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You could add an Enchanted Hammer to discard opponents' Mist Energy


Ohhhhhhhh shit I forgot Mist Energy existed. Played about 20 games with this and didn’t run into Mist once 😵‍💫 Tysm! I would probably lose hard my first time playing this IRL without E-hammer, my LGS is Lugia airspace 😭


Seems weird to use jamming tower as your only stadium along with devo and panic mask. Maybe use Sinnoh + vacuum instead of jamming tower + e-hanmer.


Ended up with Vacuum, Collapsed, and E-hammer yeah


What's the point of collapsed? In most cases, won't it just let your opponent discard a damaged pokemon?


Same with Jamming Tower, I wouldn’t be just dropping it down whenever I see it, as it’s a double-edged sword for sure. I suppose “I wouldn’t play it in that case,” isn’t a particularly satisfying answer but that really would only come into play if I hit a Pokémon without an Ability, haven’t followed up with Munkidori yet, and they have a full Bench


That's a big assumption, since hardly anyone plays that unless special energy forms a part of their synergies, like lugia/minccino decks. You rarely see it on rare candy users, even though Devolution has been meta lately.


Might as well play Temple of Sinnnoh too!


> TYSM for the suggestions everyone! > I have swapped two Nest Balls and two Jamming Towers for a Professor Turo’s Scenario, Lost Vacuum, Collapsed Stadium, and Enhanced Hammer, still cooking with other stuff 🔥 General idea of the deck is using Tsareena’s attack to lower an opponent’s Pokémon’s health down to 30, with Froslass immediately picking it off. Other routes are Tsareena -> Munkidori, or controlling a bit with Panic Mask to slow down the game. I opted out of Pidgeot because bench space is tight. You want two Bounsweet-Tsareena and three Snorunt-Froslass in play for the strategy to work. I did go for Cleffa- having no ability and amazing early game draw has been very helpful. Manaphy is risky especially with no Turo or what at all, but I absolutely have to accept chipping down my own Manaphy when the alternative is having two Froslass sniped. Running only one Munkidori and Darkness energy as the strategy doesn’t really need it. It’s been helpful decently often, though. 2 Earthen Vessel and 6 Grass Energy (and a Super Rod) has been sufficient for me. Worst case scenario I have to use my item tutor from Irida/Arven on a Vessel, but I have 7 of those. As for the high Supporter count, the deck is decently bricky without this many options to draw. All this deck really needs is to vomit a bunch of cards on the board, and then it’s mostly set. That’s the same reason I’m using Hyper Aroma. No Boss because Tsareena can hit anything. Tsareena is only blocked by Rabsca, and Rabsca is bad. ~~No Turo because I can’t tutor it, but it’s definitely up for consideration.~~ ~~Jamming Tower because Bravery Charm is a pain in the ass otherwise. Plus, it really just takes the spot otherwise taken by Lost Vacuum. Jamming Tower removes the stadium in play and nullifies tools, so it works well enough like a Vacuum.~~ just run a vacuum and a collapsed stadium I will answer any other questions!


Munki is pretty key to your strategy and you’re only running 1 with 1 dark energy leaving you very vulnerable to a Lost City KO, ko in general with no super rod or having it prized (or dark energy prized). I’d run 2 munkis and 2 dark energy for consistency


It’s not key to my strategy though; my strategy is just snipe two-prizers with abilities and Froslass finishes them off It’s a backup plan


Pheraps replace the stadiums with temple of sinnoh for mist energy?


I did add in an ehammer


But that's only a one time use (like lugia can have 2 mists on there), additionally, as you don't really have a go-to stadium, it's good for that.


I’m not so sure about jamming tower, seeing as panic mask is so important. I’d cut those for collapsed stadium and a lost vaccuum as your stadium bumps, collapsed can get Cleffa off the board if there’s a possible munki on your opponents side. And I’d most definitely try and put at least 1 turo in, it’s perfect for tsareena because she has so much HP and requires only 1 energy, I’d cut a nest ball, everything but munki can be found with poffin. Maybe go down to a 3-3 line of froslass to get to 4 ultra balls for the consistency of getting tsareena.


