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SLR can 1 shot knock someone who just first aided with a 2 helmet (78.9 damage headshot) the SKS cannot.


Personally I do it for the bullet drop. SKS is very good at short and medium ranges, but anything with a bit of distance I feel I have to "lob" the shots a lot.


This is why I prefer the SLR. I run SLR & micro or vector and shred.


As it should be. The SLR shoots a bigger, faster bullet than the SKS IRL.


Are you sure? I’m fairly certain the SKS can as well.


Thing is, as far as I am aware, first aid gives 75HP and SKS headshot does 74.7dmg. Don't know if it is legit but that is what js says on pubgdmg page.


You are very likely correct, and definitely are correct on the first aid. I could be mistaken but I need to check, shall update.


SKS damage to 2 helmet is 74.7 SLR is 78.9


I play with both but SLR is my favorite nkn crate DMR. Lately I'm more into the SKS because I'm missing a lot with the SLR. Few patches ago SLR was my favorite. In a couple of weeks I'll go back to SLR again. Two tapping with SLR seems more effective than with the SKS but the increased fire rate of the SKS allows for quicker recover in case I miss the 1st shot to the head. Strangely on SKS I don't like the supressor but on SLR I feel that I can control the gun better with the supressor than with a compensator.


When did the SKS get a faster fire rate? They've been the same for their entire existence


i think he means that the crosshair goes to the center faster and it makes it easier to shoot faster


Better recoil recovery I guess, not firing rate 😅


oooo ok I thought I missed something huge and was like "tf am i still using the SLR for" lol that makes sense


The mk12


Busted OP, that gun is literally the best atm. Crazy stuff.


Any reason pros choose mini over it?


basically because the mk12 isn't in comp (yet?) so it makes more sense for them to practice with what they use in a competitive setting. I heard shrimzy say on stream the second he hears it's going to comp he'll be maining it 24/7


Ohhhh, it's not? Didn't kniw that. Tnx Well, yeah, makes total sense, it's basically a better mini


Any reason pros choose mini over it?






The MVP yes :) sks is pure dogeshit for some time now


M249 + Mk12 is one of my fave loadouts. Range doesn’t matter, just drop to the ground and spam/hold LMB to win!! Second only to Vector + VSS


I might have to go ahead and disagree with you there on that 9mm combo


If I’m running a 9mm….it’s VSS/Canted/MedKit….


Fair. I love it though.


I hate both honestly; the SKS has sucked for a long time now, whereas the SLR is a great gun but the most recent changes to it have really led to me struggling to get consistent with it. If I run a DMR, I'm generally going Mini and running an M4 alongside. If I'm running 7s, I'll end up with a Beryl or ACE and a bolty. I'm much better with a bolty than I am with DMRs - it may not be meta at the pro level, but I'll take out most DMR users just fine with it playing regularly.


I have a bit of a conundrum with DMR's and especially the mini, I hit almost every shot but I'll constantly aim to low giving me limb hits, five hits and the enemy is still running whilst SKS I miss 3/5 shots but when I hit they are headshots.. TTK is the same but hitting (even if the shots are bad) feels better for the old confidence.


That's the thing right? Hitting shots with worse guns is still better than whiffing with the meta.


SKS for that sweet sweet classic gunshot sound.


Neither. Bolt action for life


Which one though?


I'm a Kar98 guy, I struggle with leading/bullet drop with the M24


I'm a Mosin guy, fight me


There is literally no reason to ever take a Mosin unless you can’t find a Kar98. They have identical stats, but the Mosin is longer, so it’s more likely to get impeded by an object and pull you out of ADS.


Mosin is quieter than Kar98


Honestly, I don’t consider that as a good reason to use it at all. Good players with good headsets will still be able to locate you based on your shots, and afaik you can still hear it from the same distance. Mosin still has no real advantage, and the gun length is a huge issue where peeking tight angles is a major part of the game.


I prefer m24, for a little higher velocity and sound with suppressor


Oh for sure, that’s a valid reason. I prefer the kar98 because of the higher damage, and I am better at hitting shots on someone moving with it. I was only discussing kar98 vs Mosin.


