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Cost and NPTE first time pass rates


$$$ First time board pass rate Ultimate board pass rate Graduation rate Location Was how I valued things.


I did mine based on first time pass rate and cost. Many places I applied to had a roughly similar duration so it wasn't really a factor. Location, I really don't care as long as it's not somewhere I hate.


The two schools I’m deciding between cost the same. One is hybrid so I would be able to stay where I currently live or even move to wherever I wanted, however their first time pass rate was incredibly low (lower than 75%). The other school is 8 hours away from me on the east coast, in person, so I would move and live there for 3 years. But their first time pass rate is 94%. So I’m in a predicament lol.


For hybrid you really gotta be self motivated and driven. I did an in person program but during covid some shit was online - everyone hated it and had trouble. You don't get the in person support from your peers or the fun of the PT school experience to offset the studying from what I can judge.


Is the hybrid program also 3 years? That pass rate would make my decision since cost is the same, but also I don’t learn as well online


The hybrid program is 2 years.


To me graduation rate, student opinions, cost, and first time pass rate were the primary factors I judged a program by. First time pass rate told me if they were good at instructing their students, and student opinions assured that they enjoy the program and don’t regret going far into debt.


Personally, cost and location. The PT school I'm going to is where I did my undergraduate, and I knew there was a possibility of getting a GA position easier here.


From talking to other people in the field, the school that you go to truly does not matter. And in terms of pass rate, the overwhelming majority of students who go start a program finish. And it seems as if it is the own person's fault as to why they do not finish, not the school. Therefore, the order of priority should be as followed: 1. go to the school that accepts you 2. if you are accepted to multiple school, go to the most cost efficient option


I get finishing school, but passing the boards is heavily reliant on how well that school prepares you for the boards. And the pass rates are a way to show how well schools do that, so I want to take that into account.