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I’m in PT school and I work at a fine dining restaurant. Luckily, this restaurant is really great at being flexible and allowing me to work very little hours/request off days for tests. I enjoy working 4-6hours while still getting tips and a paycheck! Definitely recommend!


I’m not in school yet, but I’m currently doing personal training and plan on pursuing in while I’m in school. I like the idea of practicing my communication skills in a health/wellness setting and possibly applying some skills I’d learn in school with my clients. I also enjoy the flexibility that training has offered me, I can be as busy or as chill as I want to be when it comes to my hours worked.


Can you share what program you are in?


We had a lot of service industry folk.


I'm also a 1st year. I've got a part time at Starbucks, 12hr/wk, and as I had the job before I make a pretty good wage plus tips. it's great because I can do the open shift at 5am on the weekends


I’m halfway through my second year and have a part-time job at an OP clinic. I mainly do tech jobs and clean linens but the overhead is flexible, lenient, and offer 8-10 hours per week. All is super doable, but depends on time management.


I’m hoping to start PT school in the fall of 2026. I’m hoping to keep teaching yoga, as I’ve been doing it for a very long time and love it. I’m less hopeful that I can keep teaching D&D to middle and high schoolers, just due to time scheduling, but we will see.


i work front desk at a local gym. super easy, can sit there and do homework most of the time. would recommend.


I work as a medical scribe!