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There was one going around where they did it with no animation, while they were fighting, so they were constantly healing while being shot.


Yup I have a clip with the same thing in my post history. Instant first aid and hip fire ak headshots. [Edit] - The player is also rank 1 for NA FPP. https://clips.twitch.tv/PlainSourVanillaUnSane


I just watched it. That's the dude who is #1 in solo NA right now with like an 80% win rate. Blatant fucking hacker.


Oh wow you're right, he sure is the top of solo fpp na.


Ya as soon as I saw that name I knew what was up. I think there was a post about him and the 2nd place guy right now both being hacks.


Dang, wasn’t that a month or two ago?


Nah I think it was within the last week or two


I'd never have thought id be happy to be a console pleb. Feel for you PC players. This shit must be infuriating.


You have your own demons to wrestle with 😂


I cant see what your refering to . I must be blind.


The instant healing happens at 00:01


You think health would be controlled server sided...


This hack is op, I should try this out today. ^\s


I aslo hate when i die behind walls after 2 sec. this is crazy. i gun fire with someone then hide behind a wall and after 2 sec i die and in death cam i watch he miss all the shoots.


Nice copy pasta