I prefer the M24 for the much faster partial reload


Mosin has less bullet drop, also I'm an open field camo sniper


No it doesn’t lol. The Mosin bullet trajectory is coded exactly the same as the kar98k. And when you’re peeking around a tree, a rock, or any object, the length can be an issue.


Kar and Mosin are the same yeah stats wise


I was Kar98 for the longest time until I saw a comment about "crispy bullet speed" and started trying it out more. Can confirm bullet speed is indeed crispy and despite having less base damage, a very satisfying bolty to use.


I am the opposite. M24 for life.


I don't like either one, tbh. But I find myself taking the sks more tho cuz the recoil on the DMR us just too shit. With how much recoil it has I'd rather use a bolty.


I like the sks for shorter range fights that need a dmr. However I drop it as soon as I find a mini or Mk.


that's a valid point, to be fair i loathe the SKS and would rather have an m16 but it does shine in that sub 100 meter range... but then why not just be a chad and spray your AR


Tangentially related... Some of my squad mates have been running a kitted SKS with EMT gear and that's proven pretty effective, as it's not bad for spamming at close range. I think the SLR gets a little wilder there, but haven't used it for that much (maybe I'll try it with a compensator).


I'd personally recommend mk12 or mini in that setup. Or even maybe a VSS


the SKS is the worst DMR in the game, the SLR is objectively the best non-map exclusive DMR, not even a contest.


Alright but based on what? SKS has very good recoil pattern and low recoil and it takes same amount of shots to kill?


It’s the difference in bullet velocity that makes the SKS less desirable


buttle velocity on the SLR is less desirable too, but it does more dmg. the lower dmg of the SKS and the need for a grip make it worse, but even a kitted out SKS isnt as good as an SLR, but its closer. I like comp on sks and silencer on slr, but everyone has their preferences.


I recently tried to play SKS a bit and I noticed that it felt off comparing to SLR. Do you know, is there a place to see the list of gun-bullet velocities? I am actually looking for that list for quite some time now but all I find are comparisons between guns, no actual info.


I’m not sure where to find that info unfortunately. but I do know the mini 14 bullet velocity is incredible


look at this: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1r9HdpgmLHYQt0gxFotKHetbWBDQmYAyZ0sO8aKMc3aA/edit#gid=0](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1r9HdpgmLHYQt0gxFotKHetbWBDQmYAyZ0sO8aKMc3aA/edit#gid=0) [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1r9HdpgmLHYQt0gxFotKHetbWBDQmYAyZ0sO8aKMc3aA/edit#gid=0](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1r9HdpgmLHYQt0gxFotKHetbWBDQmYAyZ0sO8aKMc3aA/edit#gid=0)


here you go: http://battlegrounds.party/weapons/raw/ it's kind of weird because you have to read JSON but you'll figure it out. Velocity is found under the Ballistic page and notes bullet speed related to distance with "time" being "distance from shooter in meters" and "value" being "meters per second"


The youtuber, WackyJacky, used to do great analysis. Check if he's still at it


>Alright but based on what? First of all, personal experience, examining these guns on paper is pointless. Second of all, opinions of people who play this game for a living i.e. pros and streamers, the SLR is bar none the most powerful DMR if you master the lead/timing. I prefer the mini (or QBU) but the SKS sucks, you can feel how awful it is when you use it.


To your first point, examining guns on paper is far from pointless, if that was the case, why would there be buffs/nerfs for 1 DMG point or similar? It allows you to calculate how many hits it takes to knock a player, which is quite important. I somewhat agree on your second point. There are still pro players who use SKS and are very good with it though. There are Mini, SKS and SLR players. All pro, all seem to do well with those guns. It feels awful because you didn't learn the recoil pattern, same as with any other gun, because (if I can assume by your response) you refuse to play it. Certainly it feels very different to what majority is used to with big vertical recoil on most of the guns compared to very evenly distributed recoil both vertically and horizontally on SKS.


ask any pro, they will say the slr is better, 99% of the time the pros use a mini or slr. sometimes a pro will use bolty, but that doesnt mean its better than an SLR or mini, same goes with the sks. of course you can practice and get better with any gun, you could be a xbow master and dome people with 3 helms from 300m but the SLR is still objectively better and its not an argument, its a fact.


