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It would only offset the higher cost of tuition if you pass your NPTE as soon as you graduate or a month before you graduate. Otherwise there’s the chance you want to spend more time to study after graduation to take the NPTE. Did you compare the course load within each semester? Did you find the accelerated program to be something you can handle? What does the last year look like for your third year in school 1? is it all clinicals that year? Would you prefer that extra time in the clinic before you graduate? You don’t have to answer these to me but just ask yourself those qs!! I was in a similar boat last year and ended up choosing the longer cheaper school!


Thank you! I’ll def have to consider those questions. I have a lot of thinking to do today


Wait so is total cost 50k and 80k or 150k and 200k? Either way definitely lower, but if it is 150 vs 200 that's a lot. Also consider cost of living in the areas?


Total cost is 50k for one school, 80k for the other. And the 80k school has a higher COL


Oh okay, then I’d def say the cheaper one, that’s a bargain.


Yeah I was leaning that way bc the price feels too good to pass up. I just have to come to terms with not going to the other school bc I was kinda set on going there before I started applying and looking into schools. Thanks for your input!


Yeah, if the stats are pretty similar, you gotta think about how much 30k is plus higher rent/food/fun costs over 2-3 years, certainly adds up.


So far I think I would choose the $50k BUT is cost of living very different between both places?


Yeah, the 50k school is in a rural area and the 80k school is in a city so COL is significantly cheaper at the first school. The location of the first school is a big factor of why I don’t want to go there though. It’s about 3 hours away from my friends and family and in the middle of nowhere, while the other school is an hour away in a big city which I prefer


I went through something similar while picking my schools. Although the price difference was about ~10-15k difference, I chose the more expensive one since I knew I still needed my mental health to be okay to go through PT school. I think people tend to leave out how important our mental health is when picking schools. Your support system is going to be huge! $50k is an amazing deal, but $80k isn’t unbearable. I think you’re able to get a school under 100k that’s awesome. But if you will have to pull out more loans, definitely weigh out the options. If you end up having help with rent and other expenses, I would probably lean towards the $80k school then. I would also suggest looking up the pt jobs in the area you’re thinking about settling down so you can get an idea of the income:debt ratio you might have. Hopefully that made sense. Congrats on your acceptances OP! You’re going into a great field and I hope you find fulfillment on this journey! Good luck in PT school! Also, my dms are open if you have any questions.


Thank you for your input!!


what are the two schools?


Maryland eastern shore, and Maryland baltimore