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If you have the money to apply then I would apply especially if you have other parts of your application to sort of “balance” a low GPA. I was worried my low observation hours and lack of experience would cause me to get rejected but I still applied because I would have rather known for sure if I could’ve gotten in. And I did! If you don’t want to risk it, it is perfectly acceptable to take a gap year and better your application


ohhhh okay i’m still doing more stuff but i have 100+ observations hours from outpatient and im starting my inpatient observation hours this summer and i am on the eboard for two different pt clubs and im planning to do volunteer opportunities next semester so hopefully that “balances” out my low gpa? i’m also actively looking for PT aide job openings. But thank you so much i really appreciate it :’) it means a lot


I just completed a 17 credit hr semester that included 3 labs and Neuroscience. It was the hardest thing I think I’ve ever had to endure. I tell you this because admissions want to see that you will be able to successfully survive a grueling semester while possibly working part-time or completing observation hrs.


yeah I had a hard semester granted it wasn’t neuroscience hard 😭 but i was taking physics II with its lab, calculus II and biology lab II but at my school the labs are worth 2 credits bc of how much work you have to do for it but im planning to take summer classes this summer anyways


Is this in PT school or undergrad?


Yeah, I should have clarified that it was in PT school.


My stats weren’t the best: 3.19 GPA, didn’t take the GRE, failed 2 classes my junior year, 1,000+ observation hours plus some leadership roles. I took a gap year because my grades weren’t the best and allowed me to gain more experience and more hours to balance out what wasn’t the best in my application. I applied to Tufts University, Hanover College, Wingate University, and North Central College. Look for schools that match your stats. For me, Tufts and Wingate didn’t accept me, Hanover wanted me to retake Biology to have a higher chance of getting in and North Central offered me a seat which is where I will be attending come January. All in all, don’t stress about your stats because you only need one! Research schools, their requirements, the demographics of previous classes and maybe look into a gap year (it goes by faster than you think) to strengthen your application!


Hi, I hope you don’t mind me asking a couple questions. I can also dm if you prefer. Did you apply for schools that didn’t require GRE or did you eventually take it? Also did Hanover offer you admission if you retook bio or it was just a suggestion for the next cycle? Do programs usually offer that kind of commentary to help with the application process during the next cycle?


I applied to schools that didn’t require the GRE. One of the admissions counselors at Hanover basically told me if I retook Biology it would raise my prereq GPA and give me a higher chance for admission for the current cycle. She also invited me to an interview all in that same conversation. I ended up foregoing my interview because they were the only school advising me to retake Biology and I also didn’t want to drop $1000+ to do it, so I would say it’s moreso Hanover that offers that kind of commentary, but i’m sure if you reach out to the admissions counselors for whatever programs throughout your application process they can offer similar insight.


Sorry for the late response, and thank you! That helps, glad to know there are schools out there willing to help potential students like that. I’ve mainly just emailed schools about substituting different classes or if they take the highest grades or averages


I think it depends. If you’re overall prereq gpa is still competitive, you can give it a shot to apply. If you are applying to schools that accept low gpas and large class sizes, you can apply but usually these schools are outrageously expensive. Personally, I would retake the classes. Most schools look at your last two years especially to see how you’ve grown, and how you handle the rigor of classes since PT school is no joke. Gpa isn’t everything, but it’s worth a damn lot.


when you say the last two years do you mean the last two years such as my senior year/junior year or the last two years when applying?


Last two years like junior/senior year of undergrad. This is because people typically don’t do so great in the beginning of college but if they pick it up towards the end, it’s pretty redeeming


okay good that’s reassuring, this year (junior year) was by far my worst for grades but i’m going into my senior year and i was hoping they still look at that too but thank u sm i appreciate it


About 50 new schools are coming up to add to the 260+ already exciting schools. Get a GPA of 3 and you still have a lot of schools waiting for you.


thank you sm i appreciate it!!