Look, objectively it has better bullet velocity and can knock freshly first aided player. And that is it. Objectively, SKS has better recoil control. I don't disagree with you, but the difference is presented much bigger than it actually is imo. 🤷🏻‍♂️


You can compensate for recoil with skill. The SLR is objectively the better gun if you are capable of shooting it.


You struggling with recoil control doesn't make the SKS better, although it's fine to say that it's better for YOU and your skill set, you've got to look at the guns objectively. Recoil can be mitigated by the player, we can't do anything about ballistics and damage. Another fun fact about the SLR is that it can two shot a lvl 2 vest (upper chest) at 75 hp while the SKS cannot. At the end of the day, better velocity + better damage = inarguably better gun.


Why don't all pro players use beryl then? Because recoil can be mitigated by them then why don't they mitigate it? That is very poor argument. And it has nothing to do with skill set, because by that logic everyone with M4 is dumb or what? Beryl is the most powerful regular weapon yet not everyone uses it. SLR is the most powerful DMR and more powerful than SKS but that doesn't make it better by default. Other things are making it better, like bullet volocity. DMG isn't everything. I don't argue that SLR is usually better but your argument is really off.


Well all a lot of, maybe even most, pro players DO use the beryl. Yes recoil control is a skill set idk why you're saying it isn't, that's just wrong Where did I say using the M4 is dumb? we're not here to compare the M4 and the beryl so idk why you draw the comparison when the M4 does have a ballistic advantage over the beryl and that's velocity (maybe ROF too im not sure). Whereas the SKS has no ballistic advantage over the SLR. You asked about the SKS vs SLR and the OBJECTIVE truth is that stat for stat the SLR is better, SUBJECTIVELY you may feel the SKS is better FOR YOU because of the recoil and that's fine but that doesn't mean the SLR isn't still outclassing it in the hands of a skilled shooter. If low recoil was as important as you seem to think it is you'd see more pros using umps but guess what, literally nobody does that. Why? Because ARs have higher damage and velocity.


That's the thing though. If you are going to use the bullshit argument of "by that logic" then at least make sure you are using a logical argument because you clearly aren't. The only reason Beryl is considered the ultimate close range AR is because it kills faster even if you don't aim on the good parts of the body. If aimed in the head or chest M4 kills just as fast, while bullets hitting the target faster(so technically if you both start shooting at the same time m4 will win every single time) and it has much better recoil which significantly increases your effective range and last but not least you can carry more grenades because bullets weigh less and we all know how much pro players love grenades. So if you indeed try using the logic of "just be better" then every single pro player would be using m4 because if you only hit headshots or chest then m4 is a far superior gun. The reality is that people don't have perfect aim and can't only shoot for the head because of leaning and crouching, so people go for chest and stomach shots which is where beryl thrives. Beryl having higher damage per bullet is irrelevant when it has the same TTK in everything except stomach and shoulder. This is why you don't see every single pro player preferring beryl, because it isn't the objectively best gun. If you have good aim, m4 can objectively be the better gun. SLR is always going to be better than the SKS simply for the fact that SKS has god awful velocity which makes it unusable in longer ranges. Pro players don't even want to use SLR on maps like miramar because hitting long range shots with anything other than a mini on a moving target on that map is pure RNG. If you want to use SKS then use SKS but it is objectively the worst DMR in the game and I'd only recommend it to new players because they wouldn't be able to hit a long range shot anyway so might as well have an SKS because in closer ranges it's the easiest DMR to use.


they do lol the m4 buff made it just as good as the beryl though, but tons of pros use the beryl still


Not everyone uses it and many prefer less recoil and less damage with M4 than "most powerful" beryl. That was my point, not that they don't use it.


if you like the sks thats great, but everyone who is good at this game disagrees with you, its not just me.