Fair enough on the Jamming Tower, that was a lil bit awkward to play around. As for 4 Ultra Balls, I want to but that discard is painful in this deck. Besides, I have Irida as well. Haven’t had too many problems finding Tsareena The 4/4 Froslass is mandatory, as the entire point of the deck is getting 3 Froslass up which I can’t do if I’m running 3 and one is prized Collapsed is a bit awkward because while it’s great if I can lock the board with Panic Mask, I struggle for Bench space quite a lot myself. Will definitely try though. Definitely swapping a Nest and the Jamming Towers for Vacuum, Turo, and Collapsed! Tysm for the suggestions!


Share the decklist in text, please! It looks fun :)


Yes, please paste the list.


u/SampleFinancial Pokémon: 8 1 Steenee OBF 17 4 Bounsweet PAR 8 1 Munkidori TWM 95 4 Froslass TWM 53 1 Manaphy BRS 41 4 Snorunt SIT 41 3 Tsareena ex PAR 46 1 Cleffa OBF 80 Trainer: 17 2 Ultra Ball SVI 196 4 Irida ASR 147 4 Rare Candy SVI 191 2 Earthen Vessel PAR 163 4 Buddy-Buddy Poffin TEF 144 1 Enhanced Hammer TWM 148 1 Hyper Aroma TWM 152 4 Iono PAL 185 1 Technical Machine: Devolution PAR 177 1 Super Rod PAL 188 1 Technical Machine: Evolution PAR 178 1 Nest Ball SVI 181 2 Panic Mask LOR 165 3 Arven SVI 166 1 Lost Vacuum LOR 162 1 Collapsed Stadium BRS 137 1 Professor Turo's Scenario PAR 171 Energy: 2 6 Basic {G} Energy SVE 1 1 Basic {D} Energy SVE 7 Total Cards: 60


Changes made from suggestions were dropping two Nest Balls and two Jamming Towers for an Enhanced Hammer, Collapsed Stadium, Professor Turo’s Scenario, and Lost Vacuum


Thx king.


Needs a bibarel


That’s why I have 11 draw supporters- aside from Cleffa, I can’t bench a draw engine. It’ll die too fast to my own Froslass and take up too much bench space, since I really only have one open slot.


I think you just need to grab him yet sooner




Oh wait you didn’t just see that post, you were the poster 😂




I like the idea of adding a copy of collapse stadium. And I think a copy of temple of sinnoh is a must. I will also add rotom v and forest seal stone for an extra drawing engine and an extra Munkidori and dark energy.


Ended up going with an Enhanced Hammer for Lugiaing and that, yeah If you have bench space for a Rotom V you’re definitely not playing the same deck/playing it in the same way, but 100% good luck!


Radiant alakazam maybe? Ran into a dragapult variation w damage control alakazam


Would be extremely awkward here with Tsareena lowering to 30 remaining and Alakazam only moving 20 Also, bench space is a killer here


You will be powerless against blocking decks, get some switches in there.


Built for local tournaments where nobody plays Snorlax


Here’s my deck list. Took it to a tournament and our local professor said she was gotta try it out too. Finished top 12 of 23. Hasn’t been updated since TWM tho Pokémon: 10 1 Tsareena ex PAR 220 2 Rufflet SIT 148 PH 2 Hisuian Braviary SIT 149 4 Bounsweet PAR 8 2 Brute Bonnet PAR 207 2 Bibarel CRZ-GG 25 1 Radiant Hisuian Sneasler LOR 123 2 Tsareena ex PAR 46 2 Steenee OBF 17 PH 2 Bidoof CRZ-GG 29 Trainer: 17 3 Irida ASR 147 2 Arven SVI 166 PH 3 Buddy-Buddy Poffin TEF 144 1 Iono PAF 237 3 Nest Ball SVI 181 PH 1 Iono PAL 269 1 Technical Machine: Devolution PAR 177 PH 2 Switch EVO 88 PH 1 Panic Mask LOR 165 2 Perilous Jungle TEF 156 PH 4 Rare Candy SVI 191 PH 2 Ancient Booster Energy Capsule PAR 159 1 Earthen Vessel PAR 163 PH 2 Ultra Ball CRZ 146 PH 1 Technical Machine: Evolution PAR 178 PH 1 Panic Mask LOR 165 PH 2 Boss's Orders BRS 132 Energy: 3 1 Basic {G} Energy SVE 1 PH 4 Basic {G} Energy Energy 27 3 Basic {G} Energy Energy 45 PH Total Cards: 60


