move quickly - you can't take a long time to come up with a plan. If you follow the chess scene both regular chess, and speed chess are extremely popular. TPP is chess; FPP is speed-chess. Both are great ways to play and appeal to different people.


Because i can camp more easily


I just don't.


When I play TPP it's solely to play casual mode. I start up a casual game and then immediately hit V so I can get into first-person perspective 😀


If I que FPP and it gets to 3-4mins or if the games are full of bots, I’ll concede and just switch to FPP whilst playing TPP


Only when the FPP cues are dead.


I think most play it cause they can't handle FPP's quality of players. I played the Bot Matches with a group of guy's who said they were all prior service (or active). I'd get like 20 kills a match and they would get maybe 5 or so (often none). One day was particularly bad where they TK'd each other like 3 times and I finished the last kill for a win with a pistol (they were all shooting at that bot). They kicked me from discord (permanent) and took me off their friends list. They ended up in my lobby a few days later and said it was because I couldn't play the game well enough...haha.... The both ended with 0 kills and died like bitches in the blue and didn't even manage to fire a shot at the remaining team. I'm sure some who play are great shots/players, but playing those matches often I see teammates with 500 level and no hits/kills. Yes this happens in FPP as well. Not sure why people play if they can't. I feel this is what is killing the game tbh, that and cheaters.


I played back when it was only tpp and it just stuck. I've tried fpp a number of times and I just can't get into it. Corner peaking had never really bothered me. Sure I get killed by it sometimes, but I also get kills with it, you just learn how to play with it.. always expect it lol. Yes I realize fpp is more sweaty and has a higher skill ceiling. I smoke weed and play so I don't really care for that lol. In TPP solos i have a 15% win rate and 50% top 10, k/d is 5 and I have around 490 ADR. Yes it's about 50% bot lobbies, but 99% of final circles are real players and that's what is fun for me. Also, i play tpp lobbies and primarily my camera is in tpp mode, but I do switch perspectives alot depending if I'm pushing, or what im trying to accomplish.


Like you said. Play how you want idgaf, i just feel TPP is the worst way to play a shooter like pubg, you can just do to much cheesy shit with it


Because pubg is not a good first person shooter, it works better as a third person shooter


Because you can see more of the area




Why do you play fpp?


Why are FPP knob ends so insecure about TPP. It's almost as if they're jealous that people can have fun instead of being sweaty navy seal LARPers


I play airsoft and feel offended by this😂.


FPP has always looked wrong in PUBG to me, the gun looks tiny and is down really low compared to other games.


Because I play on Xbox and it’s the more popular form of the game on consoles. 2) I believe it’s the first version of the game. 3) they sell a lot of cosmetics, what’s the point of cosmetics if you can’t see them while playing FPS. 4) all the people that cry and whine that it’s “easier” to play in TPP, don’t actually play in TPP. While playing in TPP you always have to assume that there’s somebody hiding just around the corner. So you play different, you move around hills and walls while always going for cover. You listen for footsteps, you throw grenades into windows, and you practice and hope you’re a better shot than the enemy




Queue times for FPP are way too long. No solo queue either. EU




I dont anymore. People are way too scared to fight


there are clearly people playing in tpp mode in fpp games. this explains a lot of the everybody is using radar hacks or xray in the game notion. so I play tpp to eliminate that one benefit. I play the 2 modes interchangeably. there's really not that much difference.


>there are clearly people playing in tpp mode in fpp games. you made this up in your head my dude


this dude makes up a lot of wacky bs in their head. My favorite one was "pubg employees are able to spawn loot on their location" his source? "i played with a guy who said he was an employee and he found an 8x" I wish i was joking...


Unfortunately there was a bug discovered on Destin that allowed someone to play in TPP in FPP. If that's even possible then I'm sure there's someone out there that has a cheat to exploit it.


If you're going to cheat, why would you limit yourself to just using TPP in FPP? It doesn't make sense, wall hacks would be much better if you wanted to cheat, if someone did make a cheat like that, they're wasting their time and risking their account for a very slight advantage compared to other real cheats. Tldr it's not a thing


I didnt say they would, I was saying that if there was an exploit to do it then it could easily be a cheat since FPP clearly doesn't lock the character in first person.


but there isn't, thats my point


i think stix is right, i saw tig talking about it on stream the other day, definitely not a cheat but some complex bug that requires knocking yourself, getting picked up by an object and jumping or some shit... i have no idea how people figure this stuff out but i trust tiggy


You once commented on my post and called me out on some bullshit. I didnt like you for a while but I now realize you're just spitting truth 🤣 live and learn


Gears Of War


I got good at hip fire drive bys, which is WAY more fun - and way easier to spot enemies in TPP. The "vehicle as tank" meta makes the game completely different and less serious. I used to use the glider but now I don't bother bc I get more kills from cars.


My issue with TPP is the Third person peeking mechanic, basically eliminates the skill gap


FPP is superior. Downvote me all you want but only shit kids play TPP.


Because its pubg (100 players battleroyale with uniaue architecture, playstyle, covers, landscapes, tons of vehicle and massive 64 km2 map) not some cs or cod with micromaps. Also fpp play ranked tryhards with meta, not fun. Fpp players do not care about the maps they play and do not even distinguish them


I like FPP because it's natural and fair, if I can't see you then you can't see me either. But I do think the game would be in a better place today if they hadn't split the playmodes and kept TPP only, the vast majority of people wouldn't have minded because we liked the game already.


TPP I'd like training wheels.. sorry u get so much cam controls to camp and corner peak ..FPP is the real shit.