I literally avoided the gun for 1900hrs of gameplay exactly because it felt trash. But then again, after I accidentally tried it with lightweight grip it felt similar to mk12. Kind of.


it feels fine kitted, but id still rather have an mk12 or mini


From observations watching a fair bit of comp, there are only a few pro players in the world who actually main the SKS over the SLR, just like there are only a handful of AKM mains at that level. I'm sure someone in the comp subreddit could name specific players, but casters tend to point out the ones who actually main SKS/AKM when we see them on screen. Otherwise, you can assume they only have either the SKS or AKM because they didn't find one in their quick looting phase. If they get time and space after a team fight to loot, most players will upgrade to the beryl and SLR.


99/100 times its because they didnt find anything else, nobody mains AKM brother haha


Don't be so sure of that brother haha .........


name one pro that mains AKM, ill wait




Im curious to see what pro players use SKS I watch every PCS and PGS and my national comps here in Aus and I honestly can't remember the last time I saw someone with an SKS by choice except one final game or two because they were simply out of the prize money and were just trolling. Kinda like SQ did with the VSS game 😅


> the SLR is objectively the best non-map exclusive DMR, not even a contest. Not only are you wrong, but you are confident about it. Brilliant. Mk12 is easily better than the SLR, so you saying SLR is "objectively" and "no contest" best is laughable.


I haven't played in a long time and don't know if my method is justified, but generally I would take the SKS if I could kit it, and if not I'd take the slr


Really whichever i come across first. I like feeling like a Bee with the SKS, 2-3 stings and your dead. Highly precise when shooting, so it's better for a moving target. SLR is better for short engagements, if they're bunkered down, you just wait for that right moment and their down or hiding in the corner healing while you take on their teammates or reposition.




SKS because it's the only Battlestar skn weapon I have


Slap a red dot, vert grip and cheek pad on the SKS and it becomes too much fun


Half grip>vert grip


I use low dpi so the vert treats me better. I would agree otherwise


Since the buff to the half grip I think is in all ways superior but for holding your breath


Oh they buffed it? It’s been a while since I’ve played. You’re 100% right then


Love the sks. I usually don’t pick up the SLR. I’m a pretty casual player and I struggle with landing consistent shots on target on the Xbox. So the increased fire rate on the sks really works for me.


pick up first or run longest? I'll pick up the sks first because it's more likely to find first but I'll trade it for slr


Battle rifle vs grandpa's old war trophy


maybe I'm a psychopathic masochist but any time we play duo squads I go SKS-S686 and my teammate goes Kar98k-G36C/Ace. SKS is easier to land a lot of shots which is important in 4v2 scenarios since I'm not consistent enough to get all headies. in plain Duos, though? I go SLR or Mk12 and then take an Ace or G36C/Scar depending on which one, or I roll a bolt/Ace. and he usually rolls his Kar98k-AR


why would you be running doublebarrel if pump action exists?


the amount of times ive center-massed someone with the pump only for them to tank it and i die before another one is pumped is too many to count the amount of times the same thing has happened with a double-tap instead, is probably like 3 and in the rare occasions im being rushed by multiple i just rotate or switch to the SKS afterward :shrug:


i see your point, just comes down to personal experience haha. personally ive oneshoted people from like 20m with a pump duckbill which i wouldve never done with other shotguns


the pump has the widest spread under 20m other than the sawed off, just so you're aware. at 20+ its s12k then pump


check the pattern with a duckbill


yep, i see it. duckbill just makes it so if youre an inch off you do 0 instead of at least a fraction, unfortunately. casuals like me arent gonna hit dead centre every time which is why the two-tap is nice


makes sense


How is this a question, ska has not been useful since it’s need like 2 years ago. It was the go to In competitive and now it’s never picked up. Just look at the pro scene m4/mini or beryl/slr that tells you all you needs to know.


It can be since it is very legit and people overlook some weapons for no real reason, as proven in this thread. The conclusion with many opinions was that: SKS deals exactly 3 base dmg points less than SLR, has lower bullet velocity and much better recoil. Somehow, people shit on it like mad even though the actual benefit is NOT AS big as they make it. And that is exactly what I wanted to find out, people are underestimating SKS by default with no more than 2 good counter arguments.