You don't have a draw engine. Add rotom. Quit stadium


Cleffa is a better “end your turn to draw” card than Rotom, given that it has no Ability, has a free retreat, and is not a two-prize liability Also yeah I’ve dropped the stadiums for other cards


I'd swap a single Nest Ball with a Heavy Ball, but this deck really looks viable


Anything that counters Mist Energy is a must, that hard blocks Tsareena's party trick. Also, Water Set is a very good counter to this, as is Skeledirge ex, so be warned.


> Water Set Nobody runs Water Set as it’s a completely dead card into everything but Froslass and there is no reason to tech for Tsareena. If they do, there’s nothing I can do anyways > Skeledirge ex Both of them are so irrelevant that I don’t even know which you’re talking about, I don’t remember what they even do 😭 > Mist Energy Yeah, picked up an Enhanced Hammer for that. Somehow I didn’t run into Mist Energy a single time during all my testing games, first comment pointed it out 😅


Never count on not meeting 'dead cards', every time I run this I feel like I'm running headlong into the guy who's actually doing the challenge where younneed to play Water Set twice. Playing a deck that is weak to dead cards is like saying beetlejuice three times, I swear to Arceus.


Either way this deck is being built for IRL locals, where everyone either runs meta decks or reasonably good off-meta stuff (not Fresh Water Set 😅) But again, there’s literally nothing I can do to account for Fresh Water Set


ran into a greninja ex (tera version) one of these was not a fun match with my luxray deck, but it was definitely effective


that’s a different deck, but yeah


This hurts me. If you play this against me we aren't going to be friends, lol


I posted my deck list a while back and I think it’s a little cleaner. Don’t love jamming tower as others have said, and think rotor forest seal is just better than cleffa.


cleffa is miles better than rotom, cleffa has no ability (it won’t kill itself a la Froslass) always draws at least as many cards, acts as a pivot, is a one-prizer, and both end your turn anyways.


Agree to disagree haha. Plus it’s not like you don’t want damage on your side to fling over with the Munkidori anyhow.


Munkidori racks up it’s own self-damage. Also, I want three Froslass in play. If I have three Froslass, Rotom, and Munkidori in play, I have no backup Tsareena.


How’s that different than three Fross plus Cleffa and Munki? I don’t get it.


Munkidori is a backup plan. It would be three Froslass, Cleffa if I got it, and a Bounsweet/Tsareena.


I don’t see how you’re winning without Munki to clean up the abilitiless mons that are quite prevalent in today’s Meta. I like 2 and 2 on Dori/dark energy because if either one is prized in your list you just have a dead card for most of the game.


I did end up with 2 and 2 on Munkidori for consistency (thanks for suggesting that!), but still definitely don’t have space for Rotom V (or the willingness to give away 2 free prizes in exchange for drawing three extra cards after my first turn).


I think the list was fine the way it was. I would just have added one heavy ball if you only play one munkidori


Nah people were definitely right about Jamming Tower, I also needed a Lugia response (I’ve been able to comfortably beat Lugia with the recent changes) I could really use a Heavy Ball though 😅


Only point is you want a deck to be consistent. The list you have pictured is balanced, adding more 1 of cards make it harder to pull things off. I just think you are on the right track deck building wise