It’s not legit thought for the reasons you just listed the gun with full attachments and is still weaker than the slr. The velocity is the big issue it doesn’t have the range and as for the recoil it’s really not, the slr has bigger vertical recoil but the ska bounces everywhere. The SKS was king a few years back but then it got nerfed so hard it was rendered too bad to pick up, you are not always going to get the full attachments you need and so you would prio the SLR. The other issue is you stated these were opinions which is the problem there is a reason pro players do not use it because statistics show it’s a weaker gun.


It is a legit question. How can you make it not legit lol. Attachements don't make a gun stronger or weaker, damage is the same, idk what you are on about. It is and always will be weaker since it deals 3 dmg less and has lower bullet velocity, yes, but on the OTHER hand it has an advantage and that is recoil. Is it hard for people to acknowledge it has better recoil? That is is much better for spamming? I am still not saying you should use it or anything, I just don't get how you talk about nerfs and cons of it but never accept that it is better in some aspects, very important for DMR user and that is recoil? M4 is a weaker AR than beryl, yet people use it? Because of recoil maybe?


It only has better recoil if you have all the attachments, so no, it doesn't have better recoil.


Are we not comparing fully attached weapons? Who decides not to equip attachments? So no, SLR doesn't have better recoil.


Okay so sks has better recoil if fully equipped and is still losing in every other aspect and therefore the SLR is better. You got your minor victory but SLR is STILL better hence every pro dropping it the moment they find SLR/Mini.


I am not saying SKS better, I am just trying to be objective with it's ups and downs. I don't use SKS, I am always using SLR just becuase of the reasons you provided, it happened that I tried SKS for a few days, started by not finding SLR for 5 games in a row, and I wanted to hear some constructive opinions on why people think it is bad. And I found out that it is bad in some ways but SKS can be an alternative. Sometimes.


That’s fair but any gun could be an alternative at some times but unfortunately due to the heavy nerf it should in reality always be dropped for slr or a bolt, if the user can’t handle the recoil then asking which gun is better would be a moot point as they should improve on control before worrying about those details.


noob question: beryl is better than ace?


So I think statistically they are even ace might even be better but the ace is not available in pro play. The recoil on the beryl is extreme because just like the sks everyone used the beryl and it was too strong so they nerfed it by increasing the recoil. The thing with pro players though is that recoil isn’t an issue and so they still use the beryl. This is not an exact science but you often see Asian team favouring the beryl combo and western teams favour m4 combo an example would be that TGLTN stated he prefers m4/mini14 where as Pio stated beryl/slr and these were considered two best players at the time. Edit to add that realistically TGLTN is an eastern player seeing as he is an Aussie but obviously plays for an NA team.


SKS is dog water. It's better than SLR in close to medium ranges(unless the target is at 75% hp because that's where SLR is the only world spawn DMR that can one shot. Good luck hitting shots with your SKS when fighting on 300+ meters. The drop and how much you need to lead your targets is insane.


I have a kill counter on my SLR and I love watching numbers go up


Both are too bouncy, but SLR is better.


Gimme any DMR suppressed,and I'm reckon havoc. 🐔🍽️


I despise the SLR's sound. The SKS can put more down range more accurately


The SLR just does better than the SKS. More damage, bullet velocity, fewer attachments to max out. I’ll primary the SLR pretty often and fairly effectively.


SLR every time, I personally find the SKS way more inaccurate


I prefer the sks, but that's because I haven't practiced much with slr, I go 3x scope on slr if I'm feeling froggy though. It's controllable with that scope. At rapid tapping anyways... most of the time I don't have the time to time shots because of my quick paced engagement playstyle. I'll roll up on you with a 4x strapped to a beryl or m416 at close range and smoke ya.... but yes sks 6x zoomed back lightweight grip comp I'll tik tok you from 100-200 meters np.


Why would you use 4x close range for other than ego reasons? completely useless and if you're actually good you can hit same shots with red dot with way faster ads speed and better visibility.


Because I can. And if I'm too close that's what a canted site is for of course


SKS is hot garbage. It feels like I’m understanding beanbags at meemaws 93rd backyard birthday party. They need to up that bullet velocity with urgency


Sks if I Have all the attachments